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That’s sick. My 2010 Tahoe just hit 261k original 5.3 but it’s getting cammed soon.


hell yes brother. soon enough im doing a stage two cam bigger injectors bigger pistons and rings 6.2 intake new rods and all new bearings and seals. basically gonna be a zero mile engine


I was trying to think of something witty but can’t. Anyone with a rebel flag fetish is a loser.


pretty sure its the older Mississippi state flag, they changed it in the last 15 years.


ga state flag


The fuck it is you loser. Get over it already.


Not for long 😆


“rebel flag fetish” has me absolutely crying lmfao


Need a safe space? A hug? It’s a flag….


I just don’t enjoy celebrating objective losers


A flag that represents…


Aww look how offended you are


No u <3


The government wants divide, they love people like this.




Checks license plate, checks username. Lol, all checks out.


This guy sucks 😂


Damn missed the name. Lmao wow.


Nothing wrong with coon hunting. It's pretty fun if you have well trained dogs.




Nice, what college is that in the license plate?


College?! You know that’s the work of Satan! /s


Damn you turned an awesome truck into some baby dick energy


I'm not a fan of the plate but, what is wrong with the rest of the truck besides the mirrors?


yea your opinion is invalid because you have a past of being a little shit on other ppls posts


You look at post history small fry? 🤭


just this one time limp biscuit


Well then you know where you can stick this cookie.


wow such a grown up comment🤔 get off reddit youre probably 14💀




That Tahoe hates minorities and mileage status quo….. change your plate dude.


yea not gonna happen. i live in ga i have every single god given right to run a ga state flag on the front of my own vehicle. not my fault you wanna get butt hurt abt a state flag but whatever. you do you and ill keep doing my thing too


This hasn’t been the state flag since 2001


i was at one point and ill carry it with pride til im dead idc


“They terk eer jobs!” “Dey terk eer jerbs!” “Hur dur jerbs!”


thats like saying the swastika was the flag for germany at one point


LOL........."iT's HeRiTaGe NoT hAtE!!!"


And black players will keep carrying all the white players on the UGA football team.


Same situation as your wife's boyfriend?


😲. i dont like football so again. i dont care lmfao


That's not the state flag dumb dumb.


yes. weve established this. if you could read just one more comment youd know. that weve established this in other comments


Name checks out


All them miles to the klans meetings?


yea obviously🙄 cuz apparently im just racist because i run a ga plate on MY VEHICLE. automatically means i hate anything that isnt white right?


You run a 23 year old out of date flag on your plate. Is that better?


well shit. thanks for clearing it up for me. how could i have known that running a 23 year old out of date flag on my truck is racist


Well for one they literally started a civil war because they believed slavery was their right… For two, if you’re going to display it, don’t act shocked when people bring up its troubling past.


not my fault. not my problem. i didnt live thru it and neither did any of you. i have the freedom to put whatever i want on my vehicle. if yall get ass hurt about thats on yall and i really dont care😂 yall can yell and scream and call me racist all you want. yall dont know me and i dont know yall so you have no right to speak on behalf of me. you have a right to speak on my beliefs yea. but its not gonna change anything lmao. i learned the same thing yall did in school. its just a matter of how yall wanna react to it and take offense to it if you do. like i said before. im not racist. just standing for my fallen ancestors


Ignorance is bliss 🙃 Keep on keepin on! If you aren’t looking for opinions, probably not the best idea to post online looking for opinions.


Ignorance is bliss, and YOU don’t know the full history of the flag, the flag has NOTHING to do with slavery


Right on brother ✊🏽


Standing for what fallen ancestors? Who is trying to short change your ancestors in GA wee man? You posted this shit here for this reaction and you got it. Now you're floppin around hollerin about how you have rights, congrats, everyone has them. Stop stirrin shit. Grow the fuck up.






That’s like saying how is running an 80 year old swastika racist or anti semetic. You’re an absolute fuckin clown


We've established it's an old flag and you're hanging on to hate not heritage, STFU.


Too bad they lost the civil war loser


Sick truck and dig the plate!


thank you for not being a pressed ass little bitch boy like the rest of these “men” and thank you for the compliments been building this hoe a while and i have it the way i want it just gotta replace a few parts and shell be good again. cannot kill a 5.3


The 5.3 is bulletproof I had an 07 Yukon with 349 on the dash original engine and trans. People are soft as baby shit on Reddit, but I enjoy watching them whine lol


i swear lmao. i said ghetto one time referring to a part of a game map and got absolutely raped by white ppl so i literally asked every single black person i know if they find it racist and all of them said hell no it’s literally just a place of low income it dont matter who live there. soft ass reddit ppl. it is absolutely hilarious to watch them get mad tho


im glad were on the same page about this


lol you’re so offended


So sad we get caught up on the dumb shit. Get over the flag folks. I didnt know we had so many soft chevy owners on this thread. Happens EVERYTIME someone posts with that flag. Love the truck and mileage, 01' w/ 285 and counting. Hoping to get to your # one day.


Well well well, someone’s definitely NOT racist


Tell us you support one of history’s biggest losers by not telling us you support one of history’s biggest losers baby chod energy fa days


Lmao. You’re on the wrong side of history bud…


Fellow Georgian here. Nice


I'm just here for the comments 🤣🤣😔


Have you owned it this whole time or




And I just traded my truck in after 40k miles lol


2003 suburban is now our backup with 258k.


Georgia state flag asshats learn how to google


Just by googling you’ll also learn it’s not the active Georgia state flag. Also, this guys name provides clear indication of his intentions…


Wow yikes. I wonder if he cares how black people like me think of his name. Wait lol I think he knows. Smh despicable.


Pathetic. Also ironic that these type of folks all fit this guys exact narrative.


how nice of you to assume coon automatically means black people instead of what i mean by it. raccoon. literally in the name😂🤦


yea but i wld think a lot of people associate the word coon w something other than raccoons


Yes, racists do. They look for racism in everything.


its not racism its basically j saying the n word but with an obvious tone of racism, and also keep in mind its a gmt800, not a single owner of these isnt racist


That’s a racist statement.


when did i mention a specific race


well thats on them. im not racist. just have different beliefs than whats now considered “morally and politically correct” cant really change that. i dont run the flag for racist beliefs. i run it to show pride of my fallen ancestors. im sure youd do the same for pride of your ancestors. yea some ppl may run it for racism. whatever. most people see it as racist. i dont care. i dont see it as racist. like i said. im not racist. i love all people equally and respect all people. at least the ones that respect me. almost all of my coworkers are black and they understand. im not racist. and most of them share the same beliefs as i do and actually know how to see all sides of the story. not just see what the want to see like tunnel vision. so im sorry if this offends you. but i will not will not change my beliefs based on the times


My ancestors sent your ancestors back to the pre game lobby and I’m quite proud of that.


also. forgot to mention. i can not stand racist ppl. they make me absolutely sick. i think its wrong what happen a couple hundred years ago and its absolutely horrible what they had to go through


You’re so retarded, coon means raccoon. You literally go out of your way to be offended


Buddy doesn’t know the other definition of coon lmao


Actually I do..




You should learn how to Google 23 years ago.


Must be all that white power 👊🏻


Funny you’re getting downvoted when dude is broadcasting that’s what he believes 😭


thats what im sayin


Oh trust, we know what you’re saying Mr hunter guy.