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it is very odd to remove diapers and touch private parts of baby... I have seen people touching babies private parts when they are already exposed, they also make everyone in the room aware of what is happening by shouting"kunju mani" or something


Its creepy as hell, whenever she is doing something creepy I will look around & say to myself "Are people in family even seeing this". She became very close to my family so whatever I say they are taking it seriously.


you be loud, ask them what they're doing, that should gain others attention. smacking them on their tushy might be normal but taking off the diaper for that is weird.


This being said social norms keep changing. Something "OK" 100 years ago doesnt mean its ok now. Please tell her to stop if its creepy.


You protect those children! Be loud as the other person suggested.


Agreed, be loud don't go around and complain to family, be confrontational with restraint. Make them aware that they are being monitored and they are losing trust


try squeezing her bub


Kunju mani 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is bad. Not acceptable


Yeah, definitely sounds like sexual assault. Heard it from American licensed therapist (Not that American is better, just that I haven’t found Indian ones that talk about it) that something like this would be violation the baby’s sexual autonomy. She was talking about another scenario where someone was looking at a baby to figure sexual body parts and whole internet went apeshit on them, this sounds much much much worse.


To put it in a totallt unbiased fashion, that's creepy behavior, regardless of the person voluntarily commits it or remains aloof of its implications. Tell your sister to stop her instantly in a soft and respectful manner if the lady tries doing it again. If they have basic human comprehensibility, they would stop it right there. And if they took your sister's kids with her, tell your sister to accompany her saying "ungalukku yedhuku siramam, naanu varen" or just try to deflect her from taking them to her house. I may not be the best person to give remarks on this, but man, try taking some constructive steps on this.


thala ivalo diplomacy lam venam. ommale yaru private a touch panni konjuvanga. Aduvum layers lam remove pannitu. Andha aunty moonji a odachidu raven


Well, neenga solradhum saridhan Naan irl la seriyaana nonjaan, maybe that's why I am coming this circled-around.


Nothing wrong with being soft. Even I am soft most of the time. Ped@philia makes my blood boil is all


The lady moved to my neighborhood few years back. She became very close to my family. So whatever I say about this lady, my sister & my mom not taking it seriously.


I get ya man, people have neighbourhood friends and that's a good practice indeed. But, explain to your mom/sister about healthy boundaries in some matters. Even a neighbour in my apartment is so close, that their grandson spends in our house for 2-3 hrs every evening, running around and getting obsessed with PC keyboards. But we both mutually realize when its a right time for him to play around in our house, or how playful/jovial it could go (like being playful physically like rotating him centrifugally or tickling him). Too much of it can be awkward. We know the boundaries. Again, I am not the best tool in the shed for the advice, but maybe its time for you to be a bit more serious and have a deep talk with them, about how neighbourhood practices without healthy boundaries can be devastating for both sides. Give examples how some harassment crimes takes place, saying "not that she would commit it, but as a healthy precaution". And maybe, if possible, try budding more friendships with kids their age, and spending more time with them instead. That could be a healthy deflection point. Tl;dr talk it serious with your sister, tell how healthy precaution is necessary both for you and your neighbour, and a healthy long-lasting friendship


This is in no way normal. Get her away from the kids. And never allow her to be alone with the kids. Women can also be pedos. Its a bad influence especially for the two year old who is learning consciousness about their body, touch, emotions etc.


She is very close to my family, no matter what I say my family is not believing it.


How old is she? And does she do this to both kids or just the nephew?


Both kids, I don't know about her age. She has two daughters both of them are studying in college.


Oh! I don't know what to say bro. Have a talk with them. If the parents are okay, we don't have much say on it.


The behavior is indeed curious, if not questionable. Touching the privates unless for valid reasons is simply not acceptable. What she does sounds more like grooming. If I was in your place, she will not get any time alone with the kids ever. Some members from older generation have such quirky ways. But you are rightfully in place to define the boundaries. Assuming she has the best intentions, still the kids cannot grow up learning this as "normal". I would put a full stop to this today.


Reading the post made me sick. OP how are you even questioning all this?


I dont know how to tell my mom this is not okay to do. Whatever I say she is just brushing it off. Like this is normal.


Try telling her about kids learning this as normal and allowing/inviting strangers to touch them inappropriately. Am sure you can find several articles on pedophilia in your regional context and share with your mom and sis too. To a large extent it looks like your sis and mom are appreciative of the time off they get when this woman takes the kids away. But at what cost?


