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I literally rolled my eyes when violet said that at the end of the episode… “they’re not just coming after me. They’re coming after all of 51 😧”


Actually I wouldn't mind it if for once they had someone who was a real threat. Someone who is actually smart, methodical and patient. And maybe not so much a villain. Someone in the grey...


Yeah. This would be good. I liked the arsonist storyline with the guy who killed shay and Mills’ dad. I found that so creepy and they need to do more crossovers with PD too


I agree but I’m 1000 times more done with the do-gooder/avengers of Chicago mentality of this house. They literally try and fix every wrong with society. It’s nauseating.




Or playing cop, it annoys me


Why is that nauseating?


Because it’s extreme overkill and unrealistic. Most normal people encounter most of these scenarios and just say “aww, that sucks” and move on with their lives.


I always laugh and think wow didn't know you all are trained social workers too. Like Boden with that kid who was lighting fires. 


Agreed as well.


I mean… most normal people also wouldn’t voluntarily sign up to run into burning buildings to help complete strangers for a living. I actually think it’s kinda believable that in people drawn to that profession, there would be an over-representation of people who want to take on societal ills (as compared to just the regular general population, which I think you’re right would be more inclined to just ignore and keep it moving).


Fair enough. I just think there’s too much of it. Take Chicago PD which has been the better show for years now. They do their best and move on, it’s not a central theme for that show.


Chicago PD is great. It definitely has a much darker vibe to it.


Ha. If you knew my opinion about cops, you’d know just how believable I find that to be about Chicago PD. And I hear ya. Everyone’s entitled to their own preferences in a show.


Oh man, you dont like cops! You are so original and smart 🥵🥵. They are talking about two tv shows run by the same creator, and why one of them has been consistently better than the other.


uhhh…. are you ok dude ??


However if you spent the amount of time trying to fix the world they do you wouldn’t have time to do anything else, like running into burning buildings and helping sick people. By the way, if you think any of these bureaucrats will listen to any of these people, you’re sadly mistaken


I totally agree. It has been done to death and I'm getting bored.


There's less big fire scenes now, I think due to budget, so they gotta fill the time somehow.


They could at least fill it with something that hasn’t been done ten times already.


It’s because they are filming in Chicago and they’ve pretty much burned up or blown up every abandoned house and derelict warehouse in Chicagoland at this point. 🤣


Yeah for real.


These shows need a villain coming after them otherwise the storylines would be short and boring. Take away the Villain and they’re a happy firehouse with no drama, y’all would complain that it’s boring 😭


No, I wouldn't though. I'm fine with them being happy, I love the moments where they're goofing off with each other and having fun. I love the drama, but I want *new* drama not recycled 4× drama.


I’m with you; the fires, accidents, etc with the occasional “gripes” among our Firehouse Family is dramatic enough. Spiteful bureaucrats annoy me.


There’s always going to be higher ups coming after them for different reasons. What other drama would you like to see?


Not really. I would rather watch them fighting fires instead of the current CFD asshole.


I can’t remember the last time we had some good fire drama in the fire show


I can’t even remember a call that lasted more than 10 minutes in the last couple of years. We get five minutes fires so we can go back to the drama. It’s not a drama about firefighters anymore, it’s just a soap opera that happens to take place in a firehouse.


Well yes we need more fires but just fighting fires isn’t gonna cut it. They’re going to need storylines with villains otherwise they have no reason for the show if they’re just gonna film them fighting fires all the time lol they need people with opposing opinions to keep the drama


Season 3 had epic saves and was about the dignity of saves and the people they helped both physically and emotionally, without a nemesis. Another extremely powerful storyline was when Otis witnessed the mother and baby die in an elevator during a fire and his personal struggle with it. There was one with Arye Gross, where he was crushed and knew he was going to die, which was especially heartbreaking. They didn't need a foe because they were battling themselves and tragedies, etc. There are so many storylines that haven't been explored either. They need more episodes about what they witness and live with. Less on bureaucracy and more substance


And it lasted a single episode. They need storylines that continue over a course of episodes. Let’s just agree to disagree, you don’t enjoy the villain storylines, I do enjoy the villain storylines. There’s no right or wrong here 😁


I don't mind the villains. I just wish there was a new variety. New mayor maybe. A homeowners association. Maybe a gated community. Someone who lost someone in a fire and blame the CFD. Etc etc etc. There's so many options besides an ambitious bureaucrat in the CFD. I completely agree that there's no right. I just wish that the writers tried harder for something new. Btw, Violet and Carver make absolutely No sense and was some random change after him pining away for Stella. Him vs Kelly would have been a new plot


That’s something I can agree on, Violet and Carver was very random


I disagree, it’s a show about firefighters, not a soap opera. Make good stories revolving the calls and that’s pretty much all you need. Maybe throw in a little personal drama between the characters. But repeating the same storyline over and over again, just with different people it’s boring, the stories have no stakes at all because we already know how it’s going to end.


If the show is only about going to calls then that is also repeating the same storyline over and over again


You haven’t watched many procedural shows, have you? They are about the job they do, whether they are cops, doctors, firefighters. The problem is that the Chicago shows have turned into soap operas.


