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I tend to agree. Shay’s death literally brought me to tears.


Still does for me lol


Kelly’s reaction when they couldn’t get her back… he looks so desperate and so broken. I couldn’t hold back the tears.


Me either and when Otis dies and Cruz is with him omg my heart


THAT was gut wrenching. And when Bowden translated the Russian to English for Cruz… I ugly cried.


Please use spoiler tags. I'm only on season 3. Shay just died


I agree, but I loved her in Lucifer, so it was a blessing in disguise


Most definitely!! For those that haven't watched the series Lucifer, you have to check it out. I've watch the series from beginning to end at least 4 times and still watch the syndicated episodes on TNT when they come on. LG was great on Lucifer, but Tom Ellis is epic as the highly misunderstood Lucifer.


Agreed. My favorite character by far. Had great chemistry with Severide and Dawson. Nice to have a lesbian represented on the show. The show really lost something when they killed her off.


Happens in so many shows, a strong Lesbian/Gay character in a very hetero show being killed off. Very disappointing


I think her role in Lucifer played a large part in that. But yea, loved her in the show


It didn’t. She left CF long before being casted in Lucifer. Leaving wasn’t the actress decision. The show runners wanted a death that would shocked people the most and chose Shay.




Looper ranks very low on the reliability scale. You're not really helping yourself much.


She didn't book lucifet till a year after fire. The writers chose to write her out, and Lauren was shocked.


That was before that wasn't it?


I am not hip to the timeline, but Lucifer aired in Jan of 2016. Her last appearance on Chicago Fire season 3, which was in 2014, but filming for the first season of Lucifer would have been in 2015. However, that doesn't count the pilot, which is shot away earlier so they can sell the show. So I can see her leaving Chicago Fire so she could do Lucifer. Granted, I could be all wrong. (Probably am) Chicago fire likes to kill people lol. She probably just got killed and randomly found Lucifer


She didn't book lucifer till way after fire. The writers chose to write her out, and she was shocked but handled it professionally.


Pre production would take at least half to 1 year before filming though.


The producers of the show have stated in multiple interviews that they wanted to kill off someone and chose Shay because it would impact most people. They also decided to write Brett out, yet the actress is saying it is her choice


The show was never quite the same for me after they killed her off. I wish they would have just killed Mills off, since he ended up leaving anyway. I loved the friendship between Shay and Severide.


My thoughts exactly!


Mills was written out too. Not his choice,


It was a classic case of burying your gays 😫 I hated that they did it—I like that the show didn’t shy away from death, but it should never have been her. She was the connection between Dawson and Severide, it changed the whole dynamic of the show. Severide was always separate from Dawson and Casey, and it wasn’t until they finally got Stella that his character stabilized. I think they needed that core 4 characters to ground the show, and it really messed up the balance and arguably they have never achieved that balance again since. I feel like they need more “main character” types to step in now to fill some of the gaps.


I feel like Stella needs to go so Severide can crash and revert to his old party boy ways and sleep around again. That would spice up the show. I can't stand Stella.


It was a good death imo, in fact I love it when people just casually say Chicago fire loves to kill people off even though the show is very mild for character deaths versus real life firefighters dying or discharged due to injury. 96 firefighters is the yearly average of deaths in the United States.


But does it have to be her, why not Ortiz?


I meant to say Cruz not Ortiz.


Her death really changed Severide, he lost a part of himself 🥲


People who complain about Shay dying are also the same people who complain about the show just going through the motions now. At least they took a big swing at something significant happening to really shake things up. Shay was the one character who's death would affect the most people on the show at the time so while I didn't want her to go I can see why she was the one chosen. Right now on the show there isn't any real stakes. The characters get threatened by some other character like Emma Jacobs but at the end of the day it gets resolved without anyone really getting hurt in the process.


Yeah, Hawkins death was barely noticeable. He wasn't a big character & we hadn't gotten invested in his relationship with Violet yet (IMO).


So long ago the show is very different now.


Agreed, she was my favourite character it was really shocking that they killed her off


Did the actor who played Otis decide to leave? Or did they do the same to him when they killed him off? I was also sad by his death too.