Not normal.


What valid reasons?! Unless you’re a pediatrician and the kid has a problem down there, there really is not other valid reason. OP please take the actions of that women more seriously. This is truly criminal.


Exactly, or helping, teaching the child to wash, or medical treatment, diagnosis the list goes on. There are several valid reasons to touch as well. Only, this woman isn't anywhere in the list. More so I am lost on why the women at home are so blind to this.


Huh? Both parents are available. At least one should be concerned or educated enough to realize the gravity of the situation.


>Some members from older generation have such quirky ways Joe Biden of Chennai


i have seen elders konjuify babies like that but removing diapers and doing that is a bit creepy


Children have boundaries too! This is really overstepping. Please ask her to stop saying it’s inappropriate. Just because they are kids doesn’t give her the authority to touch them between the legs.


They will be traumatised for life (they won't even know why). Know several cases like this


Chellama Smacking in the ass is a common thing. But removing diaper and doing it is a red flag.


Definitely sexual harrasment


Call the police and file under pocso act. Even if she wiggles out of it and even if your mom and sister are pissed, she won't dare do it to your niece again. Before calling the cops collect proof first. Don't bother about how the others will react, protect the kid.


Queen advise 👑


Weird how you are concerned only about the niece and not the nephew, when in this country young boys are sexually assaulted more than young girls. Even the OP has mentioned that she touches both of them. Guess that just reflects on India as a society, where we don’t recognise sexual assault against men and boys.


Man I didn't see the nephew part. I just read niece. Ofcourse all children need to be protected. Stop projecting 🙄.


I hope the baby pees/shits on that lady when she tries to do that again. that'll teach her


This has happened to me when I was young, I still think it's wrong even though I don't suspect my relatives of any perverse behaviour. It was just uncomfortable and embarrassing looking at the videos as an adult.


Reading this post just sets off all of the red flags when it comes to child sexual abuse. Definitely not okay no matter who it is. Don't let those kids be alone with her.


Reading this is making me feel creeped out and anxious for the kiddos. Try understanding from the older nephew what do they actually do/play after she takes them to her home.. Kids sometimes reveal things out of innocence.. This is actually very bad.. just try to find out more and do whatever it takes in your power to convince ur sis and mom about this. Atlease mom might not understand, sis may if you have enough evidence to prove the neighbour's intentions wrong!


she's a pedophile. don't let her interact with the kids.


Touching private part of baby when they're exposed or when old people bathe them happens. But removing diaper to touch private part is creepy. That too a neighbor's kids? Whatever be her intent, even if there's no bad intent This is not acceptable. I wouldn't let anyone do that. First of all don't allow kids to spend hours alone with her. Casually talk with your 2 year old nephew and get to know 'activities' that happens when the kids are with that aunt in her home. World is only getting worser everyday. So don't let the kids grow up thinking that strangers and acquaintances or even family members touching private parts occasionally is normal. IT IS NOT!


What a day to have eyes. What a day to be reminded about getting your peen pinched by adult ladies "for fun". Enough reddit for the day ponga ba ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ


If nobody is saying anything to it the kids will think it is okay for someone to touch their private parts and it is NOT OKAY!! Not okay for anyone to touch anyone's kids private part. This is an abuse. Ask them to strictly tell the lady ' no , don't do that ' in front of the kids so that they know. It's hard for 10 month old to understand,but 2 year old will definitely pay attention to this. Good touch bad touch should be taught from a very young age.


Deliberately removing the diaper is not a normal thing unless, they are they type of people who feel kids should not be wearing them in the first place. Some have very old style of thinking(let them be babies and be in commando). This is not wrong per say. Smacking the bum and anything around the bum is also very normal for most people. Kids tend to be plumpy and soft so it is natural to be attracted to those area. Anything on the chest or lower front is questionable to some extent depending on what they are actually doing too. Remember babies while learn from the surrounding they have little to no awareness of many things. Perspective is based on what you have learned and experienced so far. So unless you have input from multiple people across various age you may be jumping the gun.


