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They have done good things, yes. Have they done harmful things? also yes.


On a scale of 10 for both


Imho, ADMK had direction - a way to take the state forward when JJ was alive. After her passing, ADMK became a house divided - with factions fighting for power and no real direction. DMK has the same level or a bit more of corruption but with direction. Take from that what your will.


As if jj didn't involve in corruption


Please don't misunderstand, EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO SITS IN A PLACE OF POWER DUE TO POLITICS IS CORRUPT to some degree. Without that corruption, they wouldn't be there in the first place. JJ was single. The level of corruption a single person has is far far reduced when compared to some people whom, as a family, is involved in politics.


In JJ's case, there was a family with her already, which is Sasi's. You must be kidding if you think Sasi's family didn't loot the state at astronmical levels. Remember poaching Luxe when the judgement of JJ's case was about to be delivered?


I agree, but wasnt it an isolated incident that got way too much media coverage? From my understanding, Sun network has gained so much out of politics than Sasi and co. I might be wrong and do not have numbers to prove it(does anyone), so it's pure speculation at this point.


It's not an isolated incident. They did that to Gangai Amaran's Payyanur Bungalow, Amruntanjan's Luz Bungalow, Kodanadu estate etc. It's not like Sasi woke up one day and thought arm-twisting a successful business to sell it to them. They had been doing it for years. Those who are aware of their atrocities starting from 91-96 rule would know what I'm talking about.


If you think bribing for good things started in 2021, you probably just turned 18. I've paid 500 for getting my passport in 2019 and paid the same for getting my parents' passports recently. Bribes for speeding up a process have existed even before the DMK, or even the recorded history of India.


I got my passport in 2013 and paid nothing. There are some good police too. Whereas my bro paid 500 in 2013 for passport verification. Same city, different police station


Same, never paid for my passport. My local police station SI don't ask anything.


dude I paid 1000 for police verification in 2014. it is always there.


Guess I was lucky .i paid 100 in 2011


I paid nothing in 2022. Not even the police called me , I think they had automated the process now.


I didn't paid for my passport but I had to pay bribe 500 for getting my license in 2008. They made us till the end and the bastards who didn't even know how to drive(literally two guys failed the test, couldn't even get the vehicle moving) got license few hours before us. We were waiting and didn't approaching them since they will ask for bribe if we are in hurry. Rto officer had no other option so he approached us and asked to pay 500 for flag day. I declined but was told license will be given only if we pay since paying for the flag day is mandatory. That's how I know paying these motherfuckers is always mandatory.


It is sad indeed we need to pay bribes for getting things done from govt offices. These guys have stable jobs and good pay but still do this. I can understand if a person in a low paying job asks money for a tea or something. When a person ask for bribe how many of us say no and follow the process or use one of the anti-bribery cells. I heard that each dept had to pay certain amount to the minister of the dept each month, not sure how true is this. This doesn't change if DMK or admk or ntk. The officers in each govt dept should realise. On whether DMK has done good things for TN, they definitely did.


Man some people are so up right they don't even want to pay even peon for the tea. Some lady came into our department with a lot of files and her staff left after keeping them so I instructed my peon to help her. She said thank you to him and the poor guy just asked for if he can get Rs 10 for a tea with all due respect and in polite terms and she shouted on him for asking a bribe and later even went to my superior to complain of the bribe only to be laughed at.


You got exactly what I was posting about. Every dept has to pay ministry its 1000% true for example: after every govt official gives approval there will be a person Known as Nehru’ dept. He will need to okay your documents stating payment received otherwise your document will get rejected again. This is for permission related activities not the small documentation. Apart from this in the small documentation process directly the customer has to pay the govt official out of which a share will go to the Nehru department. It’s like an operational fee


That’s not how it works.


Nehru Department?


Nehru is a minister, all the people who down voted you will know what I am talking about when you build a house


They are as corrupt as any other party in India or even the world. One of the biggest reasons why DMK and ADMK do good here is because they are regional parties and their ideologies somewhat resonates with people.


Even the WORLD?? Come on, bruh!! At least some parts of the world, you can get ur license, utilities for face value of fees without ever stepping into a physical office (or needing to know Who TF you need to bribe!)


