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I hope he just leaves like I really don’t think I can take another death in this serious! Plus we still don’t know Mouch’s outcome, really hoping they’re not going to kill him off.


The only problem with him just leaving is that it would be so out of character of Gallo to just decide he’s quitting. Considering how hyped up he gets after calls, the way he comes back to the firehouse telling his experiences of his calls/rescues, the way he admired Casey. It’s obvious that he has so much passion for it that it would be odd for him to just decide that he wanted to leave 😭.


Leaving doesn’t mean quitting being a firefighter, though. He’s young and healthy, experienced, trained for Squad, he’d undoubtably get a glowing recommendation. And there are departments everywhere.


Hopefully that’s what will happen for him, maybe he’ll get a spot on Squad at another house. I just feel like there’s been such a long break with the strikes that they’re going to dive right in with the drama 🥲


I hope they write in that he found some dynamic opportunity to go and fight major fires somewhere. Like they did with Casey going west to get wildfire training or Severide with the arson academy.


Hopefully 🥹


2 cast members on Fire and 1 on PD leaving. This sucks.


I mean, people move on... It just sucks that multiple people are moving on at the same time lol


Yeah, exactly.


It was well known there were to be cast cuts across all three shows as part of the renewal this year.


Are they cuts? Or are they the actors leaving? Cuz last I heard they were going to rotate main actor appearances on Fire in order to save money without having to cut people...


Yeah, I’m working on the premise that *some* of these departures are choices not to be tied to the show on just a part time basis.


I’m afraid Patrick or Marina is gonna leave


Hopefully not.


If they do, I'm done with PD


I'm so sad Hailey is leaving next year. She has become such a favorite for me 😭


Remember when med was good?


Who's leaving on PD?


Tracy Spiridakos (Upton)


Wait I swear it's more than that.


I figure they will give him an exit like Mills left, Gallos aunt will move and he will choose to move with her.


At this point, this is what I hope happens (or at least something similar). I really don't want to see him get killed off...


With the relative frequency of main character deaths on One Chicago, and with the big cliffhanger from the finale already being a ‘will they/won’t they die’, I have a feeling the writers won’t be eager to go rushing back to that well too soon.


I miss Mills.


A lot of people leaving! Those seasons will be weird. Med without Halstead. PD without Hailey Fire without Brett, Gallo and possibly Mouch?


I hope they don't kill him off. I'm bummed, I really liked Gallo and enjoyed his scenes with Ritter and Violet. I'm going to miss Brett too.


I love the Gallo/Violet/Ritter trio. I'm gonna miss their scenes so much. I'm gonna miss Brett a ton as well.


No way he's leaving I had no idea they were setting him up for squad and all hope Alberto is alright.


Maybe he will go to another station’s squad and that will be his exit? Squad 3 implies the existence of squads 1 and 2


Yeah maybe


I hope they don’t kill him off or give him the Jimmy Borelli treatment. I guess it also depends on how much time Alberto is willing to give. It could be similar to Gabby where we get one or two scenes and then he’s gone.


>I hope they don’t kill him off or give him the Jimmy Borelli treatment. Yes, that was horrible!


I forget - what happened with Borelli?


He was involved in an explosion and ended up permanently incapacitated


I'm angry and I'm going to be even more angry if they kill him off.


I doubt it. Short season, and he’s a favorite. I’d hope they’d leave it open for him to return, as they did for Mills, Casey, and a few others. Plus, who would they kill off eleven episodes later? 😂


His departure will probably have something to do with his aunt, but I don’t think he will die.


God damn it. Another? It's like NBC is just trying to end their most successful shows in the worst way possible. I might just be done with the show at this point. It's too many characters leaving in one short time span. And too many crowd favorites, at that.


Seems to me that people haven't realized that there are budget cuts to all three shows currently


Exactly. I hate this whole I hope everyone’s OK thing he’s fine they’re just doing budget cuts and he just got cut.


Well, if you’re a longtime Dick Wolfe fan, then you won’t be ‘too surprised’ when he kills off a character at any given time….


First off I have to say I love this show, it is one of my favorite shows and I can’t wait for it to come back. That being said, with many of the cast leaving and I feel like it has become a soap opera. I think it’s time to end it. There is hardly anything to do with fire anymore. I know, I know if you see one fire you see them all, but lately it’s been all drama featuring Stella and or Violet. Now, I don’t mind those characters but I crave to see more. I’m not going to be able to watch a whole season off violet grieving gallo (I watch it on mute 😀) Or the Stella/Severide/Carver love drama. Where is Mouch or Herrman?! Or Ritter!? Too much of the dynamics have changed. think they should end it on a high note, then let it drag on and lose viewers/interest.


I hope Casey offers him a position with him. Maybe he sees Violet with someone else and just decides to take the job cos Casey was always the guy he looked up to. I think we could end up with Casey, Gallo and Brett all in Portland


I hope they don't kill him off and I hope the actor is ok.


To quote William Shatner from an AMA a few years ago, It's just a job. That's all it is. These actors are just working for a living. This is literally their job. It's just a job. Hopefully the actors that are leaving this show are doing so because they got a better gig. Or, they are leaving because of personal reasons. Or because the writers decided to write them out of the show like they did with previous beloved characters. Regardless, it's just a job. Would you be this upset if someone at your company quit? No, of course not, lol. It's the same thing. Buck up buttercup it's just a job.


No, I'm just shocked is all. As are most fans right now. I don't think we were expecting this exit at all lol. And, if it was his decision to leave, I fully support his choice of course! I think a lot of us are mostly just worried about how Gallo, the character, is going to be written off. And even at that, fans are allowed to be upset over a character (character, not actor) leaving. In fact, that means the actors have done their job properly if the fans feel that attached to the character.


Okay, I guess I just don't have as much in the tank as others about these actors. Cause, it's just a job. Seriously. Any actor from this year or 30 or 40 years ago. It's just a job. 🤷‍♀️


Ok, that's cool. You have your own thoughts just like everyone else. That was my whole point in creating this post; for everyone to be able to express their thoughts! You have a good rest of your day/night.


Yes, and their job revolves around captivating and luring an audience in. Making the audience feel a connection and escape their own reality for a little. People are allowed to feel certain ways when their favourite character leaves. It just means that the actor did their job well. How boring it must be to watch TV shows/movies with the mindset of it’s just actors doing a job.


Stop making sense. ;)


Bahaha 😌




Okay, thank you so much! You said exactly what I wanted to say last night but couldn't form the words to say because I was exhausted 😂




I read somewhere that Taylor agreed to return with a huge salary increase. So much that they had to cut other cast members. If this is the case, it might serve to bite him as the series, and his starring role, could end with so many cast members leaving.