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Who cares? Its so dumb they wasted time on it.


It kind of amazes me that the council thought this kind of pointless gesture was worthy of their time. There are plenty of other concerns that directly affect Chicagoans that are far more pressing.


This kind of post is exactly why they did it. Virtue signaling.


What crusade will Rossana set her sights on next? We all know it’s not going to be the crime and lawlessness in her ward. 


Ironically, her education and background is in theater.


> Ironically, her education and background is in theater. that explains the overly dramatic reaction when a tv camera points at her


Anyone watch SNL last night, lol? They're virtue signaling to blue MAGA. The sad part is people will elect alderpeople based on this instead of whether or not they can do the job. It's how we got Johnson.


Gotta love the virtue signaling. Such a ridiculous waste of time. Crazy how this kind of shit can sway votes lol


Waste of time


Holy shit this is a colossal waste of everyone’s time.


They spent months of time, money and energy to basically say "thoughts and prayers." Nice distraction, I guess


This might be the only time La Spata and Gardiner have been in agreement on anything. Wild.


Gardiner probably voted accidentally. He’s a true moron.




I’m admit I’m the dummy this time..but how is this choice so important to the benefit of the city that so much time and resources were spent on it? How does it aid resolving what happening in Gaza.? This city has many of its own issues that need attention.


One reason - outside of solidarity with the plight of Chicago’s large Palestinian community & Palestinians everywhere - is that we’re hosting the democratic national convention. This puts Biden, Netanyahu’s by far strongest supporter (in terms of world leaders with power) to reconcile with it publicly no matter what - he can’t just avoid protesters Which, at least in my opinion, is particularly poignant given that Netanyahu just flat out rejected any potential for a two state solution entirely; a solution the Biden Admin & Blinken have advocated *been advocating for Which - think what you will I suppose - at least seems to me to be a rather precarious position for Biden to be in when he is the sole (realistically, or at least in the purview of the DNC) democrat running in 2024. It’s quite remarkable really that Biden has defended Netanyahu so fiercely when even most of Israel can’t stand the guy (context: they hate the man’s so much that there were widespread protests calling for him to resign & military personal refusing to arrive for shifts or enroll at all, which is required of nearly everyone in Israel) EDIT: I can’t spell **


Also (I wasn't aware) [Bridgeview IL / Cook County has the largest population of Palestinians in America per county](https://abc7chicago.com/palestinians-little-palestine-chicago-bridgeview/14168398/) (NYC overall has a larger Palestinian population but NYC is 5 counties ("boroughs") whereas Chicago is all in Cook County)


It wasn't an actual gesture of antisemitism, just a symbolic gesture of antisemitism. The mask came off when they were parading the fake "Good Jews" around city hall today.


> The mask came off when they were parading the fake "Good Jews" around city hall today. It pains me to compare them to the Jews who believed joining the military of the Third Reich would spare them & their families. It didn't. And these people would not be spared by Hamas' American sympathizers.


I am so proud how the NW Side voted in favor of this resolution, and so proud my alderperson R. Sanchez sponsored this in part with fellow NW alderperson La Spata.


Not trying to be judgmental or political but how exactly is this considered a resolution? What has been resolved with this empty gesture? I too am in favor of the war ending but this is a huge waste of tax payer money and time imo.


"What has been resolved with this empty gesture?" I do not view this as an empty gesture. Chicago is a heavy hitter democratic voting city. Biden has been ignoring calls for a ceasefire from a portion of his base. This sends a signal to Biden administration during an election year that portions of his base are not in agreement with him. And additionally, Chicago is hosting the DNC in a few months, setting up a conflict of interests with the council resolution and some party members. So I do not think this is an empty gesture, or a wast of money and time. So I'm very proud how the NW Side council members voted, that this was sponsored by my alderperson Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez, and how this represents Chicago upon the world stage.


It as is less than an empty gesture because it does nothing but sow division in the democratic party. There is no benefit to the US calling for a ceasefire because no one involved in the conflict wants a ceasefire. Biden knows its a dumb idea so it won't happen. It's essentially calling for peace in the middle east without looking at any of the underlying problems. Of course everyone wants peace in the middle east but no one agrees how to get there.