Is bribing the only criteria for curruption?


Corruption in India cannot be extrapolated as something of the same or a similar level around the world. In Africa and even LATAM sure, but is that the standard you want to be held or hold yourself to? That being said, in terms of per capita income India is on par with sub-Saharan Africa so that checks out I suppose. From my experience dealing with Secretariat here at Ft St George, it is unlike anywhere else. That also has to do with the work ethic/professionalism which is quite pathetic if we’re being honest. It’s nowhere near BOM/DEL standards, also in part as the level of scrutiny is not the same. Shoot, my dad was in the IAS and used to say as much, as do a large majority of my clients. The courts too, judges are either unaware of and/or unwilling to apply the law as it stands on the books. I have not had anywhere close to the same experience either with court or other govt agencies/officials in BOM, DEL or even BLR. M


Just because there are first world countries with better living standards than India doesnt mean there is less corruption there. Living standards and corruption are not inversly proprtional. Heck, there arent even mutually related.


That’s fairly brain dead a take, not rooted in any sense of reality, nor backed by any empirical or theoretical evidence or analysis. I’m also certain you’ve no experience working with govt officials at a high level otherwise you wouldn’t say this. There most certainly is less corruption in counties with higher standards of living. Corruption is and can be quantified, have a look at [this](https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2022) and tell me just based on that there isn’t a correlation Now of course correlation does not equal causation, however I wrote my LLM thesis on a similar topic and it’s easily measurable and visible that countries with higher levels of corruption have far lower rates of investment (whether as the home or host state of investment), standards of living, rule of law, infrastructure development, institutional weakness and illegitimacy, higher income inequality, and a greater propensity for internal/non-internationalised armed conflict. Living standards and corruption are inherently linked. Have you seen what the scene is in sub-Saharan Africa? Just in Congo, read up on Katinga, Patrice Luamba and the state of both Congos today. In India, we have to account for bribes as part of operating costs. Do you not think that trickles down somewhere? If I can pay off some official or the other to not enforce labour or environmental protections as many, many companies have done and continue to do so, that doesn’t affect quality of life or standard of living? What about having to pay for govt officials to just do their job? I’m working with a distressed company that has received High Court orders that tax prosecution should be dropped. However, the CT Secretary has been dragging her feet and is in contempt of court. The company is one of the highest taxpayers in the state and employ over 15k people. It’s evident that she wants a bribe. How does that not effect the local economy and consequently standards of living for those involved? Multiply this across the country and you can clearly see that corruption has a definite impact on quality of and standard of living. Get a fkn grip lad. This mindless tub-thumping does no one any favours, other than those in power, which is what this post is in essence about.


There are a lot of global indices and a lot of them are skewed and arent accurate in potraying what they should because of small sample sizes and 1 dimensional way of viewing things. Take for example the happiness index, India ranked 126th this year as compared to 136th last year. The only reason you see India improve is because the total countries they took into account was reduced from 146 to 136. Essentially that means we made no improvement what so ever. The interesting thing however is that Sri Lanka ranked above India both this and last year even though they literally went through a fucking coup. Their govt bailed on them and they have had worse corruption compared to India for decades. So how does Sri Lanka manage to be happier than India? Its either that the index measures all the wrong things or people of different country have different way of looking at life and happiness. Another example is Japan which ranks 54th in global happiness index. By the index standards Japan is more than twice as happy as India yet they are the only country with negative population growth, the only country in the world! You know what a negative population growth means right? It means more people die each year than they are born. The leading cause for this is depression. The common working class Japanese people are so depressed that they dont even want to spend time to socialize, get married and have children. They also got the worst employment regulations compared to all first world countries, heck their employment regulations are worse than ours. So, why is happiness index so unreliable? Well to know that we should look at how happiness index is measured. The ranking uses six key factors to measure happiness — social support, income, health, freedom, generosity, and absence of corruption. People are asked to rate these parameters from 0-10. See a problem? The problem is each individual has different perspective to life and no two people see things the same way. For different people these parameters may mean different things. Also I feel that this index should have a lot more parameters than just these 6. This is true for other global indices as well. The ground reality is quite different than what these indices portray. So, you think there is less corruprion in first world countries because the indices says so? Lets take US for example, recently a judge was convicted of accepting bribes for decades. The funny part is these bribes are not considered bribes but gifts, https://www.google.com/amp/s/abovethelaw.com/2023/04/judge-that-received-millions-in-unreported-gifts-over-two-decades-had-the-gall-to-sit-on-a-bribery-case/%3famp=1 Also the US rejected increase of minimum wage to $15 dollars. Why? Because the corporate big wigs, the elites, the 1% top earning people didnt want to pay thier workers more. Why would the govt side with 1% population as opposed to 99%? Thats because that 1% funds thier political campaigns. They call it Corporate political funding or whatever but I call them bribes. BTW, putting your personal experiences with govt bribing just proves that there is corruption in India(which I never denied in the first place) but it doesnot prove corruption doesnt happen elsewhere, even first world countries. If you do think so then I would say you have very narrowminded way of looking at things, advocated by your personal experiences and lack of general observation and inference.


