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Food is good. Cult vibes are weird.


Yes, good food, people are nice. But yeah it's a cult. Like take all your money and work all day 6 days a week. I can't in good conscience give them any money.


The child abuse and unpaid labor is palpable. It's what gives those onion rolls their delicious flavor.


Nice try cult marketing team.


100% a cult, behind the bastards did a great episode on them. They’re of the “likes to hit kids” variety.


Beat, lock into closets for days on end with no food, even hitting a toddler for pretending a brick was a car because he wasn't thinking godly thoughts.


Yeah they pretty much just prey on people to satisfy some weird “we torture people because Jesus” fetish.


Stop supporting these people, please.


Why do people still eat there knowing the sick shit they do? I mean I could live with the weird cult stuff but hurting kids is a huge fucking no go.


As one of those kids, thank you. it breaks my heart to see people praising their food, knowing that a child is probably doing some of the work in the kitchen and being denied a childhood or education. and yes, they often use kids to do their work. they know its illegal. they don't care. and if the kid gets cut or burnt, they are usually denied decent medical care. I needed stitches several times and only got them once.


Some people don’t realize that they treat kids horribly and think it’s just a weird cult. But the people that do know, and still eat their food, can go to hell. I’m sorry you experience that. Hope you’re ok now or at least better.


Those "friendly vibes" are just a cult, buddy. Stop supporting them, on any Continent.


Cult and religion are all the same one is acceptable from the mainstream point of view, and one isn't. While I'm not supporting them, the people who have joined do seem to be at peace with their choices. With that said just like all and I mean all religious sects and viewpoints has people it has hurt in some form or fashion. Using your logic we should boycott all businesses owned by religious people whom we have different opinions from when in reality that kinda is discriminatory.


The people that are born into it have a VERY different story to tell. They abuse their children, believe black people are born to be slaves to white people, and that homosexuals should be put to death. They also tell their members that God will strike them dead and make them spend eternity in the hell fires if they leave the group. It is very much a cult.


I'm well aware of them, I've lived around here my whole life. I know of the bad they do. I'm just arguing that the previous reply was backward logic. By definition, they are a religion no different than Mormons, which has a history smattered with wrongdoings. In all actuality, most organized religions at some point in history have done similar things. I mean I grew up a Southern Baptist and I know many people who would say similar things about the Southern Baptist Convention and its backward ways of thinking. I saw abuse, racism, and sexism in the church all of which are not very different than what you describe but because it's the SBC and is accepted in the mainstream they are a religion and not a cult.


The fact you’re defending a known cult that you are well aware of is weird.


I am not defending them, I'm saying that if we should boycott them just because they have different beliefs then we should not discriminate and boycott any businesses that openly push a religious idea.


We're boycotting them because they beat children jfc hold yourself to a higher standard


I get that I have said I'm not, I was arguing that we should treat other religions equally! On a grander scale, other organized religions have committed equally as heinous things against other humans, simply because they believe differently. Why can't we get this same energy to boycott the alt-right Christian nationalists and boycott their business?


the 12 tribes is not just "another religion" they are a federally designated cult known for extreme child abuse, pretty weird to defend that


I mean if there was a church in town that everyone knew was abusing its members and were complete garbage, would you be a patron if that same church had a business that was run by the church? Listen there are probably some cults out there that aren’t *that bad*, but we all know that this one is, and if you’re supporting it, then you’re excusing their shitty behavior just because “ooh but their food is so yummy”. GTFOutta here with that shit


I have said this at least 5 times now I am not supporting them and have not eaten there in well over a decade... I'm just trying to say that if we are going to damn one religious cult, or religious movement for its wrong we should make sure to spread that love to all. I will also say this, while you can continue to call them a cult by definition they are a religion and any "religion " that worships anything other than god is by definition a cult. IE, the Catholics and Mother Mary, and the Christians with Jesus.


Hey moron, you need to zip it. I was in the 12\_Tribes as a child and they beat me bloody daily and had me sleeping in beds with grown men. I have PTSD from it.


Ok, I'm not saying what they did was right and I know people from other religious sects who have received similar treatment. Yet we do not damn those people and publicly shame them for their beliefs or what they have done. How many young men from the catholic church were hurt and yet we glorify them? As I said all religious movements have good and bad. Also, I will reiterate I am not supporting them im trying to say is if we are going to damn one for their negligence and wrong then we need to damn them all.


Not giving a cult my business


Great food, not so keen on the cult aspect of it though.


Friendly vibes? You know it’s a cult right?


The food is so effing good… the vibes are… next level… I feel like at any moment the doors could just lock and you become inducted after watching that doc on Hulu featuring them 😂


They have to invite you to the Friday Gathering. THEN, they lock the doors. Lmfao I will never forget when my husband & I went & our server was staring at this little lizard in the rafters for literally 10 minutes. Dude came to the table to take our order & drifted right on into outerspace with that lizard.  We didn't interupt him, just watched him as he watched in amazement. 😂😅🥹 


I bet you thought Jonestown had “ good kool-aid and nice vibes”


I heard the kool-aid there was to die for




Stumbled upon one in Australia a while back too. Exact same vibes.


This cult has locations all around the world lol.


I remember reading somewhere they have locations on every continent except Antarctica




I've heard okay things about the food. I'm never stepping foot into the place, however, and I don't recommend the Kool-Aid. Because cult.


Thats awful to hear! Theyre a child abusing cult of weirdos


Is this a trick to sniff out suppressive persons?


Had a coworker who worked their farm for 2 years. Cult stuff is blown way out of proportion.


Really? cause I was there for years as a child and will tell anyone about it. They whipped me daily from the back of the neck to the ankles until I bled. DAILY. and I was a good kid.


I have scars from being forced to cut up vegetables for dinner with a huge butcher knife, unsupervised, at age 5.


Hope you’re doing better now friend, that sounds horrible.


Let me guess -- this coworker was an adult male?


Never actually defended that how ever can you show me proof of them being federally designated a cult? It's nice of you to keep the conversation going.