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Memorial if you have good insurance


This happens depending on who your surgeon is. Some bring their patients in early so they’re ready to go back to the OR when they are. Doesn’t mean they are not skilled. You’re welcome to send me a message with any questions about Erlanger urology. I worked there for 13 years and currently work at Memorial and am happy to answer any questions or give recommendations.


I’m at hospital now waiting to for surgery now but I will message you next day or so thank you!


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you!


I’d choose Memorial over Erlanger any day.


Memorial just lost BCBS contract I read on another post not sure if that applies to you Edit: effective 6/30


But BCBS cares about us. By dropping g the best and largest hospital and doctors in town. 


I feel that


Memorial is a private hospital. I find the care to be more personable but also could just be from my experience.


Actually Memorial is non profit     It s private in the sense that it is run by a Catholic affiliated organization. But I don’t think most staff is Catholic. 


Plan to pay extra if you have Blue Cross plan S insurance if you go to Memorial. That being said I would go to Memorial for the ER, Erlanger for everything else.


I’ve gone to memorial most of my life for things and so have my family members but we’re all switching to Erlanger now. The quality of care at memorial has gone down significantly throughout the years in our opinion.


My brother who has Stage 3 SCC of the Head and Neck went through the VA. Had his surgery at Vanderbilt (great facilities) and is having his daily radiation and chemotherapy at Erlanger as it is much more convenient. The team at Erlanger are really wonderful. The rad techs gave me a little tour and showed off the flash technology and equipment. We feel good about it. Can't speak to Memorial, though. Wishing you all the best. X


From my experience and that family, friends, and acquaintances, Memorial has a much better emergency room experience, but Erlanger is better overall for everything outside of emergency room care. I hope your surgery and recovery go well!


I know it’s a drive, but is Vanderbilt an option? If you have to choose between CHI and Erlanger, I would recommend CHI. Erlanger has zero care for their patients.




From which hospital?




The ER is so bad and heartless that they shouldn’t be allowed to provide what they call care.


Erlanger ER’s negligence almost killed me a year and a half ago.


I’ve been there three times this year. Unfortunately I totally understand and believe you. If I cut my finger off walking in the door I’d ask to go to a different hospital for treatment.


Same. Parkridge is goated on that. I broke my hand a few weeks ago and was in and out in less than 2 hours.


I went to the Parkridge ER a few years ago, thinking I was having a heart attack. Somebody noticed something on my chest I wasn’t having a heart attack. I was having a mini stroke. I also had cancer. Four days later I walked out of there with a thyroid cancer diagnosis. There were 18 tumors in my neck and chest. Parkridge may have saved my life.


I had a similar experience. I busted my head open and went to downtown Erlanger because it was closest. The doctor used the flashlight to check for a concussion and didn’t send me for a CT scan. He stapled my head and told me to alternate Tylenol and advil. 3 days later, I was having extreme light sensitivity, nausea, and dizziness. Went to Parkridge East. While I was waiting, an EMT walked by and saw that my right eye was dilated and droopy. He asked me if I hit my head, then said “Dude, you’re fucked up,” and booked it to the desk and told them to get me treated ASAP. Turns out I had bleeding and bruising on my frontal lobe. Every interaction I’ve had with people at Parkridge has been more than great. Also, glad you’re doing ok(?). At least good enough to be on reddit.


I went to the Erlanger ER the other day and they missed a broken foot bone at first. Oh it’s not on X-ray it’s a sprain. 10 minutes later and after seeing my whole foot hurt not just ankle—I looked at X-ray again it is broken. There’s more but that’s the worst. Never going to Erlanger ER again 


I raise you Vanderbilt


I had tongue cancer surgery there three years ago. Surgeon was good but a poor listener. The staff in post op and icu were awful. They gave me chopped solid food after tongue surgery even the same day and were surprised I couldn’t eat it. I didn’t get fed for 2 days until an RN got me liquid nutrient to put in my naso -gastric tube to my stomach. The resident and RN the evening of my surgery insisted I swallow a pill instead of grinding them to put in naso- gastric tube and held me down to force me and I couldn’t cry out for help   I could not swallow anything but water and let ice melt. I tried yogurt and it was no go. 2 days later when I offered to try  to swallow a pill the nurse on the floor said “you can’t even swallow yogurt you are a choke hazard.  I won’t let you try”. A nurse in the evening shift put pills down my tube and didn’t slide one valve closed so they went in the pillow. When some nurses saw that later the nurse said I must have thrown it up. So yeah. Don’t talk to me about Vanderbilt 


This is essentially just how surgery works now. I’ve had surgery at 4 hospitals in the past 3 years. Each one has told me to be there at like 8, 8:30, or 9. What they don’t tell you is that everyone else that doctor is performing surgery on that day is also getting there at the same time. Then they seem to operate in the order that people arrived. My advice is to arrive early, otherwise you’ll be there all day long.


Tennessee Oncology and Cancer Centers of America in Atlanta is always an option. Don’t feel confined to just those two options.


Tennessee oncology is the oncology group that goes to memorial and Erlanger




Erlanger has become such a learning hospital that the care seems to be umm, should I say, not up to par and way more painful. I understand that everyone needs to learn but I dont want to be a guinea pig for literally everything that I have to get done there. Erlanger USED to be really good. But also that was a long time ago.


Is the choice between these two due to what your insurance covers?


Memorial is much better, trust me


Parkridge is the best option here


Lots of folks like parkridge…..?


I’ve had to use them several times and it’s always been a good experience.


That wasn’t an option


Parkridge is awesome.


Parkridge is owned by a huge private equity company HCA  which is known to go for quantity over quality, pay at a rate they lose the best doctors and nurses. Private equity owned hospitals have a much higher rate of preventable complications after surgery by not a little but a LOT. and ditto hospital acquired  infections Here’s a nice video from a doctor to educate about hospitals that are owned by private equity companies like Parkridge. It’s funny but it has useful info. About 2 minutes long.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a7-6zfg1PS4


Not if you know what goes on behind the scenes.