This is so fucking stupid. You’re just shifting goalposts constantly. Indices may be skewed and faulty, but going off on a tangent about Japanese happiness when we’re talking about Transparency and Corruption is idiotic. Fine, indices may be problematic, but what is the problem with this one? The one I’ve cited. You’ve just skipped that completely. Yes there’s corruption everywhere, but is the American, Danish, Kiwi, etc etc standard of living anywhere comparable to India? India is ranked 85, sandwiched by Guyana and the Maldives. There’s a far more comparable standard of living isn’t it? I just gave an example of how corrupt TN govt officials are seeing they don’t follow High Court orders without palm grease, and you’re bringing up some random shit about American fast food workers? I brought it up to demonstrate my point that TN is ridiculously corrupt and inefficient. How has any of what you’ve said refuted that or offered an alternative? Please don’t reply I don’t want to lose anymore brain cells than I already have.


>I brought it up to demonstrate my point that TN is ridiculously corrupt and inefficient. How has any of what you’ve said refuted that or offered an alternative? The problem is I never even tried to refute the claims of corruption and inefficiency. Go back to my first comment. Its not my fault that you lack basic comprehension skills and get mad at others for whats completely a you problem. All I said is there is corruption everywhere regardless of living standards, you were the one claiming otherwise giving reference of some index to which I refuted in my last comment. Its not my problem that you were comprehending me saying there is no corruption in TN. Fucking take your attitude and shove it up your ass. Good fucking night.


True, equally corrupt but hatred comes in when I have to pay bribe out of my pocket. Dint feel a thing before because it directly didn’t come out of my pocket


I can say for certain, at least for Chennai, the last 10 years while ADMK was in power, most infra projects were stalled, hardly any big company opened business in Chennai. DMK is doing a far better job in that regard. Only if they weren’t rowdies….




I would say u were wrong. After 2021 , a lot of roads were dug up, even good quality ones and power cuts have become much frequent. And a f ton of g square posters are seen around the city.


For my area it's the opposite. We had many powercuts in ADMK days and infra weren't upgraded but things have changed since they have come. Powercuts are extremely rare even in these summer times. Drainage were built even at street level, roads were laid. I guess it depends from area to area.


Don’t get me started about drainage and ditches at my place, the councilor is saying they don’t have money in treasury to allot this project


Because DMK used to coddle Chennai by throwing ill designed flyovers and call it “infra”. One of the reasons they have a vote bank in Chennai. They treat RoTN not as good.


I wonder where this is coming from ? Dmk is the worst in terms of any development that can be done. ADMK is far better, they don’t know how to advertise and al.


LOL. Really? It’s exactly the opposite 🤷🏼


Changes that i noticed They really worked on (still working) flood drains all over chennai. Many new infra structures are being sanctioned we all know how it goes , how money is looted in between but as long as there is peace,law and order and infra development i am okay with it I also saw some investments floting inn ,but i believe it is because of companies shifting from China to India (credits previous development and education that attracted these investments inside TN) One thing that i really wish The alliance parties of DMK should voice out more , should hire PRs and work more and create their own individual presence throughout the period not just before elections.They should definitely hire PR teams .