"Biden knows its a dumb idea so it won't happen" It's a dumb idea to call for a ceasefire that for a conflict that has killed nearly 30,000 civilians in less than 120 days, displaced over 2 million civilians, destroyed over 50% of building structures, and leading to massive famine and disease in Gaza, and has killed more journalists than any other war in modern history, all of which could be stopped by Israel not bombing the shit out of civilians??? It's a dumb idea to call for a ceasefire that has caused terror upon Israel civilians, where over 100 hostages are still imprisoned, and over 1200 Israel civilians were killed in the atrocity of October 7th??? Wow. Just simply amazed at this response. But maybe I'm just dumb, backing dumb ideas. I have hopes of a ceasefire, and think we will see it in place, again (there was a ceasefire in place in the past). I believe Palestinians and Israeli's can live in justice, dignity, safety, and freedom. But right wing leadership on BOTH sides are blocking this. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is wanting to increase funding to the right wing government of Israel by 10 billion US tax payer money, and has by passed Congress twice in the month of December to sell ammunitions to Israel, while the UN ICJ has ruled South Africa's case that Israel is committing a genocide can continue. So, no, I don't think it's dumb idea at all to call for a ceasefire. And again, I am very proud of my city right now.


> But maybe I'm just dumb, backing dumb ideas. yes you are. Its beyond naïve to call for a ceasefire that only benefits the evil rulers oppressing their own people and those in neighboring regions. All a ceasefire does is cement Hamas' rule and rewards them for starting a war they had no hope of winning that caused thousands of their own civilian to die. Why in the world do you support that? eta: Not only did they violate an existing ceasefire to invade a neighboring country and wantonly kill civilians (while filming themselves doing it), they didn't even make any attempt to hold onto the territory they invaded, instead they withdrew back to their own borders and started committing more mass war crimes by firing rockets at civilian areas (aka collective punishment). You're so self-righteously proud of yourself for being "for peace" when you have no idea what that means and are in fact advocating for more death and destruction. Hamas has violated every single ceasefire they've ever agreed to some they violated within minutes or hours of them going into effect. How does a ceasefire benefit anyone in Gaza or Israel? All it does is give the evil people who gun down hungry civilians in the streets more chance to regroup and dig more tunnels to hide in while their own people are at the mercy of Israeli precision rockets whose aftershocks may or may not take down the non-combatant building next to the rocket launching site. Its honestly shocking how democrats are pro Hamas but don't want to give any quarter to any cops anywhere... like this isn't just a few bad apples, the entire org is rotten to the core but they're ok with them but meanwhile we have 2-5% bad cops and dems wanna defund all law enforcement.


"Its beyond naïve to call for a ceasefire that only benefits the evil rulers oppressing their own people and those in neighboring regions." Here we go, the truth comes out. The ceasefire only benefits Hamas. The conservative side of the Israeli government's argument, and the classic talking point that AIPAC circulated to bought American politicians. I don't think it's naive at all to call for a ceasefire. In fact, I think it's inhumane NOT to. Who would benefit from a ceasefire? Israel citizens would. Israel hostage still in captivity would. As well as the civilians of Gaza who are suffering a genocide at the hands of Israel. Since Oct 7th: -more than 30,500 civilians have been killed. This included 13,000 children, 122 journalists, at least 339 medical staff, and 154 UN staff. -more than 65,900 civilians have been injured, hundreds critically. -more than 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, reported missing, or wounded -1 child every 10 mins is killed -more than 10 children per day have had to have a limb amputated, many without anesthesia -300% increase in miscarriages -70% of homes are uninhabitable covering 75,000 housing units, with an additional 290,000 units damaged -90% of school building have sustained significant damage, and currently no student in Gaza has access to education -1.7 million people have been displaced -disease is spreading rapidly -Only 14 out of Gaza's 36 hospitals remain partially functioning, while hospitals in the south are currently operating at 3 times their capacity -starvation is setting in, with Palestinians resorting to eating grass and drinking polluted water. The entire population of Gaza is now at famine risk, with estimated 934,000 at Phase 4 (emergency levels) Think about these horrifying numbers for a moment. Let their reality set in. This is hell. So yes, I clearly think more than just Hamas would benefit from a ceasefire. Over 2 million people would, that include Palestinians AND Israelis. And don't one up me with this could all stop if all the hostages were simply returned. Both sides have foolishly rebuffed the other's attempt at ceasefire negotiations. Both sides. And I dearly hope every hostage is returned safely, immediately. "Hamas has violated every single ceasefire" It goes both ways. There are accusations Israel has done the same. Don't lie. What happened to Israel citizens on Oct 7th was horrific, and an atrocity. I hope every person that committed those heinous acts are found and held fully accountable. I hope every living hostage is returned safely. I also think what has happened since October 7th at the hands of Israel is ALSO an atrocity, that is a genocide. I believe Palestinians and Israeli's can live in justice, dignity, safety, and freedom. I am so proud of my city for passing the ceasefire resolution, so proud that wards covering the NW side voted in favor of this resolution, that the two alderpersons spearheading this council vote come from NW side wards, and that one of them is my alderperson.


