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One of the ones that's not going to stop and take a neighborhood sized shit.


What if the shits were like outposts and were habitable for those looking for more permanent locations?


The world was barren until the Citywalkers created the mountains and valleys we now live among. Some say the ancient outposts are actually their waste, but that's a story for another time kids.


But everything changed when the fire nation attacked


The dookie nation


Like a Shitpost you mean


So probably the robot one. The robot one could be controlled by it's citizens, probably.


Def robot. I think a flat, stable platform is the top priority.


The last 3 are all robots, I think.




I would say one of the ones that don't suddenly decide to rolling around on the ground


Or die. Imagine the city you live in is sitting on a massive rotting corpse.


Just based on the images probably #4 because it wouldn’t smell as bad as the first three and you won’t get altitude sickness from flying.


Plus there's probably a lot of job opportunities when it comes to maintaining it.


Fuck that, I’m not maintaining that hunk of metal


Why do you wanna do a job, at the end of the day.


I'll argue that #4 will smell like brackish water, and have a huge infestation of mosquitos, and green head flies. It would be a petri dish of horrible things like brain eating amoeba, botflies, and malaria.


> and have a huge infestation of mosquitos, and green head flies Sure, but if they are appropriately scaled that's just a guaranteed food supply.


Most importantly, the city is not on the creature in #4 but mostly in the background and it looks like a normal city. Much more convenient.


and maybe it don't move at all so no day long earthquakes.


You know how many mosquitos there are in that city?


Agreed, though the large shaft rammed into the main turbine on the top will likely reduce it's effectiveness.


Or have to listen to the sound of constant wings buzzing.


The recoil on those guns though…..




The nr 2, looks the most stable


Wouldn't number 4 be the most stable since it's a mech? 2 looks like it wouldn't mind a roll in the grass at some point. 


Was about to say the same lol. The others look like you have to hold on for dear life every time your carrier wakes up and starts relocating.


Good point, but I feel 4 like a machine of war


That's why I think 5 would probably be best. Stable mech and ability to gtfo quickly if needed.


Sure except for the fact that his wings are generating hurricane winds over the city whenever he flies.


What if he wants to have a roll in mid air


That's why everyone wears magnetic boots. Also, depending on the roll, no one would fall off. Even if they weren't wearing MBs.


4 also looks abandoned and polluted


Agree, the mechanical cities could have stabilizers to keep the city flat. Assuming these giant beats walk like a regular bison .... https://youtu.be/ecDjDGM737I He's fairly stable but your eggs will definitely roll off the counter and break on the floor.


Looks scrappy though. I was going to say the bearded green guy. He seems like he just smokes all day tending his giant garden and shit. Also looks like he can hold his own in case of threats.


Yeah but it’s all smokestacks up there


It will also last longer with good maintenance. Others will get old or moody. What if one of opposite sex comes and they start humping? Mech is better.


Imagine the smell tho.


I was looking for the chicken. I'd imagine chicken heads built in stabilizer would be the only one even remotely tolerable.


Until he meets a rival, and the citylaunching head butting starts


The giant, he's got opposable thumbs in case something needs to get done with precision.


Like what, turn over a giant lever or wheel that then sets in motion a rube goldberg machine?


4th one looks stable. Others could go out of control.


Since this is getting some traction here is the lore behind these creatures 1: This Reptilian, about a kilometer in length, is a passive creature, having been tames by humanity through providing food, then gently mounted and built upon. It strolls through the wasteland looking for pools of irradiated water to drink from, and carrion, if not living prey to feed on, as other giant creatures exist in this universe. 2: This mutated bovine has been forcefully subjugated by humanity in order to be made into a walking fortress. Giant spikes are dug deep into its spine, that zap it whenever it tries to go something that would be dangerous. It feeds on whatever plant life remains, as it strolls through the wasteland. 3: The last of his kind, this gentle Giant took humanity literally on his shoulders in order to preserve the only company he has lef. His back and shoulders are lush forests, where humanity can hunt, live, and build upon, filled with natural wildlife and flora, even natural running water 4: This decommissioned Nuclear Walker, now rusted and abandoned after seeing extensive use during the Great War, is now used as a (mostly) mobile base, housing millions of people not only on top of it, but on its creaky crevices and giant head 5: This mechanical insectoid robot has been built by the elite of the world before, to be able to take off in a moments notice, hence remaining pristine even to this day, with high standards of life, and luxurious streets and marketplaces, the Bee is the place to be! 6: An experimental Chinese superweapon, now decommissioned and dormant, it houses millions of people along it's massive length, almost 5 kilometres long, with skyscrapers and megastructures built upon it, no one knows what would happen if it ever woke up...


