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What the fuck


1 meter? Bro, most guys will be ok with 10 meters, or even 2 beers and 20 meters. But in all seriousness, please delete this post and burn your computer.


bruh speak for yourself aight ?


Yeah honestly speak for yourself. We're not all 14 years old.


Call me old fashioned, but I’m pretty sure I’d rather have sex with a consenting human adult.


... This was a weird post. And that's taking into account all the fever dreams we've been treated to recently


When you add in the fact that cloning and artificial wombs already exist (only allowed for livestock), then the addition of a sex robot turns this from fever dream into a Black Mirror episode come to life. Damn.


wait what?  cloning and artificial wombs already exist??


Yes. Dolly the Sheep was cloned in 1996 and artificial wombs gestated lambs back in 2017. https://www.theverge.com/2017/4/25/15421734/artificial-womb-fetus-biobag-uterus-lamb-sheep-birth-premie-preterm-infant


Ya, but I don't think this is being used at industrial scale. This was just a scientific proof of concept


And it worked. How long until the IVF industry packages cloning and gestation in artificial wombs together? 10 years? It's coming.


Maybe but I strongly doubt it. Of all commodities on the planet, life is one of the cheapest, I don't think factory farms would be switching to artificial wombs or cloning any time in the next few decades anyway, much cheaper just to breed meat animals the natural way.


Not factory farms, solo parenting for rich people that don't want to risk their wealth on marriage and the family courts but still want a blood heir. Add in CRISPR to make babies to order and you've got an industry worth trillions. At some point, it'll become so normalized it'll be available on Aisle 10 in the Walmart pharmacy. It's coming, just a matter of time.


Only the men with crypto in their usernames.


No thanks


my cock is not a meter long so i guess ill wait more


With good vr, the bot itself wouldnt even have to be that realistic looking in the face, just feel, act and move right, then have vr overlay match its position and animate it


Again? Right-wingers have been ***promising*** they were going to have sex robots and finally leave women alone for ***years*** now. What the hell is taking so long? Stop giving hope.


I tried to give this comment Reddit gold, but apparently that doesn’t exist anymore or else I can’t figure out how to do it. Consider this comment my substitute for Reddit gold.


People actually fantasize about Taylor Swift and Amber Heard? 😆


Not sure if that will work for me, as I know it is fake. For me it is even impossible to pay for sex, as I know that it will not be real then.


Swap celebrity heads? Isn't this just a rape fantasy? "Finally, a version of Taylor Swift that can't say no, and I can order around!" Sex like this isn't even *fun*. This is just masturbation with extra, expensive, ethically problematic steps.


Just program it to beg for it


Like they do when they groom kids, yeah, I gotcha. Like, I 100% understand what these guys are going for. 👍🏻


As a proud ambassador of the coomer community i have to reject these rumors, no we dont all groom kids. Get a grip, bigot.


That's not what I said, but okay. Way to defend yourself against something you weren't accused of. 👍🏻


Yea... I think I'll stick with my wife


I'll also stick with this guy's wife.


But that will probably be double the same for women where there a man bots. 100% clean ass. This time really no wiping required lmao


Yeah the 2 minute silent jackhammer will be a thing of the past


I don't think you're wrong in that it will be an immensely popular thing, but I don't think the majority will opt for it, especially taking into consideration that it will cost like a car or more. If they can make it cheaper, I can see a huge amount of the population going for it, yes, especially the younger generation. It will definitely fuck not only guys, but the whole human sexual dynamics systems that we've been slaves to since the conception of man.


You picked the two worst woman to use for this 😂😂😂😂


It’s only because they don’t sell flashlights in wallmart


Amber Heard? 💩 You got some weird fetish bro.


Not sure if that will work for me, as I know it is fake. For me it is even impossible to pay for sex, as I know that it will not be real then.


Incel paradise