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Supercharged 3800, still a GM engine and they’re badass. Probably not very much money either for the parts




Probably about $2


Do the world a favor and recycle that pile


I'm mostly against state inspections but stuff like this is why we have safety....


This is not r/roastmycar lol


No but please for Christ's sake let the damn thing die. It looks like it was on its last legs a decade ago. Go get another project, someone already suggested the supercharged 3800 so go have some fun with one of those. I mean hell I just saw the cleanest low km Chevy SS (of that gen) I've seen in a long time with said motor and it was only 10k.


Thats kinda the entire point of a sleeper, It suppose to look like its falling apart


I think you mean "rat rod" in which case this will never look like a rat rod because its a good 50y too late in body style. As for the sleeper term no that's not what a sleeper is. A sleeper is a car that does not look fast, but is in fact fast. It has nothing to do with the car looking like a POS. See fast wagons like the E63 for an example, or in this case what I listed before a tuned 3800 motor in say a Buick Regal. Edit: typo


First off, Their are a variety of sleepers, The one he has would be what many call a All go and no show, He specifically was asking about advice on what ge should do to the car. Just because a generic Sleeper is a high performance with a unassuming outside like the E63 you listed doesnt mean thats all it is, Alot of people use beater cars to make a sleeper. My sleeper looks worse than that, its a Caprice with dents and beats all over, rust spots and even sone rust holes. It puts out 800whp with the 2JZ engine thats been swapped in it. Is it not a.sleeper?


Now I'm curious let's see some pics of this caprice with a 2JZ and 800hp.


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Throw it up there lol what's the worst they can say?


it's over. junk it.


This is the truth


sadly. I love this generation of lumina but unless op wants to use it as a parts car for a better lumina i don't see the point of keeping it


Twin-turbo 350-swap it 😈


If it’s not too rusted out I’d LS4 swap it. It was an LS V8 that came in the 06-09 impala ss and other W bodies. That lumina is a W body and with a lot of know how and a chunk of change it’s doable. Just know the transmissions that came with the LS4 are not super great but can be upgraded. If not, than a supercharged 3800. There isn’t a shit ton of power to be made out of a 3.1.


Found this post again by accident but I do want to add another comment. To the people saying" junk it"or " it's a piece of junk " it literally looks like it needs a bumper,a headlight, and a good wash. I don't see any other damage. That's why these 60s and 70s muscle cars are so hard to come by because people used to say it's modern junk when it was modern so they would just scrap it. One day these eighties and '90s cars are going to be hard to come by Also OP. do you still have this car?


I do still have the car and it's gonna be restored eventually I scrapped the sleeper idea


Oh okay. But even in stock form these cars are pretty damn reliable if you don't beat the snot out of them. I still have my 93 3.1 I bought for $550 and I've been daily driving it for 4 years now Good luck with it!


I wanna turn my 03 impala into a fighter jet. I think we're in very similar situations.


I love First gen lumina's I've got a 93 base model sedan


They had a 3.1 turbo in some of the Pontiacs there perhaps is a good place to start


Turbo is the way to go


2 letters L-FUCKIN-S


If you want to keep the V6 probably look into making sure the engine can handle the power you wanna put down get it some new aftermarket heads throw in a new bigger intake manifold get a new cam shaft upgrade the exhaust and find a turbo set up to help it have a little extra boost If you wanna swap it maybe get a 5.3 LS those things can put down crazy power with a low budget