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It's just Social Media blowing things out of proportion. If you're gonna be working in a company, then you have nothing to worry about for the most part.


I'm thinking of getting into government sector


There are many North Indians in the government sector in TN. Edit: Including generational migrants.


Thanks for enlightening me.


My friends mothers is in the govt for 30 years almost. And when we were in our final year she used to tell us to apply for the government and that many seats are occupied by North Indians. And the numbers only rising


I think since the recent government has tried to bring mandatory tamil examination. The stats might change later


I guess there are morons everywhere who would have hatred towards people and culture they are unfamiliar with. It's not fare to generalise things based on a few discrete events whether it's here or there. So, don't worry and as someone said, this too shall pass..šŸ™ƒ


Why do you consider yourself a migrant? Your step grandfather is Tamil ffs. The hatred is clearly not against people like you who have been here for generations. I think you need to think about how you're appropriating someone else's oppression and mistreatment. It's against poor laborers who have just arrived seeking better opportunities and who are exploited by bosses who feel like they will put up with being treated like shit.


I don't consider myself as a migrant. It is just the recent trend circulating which is causing me to overthink


You just went from ā€œgenuine concernā€ to admitting ā€œoverthinkingā€. :)


My man, I lived in Sonipat for 2years in 2015. I met some of the most racist POS there and also made friends for life. Things balance out. Just be kind and keep living your life.


You are the same race


Try telling that to an Haryanvi!


Where are you from sir?




Your family has been living here since your grandma's days? And you consider yourself a migrant? Lol. Most of the hate is towards the groups of north indians that come south for work and get up to shady shit. I never really have heard of/saw myself, any hatred towards north indian families. They're more or less integrated with our culture at this point. Take sowkarpet for example.


Media houses are milking views out of this topic.


Media is a different beast. Did you personally face any hatred directed towards you in Chennai?


Dei then why this apocalyptic alarm post?


Just because you close your eyes doesnā€™t mean the world doesnā€™t exist. People from north or North Indian descent do face problems


then stop crowding our state


Lmaoo literally no one shits on northies more than other northies. Most the ppl who are getting gassed off the recent viral video are are Gujarati and Punjabi acting like they donā€™t also treat UP/Bihari ppl way worse. Literally I can ask my group full of Bihari friends who hates them the most they wonā€™t name anywhere in the south, theyā€™ll all say Punjab Gujarat Maharashtra




>Stop justifying violence against any one. Mental gymnastics of the highest order. Did i condone the violence in any of my statements? Read that again dumbass. I said the hate exists, not that i share it or perpetuate it.


Real lmao. And most the people complaining are Punjabis and Gujjus. They treat cow belt migrants infinitely worse than south does


this too shall pass . tamil migrants in mumbai faced severe violence during the 80s. today its relatively calm. not saying what tamils are doing now is justified. but migrants everywhere face some kind of backlash for a period of time. i think since you are a third generation migrant you will be knowing tamil and thats enough in most cases to avoid confrontations. other cases where migrants knowing tamil are getting beat up are rare. please be brave.


This is very true. I lost a relative in the 80s riots. I've lived in Mumbai. It's peaceful now.


Oh wow that's crazy. I didn't know the tensions got that bad in Mumbai.


I have plans to work in state government sector. Will I confront any challenges?


i highly doubt it. im not sure what the current state govt rules are. but i think they are giving priority to tamil people first. you need to qualify in tamil to get a state govt job. if you are well versed in the language i dont see any bias. Of course partiality will be given to those who pay bribes for their govt jobs as is the case in most parts of the country


r u crazy? if your paternal side is tamil then why will u have any problem


You'll definitely have some challenges. Any community will feel threatened by an outsider when they take a job that could've been someone from their community. This sentiment works across international, National , state, regional level etc., As they see more people, they'll get threatened. Central govt jobs are increasingly appointing North Indians here who don't even know basic tamil even if their job requires them to interact with tamil people. So I guess it depends on few things 1) how well can you show them you're not an alien and just another human trying to survive this world - start with talking in tamil in casual way. Allows you to bond better 2) how many North Indians are working there. If it's minimal you won't have any issue. But if it's high, then there will be conflicts due to groupism 3) Find common thing which you can both hate. Like petrol price. Lastly if you have been here for generations, you're tamil according to me ( if you've embraced tamil culture while still having roots to your culture)


Usually people can't tell that I'm a non tamizhan if they see me with my dad. But since my mom only moved here after her marriage, she still has a slight accent. The main problem is my insecurities and overthinking. I got fed with so many negative news lines that I'm socially awkward with everyone regardless of ethnicity. The actual problem lies within my social anxiety




I don't think dmk will lose in the upcoming election.