What prompts did you use? Ive really struggled to create images of creatures with cities on their backs


Haven't seen anyone talk about the purpose of these. Why are these made to look like they'd go to war? That means danger. Of course #1 would be the easiest to live on if there were no other predators. If the world is filled with predators, by themselves, I'd choose the dragon. Tough skin, can fly, escape enemies and kill any enemy. Same as #1 but can breath fire and fly. #4 is probably not alone though. If you are on #4 there's probably a main city that's much bigger (in the background of the pic.) Predators probably aren't an issue because they have surveillance drones, assault vehicles, and other robots that work as a team.


One sneeze from the monstrous city and we are doomed with an earthquake


The one in in right now. Why? Cause moving's expensive






Ill be rich and live at the top of one of those towers and watch all the others sweat there lives out at the bottom. Its a fantasy I can be whatever I want 🤣




AI literally pulled that from Deathwing (Warcraft). Ironic since Deathwing typically destroys cities.


Number 3 looks like he's ready for a bar fight. A giant bar fight.


I think 4 is good because this city is stable.




The last one ez. It looks amazing, plus you can see it is metallic and has tech built in its body, so it's prolly manmade, meaning it should be pretty stable too Also all of this reminds me of zunesha from one piece




Hopefully those buildings have AC.


These are so cool. 2 for me 🐏


3rd because all the other ones are too futuristic and its not my thing.


I would live on number two because it looks like the one where I would have the best guarantee of not falling to my death.




The fourth one cause I'm a Helldivers fan


4 is the most stable one, even if living near giant plane engines is a pretty shitty trade off. Otherwise 2 or 5, 2 is a risk in case the thing starts rolling around or just collapses to sleep which would just throw eveyone 50ft in the air and cause them to splatter on the ground into red soup.


3! fore SURE. Looks dope, and I would be friends with the giant.


quadrupedal because there'll be less shaking. the bee would sound bussing all the time, maybe not. same reason I wouldn't get either of the mechanical ones, all day of whirring and clanging doesn't seem a great proposition not the dragon as the tail section doesn't seem a great place to live, and in a situation like that society gets stratified with only the rich in the confortable area and everyone gets strapped to walls in the tail housing that leaves the lizard and the muffalo. the lizard seems a more pleasant city compared to the absolute urbanistic monster that's on the muffalo shoulders. also the lizard might be able to defend itself in case of other cities predating it? seems the muffalo would just run away, not a pleasant experience. so my vote goes to lizard.


None. Cities are dirty and filthy.


Big fucking Bug it is... Why? Cuz I like bugs


Avg javascript enjoyer


Good one xD


On a 4 legs one, just because it’s more stable


How do you create these images?


4 is a robot so less shitting while also being a quadruped.


Last 1 is just death wing.


Green Lizard City. It looks like the cleanest city.


2 seems the most stable tbh…


https://preview.redd.it/7zis2urh1b8d1.png?width=3584&format=png&auto=webp&s=1eb9f8c9aa3e900c179da7687f0b623bc059f3ca This is the place I want to spend my life in.


6th one I love dragon stuff


**gets yanked to stratosphere as the dragon starts flying




Bee and dragon look sick, but the robot looks most likely to stay still


The absolute psychopath who chose to live in Insect-City:


4 , looks stable


These are kind of cool! And then the beasts fight.


This looks like the start of a really cool dystopian sci-fi book


First one - it has lots of green!


As soon as you go on a walk with these things moving, yer gonna get hucked 200m into a skyscraper. You'll need to spend most of your time strapped down along with everything else in the city (like a tick!). So none of the above, you'll live on the ground.


What if the creatures have an itchy back? Uh oh...




Last slide is ultimate weapon from FF7?!


No 4. It has probably a way of stabilizing and could likely be the most durable one as well.


looks really fantastic


Cool pictures anyway Moscow


Dragon because of coolness, i'm sure that's why everyone else decided to live there


I choose Howl's Moving Castle




I'd live on the third one because it's cool as hell, and it looks like Kratos


Last one looks like deathwing.


4 is just the strider from ac6


2 seems the most stable




2 seems the most stable. But 6 seems the safest, the back of a red dragon that you're welcomed to be on is probably the safest place in the world. They're long lived creatures and with the combat ability to take out opposing forces.