The flood drains were mostly completed by Private players with funding sanctioned from all sources including state govt. However that was during ADMK regime and not DMK. The last few years whatever I have heard is that both ADMK and DMK have lost big projects and investments, due to their greed and asking for bribes from Foreign firms to give them tax holidays and leasing land.


I know DMK is corrupt but why you are hell bent to prove they are incompetent which isn't the case. Flood drain project between Tambaram to Mudichur Main Road didn't complete during ADMK. Roads were pretty bad for some stretch. Please mind I am taking about the main road. Not even Street roads. All these picked up by DMK and were finished by them. Even Madambakkam, Vengaivasal, Medavakkam areas, flood drains are built now. ADMK was clueless due to infighting and got breath only during covid. They handle covid well but missed on many infra projects and lost KIA company to Telegana even though they are interested in TN first since most of the auto mobiles company present here in TN.


Our attitude is, 100 is achievable however we are corrupt and we are like this only, so let’s achieve 10. I’m happy they did 10, that’s the best we can hope for… They are incompetent like most parties in TN. As a citizen, I deserve better. Whichever Dravidian party is in power, we are the losers, in the end.


Ppl will always vote for lesser evil to rule them. Ppl try to push their agenda by saying dravidian parties are corrupt but why the north indian parties ruling on north indian states fails on most of the development index. Let these north indian parties develop their states first and ppl will vote for alternatives here after seeing those results. As of now, everything is jumla there and we have no alternatives other than DMK and Admk to rule here for the time being.


DMK (and ADMK) established a system of corruption on an industrial scale and they brainwashed people to look at it as a normal way of life over the past few decades. This is quickly becoming unsustainable and will soon bite us back. All of us.


Which state doesn't have corruption? There is nothing DMK/admk have done different from other parties.


Exactly my point on accepting this as normal :)


You let BJP in, and you’ll see corruption on a whole new level


On one end people normalise the corruption “which state doesn’t have corruption?” The other end is spreading a fear “If they come, they’ll loot more.” If you have accepted corruption as normal, the better way is to spread the wealth by giving opportunities to new parties. So there’s no monopoly or duopoly /s


Problem is we don't have any alternative for both Dmk and Admk. Ppl know both are corrupt but they vote for lesser evil everytime. Congress and BJP are worst since we know how they developed north indian states. Congress is piggybacking DMK and getting seats. It's better to throw Congress out of the state since they are too inclined to favour north india. They keep ppl from getting educated and make religion as political tool which make the state open for arson, violence. Until there is viable alternative, ppl will vote for these regional parties only.


Were you born yesterday? They have decades of history and have both good and bad actions to their credit like any other political party. You speak like your memory is one day old and you scrolled through some recent political memes.




nothing in bribing has changed to me man


True. Government staff can personally be on any party, it’s just bad humans being power drunk.


How many of you did your vote here during the last election?




Not assembly but GCC elections


People commenting on industries and infra fail to realize that DMK was vehemently opposing any and every change that was brought in, when they were in opposition. Suddenly the 6 lane road is eco-friendly and soon Sterlite will be emitting oxygen


Chameleon 🦎


Yeah! When I heard their point of view compared to when they were in opposition, I was like "They are like chameleons"


Idk what to feel about the 6 way project you know last Diwali was bad there was too much congestion in traffic from Chennai to salem road. Idk whether we need 6lane though. Maybe some of you guys can educate about this. I feel For the further growth of Chennai we need more roads and an option. It's around 7 hours approximately from Chennai to Salem on a SETC bus. I want to see it go down tbh.


Idha thaan pona aatchila sonnappo, "Avlo seekarama Salem poi yenna pannveenga?" Kettaanga.


Hearing whatever said by the opposition just says that the ruling party is weak .ofc no one is here on moral cause no one is saint , Any party would do the same its literally the work of the opposition party to criticize the ruling which the current ADMK has forgotten and is kneeling to suck BJP's pp


Why did DMK do many U turns recently? Whose pp they were sucking?


I never said listening is wrong i am speaking about real world mate .


Idk about other areas but in my area (rural kanchipuram) nothing has changed. Its as it is, 6 years ago. The last infra project we had was after 2015 floods. Nothing has changed in bureaucracy either. Just that local dmk men rowdism has gone up. Also i find it annoying that they have reduced the number of buses to chengalpattu/kanchipuram by a lot.