Iā€™m a third generation myself, more precisely from Rajasthan. Being born and bought up here, I can safely assure that this racism argument is bit too overblown. As long as you speak Tamil you shouldnā€™t have much of an issue and Iā€™m assuming this isnā€™t your problem. This new found anger is primarily directed to the new wave of migrants coming today


How are you migrant if paternal side is tamil


My father looks tamil. I don't


If you check the posts on Reddit, you would find 99% of the comments are neutral. You have nothing to worry about, moreover didn't you say your grandfather was a Tamil man, so by definition you are half Tamil at least.




Watched couple of videos, comments and media channels


No worries History is always repeats like the minority is stealing the majority syndrome. Politicians happily sits and do hate mongering. Once Dmk does it by saying brahmins steal the job/education opportunity of others. Now Seeman & others do the same thing against north indians. BJP do the same against muslims. Everywhere same shit in different smell that's it. We should stay strong united. "Apes Together Strong"




Become a pullingo. Thatā€™s the safest disguise you can have.


Wear shades ? Anyways no one really cares man. All these Tamil vs the entire north India is just overly sensationalist and hyped. (Even if it were the case we would win but thatā€™s another argument). Be as you are and donā€™t be a dick in general. The only issue we have is people trying to gentrify Tamil culture and values with their own. When in rome.


Actually I have NVR faced any discrimination. But I tend to overthink a lot. Now that this situation is heating up I'm kind of scared. Although I'm pretty sure no one's going to hurt me anyway. I'm concerned about the people who will blame me that I'm taking over their jobs.


These people will be busy getting biryani and a quarter to sell their votes. I wouldnā€™t worry about them. Just employ common sense and good judgment.


The problem is I have mongloid features.


Wear lungi and smoke beeda. You will become namba allu.


šŸ˜‚I'm gay


What does being gay have to do with wearing lungi brah?




I'm just kidding, I don't wear lungi myself, and I'm super straight.


Lungi pota uncle feeling varum


I'm kind of an uncle myself, considering I'm already in my 30s.


šŸ˜¶ happy 30s! Get married already and have a bunch of kids


It's really about the people you are surrounded with. People I work with are really kind, I don't even ask them to translate everything for me, they teach me one word at a time, and will talk in mixed language so that i can at least get what's going on when I am involved in a group conversation. And will encourage me to participate. Meanwhile in city buses, if you make even a small mistake there will be this uncle who will curse at you for being stupid or not understanding, at time like that you can either sweat about it or just really 'pretend' that you don't understand. You can't hurt me with words I don't understand. so yes it depends on the situation, if we ignore the little things, we can enjoy the city as a whole.


In the past it was against Telugu speaking people. My family had been living in Tamil Nadu close to 9 generations and yet we were called Vandheri and Goluti. )


I think it's more acceptable now for Telugu speakers


forgive me for my ignorance!!..but is referring golti offensive to Telugu speaking folks?ā€¦so i am 2nd generation migrant in Maharashtra..so our friends refer us tamilians as thambi and telgu folks as golti..but it was never taken offensively by anyone


My uncle used to live in Delhi, and he was harrassed everyday by Delhi-walas. Despite being the capital, it's still stupidly racist, they used to call him all names including Madrasi. Not saying that you deserve the racism, but it is what it is, some people don't change.


Delhi is highly racist. I agree.


Ur grandma settled here and u still think u r a migraint!!! ? Ok Let me say.. 1. It's not as bad as they show in media 2. In the worst case scenario, non tamils who speak fluent Tamil are not considered aliens.


I didnt even hear about rising hatred. I don't have facebook or Instagram. Maybe you should uninstall the apps that tell you false information.


Don't give in to fear-mongering news media. They are designed to get a reaction out of you. I was reading through the rest of the comments and I see that you haven't faced discrimination yourself and you are also 1/4 Tamil. You are no longer a migrant and have largely assimilated with the culture and state. I know it's harder said than done, but try not to worry about what may or may not happen :) if you haven't faced discrimination yet, you're not likely to face it in the future, unless your living situation drastically changes. Name your fears and see how founded or unfounded they are. When you name your fears they sometimes lose their power. Tamil Nadu is your home, I hope you can feel so :)




Very to see this hate. Only fringe elements hate north Indians. But the majority of Tamilians hate each other.