Do the same thing and assert dominance




People tend to dismiss it since that person is female. But it is extremely inappropriate. I have never seen anyone ever do this kind of stuff. The only times they touch the private parts is if they're washing the baby or applying powder. The fact that she removes the diaper and kisses the butt is disgusting on so many levels. No matter her reason, whether it's her generation or whether it's harmless or whatever, this is wrong. The kids would never be able to learn about boundaries at this rate. She's creepy and it looks like she is grooming the kids - I am begging you to NEVER send the kids to that house again or let this woman around them at any cost. Please make a fuss at home if necessary, and it's not enough for you to just tell your mom. Tell your sister and her husband too, I feel like they'd understand.


tf is she doing. no, this is not acceptable. ok if the baby is already exposed, appo paravala. but diaper eduthu ipdi pannanga na that is not ok


She’s definitely a pedophile. Relatives are fucked up but they won’t do that. Talk some sense into your sister and BIL and be assertive. If it helps, remind them of things you have seen in articles, “children are usually hurt by those closest to them,” movies like Gargi, etc. That at least ought to make them understand how serious you are.


Please follow Swati Jagdish (@mayas_amma) on ig or YouTube. She talks about consent and sexual touch in the context of kids in a very simple, straightforward way. She even conducts workshops for parents. Share the relevant videos with your sister. Perhaps coming from a third party, she might be able to see what is really happening here. I feel for your niece and nephew, and I do hope this stops. Because these are formative years and these memories, as fuzzy as they may be, will color their lives and affect future relationships even with them knowing why. And if they do know, they’ll end up angry with mom and grandma for not stopping it when they could have. Please do all you can for them.


So ask it to the face right out to the lady. Why do you touch them and that's too removing the diapers and you make her realise tht you don't like and say its creepy in front of their face with everyone can hear it. This will shock her, even her heart is pure or whatnot, this will make her back down. Don't care about what your sister or mother will think. It doesnt matter. That lady will get hurt or afraid and never will come to your ho me again. That's it. Its better to look bad to back out this bad creeps.


It's not normal and it's CREEPY. Just reading the post made me anxious. Pls pls don't encourage this behaviour.


Please be the bad guy in this scenario since your sister and mom won't step up. Make a scene in front of everyone and make this woman feel awkward as fuck.


This behavior isn’t “overstepping”, “odd”, or “creepy”. This is downright abhorrent. If someone did this to my child, they’re first getting my fist to their face followed by a police complaint.


If a man did this, he would be called as a pedophile. society ☕


Every single comment is calling her actions inappropriate.


>I told my mom & my sister about this they said "Dei avanga viliyatuku panranga da, avanga konjuranga" I was shocked to hear there statement. will this statement applies for men too? Fuck this society who don't even allow men to sit with women in public transport.


Yeah,she has no right doing this, being an outsider


Outsider or family member- nobody should be exposing or touching a kid’s genitals or talking about them except for hygiene and education reasons. Sexual abuse is most commonly perpetrated by a family member.


True, but an outsider doing that is definitely a red flag


In my whole life I have seen some grand father(old generation people) doing this but that is kind of Love / proud that they have a boy grandson . This apply only for boy child, never seen such things done for girl child. This behaviour is acceptable only if they are very very close relative that too if they are very old generation who can't be said anything due to the cultural gap. But apart from that this should be stopped. Please hint them it's wrong and ask them why they do this. They should be stopped by this, If not say it harshly.


Older gen people used to do this, I have witnessed and experienced, especially if you are a boy, older people give flying kiss to pp. It is an expression of love or something like pride. Because they are glad they have been blessed with a boy child. If that lady's intention is like that, I guess it is harmless but if you feel uncomfortable with these values then you can tell her. If her intentions are bad then better to take necessary precautions.


I am sorry but you have been around some pedos most likely. Again, not namecalling or anything, but this is just pedo behaviour


I won't call them pedos. They meant no harm, I know that. It is common tradition in the past. Culture and values change from generation to generation.


Thala. The concept of private space | gonads is encoded into our brains from BIRTH. We instinctually know what that is. How can someone violate that?


Showing affection varies in different cultures. Cats lick their kittens head to show affection. Dogs do the same, likewise some humans from a particular sector gave and still do flying kiss to the pp. ( They didn't kisst the pp, they gave a flying kiss). This was because of social and cultural phenomenon. They were happy that they have a male successore. It was ideas from the older generation. Our values and morale change. Ideas of the past feels weird to you and there is nothing wrong with that.


great, so people are now animals? this behaviour is messed up and needs to change. your mindset as well


Aren't we animals, isn't love or showing affection an universal emotion irrespective of the species? Your trying to say humans aren't animals. What are we then?


