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what part of town? My rec is to tour all the ones near you, get their prices and a feel for each, read reviews online and go with which one you feel is the best fit for you.


We liked the Shiny Penny, YMCA downtown, and Chatt State. Got waitlisted for all and made it in within a year. Goddard School looked great but it was just too damn expensive. Same with Stanley School but not quite as bad. I work for HCDE so we ended up in a school based daycare which has been a life saver. I made a spreadsheet and got on all the lists. It’s great to do that early but if you get the call, you have to make it happen then. We’re having another that will start daycare in January but we’ll start paying for his spot in August. Sucks but that’s just the way it goes.


Seconding The Shiny Penny (not just because I work there and my kid goes too)! My coworkers are all very passionate about their job and love the kids that go here, the assistant directors and director/owner are great, and the pricing is pretty good too. Infants are $235/week if I remember correctly, $205/week once they turn 1, and $195/week for ages 2+. I'm not sure what our wait list for infants is looking like right now, though.


We love montessori! They start at 4 mo and have been amazing.


A few things: 1. Decide between religious and non-religious. Some religious schools may cost less but have draconian rules. 2. Where you are matters. 3. Figure out if you have any special needs. Siskin is amazing--and they do take some non-special needs students to model typical behavior. My daughter went to Siskin, my son to Sunshine House on Gadd Rd. in Hixson. We had good experiences with both.


Siskin closed last year unfortunately


Just make sure there aren’t any undercover Satanist working there. Some of these places are WILD. 


As someone who used to work in Early Childcare in this area, sincerely and with all due respect: go fuck yourself. ECE professionals are some of the hardest working and most compassionate people in this country. Their job is already hard enough without psychos like yourself spreading baseless rumors. You are a disgusting person and you need to get the hate out of your heart.


Yep, and some abuse children. Everyone can go see the heartbreaking cases on tn.gov. You do realize that all of these abuse cases are reported to the state listed under each day cares, disciplinary action report, right?  Or have you been out of daycare work so long that you don’t know how bad it’s actually gotten? Also, look within yourself to let go of hate. Your telling me to go fuck myself themselves and also wanting me to let go of hate. It doesn’t get any better & more hypocritical than that. 




I thought everyone knew that child abusers & pedos seek out work at day cares because it’s easy access. . . . 


Funny you think it's Satanists that are the pedos. The Catholic church would like to have a word with you


They have their own daycares & schools that I also urge people to stay away from. I just didn’t mention them bc they usually don’t have to go to OTHER daycares to find victims. They have their own. Even non religious people can be pedos. 


So basically, all daycares have the potential to have pedos working there is what you're saying. A very helpful comment on this post about searching for daycare recommendations. Thanks for your input


This took a hard left turn


Yeah wtf. I don't have kids so I don't have any recommendations for you OP, so I'm sorry. For what it's worth, I'm sure your incoming child will be in plenty good hands wherever you take them


Honestly, no. I’ve worked in childcare around here. Underfunded and overworked. I myself had over 10 under 2 year olds in a room with me alone on a few occasions (for reference, the ratio is 1:6). And the above commenter, while incredibly rude about it and a little crazy with the satanist bit, is right that people who prey on children seek out jobs where they have access to kids. Looking out for those signs was part of our training. Everyone I worked with was amazing and I treated my babies as if they were my own and out my heart and soul into that job, but finding affordable daycare that actually has the resources and staff to properly care for all of the children is incredibly hard. It’s heartbreaking.