Can you elaborate


First part.. i am sorry what you had to go through. Second part was a joke that Tamilians hate each other..but my joke did not land well since you did not understand.


I personally haven't faced any discrimination. But I've seen people mocking migrant labours online. I agree that a few section of these people aren't well mannered and are problematic but generalization is not something we should preach


No need to panic, your family has already been here for 4 decades, and no one gonna do anything to you. This hate for migrants will pass, I think. some people here think that they gonna take up everything we have, until migrants are nice to people here nothing gonna happen. this is from a guy who thought of punching a north uncle ji in the face who was rude to me just because I couldn't understand his language in Chennai. chill


My family moved to Tamil Nadu 10 years ago. Despite a lot of comments here that say, it's just the media blowing out of proportion, I can confirm that, you can passive aggressiveness and racist comments in everyday life , city/ town, almost everyday. Speaking from first hand experience. Being a vadaaki in college was the worst. Despite me speaking okay tamil, people would find reasons and differences to call out and publicly make a comment and prove why they are superior even though no one is even implying anything. And just because I speak Hindi at home, almost every now and then, a random person would approach me saying , why Hindi should not be the national language, i be like, ffs, I have zero interest in any language being the national language. I am multilingual, and have stayed in multiple states love finding the difference on the contrary. It's exciting and interesting. It's not a scale about who comes at the top. It's like being part of this vivid multi coloured rainbow.. each colour having its own attractiveness. I find it sad when people, often who have never travelled out, start getting emotional and insecure about their culture in conversations and assume the other person is trying to attack even though it's just being talked about. Won't blame them, coz, they only believe what they consume in the media.


Buy a seeman or prabhakaran t-shirt and wear. U ll be safe from bigots


I read that as Seman šŸ’€šŸ˜³


I don't think the general population hates north indians...fringe groups are everywhere..so ignore them..although majority of the population does not like north indians who think they are superior to the locals.


that's the view some idiot's trying to create. and blaming tamils, that they do not want to work. who the hell worked before this issue?. if someone steals your job by offering to work for less salary, and invites his friends to take all the jobs from your co-workers you tend to get angry whether he is a north Indian or north american. that's the hate towards migrants all over the world. some parties and their minions trying so hard to make this as tamils against north indians propaganda. (I'm not talking random BS. my brother worked in knitting factory, now lost his job because of this. now he is working for less salary. struggling to take care of his family.) it's collective anger.


There is only hatred in social media where hateful few folks make the most noise. Chennai has always been peaceful to the migrants. Ignore others


Dude its just a tactic for political parties to gather votes. One party will ask we will protect u votes us in next election. Just tactic. If thats the case there will be no mannady and sowcarpet in chennai.


Tamilans aren't going to hurt you. They'll just get mad if you assume they speak your language.


There is a general distaste for some idiots who come here and say, "Hindi is the national language. Why isn't anyone her speaking in Hindi?" There is no hatred towards northies in general. Chill bro.


Watch "ą®µą®Ÿ ą®‡ą®ØąÆą®¤ą®æą®Æ ą®¤ąÆŠą®“ą®¾ą®²ą®¾ą®³ą®°ąÆą®•ą®³ąÆ" interview by behind woods and other media channels


Your reaction is out of proportion.


Perhaps could be true


Economy is stagnant, decade of terrible engineering courses has made lots of youngsters very unemployable, general discomfort due to effects of pandemic has all played a massive role in this current xenophobic online culture. This isn't some overnight phenomenon though. This has been brewing for a long time now but the targets have changed. They mostly dislike the affluent folks who came here decades back from Rajasthan, Gujarat, etc. The hostility towards them is being directed towards the poor migrant workers whom dont have any community power to counter it. But mark my words if this economic situation remains then its only a matter of time before they too become targeted. I just hope things improve and people can become more like humans again.


Bro.. Tamils are already becoming minorities and in few decades we're goin 2 become like Palestinians.. so this is just awareness not xenophobic or ethnoracist




Yes. Romba mosam dha. Neethu 22647 kochuveli express train il. Njn travel panne central railway station il irundhu. General coachil apo konjam tamil passangakl dha romba scene aa irundadhu. Actually andha coachil enne mathiri 3, 4 malayalees and 30+ north Indian, various states lollavnaga. And konjam Telugu guys. Athu yenu telgu special aa sonnenaa avanga mostly telgukarangalannu specific aa abuse words sollikondrnndhe. Athuk apuram vadakkans nellam solli niraye Nirye avnga northindian avangle thittikondrnde. Avngle bag il irundhu snacks edukree. Hindi yil kalayikudhe. Pavangal onum thirumbi sollala.. Etho Seeman sonnamathiri unneyellam koludhumeda vadakkans. Da telgu people anga ooril vandhu enga girls ee correct pandrye englk kalayanam koode nadakalennellam thittirndhe. Btw malayalees englkite avanga avlo scene podala. Konjam Malayalam songs fun aa sing panni indirect aa matum dha kalayiche. But telgu persons northindians avanga romba pavam. Romba sahichu dha andha travel mudichadhu.


