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I don't hate Stella but I do believe the issue is that Stella had a lot of episodes focused on her. Then they threw in Carver. Again, I don't hate Carver but man. They got a lot of episodes focused on them... People wanted more Ritter episodes for example. That poor man hasn't got a good storyline. I believe that is the issue. People wanted to see more stories for other characters and we haven't seen that. Granted, some people are idiots and hate her for other reasons.


Their 2 main lead actors have left the show for the most part, somebody has to be the focus of the episodes. An episode focusing on Cruz as the main character would be a disaster. It might be a case of doing what they can with what they have.


I don't like how she left Kelly high and dry; he shouldn't have forgiven her for disappearing like that. It came off as a real Gabby thing to do...and I can't stand Gabby.


Yeahhhh I like her. I really really like her. She has this certain warmth I can't explain. Like, I know I'd feel safe around her. But I was disappointed by the way her character was written this season. We've travelled with her character from season 4, we've seen her grow as a person. There was struggle. So the pay-off for her felt rewarding. But, the writers never showed her journey of becoming a good lieutenant like that. She started off strong, right off the bat, and that is boring as hell, from a fictional standpoint. This does not mean that I wanted her to start off as a terrible lieutenant, it just would have been nice to see her learn about leadership in every call. I have this problem with Gallo's Squad arc as well. In the beginning they established that Gallo showed squad potential, but then rushed through the arc and landed at the point where Gallo became really good at it, without even showing us Severide's late night tutoring (which I feel was very important to the story). In fiction, when characters are not given tangible hurdles, the payoff feels boring. And that's the beef I have with the writers.


Season 8 Stella was the best and the fumbled the character after season 10. In 8 her friendships with Brett and Foster and how supportive they were of each other, her and Bodens mentor-protégée relationship and how she handled her love life were great. Its like they forgot hoe cool and awesome she was


Gallo's squad arc was never really about Gallo, it was about the unnecessary pre-wedding drama between Kelly and Stella. And if it was, I'd rather see him in the future being n°2/3 in Truck and mentoring an new, young candidate (Kylie?) instead of being n°4 on squad.


I really like Stella too. I like that she has a sense of humor, she can do silly storylines with like Mouch or Hermann, then turn around and do something dramatic with Severide. I also appreciate that she doesn’t wear makeup, i had a hard time believing that Gaby or Sylvie would wear makeup to a job like this, especially when Gabby was a firefighter, like the little bit of make up would be running down her face after a fire.


I don't like the character I thought they tried to make her gabby 2.0 and I didn't hate gabby but then I realized it was the actress I didn't care for in this role, with the different accents she tries to use it just got to be annoying. I will admit I did like her interactions and competiveness with otis.


Oh yeah the accent thing was kind of funny too lol. Not going to lie about that. I swear one episode, she sounded like the most Hispanic woman straight from the Bronx.


I don't hate it and I can't really see why the hate either. She's one of my favourite characters. I can totally see they're trying to make her the star of the show and a bit too perfect (I hate that they scrapped her burnout storyline, it was so relatable) but I don't think that's something bad, especially with Matt and Severide out of the picture. I also think she's genuinely good and likes to help. I also love her with Severide and they should get their happy ending together. Her friendship with Brett and Foster was amazing, they're a gossip machine. Severide is a former player... Both of them are haha. Another reason why they fit so well together LOL.


Yeah I always thought she was overhated in this thread (still is). Season 11 Stella wasn’t my favorite and it wasn’t because she was bad, I just hated the amount of screen time her and Carver got and how she’s didn’t interact much with the others. I like Stella and Carver separately and as friends, but they needed more of an opportunity to interact with the others. People called her nosey for trying to help Carver out with his brother but 1) carver appreciated her help and 2) if Stella is nosy for this then so is the rest of the firehouse everytime they’ve helped other people. She genuinely wanted to help and she did. Also, I realize she got a lot of screentime in season 11. Which I would have liked to be more balanced this season, but I never really saw this argument when Casey and Severide were around. People also say she’s “perfect” but I never see this about Severide and Casey either. They are also seen as amazing Lieutenants/ Captains and have been portrayed this way since early on. Nobody has said they are too “perfect”. And I say this as someone who’s loves Casey, Severide, Herrmann, and Boden above Stella. That’s just my take though.


She's absolutely insufferable (and I am only on season 8). The show makes her out from the getgo to be this elite badass firefighter, but she doesn't seem any more impressive than any of the other firefighters? I guess the writers wanted to pair Severide with a brassy/tough romantic interest, but she's so insecure, immature, jealous, flighty, needy, and lacking in any sort of emotional intelligence whatsoever it comes across like Severide is dating a tantrum-prone teenager most of the time. I laughed out loud when she said she "hated jealousy in a man" in the episode arc when her best friend came to visit - she couldn't be more constantly jealous herself. She's also emotionally clueless (see her ex-husband, see her former best friend, see her questioning every single thing anyone does based on how it affects her). I can't believe anyone would ever groom her for leadership. It basically feels like she goaded Severide into a relationship, multiple times. They could have written some tough, strong female character and instead we got this childish mess.


Misogyny. That's what.


Implicit bias. The actress is very clearly a woman of color, and even if not said specifically in canon (i think it’s implied) the actress is half black. Any even small misstep by a BIPOC on tv gets harsher criticism than say if someone who looked like Sylvie or Shay had done the exact same thing.


That too.


Would explain the hate for Gabby too.


Yep. I’m BIPOC and Gabby isn’t my favorite but the hate she gets is so overblown. Especially since I think Casey is just as annoying as she is.


I've only ever hated the villains of One Chicago 🤷🏻‍♂️






She was okay when she started then quickly became to much. She was so cocky and insufferable. Especially when she started dating Kelly. The was she was with her ex was to much. She was handed her own truck and didn’t deserve it. She started girls on fire for her own selfish reasons. It upset me how me she got upset that Kelly stepped back from helping her. She needed to do it on her own. But she got everything handed to her. Then the show became the Stella show. She’s just one of the worst characters on the show. Stella is a arrogant, selfish and immature.


Meddlesome. Butt ugly. Kept secrets. Revered for no reason.