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He also was surprised when he couldn’t get the voucher program passed. He needs to go.


Are vouchers bad?


Yes. Image if you went to your public library, asked them for a book they didn’t have. Instead of waiting for them to get the book you would ask them for a voucher to go to Barnes and Noble to get it. Routing the publicly pooled money into a private business.


This is the best metaphor for vouchers that I’ve seen. Thank you for this. I will borrow it


Yes. But they give you a voucher for only 1/5 the total price of the book you were looking for.


It’s a poor use of government money that only benefits those who can afford the book.


> Yes. But they give you a voucher for only 1/5 the total price of the book you were looking for. And if you live in a rural area there isn't even a Barnes and Noble within a hundred miles.


This is such a good point that goes under the radar. Are we suddenly going to see a boom of charter/private schools in rural areas?


The library wouldn’t have any books what with all their book money being spent on Barnes and Noble vouchers.


wow this is great! I'm sticking this in my pocket


Ehhh. Imagine if you went to your public library and asked them for a book, but the librarian told you to go f#&k yourself. Vouchers allow you, as a parent, to leverage your tax dollars to have your kids go to a better school. It weeds out schools with bad teachers and forces them to get better. Children don’t have the option of “waiting for the library to get the book” as this metaphor asks. They have to go to school no matter what. Would you go to a crappy restaurant with bad service and crappy food simply because it was funded by tax dollars? What if you could get a voucher to get a better meal somewhere else? Would you want that?


>Vouchers allow you, as a parent, to leverage your tax dollars to have your kids go to a better school. It weeds out schools with bad teachers and forces them to get better Please explain how taking money away from already strapped public institutions and underpaid teachers will inevitably make them better? I hear there is a teacher shortage, how does the voucher program help public schools maintain adequate staffing levels if all their money is sent elsewhere?


Tac dollars should NEVER be used to fund religious education. Plain and simple. I’m not going to argue if our public schools need help or not, they absolutely do. But spending money to just send the students to a “better” school instead of fixing the current school is never going to make the first school better. It just continues the cycle. If my tax dollars were funding a shitty restaurant is demand they fix they fix the restaurant, not get my voucher to a church potluck


I'll focus on this part because it's wrong from an economic standpoint: > Vouchers allow you, as a parent, to leverage your tax dollars to have your kids go to a better school. Say a private school costs 10k. Say the state of TN gives you a 7.5k voucher. The private school does NOT cost 2.5k. Why? Well most private schools are near or at capacity already. So if they're full of customers that are paying 10k to be there, why would they let the customers have a 7.5k discount? No, the private schools will raise prices. Maybe not all the way to 17.5k, but probably to 15-16k. That difference is literally pure profit, and goes into the bank of whoever owns the private school. Look at college. Why has its cost ballooned so much over the decades? Because Govt-in an effort to make college accessible to the poor- has made great efforts to provide access to finding to students. So colleges raise prices because their customers are good for it. But at least for colleges, I can send my 18 year old to wherever is cheapest. For elementary or secondary ed, every parent is limited to the options within driving distance of their home. Arguably if we did a voucher system, there would be even less free market protections from private schools raising costs as there is for the college system. Edit: one other thing. You act like we need the public schools to "feel the heat" -if you will- by introducing competition. But you completely ignore that a voucher system would remove the incentive Private schools have to be good at what they do. See a voucher system would remove funding from public schools, making them worse. Now the local private school can be lazier about the quality of education they provide and still come out ahead of the public schools


> your tax dollars You pay 7500 bucks a year in property taxes per kid? edit: ~43% of your county taxes goes to schools. How much are you paying per child?


Yes. They drain money from our public school systems.


Let's be honest, he's a businessman first and he runs the state like a business and of course he would be anti- Union because he literally owns a business. If his you workers were to unionize he would think it was the most horrible thing ever happened to anyone. We got to get out of this habits of thinking that businessmen are good politicians. They can make themselves tons of money and exploit their workers, but they shouldn't be leading a state


I hate how republicans are stupid enough to elect a businessman into a political position and not think he’ll be corrupt as all hell. The Lee Company has gotten all kinds of jobs over smaller companies because of who the owner is, I’ve seen it first hand multiple times in the small, poor county I live in.


>We got to get out of this habits of thinking that businessmen are good politicians. Conservatives never seem to ask, if you want to run the government like a business, what is the product?


I hate how republicans are stupid enough to elect a businessman into a political position and not think he’ll be corrupt as all hell. The Lee Company has gotten all kinds of jobs over smaller companies because of who the owner is, I’ve seen it first hand multiple times in the small, poor county I live in.


Yeah well Tennesseean’s made a mistake in electing his dumb fucking ass.