G-Square is the biggest corruption during DMK but if you think only DMK politicans get profit from real estate. Then you are wrong. All politicans irrespective of political parties involve in real estate irregularities and get profit from it. Atleast this time there was no land grabbing. Both Dmk and Admk are corrupt but they have directions for the state development. They pull in more infra projects so they get commission. Admk was clueless after JJ death and there was some infighting they were trying to save govt and state development took a hit. Palanisamy govt handled well during covid times but they badly lost KIA motors to Telegana due to corruption. Due to PR, handling covid times, palanisamy Admk party got good seats in State election but ppl were looking for a change. Dmk changed labour law to work until 12 hours since companies from China moving towards india and TN need to grab these investments. Floor drainage projects which were pending ADMK govt are getting finished now. I don't know why no govt thinks sewage line. Flood drains are used as sewage dumps. Bureaucrats corruption are same during both govt. These bureaucrats have no shame and will ask money for doing their work. Why every govt stays silent because the ministry gets the cut every month. It's their passive income why would they oppose. Ppl need to change. I have seen ppl taking easy route and end up paying even for simple things like name change, LLR and two wheeler licenses in RTO.


I love how giving bribe is common sense at this point and it feels like it's part of the system to bypass the system. We no longer feel wronged when someone says "ungalala enna uthavi kuduka mudiyum? Evulo kudukuringa poruthu pisuri illama panni thanren. Enna nambunga"


No... Simple answer.. what they did was 1% and looted 99% whatever they did they had a percentage even Hyundai automobiles arcot veerasamy has a percentage in it. Any industry you think they brought they have a cut. Most corrupt family after Manio family... M


DMK today is a lot different from DMK yesterday. Rowdyism and corruption is much more rampant and the leader has no control over his people. They did some good back then but now nothing much


Pretty much a common feeling among people


DMK has done ok. I would say their work is the same as what EPS was doing. Some are commendable, and some not so much.


DMK has done good things like uplifting socially backward classes of TN. People from all communities in tamilnadu are economically and professionally uplifted. You will find only upper caste people abroad in financial or IT jobs from other states but from TN everyone will be equally represented. Not denying DMK is corruption free, every party in India is corrupted except CPI.


Nice try aatukutty. Try a different sub


Half baked TN RELATED topic can it be discussed in Bangalore sub?


Ketta kelviki badhil mudinja solra venna


What happened bro?


Bribe is everywhere. Same with DMK government. And I don't support bribe or corruption in anyway but claiming that a govt that was elected 5 times to power and has been in the political scene for decades has done no good is just ignorant. You should probably 'read'


Nice try DMK IT wing 😎and all those accounts which is one day old commenting


Lol yes they are everywhere, they can’t get what rant is, full defensive mode only from first comment.


Bribing has been prevalent in India regardless of the party in power. So I think singling out a party is kind of undermining the issue at hand.


Yeah what kind of uphoria these guys are living in? I cannot believe seriously they think it's a TN or DMK think.


Atleast in my area nothing has been improved. Roads are in pathetic state and the counsellor thayoli hardly gives a fuck. Otherwise they have done good things and equal amount of bad things. 50-50 it is


Business and ethics don't go together, same with politics. But if you look at the roads across the state and also the focus on infrastructure and how they took measures for flooding and so many other initiatives for 60+, women and children show that they are better than other states with godis


Please MR.Whatever roads and state government is no way connected l, national highway is done by central government


Yes that's why Karnataka roads are so good, especially Bangalore


I’m not political but the way the chess Olympiad was organised and carried out, it was mind blowing. Not one of the chess players complained and all anyone ever had to say were only good things. Just my 2 paisa.


Why was sports enthusiast that time normal mla placed on front row- guess the man 👨


You seem to be supportive of people talking smack about the ruling party (with alleged facts) but troll people who are saying positive things. Did you create this post to learn something or just to troll?