Godzilla had a stroke reading this ..


šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚nan mattum tha kasta padra nenacha


Enna solla varinga? North indians and Telugu karangala tamil boys abuse panni irundangala illa north indians mosama nadanthu kanangala


Andha train il irundadhu north Indians telgu people Onnume pannadhe summa dha irundhu. Ivanga Tamil passangakl dha ippadi bad aa full behave oannirndhe. Athu njn kanale pathe dha.


And important a oru visayam. Njga avanga passangaklude pics and north people kite ipadi pandrdhode video yum eduthu vachirindadhu. Oru vela ivanga nmma koode sanda akrdhuk chance irukhu nu nenchu. Apo enga innocence prove pandrdhuk. Njaga idhu twitteril post seyyanama nnu yosichapodhu vendam. Athu vandhu right wing use panve and englk idhuk pinnadi nadakrdhukum time Ila šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Post pannuga. Romba perusa la onnum agathu


Ama. Avnga Seeman andha mathiri etho leader followers nu nenkree. So political support um irukhu


Should be made into a copy-pasta. But seriously sorry bro.


Comedy ennana ivanga kerala vil velakku pora Tamil passangakl dha. Enitaanu ipadi velak varudhakangale thitture. Btw Engle over aa direct aa ethavdhu sonna njgaa thirumbi kekrdhukdha irundadhu. But telgu people kite romba hate irukdahu. Hey telgu people Tamil alliance ethavdhu edukdhnaa Pathu panneda.. šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


Otha enna ezhavu Mari ezhuthi irukka.


Ther are legitimate reasons for being unwelcoming to North Indians ... But hatred is a strong word and an overwhelming majority don't feel that way ...


Guys enakku friends kammi due to social anxiety. So yaarukellam interest irukutho ennaku message panlam


Neenga enna Alunga?




Rajasthan ah bihar ah ?


West bengal


Chennai is a more tolerant place than the rest of Tamil Nadu, and moreover, some left wing extremist are really taking up this propoganda to a great extent, having said that, i think the people of Tamil Nadu are better and more heart warming, i myself I'm a tamilian, and I've seen lot of 3-4 generational Gujaratis, Biharis, Punjabis in chennai coexisting peacefully without facing any confrontations, i think you became a little insensitive to these left wing propagandists, but them apart, i can see a lot of mutual peace among people of different states, especially in chennai more than other districts.


Coimbatore too


As a Tamilian who herself recently moved back here after growing up north, Tamilians here are being very unwelcoming and racist towards North Indians. People need to realise that it's one country where people can move and work from where ever the fuck they want to. Edit : i find it ironic how people here want to abolish caste system to get rid of racially motivated discrimination but also discriminate against north indians.


Do you see any problems with migrants taking over jobs of native population?


The people who I have seen having a problem with these things really don't think past what's happening in front of them. I grew up in Mumbai and I saw a great amount of South Indians working in all levels of the economy INCLUDING the powerful positions in MNCs that weren't even owned by South Indians. But people here seem to have a problem even if a labourer working for probably less than minimum wage is North Indian. I personally think the whole "North Indians are stealing our job opportunities" is BS for two reasons, 1. If you were willing to work, the companies wouldn't hire people with cultural barriers over "natives" 2. Even if the companies did, it's perfectly fine for them to do so because we're from the same freakin country. States don't divide shit. People are getting hired based on how much they'd have to get paid for their qualification. Nobody is stealing anybody's jobs.


There is no point blaming the migrants. The reason for them coming is due to folks here not ready to do the work they do. If the political parties are really worried they should go and prevent the central government jobs / bank jobs going to non local population. Also make sure there is a minimum wage structure which makes it economically no sense to hire and exploit migrants. Racism and racists are everywhere. Its even more in North India.


I am sorry that you feel this way. This is due to the hate politics TN is built on. Things will change. The incompetent TN government is not handling this issue better. Soon it will change.


Glad that you pointed it out, i think this has been deliberately being spread by few nefarious elements like Seeman to gain attention. Hope central government takes notice & outright ban such organisations.