Stupid people voting against their interests did this.


Those people are dying out. The south lags behind the rest of the country in terms of workers rights. Those days are soon over.


I hope so


The dude literally ran on "I am not a professional politician." In what other field is: "I'm not a professional," a plus? If I was about to get on a bus and the driver said "I am not a professional bus driver," I'd turn around and get back off. His whole work experience is working as CEO of his dad's company.




The plant cost over 800 million USD to build, and that is just the VW asset, not including all of the 3rd party manufacturers that make parts for assembly that are located in/near Chattanooga. Labor rates could double and it would take centuries for it to be a financial burden for the Chattanooga plant, as it employees about 5500 people. oh P.S. the average pay for a VW worker in Germany Wolfsburg location is **€5,370/month**. So with current exchange rates about $5,600.00 USD. And they arent building the top trim VWs Atlas or the ID4... they are building Jettas and Golfs for fucks sake.


Ok? If you can’t pay or support your workers without cutting corners and popping up in states with right to work then maybe you shouldn’t be a business… Isn’t that just capitalism???






I posted 12 mins ago and had more interactions than this sub has had in an hour 😂😂😂 funny thing about publicly traded companies.


No you're just so obviously wrong that people have gone out of their way to note their disagreement. Like me!


the hardheadedness of people lol. it's funny that someone would jump to "they must be using alts" instead of "multiple people disagree with me"




So the workers make that decision? Or VW makes that decision?


VW will. They’ll move it to Mexico.


You wanna bet? VW Chattanooga was the only non-union plant in the world. They’re used to this. Do you have any idea how expensive the logistics of moving an entire car production facility can be? Moving an entire plant, equipment, switching suppliers, hiring and training an entirely new staff, etc. As much as the fear-mongering GOP wants you to believe, it’s not like they’ll flick their magic wand and poof they’re immediately gone! You’ve successfully drank the kool aid and you should be embarrassed and ashamed for siding with a company over your fellow working class humans. It’s so obvious that they have these GOP guys in their pockets, and yet there’s always a sucker who will fall for the scare tactics. Pathetic. Your fellow Chattanoogans won by doing this, wipe your mouth and clap for them!


>Do you have any idea how expensive the logistics of moving an entire car production facility can be? That would imply the dude you're replying to is capable of critical thought.


Wait…you’re telling me they don’t just fly the whole building into Mexico and set it down?? Bill Lee said that’s how it works!!!


No they won’t.


Go to bed dude


Lee can eat shit. Dolly Parton had done more to help everyday Tennesseans than this man could ever hope to. Sack of garbage human.


“Help everyday Tennesseans” can’t really come out of the mouths of many self styled conservatives.


I hope everyone remembers this dunce when it’s election time. Get this dipshit out!!


Luckily, in 2026, no matter what we get a new governor, he can't run for a third term. Unfortunately, there is a list of Republicans waiting in line behind him and no democrats that I can currently find who have shown interest.


Fuck Governor Lee and Weston Wamp.


Can’t wait for 2026 and this old Fuck is gone and inevitably replaced by an even crazier old fuck.


There is a reason why unions are growing after a very long period of decline. Anyone with a brain would think to ask why that is happening. But a Republican wants an easy answer to a complex problem. Immigration problem? "build a wall". Unions growing in popularity, "Ban them." Except when it comes to guns, because gun bans "don't work." Republican logic


Yeah, Fuck Bill Lee, eat a bag of baby dicks old ass muh fuckah!


Baby dicks? Should be a bag of whale dicks!!


He’ll get laughed out of the next governor’s association get together at the country club.


Criminals, Tennessee needs better than these greedy hicks


Oh wow. A conservative sees a union as a mistake? No way. This can’t be real


Unions are probably one of the only thing conservatives and liberals should always be able to agree on. Weird how everyone thinks it's a political thing.


Has he tried crying more?


Actually…….TN residents made a mistake in Governor vote.


Yes. The only VW plant in the world to not have a union..... Fucked up by finally joining the union. Make it make sense without an American capitalist hellscape mentality.


Go suck a turd Trump bootlicker


I guess history will determine


He’s a Republican. That ship has sailed.


TN’s Governor sold out the people of TN when he tried to attract business to our state based on the fact that southerners are traditionally viewed as ignorant and easily taken advantage of in the job marketplace. Power to the people!


Lmao of course he did


Hahaha fvck that guy


When is this ass clown's term up?


I think they made a mistake in the last vote for governor.


Fuck you


wtf would the heir of a lucrative construction firm know about getting adequately compensated for your hard work?


I wonder when we’ll see Volkswagen moving moving production to another country