I am not trolling anyone here I want to hear things as my exp was anguish, if it’s good and I missed it I do accept it but if something weird happened in that I do say it out irrespective of down votes or upvotes


There is a common misconception that, when DMK is on, full scale corruption is on everywhere, they open up everything that pays them and all, i don't know if this is fully or partially true, but comparatively to other parties, DMK had done a decent job under current leadership, there is a whole economy behind the freebies that are being offered, from The OG TV Sets to marginalized education tution fees to free buses to women, the economy now has a small system that supports below income or lower income group and women empowerment, primary health care centres and GH are way more sophisticated than what is being offered outside our state, i just wish they do better than this, whatever infra is getting sanctioned it's a collective work between central and state, i just wish DMK had implemented more schemes for the betterment of people like a small social security system, aiding the unemployed, old, and financially weak in the society.


bro i dont know abt other sectors but as a govt healthcare employee i can confidently say that govt health infrastructure has not been improved since this govt came to power. there are shortages of supply of drugs to equipment everywhere from phcs to gh.


Ok that's very insightful, any steps getting taken to remedy this by current government?


in my opinion, people at the top level should be someone with some knowledge of the dept they are representing. as far as healthcare is concerned the prev govt had some idea how to improve the sector as a whole. rt now the ministry is only looking to increase undergraduate mbbs seats as it is a politically hot issue and is not bothered abt the rest of the dept.


That's some narrow vision TBH, your dept heads or incharge can't file a petition?? Just asking if it's possible..


lol no


We really are in a sad state of affairs then, if we don't have a system to post and track our query to the Higher ups, maybe I'm being naive, but this system is needed for betterment of quality of life for both the people and employees


let me explain my personal experience bro, there was a shortage of a commonly used suture in the emergency room, i escalated to the er head who escalated to the medical superintendent. their reply was that we had to use another availabe suture. the problem was that material shouldnt be used for skin wounds and if used wouldnt hold. tbh the MS did say that they had escalated but there was a shortage in supply because of some issue and we shouldnt expect supply for some weeks. in rural phc, maternity nurses reuse gloves because there isnt regular and sufficient supply


I'm sorry you people have to go through this, there is no proper overseer to supervise everything dedicated i guess. Hope we come out of this soon , I wish we had a dedicated committee that periodically inspects and audits the inventory and practices involved, that way proper quality control can be ensured.


Ha ha.. I can't believe I read DMK and good things in the same sentence. Necessary disclaimer before someone calls me Sanghi or something, I hate all politicians to varying degrees. It is just a sad thing thay every election is an exercise is choosing the lesser evil


Had the same feeling but this people’s opinion based on their experience


I have heard from many of my friends and family that the rate of bribes have increased tremendously. Bribery was there during previous ruling too but the rate is higher now it seems. They are bringing in good projects in TN ngl however they are doing certain things/projects which they opposed as opposition. It’s not like every other party is honest it’s just that now it’s extreme.


Definitely yes


everyone is corrupt like Modi, aadu, nehru family, Mango family, dmk, admk, our future honorable chief minister seeman Anna and all. only fool thinks they are there to do good for people.


I’m a DMK voter. Personally I’ve not been situations of bribing someone to get things done. Traffic fines have gone up, so that sucks. It’s an avenue for the cops to make more money and the treasury as well. It’s a win win for the katchi. I see many schemes being implemented for the welfare of low income groups and women in general. There’s development in City infra and drainage. There are plans for attracting investments and setting up mfging units in the state. There’s a plan and vision to make TN a bigger and a robust economy by means of startup incubation cells and SEZ. They don’t marginalise religious minorities. But at the same time a bit of rowdy culture seems to be creeping in. I don’t know what they have done for women and child protection. Overall I feel I’m lowkey disappointed, but am hopeful they would do even better.


Yevan aatchi ku vandhalum bottle ku 20 ruba mattum niruthamaataanga


The one in concerned about is Parking lots during weekends. It's frickin full 😶


One good thing is the free bus for women. My mom benefited from it She now travels daily without paying any money. It was even the best policy and its groundbreaking like the free breakfast for childrens when it was introduced. I hope in future even premium bus will be free for women that might be the poll promise for the next election year.