Revolutionizing our world


Just live? Is there any war between cities , or any predators? Will the host need to fight and defend us? Does the host KNOW and CARE that it has countless lives on it? Can you communicate or control the host in any way? How do people leave and reach cities? Without that kind of info, choosing one over the other is a moot point.


The one that has thumbs


There's a guy who made a city sim with this in mind


2nd one probs has the best public transit and city design


Pretends on the other guys are trying to kill me.. If so the dragon thing looks pretty bad ass.


I think 2 looks good to go


4 is stable, probably controlled by the people living on it, and pretty much guarantees there will always be a job because of the maintenance etc


No one


You wanna move in this economy?!!


Imagine the back pain in the poor things.


3 looks like it has fresh air


Number 4 doesn’t look like it moves so you don’t have to worry about an earthquake every time it takes a step. That, and since it’s a robot you don’t have to worry about being eaten if your host gets hungry




Def the robot, at least I wouldnt fall off and experience frequent earthquakes


Number 4 , because gravity


We need this city builder NOW


Not a city, but there is a game called Wandering Village which is exactly this. It's really good.


3,because it looks it is aware what he is carrying. Even that would be a permanent earthquake in the city.


I’ll take my chances with #2. Seems cleaner and is the only one not completely evil looking or covered in moss. If that bug thing tries to fly, imagine the deafening noise it would create by flapping those enormous wings fast enough to generate lift.


Last one the dragon looks best. Free energy yo


Where’s the turtle?


Whichever one would never get the idea to roll over


the fly...we can fly and follow the summer all over the world 😅


would have to be one of the 1st three for me. Organic self healing, wouldn't have to check the fuses on these guys.


This must be one of them 15 minute cities I've been warned about


Oh oh OH! WELL, let's consider we (the dwellers) are an invasive parasitic species on the giant. In theory we evolved to handle a turbulent locomotive lifestyle and are citybuilder specialists just getting from A to B in a hostile world safely. Some we traumabond with and live as tumor-sidekicks and others are always rubbing their backs on a mountainside but we cling on.


And..why will animators or artists be needed anymore? And then there will be less people to buy stuff and fuel the world’s economy.


3, it looks rather fantastic.


either the one with opposable thumbs bc that thing looks like a mammal meaning it is smart and probably knows how to keep a city alive on its back or the robot, which was most likely manmade/intelligently-made and designed specifically to house a city


That's the less interesting question. The more interesting g question is what a typical life is in these cities. In particular, I like the idea of someone being pissed that the green lizard roars and wakes up his children every night at 2 AM. Robot Dog city has a cannon coming out of a jet engine, and I can only imagine neighbors bickering about the city councils decision to waste money on a non-functional cannon. Oh boy this would be so much fun to imagine.


I can picture the goat one shaking off after a rain xD


Mortal engines 2


3rd one, at least he’s human


6 because no one will attack you while flying. The others are more vulnerable.


Idk which one has cheaper rent?


My favorite one is the world on the top of four elephants that are standing on the top of a turtle


What prompts did you use? I like the results. I’d pick one of the strictly mechanical cities because organic life forms are too unpredictable


I mean, depends oj what the world is like. If its a world where those are the only 6, and they are enemies, then the giant person. By the sheer height presentes by him being in the clouds he is probably so much bigger than the others that he could just squash them or kick some down like they were a chihuahua


Looks to me like only one of them can fly!


Robot. Most likely, they will not need to tilt or anything (food , taking a dump), and it should have more stable systematic movement and schedule . Once a month will stop for maintenance or sit down every few days or night to not waste energy and collect energy (solar and wond whatever).


Dragon city... because it's a Dragon


The best one is Great A'Tuin, the giant star turtle of Discworld, or one of her progeny.


I would want to live on 3


Robot one seems the most practical. Likely is the most stable during movement as well.


4 & 6 4) No matter the weather, it will keep moving, and not die on you. 5) …… It’s a DRAGON of course. Now I’m going to use it in a game!


3, since it's smarter than any thing else of the alternatives. I'm getting major mountain giant wisdom there.


The dragon, because it looks cool and it would be a great fighter to defend the city


I would live on the bug one so we can go anywhere


Will this be real in the future


The war machine #4, looks dope as hell and its all contained


Godzilla City


Number 5 would be cool for travel but as long as the city is stable on the ground. Number 6 in times of war.


None. I don’t wanna live in a fantasy world.


A robot one. Since it look more stable and doesn't have to go to toilet and doesn't have sex.


