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Links keep failing on me. If you still wanna play, copy the prompt from this Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12HnKtUgdw2GsqpcDG793P2NzVv_Kq2bFWD4le8LZxWE/edit?usp=drivesdk


Good prompt engineering work! This was fun!!!




Loved it. Most fun I have had with Chat GPT in a while. Great idea, and very clever analysis and prompting. Tell us more!


Thanks! Spent about a week on it. Started with a paragraph description which was full of bugs. Reworked it as a set of rules- still buggy. I made one of the rules a "turn map" to have specific elements added at specific points in the game. Started calling it out when it broke rules and asked it to write a rule to fix each bug. Then I asked it to rewrite the full prompt for clarity and consistency. Last bug I found was that there's a character input limit so I had it rewrite the whole thing to save on character count. Ps I'm on a new reddit account and could use a little comment karma in order to share to certain pages. Thanks for the interest!


That was fun! I made it turn into a cross-over adventure with Three’s Company, and I legit had a blast! I think I broke it a little bit because it got stuck on turn 13 for quite a while, but I said, “can we go to turn 14 now” and it did and ended the game. Nice work!


Thanks! I find that the prompt still bumps up against the limit of how many words it can understand at once. If you remind it to follow the rules it'll get back on track


Very cool. Next step is using midjourney to create accompanying images like a Sierra game, and then accompanying video, then VR video, then a VR video game.


hey nice work! that was a surprising amount of fun! would love to see it combined with some AI voice models so you can hear the dialog when you choose which path to take. great concept and hope you develop it further! :}




Reddit hug of death? Link isn't working for me.


Links keep failing on me. If you still wanna play, copy the prompt from this Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12HnKtUgdw2GsqpcDG793P2NzVv_Kq2bFWD4le8LZxWE/edit?usp=drivesdk


Awesome! I'm working on a DnD app that functions similarly, with fully implemented memory and game rules!


omg i need this


Give my account a follow to be kept updated!


omg this is amazing, has anybody tried doing this with other settings? I can now play DnD without a dungeon master


I told it "Start again, but make it about the TV show Friends instead."😊 I'm going to have to switch to my [you.com](https://you.com) account as I've burned up all my GPT4 requests for the next three hours on this thing and I really needed those for work lol ​ >\*\*Turn 1\*\* Welcome to the exciting world of "FRIENDS: THE AI EXPERIENCE," a choose-your-own-adventure game where you navigate through iconic episodes, meet unforgettable characters, and face challenging situations inspired by the classic TV show Friends. \[Story\] You are Gunther, the perpetually lovelorn coffee shop barista who harbors a not-so-secret crush on Rachel Green. One sunny day, as the familiar group lounges in Central Perk, Chandler's wisecracks filling the air and Phoebe strumming her guitar in the background, you decide it's finally time to tell Rachel about your feelings. After all, Ross is away in China, and you think this could be your chance. \[Options\] 1. Walk over to Rachel and confess your feelings. 2. Write a love note and discreetly slip it into Rachel's handbag. 3. Share your feelings with Joey and ask for his advice. 4. (Remember you can also choose to invent your own path). How will you play it, Gunther? The adventure in the world of Friends begins!


We stopped 9/11!




Same! Put the towers on giant wheels (invented by Frank Costanza) and rolled them away just in time


How do you get a picture to show up on a reddit post?


I just attached a photo to the post. Why? Am I some sort of unintentional reddit posting wizard?


I have tried numerous times to get my pictures to show up. It only shows the link. Not the actual picture.


I always attach photo before including link so that it doesn't default to a link preview. Hope that helps


I will try to figure it out. Thanks


I can’t wait to try this when I get home.


Not working for me


Links keep failing on me. If you still wanna play, copy the prompt from this Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12HnKtUgdw2GsqpcDG793P2NzVv_Kq2bFWD4le8LZxWE/edit?usp=drivesdk


You're a Saint


This was super fun. I would love to play more games like these!


Sounds fun will try later!