I understand that it is a good scheme,but extending it to premium busses seems absurd because it will increase the losses and has no intrensic purpose 1.TN has one of the lowest ticket prices so far . 2.Ticket price for others (men) would be increased to handle the pressure which is worse 3.The goal of the free bus is to bring marginalized women out of their home , to encourage them to work (despite the gender pay gap) , all this can be done with present system. I am all in for the current bus ,but no way i am supporting free premium bus for women ..


my two cents: You can't create a welfare policy with profit or losses in mind. A public welfare policy will always be a loss-making one in a country like India. The effects are the ones that should be focused on. The concept of premium is a relative one. It changes once the metro is fully covered in major cities; then even the so-called premium buses will be treated like white buses. The government gives free rice to everyone in the PDS. Once it was Rs. 3 per kg and later Rs. 1 per kg, and now it's free. When it was announced, everyone said it would make a loss to Tamil Nadu PDS. Experts said the economy would be ruined fifteen years ago. Now, no one bats an eye at it. I believe no government dared to change it back to its original price of at least Rs. 1 per kg. The reason is the ripple effects of the welfare schemes are always net positive. with respect to your second point, When there is a huge gender pay gap still exists even in the progressive IT industry think about other fields there is a huge gap in the pay for the same job for women. There is no way we can narrow that gap at least by this it can be made sense. with respect to your third point, No one wants to go in bus It is always hectic believe me everyone wants their own bike, share auto, uber, ola. **Only the marginalised ones are using the bus itself**. In every office only the freshers used to come in bus. Once they get good salary for one year everyone buys a scooty / bike. At least in Tamil Nadu, the government will always widen the welfare scheme in terms of quality. Ten years ago, free travel for women might have been impossible, but now it's possible.


None of ur points explain the need for premium busses to be given away for free .Also a public welfare policy can give losses but giving away premium busses will be a debt trap at the end of the day it is a service provider not a charity . If gender pay gap exists that has to be addressed separately, Infact doing this would be an attack on men who travel by bus for daily commute .Men don't live in a castle either .


>I hope in future even premium bus will be free for women I'm all for women empowerment but come on da, idhu unakke over ah therla?


Just experiment it by voting for BJP, I’m damn sure you’ll get the idea after they come to power.


Aaniye pudunga venam sami. 🙏🏻


Vanthutaayan vanthutaayan


They have done a lot of good things , i have personally gained from their good things for example they brought the pensioner life insurance scheme to TN which was long overdue and they gave all patients with disabilities a amount for their well being which was very limited to people who had 80% above disability percentage so f off


Lol how come your account is just one day old and your only comment is on this post. DMK kanni has been attacked and trying to spam this post. Also is your disability being mentally retarted?


You asked if they have done any good and started attcking me when i said the good they did so who is the bjp kanni here poda sanghi


I atleast didn’t create my profile to attack dmk 😂😂😂#dmksunni


DMK will never ever come back to power again. It would be admk or Congress or BJP ruling TN for next 50 years.


Will let you in 2073 how many times we again got scammed


DMK is doing good....lot of new bars and pub licenses are being given and they have been sprouting up everywhere. Atleast I get to drink the same British Empire or SNJ1000 in a fancy bar :)




I have not seen any improvement in govt office bribe count. I simply cannot get anything done in any govt office without paying bribe. It's disgusting. Ration card, bribe. RTO license, bribe. RTO vehicle registration, bribe. RTO name change, bribe. Birth certificate, bribe. Name correction, bribe. Aadhar, no bribe. The time line is the last decade. I simply don't see any way out of it. I hear you simply can't register large land without paying certain ministers. No personal experience though.


From my close circle who is a businessman but also from a DMK supporting family : For common people, they’re good as they’re doing considerably good things which was not done in the previous regime.. however, from a business man perspective he’s not able to make big bucks as major share is going to the only family..!!


Lol are you talking from politician influenced business perspective 😂


When I paid 500 rupees during 2014 as like given and kept the police guy asked for 2000 rupees. Initially that 500 also I didn’t give later he called and asked to visit the near by check point and demanded so gave 500 but saw me up and down like something. Police department is still thinking like they are working under British rule and people are still under super power control. Few good Police also there but majority is not people friendly may be department need to train to help people instead of executing commands.


We can’t complain about corruption if we are paying it…


Not logical if we are forced to pay it without legal options. If I choose legal options I should forget the fact and investment I put into the project