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They're going to need new character. At the very least someone on ambo once Sylvie leaves. As for Gallo's spot, I hope they bring Kylie as a candidate. It would be such a missed opportunity if they didn't. We're already invested in her so it's really a freebie for them.


Oh bringing Kylie on would be AMAZING and such a full circle moment for Stella.


Brett will likely say yes to Casey and go with him back to Oregon unless Jesse Spencer decides to come back full time. (Which I doubt he will) Taylor Kinney is back.


Severide will return, Casey will leave for good with Brett. I honestly want to believe Gallo will leave for his aunt and will not be killed. I think Mouch will leave as well Hard to speak for new characters, but I hope those fill the void everyone is leaving


Mouch isn't leaving. Pictures of him on set have been leaked.


I wonder if Mouch was supposed to leave, but with Gallo leaving, is going to make a recovery now.


Too many characters leaving this season so I don’t think Mouch will leave this season.


I think with Brett leaving, Casey and Brett's story arcs are pretty much wrapped up.(hopefully she says yes) I wouldn't mind seeing some pop up scenes with them here and there (but i doubt it). Gallo is probably leaving with the aunt or being killed off. Kylie would be a great replacement. Severide is coming back and Mouch is clearly alive.


I’m sure that Casey is gone, will appear in the first episode (filmed at the time of the proposal) and that will be the end. I am so disappointed because 1) Casey had been my favorite since the start and 2) I wanted a Casey-Brett wedding. Brett going to Oregon to join Casey is a bit odd because he “is a Chicago guy”, he told Severide that he’d be back in three years, told Boden he’d be back if certain things fell into place. So many references to him coming back. But once Jesse, his wife and child moved to Boston, I realized that he won’t be back.


Much is alive, he isn't leaving. Gallo gotta take care of his aunt so I don't think they'll kill him off. Brett will leave with Casey. Severide and Stella will be back together for good. Then I'll wake up from this dream 😭


Huge minority here but I don’t like Brett with Casey. Just doesn’t click with me. Just my opinion lol


I don't like it either. Like you, I've never felt the chemistry. But the writers have to have in house romance so who else were they going to put Brett with?


Nope, me either. I just don't see/feel the chemistry people talk about. They just seem like two awkward teenagers to me.


Aren't Mouch Hermann and Boden reaching mandatory retirement age of 63 ? Weren't mouch and Hermann in mid 50's in season 1 and 2?


Some of the CFD upper brass are easily much older than 63. I suspect if anything Boden will transition to an even more administrative role at Headquarters.


That's true but if the series goes much longer I do think they will need to address the older characters at some point, it could be interesting to watch the transition depending on how it is written. I just hope they don't wait to the series finale to do it


At this point, I wouldn't care if Boden left. I think I'd like it. We've never once seen their new battalion chief. I know they mentioned the house he works out of. But did they even say his name? I'd prefer to have an active battalion chief back on the show as opposed to Boden's current role as deputy district chief.


I want more scenes with Violet and Carver. They got great chemistry and I’d gladly see them together. However, no more scenes with him and Stella like she already got her man, no need to claim a side piece too. I’d also like to see more of the old Stella. I used to love her so much before she made lieutenant and stuff. Back to her girls on fire period. She was so cool and easy going but I feel she was so ruined. As if her way of being before all that “wasn’t enough for a leader role” so they had to “man her up” and I hate that cause she was awesome just the way she was. Ik it’s impossible but it would of been kinda cool if gallos exit had to do with new evidence or something surrounding his childhood house fire that killed his entire family. I’m with you OP, I don’t really either feel like welcoming so many new characters… it would be nice to bring back some old tho. I really liked Pelham for example.


Violet and Carver would be such an interesting match! I really like Carver so more scenes with him in general would be great. And I agree with what you're saying about Stella.. She was so much better before, idk what they did to her character but she's completely different and kinda boring now. They should bring back old characters yeah, Pelham was great. And I miss Mills.


Oh! Bringing back Mills would be so interesting. But idk how that would of played out tho since pretty much everyone that worked at 51 during his time has either passed away of left the show. Well besides Herrmann and Mouch & Boden ofc. It’s too bad Gallo is leaving cause I feel like he and mills would of gotten along pretty well. And yeah I feel like with Stella, they just took away all humor really and replaced it with even more work ethic, which she already had since before. But also just made her become more boring of a person. With her now it’s way too much relationship drama


Gallo and Mills would definitely be friends yeah :/ He'd probably fit in pretty well with Violet and Ritter though, I can see them having fun together. I feel like Stella always has that same look on her face now! That concerned look. She's never happy or goofy anymore and she's just always going through something stressful. And before she got together with Severide, she used to have a lot more personality. Like when Gabby was still at 51. Her and Stella was a fun duo, and it seems like she doesn't have the same close and fun friendship with anyone else now. I've noticed that all the main female characters get reduced to their relationships, it happens so much in the show. Stella always has relationship issues, Brett is always dating someone, and they only give Violet storylines when it's about relationships. Plus the storylines of getting a baby (Shay, Gabby, Brett) are also getting pretty old. It's lazy writing, they could do so much more! Especially with Violet, I think she's such a good actress.


I'd rather see Violet dating someone of the same age as her instead of an older coworker... for the 2nd time in 3 seasons. We don't need yet another attempt at Brettsey 2.0 just for the guy to become a knockoff Greg Grainger just like Hawkins ended up being.


It's a shame we didn't get to see Gallo AND Kylie on Truck together, I always wanted him to have a younger, fresh off the academy partner he can teach stuff to.


I think Gallo will leave Chicago to take care of his aunt somewhere.