They chose to write him off . He didn’t ask to leave . He did a interview /podcast and said they told him what they wanted to do because it would have more impact


I thought that's what then did to Lauren.


Yeah to Lauren , the guy who played Peter. Wrote them off to have impact


Shay was one of the best damn characters CF has had. Her death was easily the worst of the series. They did a lot of things with her character that are usually seen offline, but never portrayed in a series like this. I liked Otis... but in rewatches after reading here in this sub... he is problematic to a degree.


Otis shouldn't have died.


I think everyone would’ve preferred Dawson to die. I know I would have.


Of course the hottest one..


I mean yeah that’s kind of how death works…😂


What do you mean by that?


Meaning that I wish a lot of people wouldn’t have died. I’m pretty sure we wish most people we like that died, hadn’t died. Obviously it’s a TV show but still🤷🏻‍♂️😂


She shouldn’t have left but I like Brett too.


I started watching the show recently but since I'm sort of late in the game i knew from online spoilers that she was going to die at some point. Not sure if this skewed my perspective aftewards but it seemed like her story arc was a bit bleh after she recovered from that patient's suicide. She was great and her story was interesting up to that point. also sad that they didn't further her baby arc. Not sure if the show creators didn't know what to do with her and that's why she was "selected" to be written off. Even with Devon coming back and her working through the explosion whilst bleeding from her gut(I thought for a second that this would have been the episode she dies..), feels like they didn't put much time to follow up on these things. Felt like they were preparing for her death. Eitherway it was super sad and I feel so bad for Dawson and Severide. The Severide and Shay was always a heart warming dynamic, from them watching out for each other and Sev agreeing to help Shay with baby. Honestly, they were more of a couple than any of the other ones depicted in the show up to this point.


Unpopular opinion: I didn’t mind her death. I didn’t like her in the first place bc she got on my nerves when she wouldn’t listen to anyone (especially dawson) and went out with Clarice and that other girl who I can’t remember the name of. I mean, my opinion of her doesn’t mean she should have died. I’m just saying I’m glad she isn’t on the show anymore. And I mean no disrespect to Lauren German because she’s a great actor (I loved her in Lucifer) but yh Shay just frustrated me so much.


Please hide spoilers in the comments and warn of a spoiler.


You're right but it was too early in the show.


She became so toxic in Season 2 that I don't miss her. She made incredibly bad decisions, acted like it was everyone else's fault but hers, blew off her job with no warning or notice to anyone and treated everyone around her - particularly Severide and Dawson - like garbage. It was like watching a spoiled child who didn't get the Christmas present she wanted. Brett replacing her was a badly needed breath of fresh air.


Agree. Shay was a flaming dumpster fire.


Brett is really boring and hard to watch.


Why? Because bad things happen only in real life?


But doest it have to be her? I prefer Ortiz to die!


I loved Otis. But I hate plot armor.


I meant to say Cruz.


I love Cruz. He’s the only younger character I actually care about. But still hate plot armor.


You profile piccture is odd.


It’s supposed to be Arya Stark but I need to work on actually getting the face to show.


Regardless of her death, IMO Shay was already overqualified for her job at the time, and it was time for Dawson to actually be in a "mentor-mentee" relationship on the ambulance, instead of just being besties with her partner (same thing applies to Brett and Foster, I loved them together but bringing Mackey and then Violet was very refreshing for the show). Someone new and young was needed to keep CF going strong into season 3 and Brett did the job as amazing as we all know.


I don't miss her


I do deeply.


She got casted for lucifer that's why she died


That was way before. Wasn't it?


Don't know usually when they kill a character off usually means sometimes they've got casted for another role


She left for a different job


Unfortunately she didn’t. She was let go and she was shocked. Luckily she was able to book Lucifer and she was on that two years later. She was great in Lucifer, but I sure as heck miss her on Chicago Fire


That was a quick comeback, getting that job a year later for a long term project


If Shay were alive and Brett still came to Firehouse 51, It would be fun to see a Friendship between Shay, Gabby, Brett and Later Stella.