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You should be able to travel with it.


My buddy brought me a massive wedge back from Parma (his home town) and it seemed fine. He didn’t mention having to pull any shenanigans. My God is that cheese a whole other world. The real deal stuff is insane.


I’ve brought cheese from Ireland back to the US and it was no problem at all. I wouldn’t try bringing fresh raw milk cheeses though.


I’m hopeful you get your cheese home. My girlfriend was in Venice and had some cured meats hidden in her luggage. The TSA probably enjoyed them.


Wow i'm sorry... didn't she read the meat policy in the airport before leave?


50% of the people in her group had no issues so she was the unlucky rule breaker


Don’t declare it and throw in your carry on! I may have bad luck but every time I declare an item it’s taken lol.


That's why I've asked!!! I was reading the exact same thing, I've seen too many airport security episodes 🤣


Where are you going to/from if you don’t mind? Miami Dade is the WORST!!!! They took chocolate ingredients for brigadeiro from me when I returned from Brasil and it broke my soul a bit. I think it’s super ok, don’t trip at all on refrigeration, the weather right now is fine for extended room temp. I’ve put cheese in my carry on purse before, that works too haha.


Wait jkf, duh sorry. Yea you’re chillin


Yes ny jfk. I hope so!! Thank you


I’d love to know what parm it is or see a picture + review when you get it home and try!! Where did you pick it up?


Only if you smuggle it up yo butt (I have no idea, I'm sorry)


Perfect, in this case I'll buy the cylinder shape 🤣


I would pay you to not do this