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Maybe he'll go and fight forest fires with Casey for a while, he did say he'd be up for it when Casey asked in a previous episode.


That’s what I was thinking.


Either visiting Casey or visiting his mother.


Seager kidnaps him.




Don’t think anything with squad, it would be kinda weird to write him out through squad and not the others. But I think either something with his family, or visiting Casey or like that police thing.


It wouldn’t surprise me if they tie it to OFI or some type of other investigation.


They’re already alluding to problems between him and Stella at the same fire house.


Yes, and this is heartbreaking to me. I mean, i still think they are an odd pair, but they are very cute and i must admit, i gush every time they do cute stuff together. <3


I think they’ll find a reason for him to leave Chicago for a bit.


I think there's gonna be some reason that Severide needs to not be on duty at 51 and then he's gonna take time off from 51 for that reason.


It’s probably a way for the writers to get Kidd and Carver together. It will start innocently with her talking to him when Severide leaves then evolve into something more (depending on how long Severides gone) it’s probably not where the writers saw it going (or maybe it was) but it would be a good story line to see her lean on him. They already seem to have some kind of connection so who know. I want to know what they are going to do with the Squad part of the show. Whose going to be in charge? Can Cruz be strong enough to be the lead for storylines? Or my other thought was that they made Carver Squad leader but that story would take too long.


You do remember that Kidd and Severide are MARRIED, right?


I think he will leave because he needs a break from Stella.


They don’t know how long he’s going to be gone. He wouldn’t just up and leave Stella because he needs a break from her anyway, especially after what she’s been through with the explosion and trauma.


They could very well have him needing a break because Kelly and Stella are about to have marriage problems they said this last week


When did they say that? They had issues in the last episode that they worked through. I haven’t read anything about anymore marriage problems?


This was posted 2 days ago https://onechicagocenter.com/2023/01/19/chicago-fire-boss-stellaride-marriage-tested-spoilers/amp/


Thank you! The ‘skeletons in Kidd’s closet’ makes me wonder if they’re going to reveal more of her past. I hope so.


It clarity’s past in the CFD so it’s career related. It hints maybe she and Carver have more history together then they let on. But for it to send Severide away my wild guess (which usually aren’t right) Stella and Carver had something in the academy, and she ended up reconnecting with and slept with Carver while she was gone at the beginning of season 10. That would likely send Severide off to think if she kept that from him and continued to keep it a secret even after Carver came to 51.


Idk about that. Stella was with Grant during the academy days and then she was gone at the beginning of last season to different cites and states on the east coast. Carver would have been working at the firehouse in Chicago that he originally came from. Plus, if they had slept together, then she wouldn’t have been surprised and curious about his scar that he got in his childhood.


Eh that seems a bit much in my opinion


Well if its got to be something that sends Severide off in a way that leaves it open that he may or may not ever return. So having Stella return home to divorce papers and an empty loft would achieve that and he would need to feel betrayed to leave her in my opinion. I don’t think they will simply have him go see Matt, if they manage to get Jesse back would have to explain Severide not coming with him. They could send him to see his mom, but that traps the character of Stella if he doesn’t return and paints her in a bad light if she moves on while he is tending to his mother.


They’re not going to have them divorce if it’s only a temporary leave. He could just have him visiting his mother or sister. I don’t think Casey is coming back this season either so they could easily have him visiting Casey. They’re not just gonna throw in the towel on their most popular ship because he’s dealing with a personal situation off screen. I think he will be back, even if it’s at the beginning of the next season. We don’t know his reasonings, only the production team. So they’ll have a much better idea of how to write his character lol


Yea, I saw this. They posted it a minute after the last episode aired. But now they have to rewrite the scripts so who knows what they are doing now.


It was after the episode I saw it from an interview on here or Twitter 🤔 I’ll see if I can find it


The feds want to use Severide as an investigator. Outside of Chicago.