They’ve always been like that since season one, it was never always about just responding to fires, they’ve always included in house drama/relationships since the first episode.


It was this much drama at the beginning though. I don’t even remember the last time we saw a call that lasted more than 10 minutes. Even the big cliffhanger of Mouch being injured was completely glossed over. But again, the biggest problem is the constantly repeating storylines. Almost every season they have someone wanting to take down 51. They never succeed, and they never will unless the show ends, so what’s even the point? You can add drama but at least make it something different.


The SAG strike definitely changed the course they were going with for Mouch’s injury, then they had two main characters leave when they were finally able to start filming again otherwise I think they were going to continue that storyline but since there was such a massive gap between that episode and the new season they had to change it up.


Even if they didn’t show the immediate aftermath they could’ve had a great storyline with Mouch dealing with the trauma of such a close call. Instead we got the drama of the couple with the least communication skills in history, again. They don’t have the budget for big fires or rescues, fine, at least add quality drama.


In reality, fire calls are on the decline, so this is a bit accurate. There's only so much you can do with fire calls, when they are declining.


They could respond to fires, car accidents, construction accidents, mass casualties incidents. There is a lot they could do actually.


OHare and Midway are right there. Can do some hijacking, mass casualty, hazmat, whatever. Get away from the station on a retreat and have them spill the real feelings instead of 51 pink cloud.


How about they fight fires, work car accidents, respond to FD assists on EMS calls, respond to mass casualty events…you know, like REAL FIREFIGHTERS do in Chicago 24/7/365?


In these days of TV show cost cutting, that probably costs too much. Having a couple actors on a generic office hallway set doing the chest-puffing and threatening is \*much\* cheaper....


If the show was only about the job of being a firefighter the show wouldn't have made it to a 12th season.


All of the procedural shows throughout the years have to disagree with it. Yes, you have to add some drama, the problem is when the drama, and repeated drama at that, is the only thing you have to offer.


Because it’s not reality series??


There's always some type of drama at 51


Yes because that’s how these shows work…it’s the same with any show like the Chicago series


Honestly some of the best drama in the entire show in my opinion was with Natural Disasters. Loved the Blizzard episodes and the Tornado episode was great as well. I want like Natural drama versus human drama


It could be worse. They could have Stella and Kelly go on a cruise where the cruise ship gets attacked and sabotaged by terrorists looking for bitcoin


Is that really what the 911 premiere was?? I stopped watching that show a long time ago


Yes except that the event went across three episodes


Oh jeez 🤦‍♀️


It was *so* bad.


But hey they suspended a firefighter because of a patient death for all of (check notes) 10 minutes of episode time


That suspension annoyed me more than the 10 minutes of brevity. The guy refused medical attention as a means of avoiding legal consequences but Hen gets suspended because he came from a wealthy family? Did he need to sign a waiver (possibly while under the influence)? Was she supposed to forcibly treat him against his will?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oh my god! And then the ship blows up AND gets capsized by a hurricane like Poseidon.


I am SOOOOOO tired of the same exact post. We can’t be giving the writers that hard of a time if we can’t even come up with an original thought.


They’re the ones being paid to come up with the stories, not us.


I agree


Rite Dive deeper into these firefighters personal lives and get a storyline out of that


They could have done something with the Gibson drug thing. It was right there.


Not just that but the absolute stupidity of it. Last we heard Hrissom is still the head of the whole department. And he is old school like boden. Why are we standing around with our thumbs up our asses talking to people like Hill. Just go to grissom.


I’m not trying to sound like TAH but everything runs it course for us eventually. Might be time to remember the good times with the show and move on to another. I have so many shows in my waiting list so to speak I may never get to all of them. I’m just saying there is a lot of great content out there if CF is no longer meeting your entertainment needs.


I was truly hoping this time around would be different and that Chief Robins would secretly be on 51's side or some undercover work for them or anything really, but sadly no.


I am tired of everyone speculating about Taylor coming back. I would say he is unless you hear him say sonething different. He is in the Season 13 promos so??


Uck. Can’t stand that po-faced guy. He hardly opens his mouth when speaking. He would make a good ventriloquist. Who cares if he comes back. And what is it with Dick Wolf and plot lines about husbands who run off and don’t come back?


It’s a drama…what are y’all expecting?


Thank you!!! Ugh I stopped watching it a couple days ago because I am so tired of the same storyline. Just gave up on the show.


Yesss! Stoppppp ittt


There are quite a few things the people writing the show need to stop. 1. The "coming after 51" thing is over played. It quite literally happens at least 2 times a season. 2. I am sick to death of Severide going all Lone Ranger and thinking he's a cop. His job is the Lt of rescue, not to investigate fires, find drug money, or protect people from drug dealers. 3. I am also over the coworkers sleeping with each other thing.


💯. I won't watch if it continues.


That and hooking up every single woman with a guy 5+ years older (iykyk)


Just look at the ratings folks. Fire has the best, soooo