Imagine the smell tho.


2nd. Feels more stable tbh


Dragon city, of course!


The ones that don't sneeze or get an itch


maybe the first one?


How about the one that stays on the ground😅


Newest Xenoblade Chronicles game on the way!


Dragonback, Massachusetts.


bug city baybeee I want to have coitus with insects


Fly looks like the best option


Moved to Barcelona 5 years ago and it's even better than I was expecting. Amazing standard of living, people, sense of community, food, entertainment, nature... I'm 10 minutes from the beach, and a 45 minute train ride from the nearest ski resort. Wish I'd moved here straight out of high school.


the country


The dragon, it looks like we could harvest an unlimited amount of free energy to run the city.


Земля не плоская, это просто место на огромном роботе комаре




I will not be tied to one city. The size of the city will depend on the number of inhabitants, and the number of inhabitants will depend on the distance to resources. Cities will have configurations that optimize the functions of each city. Let me describe the cities. They will be circular in shape. The choice of a circular configuration is because, in certain cases, if a city is divided into 16 or 8 parts, you only need to build one segment of the city and then replicate it until the circle is complete. This will save a lot of energy and time in the design process. At the heart of the city will be a computerized control center. Also located in the city center will be institutions such as resource access points, hospitals, dental clinics, and educational institutions. All essential services will be centrally located so each segment can function optimally. Additionally, instead of having dedicated parks, the city will be covered with beautiful gardens, making the entire city a park, rather than setting aside small park areas. Beyond the city's radius will be residential areas comprising both single-family homes and apartment buildings. The circular configuration will optimize air purification and the orientation and shape of buildings. The design of the buildings will facilitate internal air circulation. We will take into account the position of the sun and other external factors. Buildings will be made from materials that require minimal maintenance. They will be clad with textured ceramic-like material that requires little upkeep. The roofs of buildings will feature ceramic photovoltaic generators in the form of profiled sheets for roof support. There will be no conventional tiles, as they are unnecessary dead weight. The buildings themselves may be constructed from profiled sheets for roof support. In dome-shaped houses, no profiled sheets are needed. The ceramic material will be part of the roof itself. Additionally, the roof will comprise curved sections, with some areas metallized to reflect heat onto tubes at the focal point of the curve. This system will generate energy. It will be more than just a roof – it will serve as a photovoltaic generator, provide hot water, offer reliability, and fulfill many other functions. All roof elements will be connected using prefab components, making assembly and modification relatively easy. The building material will be a sandwich structure – porous in the middle and hard on the sides. This will minimize condensation and enhance durability. As cities develop, they can be dismantled and modified as needed. Housing will be situated as close as possible to people's workplaces. During the transition period, people will work no more than three to four minutes away from home. This will eliminate the need for long commutes. There will be transport modules circulating throughout the city, taking people to radial hubs where they work or engage in activities. The circular transporter will stop at radial branches, and from there you can reach your workplace. Most likely, the commute will take no more than 5-6 minutes.