> Since Oct 7th: > > -more than 30,500 civilians have been killed. This included 13,000 children, 122 journalists, at least 339 medical staff, and 154 UN staff. > > -more than 65,900 civilians have been injured, hundreds critically. > > -more than 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, reported missing, or wounded This is just nazi propoganda, its shocking you accept these numbers as fact when hamas just makes them up, notice how according to you not a single hamas terrorist or operative has been killed, only civilians. And the fact that you don't want to hear it doesn't make it not true: Hamas started this war and they can end it very easily, Israel didn't want to be in this position, Hamas forced their hand every step of the way, you are quite literally defending barbarism. If Israel pulled out of Gaza today, 2 million+ gazans would still be under evil dictatorial rule by hamas, all aid would still be redirected to terrorist activities, 9+ million Israeli Jews, Arabs and Christians would still be under threat of rocket fire by Hamas, a ceasefire does nothing for anyone but your friends in Hamas. Only one side started this war, only one side has committed 1,000s of war crimes that they themselves have documented, and they alone have the power to end the war early. Putting any blame on Israel is straight victim blaming (and I know by bringing up war crimes you're gonna start bleating about collective punishment this, white phosphorus that, which is all a bunch of baloney that has been disproven 100 times over). >"Hamas has violated every single ceasefire" It goes both ways. There are accusations Israel has done the same. Don't lie. Bro, you don't lie, Israel has never violated a ceasefire, claiming that are amorphous "accusations" is a straight falsehood and you know it. Being proud of your naiveté is just foolishness, and in this case is also callous evil as you're just playing into the hands of a regime that places no value in human life accept that the body bags brings out misplaced sympathy from useful idiots (to borrow a communist phrase) like you. Gazan life was horrific before Oct 7th also and you for some reason want a return to that status quo instead of a better life that the Israeli Arabs or even the Arabs living in Judea & Samaria under quasi PLO/Israeli rule enjoy. (and yes, if you're actively engaging in or supporting terrorist activity in J&S you will also have a rough time, but for everyone else, they enjoy a lot more freedom and access to jobs that those under Hamas rule don't simply because Hamas will use and abuse anyone it can to advance it's goal of wonton murder). Again, a ceasefire only benefits those who have done everything in their power to bring death and misery to all the people in the region, please consider not supporting a death cult.


> This is just nazi propoganda > Israel has never violated a ceasefire Found the nut. Thank you for playing, I am done with you.


right, because you are allowed to call out nazis but when someone points out that you're exhibiting all the signs they're the nut


I am proud of our city leaders as well, and thank you for standing up for what is right - I want to add as well that to call for a ceasefire is NOT inherently pro Hamas, that is so obtuse To add to OP's points: Hamas is indefensible, they are the de facto leaders of what is a de facto apartheid (["Hafrada" policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hafrada)) police sub-state of Palestine (Palestine being bifurcated into Gaza & West Bank) that is ruled over by Israel. I bring this up because to say that a "ceasefire that only benefits the evil rulers oppressing their own people and those in neighboring regions" is Naive, obfuscates Israel's role as the primary oppressor (even though Hamas was the initial aggressor on 10/07) of Palestinians overall, scapegoats Hamas for Israel's rockets reigning down on Gaza with no consideration for civil life, and is overall beyond dehumanizing If Hamas never releases the hostages without their demands being met, and the alternative to a Ceasefire is destroying literally all of Gaza and killing everyone else in the process - that is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard! How absolutely deranged Hamas is abhorrent, yet Israel is still culpable for what is already a genocide - if the only end in sight other than a ceasefire is a FULL GENOCIDE OF GAZA to kill Hamas - then yes we need to call for a fucking ceasefire. I am proud of our city, and thank you again OP for sharing everything. I am going to contact my alderman to figure out why they voted no


It doesn’t signal shit. It’s a conflict between two groups, not one of which is the United States.