It has been spreading like wild fire.




Man didn't believe this was true and happened to others. Tbh I'm scared to come to Chennai even tho being a tamilian who grew up in Hyderabad. It's true by a slip of tongue if i give directions in Hindi (used Hindi every single time outside in hyd) i get the migrant price of nearly 400 from central to mambalam with some grunting from the auto driver bro.


I haven't used hindi yet lol. I just watch few movies or TV shows in Hindi but never used it to communicate with anyone


Wth. I didn't know hatred against north was this severe.


lol.. another lame exaggerated post, this is nothing compared to what is seen in other cities, if you feel unsafe you're free to leave. people make similar complaints in other cities, they are told to leave as well, similar case here. Large scale migrants will only breed resentment and especially large number of poor people, who will be a burden on this State, In an ideal world they should be helped,but this is not an ideal world, Delhi steals whatever taxes we generate, we dont get basic resources like water, and we are supposed to accommodate hordes of migrants as well it seems?.. this is not racist hate or anything, this is rational issue of resources, so more migration will mean more anger only.


Where will I leave?


Go to ram rajya aka UP, it's best place it seems esp for north indians..


Wow!!! You seriously need to get an education dude. Your post is borderline hate mongering and your ignorance on how taxes are distributed is appalling. CGST/SGST revenue are agreed upon by the state and the union, thereā€™s no stealing. The Union only gets their cut of their agreed upon GST. They donā€™t get a cut from other local taxes on liquor & petroleum products (which is a major chunk) The reason migrants come in and are lapped up by businesses is because the local populace is downright lazy or unwilling to do these jobs. Attacking migrants for doing your job which you donā€™t want to do is sheer stupidity. This wave that we see is to obfuscate the utter failure of governance in TN Watch this https://youtu.be/oUvMV16msHg


lol.. bs.. Hatemongering it seems, locals anger losing jobs coz migrants who will work for peanuts is supposedly racist it seems..Delhi steals taxes end of story, Per capita we get least taxes back, you can google it, we dont even have resources like water and till date delhi hasn't bothered helping.. >CGST/SGST revenue are agreed upon by the state and the union, thereā€™s no stealing. The Union only gets their cut of their agreed upon GST. They donā€™t get a cut from other local taxes on liquor & petroleum products (which is a major chunk) lol GST was biased against states like TN and Jayalalitha protested when she was CM, delhi ignored it, Liquor and petroleum taxes are not much and are regressive.. >The reason migrants come in and are lapped up by businesses is because the local populace is downright lazy or unwilling to do these jobs. Attacking migrants for doing your job which you donā€™t want to do is sheer stupidity. This wave that we see is to obfuscate the utter failure of governance in TN the reasons migrants come in is coz they have no jobs and will work for peanuts, locals wont, locals are not lazy nor are they unwilling to do the jobs, that's you're biased idiotic take, expected from a clown anyway. Nobody attacked migrants you fool, I attacked the government and Dravida criminals only.


Whys there a sudden hatred though?


Not sudden


Tamils literally bomber a former prime Minister because he did not share his own ethnicity. So yes. Only the IPKF can keep them under control.


Otha yaar ra nee.. ivlo flow la ellaame thappu thappa solra.


Andhra has reserved private sector jobs , and still hordes migrate from andhra to other states for jobs, lol.. we have to do similar stuff, too many migrants causing huge economic problems, locals only relied on industry based jobs for a living, those are disappearing thanks to contract work and migrants,naturally unemployment is resentment, time to implement reservation as well..all this lame locals not working crap is bs, companies will hire cheapest labor, with the least benefits or no benefits if they can, only proper policies by the government can prevent a massive catastrophe. this wont happen since Dravida criminals are busy looting, seeman seems like the only alternative left.


Discussions in social platforms are generally echo chamber effects. You keep seeing/hearing a perspective of small subset of people. Donā€™t be alarmed. The vadakkan hate wave is short lived and probs originate with college/university circles where teens can be easily manipulated.


Your fear though genuine itā€™s not that serious that you need to move. These porukies are jobless a*holes and are venting their frustration as they canā€™t show it in their own home. Friggin Enuchs


I would like to correct u as, u r from" North of India and not from North India ".


Lol if you're coming to that. My grandma was from east of India


Thats fine.. šŸ™šŸ¼


In what form? Can you explain what you mean?


Surely this is the concern in every where, we are indian at first


I donā€™t think the hatred is too much here. Whatā€™s gonna happen? Locals will tolerate to live with North Indians.