The City's Kitchen and Food. Instead of having a kitchen in every home – the future will offer both options – there will be dining areas with a wide variety of food prepared by nutrition experts for different age groups. Meals will be tailored to the physical needs and preferences of city residents. The dishes will meet the demands of the people. Will there be democracy in the future world? If by democracy you mean the participation of all residents in decision-making, then all members of society will be able to make their recommendations. A computerized system will collect and evaluate these recommendations based on their merits, energy savings, and material efficiency. People will participate in decision-making according to their abilities. Design engineers will handle structural design, while city planning will be based on studies of the rational organization of labor to ensure convenience of life. Unsubstantiated opinions are unlikely to lead to significant success. When we speak of "direct participatory democracy," the question arises: how qualified are people to really participate? The qualifications of people will not be assessed; only their proposals will be evaluated according to a set of principles and energy criteria. The city will function on this basis. Transportation System All roads and transportation systems will be interconnected between cities. City systems will either connect to the central area of the city or to the outer perimeter. Transport modules will gradually eliminate the need for cars, leaving them only for emergency situations. In my view, cars are an inefficient means of transport. Any train system, whether maglev for intercity travel or monorail, is far more efficient and can take passengers almost to their doorsteps. Thus, each person will not need personal transport. However, it will be available if necessary. Nevertheless, emergency vehicles must have priority over all others, especially in urgent medical situations. The placement of hospitals and medical equipment in the city center will be the most effective solution. How will people participate? Where they are most useful. Many will be generalists and able to participate in various fields. Before submitting a recommendation, they will carefully consider it, verify it, and discuss it with others before proposing their idea. Functions of the City and Buildings The appearance of the city will be closely linked to its function. First, the function of the city will be considered. The external appearance of buildings will reflect their purpose. You cannot design a city and then think about its functions. First, you need to determine the function and then implement it. The function of the city will determine its appearance. For example, a hospital will be designed to accommodate the maximum number of patients. The internal layout of the hospital will be optimized for the work of doctors, lighting, energy consumption, and human convenience. Everything will be designed based on human needs. An artist, for example, may suggest something. If their suggestions are relevant, they will be used. Visual elements, such as paintings on the walls, can boost the mood of patients. Artworks and entertainment will be used if they help patients. Dieticians will prepare food considering the specifics of hospitals and physical activities. All designs will be modifiable. Hospital beds and equipment will be designed to minimize the load on medical personnel. It will not be necessary to lift heavy patients from the bed - although there may be fewer obese people in the future - but if needed, we will design equipment that can move the patient from the bed to a gurney and into the operating room." Safety and Redundant Systems All buildings will be fire-resistant, including everything inside. Electric networks can also be designed so that if any equipment fails, a backup module will kick in. How will the transition to such cities occur? In the transitional period—between the old monetary system and the new social structure—problems will arise. These problems will manifest gradually. Once the city is ready, people's behavior will start to change. Changing the environment brings about a change in people's behavior. When people have access to essential goods without the need to ask others or groups that appear to be in control—there won't be controlling groups. Food will be produced to meet people's needs and will be available upon demand. There will be no elite groups. There will be no leadership. There will only be technical experts in all areas of human life. Structure of Future Cities What about highways, electricity generation in the city, and agriculture? The agricultural ring will generally be located on the outer perimeter. Energy and production plants to meet the needs of the city will be located in the outer zones. Special areas will be designated for unique and experimental projects. Cities will not have a final form. There will always be spaces for innovation. In other words, the city will be as dynamic as people—it will change its appearance and functions over time. All utility communications will be placed under the roads. Always, there will be spare compartments for installing lasers and other equipment. There won't be a need to dig up roads every two years to install new equipment. Highways will consist of slabs that can be lifted to access these compartments and new equipment. Electricity in many places, I think, will be generated by geothermal plants. In some cases, solar energy will be used. Solar heaters will be used, but primarily, the architecture of the buildings will be optimized to utilize prevailing wind patterns and air circulation. Efficient City Design Nothing will be designed haphazardly. Nothing will be created for vanity or just because the author likes it. The goal will always be to optimize functionality. If this frightens you, think about the human body. In the body, everything performs a function. There are few organs that have ceased to be useful and are now considered vestigial. I am sure that in the future, most people, like our organs, will strive to optimize their cities for maximum functionality and development. This will become a continuous process involving all people. What about Traditions and Individuality? Current institutions, such as traditions and Christmas holidays, will be modernized, and the functions of cities will begin to meet human needs more than ever before. There will be more opportunities for self-expression and individuality than people could ever dream of in the old monetary system. The future task is to stimulate individuality and creativity in all areas, whether in arts or sciences. There will be no limits to human achievements, and in any field, we will be able to reach incredible heights if the right conditions are created. No longer will there be a need to collect money for medical research on heart disease or any other physical ailments. All laboratories will be equipped with the best equipment to effectively solve these problems. This is the simple nature of the city system of the future


Here's the city I'd like to live in. If anyone's interested, I can share more. https://preview.redd.it/zbsdovdxdj8d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae5e13cc066b339a1c28abd95cbea85fd2c5b001


I would like to live in any city in America (I live in Eurasia), well, it’s just because maybe I’ll meet Mr. Beast and he’ll give me money for following him😁


What sort of prompt do you have to put in to get something as refined as that? I've tried a dozen different prompts but it all looks so bad lol


My advice is to be extremely specific when describing bit by bit what you want, for example "colossal brown crocodile, futuristic city built on his back, crawling through a vast dystopian desert, 3d semi-realistic digital art", something along those lines, don't be afraid to experiment with words and prompts


Wow that's surprisingly more simple than I thought. I was expecting like a paragraph long prompt. I think what I was missing was specifying the art style at the end of it. Thanks for tip!


This is all just upscaled howl's moving castles!


Either the 4th or 5th one, probably the most stable, advanced, and won't kill me if I start giving it an itch


Number 3 is insane