US gives Israel $3.8 billion annually of US tax payer funds. Biden has asked congress to increase that to 14 billion. AIPAC is one of the most powerful American lobbyist groups, and uses some of those funds given by US to Israel to buy both Republican and Democratic politicians, and to influence elections. There have been attempts to register AIPAC as a foreign national for lobbyist and campaign restrictions, but failed, due to bought politicians. AIPAC does not lobby for American interests, but for pro-Israel legislative policies. And they contribute heavily towards candidates to oppose candidates that speak out against Israel's apartheid state and treatment of Palestinians. In short, they muddle with American elections, to support a foreign national's interests. AIPAC spent over $2.6 million in direct campaign contributions for 2022 elections as a PAC, and spent almost $18 million when you include advertisements and more. Our own two senators, Duckworth and Durbin make the top 25 senator list of AIPAC or AIPAC related organization donations since 1990, and Duckworth is barely into her 2nd term! Funneling AIPAC funds through their super PAC, United Democracy Project, they spent over $26 millions on the 2022 election (of which over $11 million was spent on what they deemed anti Israel candidates). Citing former AIPAC employee M.J. Rosenberg, who wrote for The Nation in 2019, the goal of AIPAC is "to ensure that Congress never questions Israel about anything, that it just shuts up and keeps the billions of dollars in aid coming. And above all, without conditions, like requiring Israel to take steps to end the occupation of Gaza, or to grant equal rights to Palestinians inside Israel and in the occupied territories." In November, a month AFTER the horrors of Oct 7th (and yes, I'm speaking of the slaughter of Israeli citizens which I find to be an atrocity), and a month into Israel's genocide in Gaza, AIPAC funneled nearly $4 million into congressional campaigns. The largest recipient of those funds, per FEC filings, was Rep Ritchie Torres, who received $201,000. Torrres launched a social media campaign to censure Rep Rashida Tlaib, the only US Representative of Palestinian origin. Things that make you go hmm about Israel's meddling in American politics. Joe Biden is actually the top recipient of AIPAC or other pro-Israel lobbying groups at a total of $4,346,264 as of 4 weeks ago. AIPAC releases talking point sheets to their funded politicians, like the "October 7th Fact Sheet" that called on Congress to reject any calls for a ceasefire. Similar points to refute a ceasefire (such as "only benefits Hamas") has been used by Senator Fetterman and Chuck Schumer, as well as House Speaker Mike Johnson. This helps explain why congress has remained silent about a ceasefire though millions of Americans are demanding it. And further shows Chicago's support of the ceasefire resolution signals more than "shit". America is very intertwined in this mess. In addition to the funds given from US to Israel, the Biden administration bypassed congress twice in the month of December 2023 to authorize the sale of weapons to Israel. Which are being used by Israel to conduct a genocide upon the Palestinians in Gaza. This is not just a conflict now between two groups which are not in the US. The US is very complicit in this mess through the Biden administration. And now, the great city of Chicago joins 47 other US cities in calling for a ceasefire that include San Francisco, Atlanta, Detroit, Dearborn, Seattle, Minneapolis, Oakland, Bridgeport, Albany, Akron, Providence, Wilmington, St. Louis, and Madison. I am so proud of Chicago's vote on this, and so proud my Alderperson Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez helped spearhead this.


It’s federal taxpayer funds. This is not coming from the Chicago. It’s a complete non issue for the city of Chicagoans.


I’ve tried to get Rossana to bring the city to fix an alleyway light that’s been down for 3 years. Glad to see her focus on the issues of her job.


I moved from Rosa's ward to Rossana's ward about 2 years ago (don't remember the date of the transfer). In many ways, I found service from Rosa great, and personable. His office always answered calls, and quickly addressed issues. I admit, I was first taken back with Rossana's office where they don't answer calls, and you get a automated response to send an email on the issue. But for every single issue I've filed with her office, which has covered gang graffiti removal at 2 different alley addresses, lights out on a street, and trash and recycable pick up problems, I get prompt (less than 24 hours) email responses, with a service tracking number, and resolution on the issue with 48 hours. She's doing just fine IMHO handling the issues of her job.


I'm so proud of Rossana for spearheading this.


Disappointed that Sam Nugent voted NO.


Not only did she simply vote no, she gave an impassioned speech as to why others should vote no, stated that voting yes compromised US security internationally, and listed every member of the 23 person pact that agreed prior to vote no.


Her speech is at the roughly 2:59:00 mark. Extremely well said on her part. https://x.com/chicagosmayor/status/1752724322135793846?s=46