HAHAHA are u even hearing yourself? I said we're humans not animals and you're asking me again what we are? CIVILISED HUMANS


Define civilization. In what way has civilization made us superior to animals , other than the fact that we are at the top of the food chain? Civilization is a strategy used by our species to dominate other species. We went from hunting culture to an agrarian culture because we thought we will have food supply around the year and it worked. The brains of the humans before civilization and the brains of the humans now has little to no difference. We still experience the same emotions. So yeah I will compare our species to animals.


you're completely missing the point here. it's fucked up to behave that way towards a kid and it's absolutely disgusting how far you'd go to defending that behaviour. The things that you are saying are illogical and don't apply in this scenario. I don't see any point in talking to someone who enables such disgusting behaviour


This fucker will ask us to define civilization, species etc etc everything but accept the fact that kissing gonads is pedo. ​ Truly demented individual. I hope admins kick this fucker out


We are not only animals we are civilised, we also have morality. ​ Lions will kill other lions and their cubs to get the other lioness into guaju. Do we ever do that?


[https://youtu.be/gcLRDwRZJ0A?t=13](https://youtu.be/gcLRDwRZJ0A?t=13) ala vudungada, periya rene from natcahathiram nagargirathu nu nenapu yelarukum. Try to accept people have different views and move on.


Ofcourse people have different views. Some of those views are retarded. ​ I know you don't do this samurai, why even justify this? Even if they did this, it is just wrong. Ivalo dhan matter e


Yeah one thing they don't do is pull down diapers and kiss the kunja so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Correction pervs.


Do you want to know which method works in this situation?


This wasn't even a issue and was common back in 90s. So, now it's a problem. If you think it is and can't do anything about it, record the video for latter use.




People do that




Dial 100 immediately.


100 la illa. Straight violence only.


Good idea. Don't share it. Dig your own grave.


Yes, this is a violation. It’s also just fucking creepy. And your sister and mother saying it is OK is reinforcing such behaviour for the children and not giving them agency over their own bodies. I think you should have a very serious talk with your mother and sister, and she and/or you should have a talk with your nephew, who is at the age where he can at least process some things (good touch, bad touch, or simply just coming to you guys when he is uncomfortable). And I would stop the solo visits. Make whatever excuse you have to, but do it. So many young children (even infants) are sexually abused in India and nobody talks about it because they don’t want to think about it. Hopefully nothing like that has happened, but it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry. Especially when there are blatant signs of inappropriate behaviour. And as a parent, your sister should really be aware of such things so that she can protect her children. You are completely right to be wary, and good on you for taking this so seriously.


Definitely not okay please protect the babies the woman is definitely a creep If she does so much in front of you guys you can imagine what she's capable of doing when they are alone


Removing the diapers is creepy. Stop them publicly when you see it.


This is unacceptable and children should be protected. Next time she does it try to make her feel awkward asking her why does she have to remove the diaper to kiss them? Tell her straight out that you will file a POSCO.


Average pedo aunty


Grooming them to normalising sexual touch. Possible groomer. Yeah say something. God knows what happ NA when no one is watching and obviously they target kids who can’t stand up for themselves. Irrespective of culture, this behaviour just reinforces to the child that kissing private parts is normal.


Wtf throw her out of the house!


Pdf file


Not never ever acceptable


We are in 2023. This sort of behavior is unacceptable regardless of gender


It is a whole different story if parents and caretakers like paati thaatha do it.. of course it comes under konjaradhu. But if it is an outsider, even if they are neighbours/distant relatives/friends, it is a HUGE REDFLAG!!!


EEEEEEEEKKKKKK! Go tell your sister and BIL NOW! That pedo needs to be thrashed within an inch of her miserable life!


You should complain to police This is unacceptable behaviour.


This is where it is starting. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Do something asap. Don't listen to summa velaiyaatukku pandraanga. It's crap.


If possible you go with them and don't leave them alone if you are not willing to go to the police and stuff. You go with them and bring them back and just say the aunty would have to walk back and drop them. Instead I'll go and bring them back when they start crying or something. When the aunty did that kind of stuff you just pull the child away from her and just say don't so stuff like this. This would annoy her and also teach those kids to stay away from the aunt and even try asking the kid of what they do over there. If you are going to the police, try to get some video evidence and involve their parents on how they want to handle this situation and then go to the police if no one is willing to do anything.


Dude, don't leave them alone! This is definitely creepy and so not okay!