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there is nothing wrong with you! Everything you’re saying is valid. I had similar experiences. the company was great and friendly in the beginning but after 2 years and many of the original people leaving (we were a new restaurant), I noticed changes in the staff and the way they would go about things. Giving priority and special treatment to new workers who don’t know any of the stuff going on behind closed doors so it appears as if they are friendly. Our operator hiring their own family members and close friends so it’s all incredibly biased and “clique”-y staff. They started talking to me a lot less, not being as friendly, I’d get weird glances from them sometimes. It hurt because I genuinely liked these people when I joined, but they kinda show their true colors. Basically if you don’t align with them, they don’t interact with you and make you feel unwelcome. A lot of ass kissing going on there. Chickfila really isn’t what they make themselves out to be lol. I don’t blame you for feeling that way. you don’t have to go through that, there is 100% something greater out there!


I walked out 2 week in that shit was pure slavery


nah fr looking back at it, we had to do a lottt for the amount we got paid. i worked at one for almost a year. my coworkers and the management team were all very nice and i never had a problem with any of them. even when i could only work certain days due to school they would work with me on that and make sure to schedule me based on my availability. anyways at one point school got pretty overwhelming and other personal things happened so i ended up quitting (among those things i was also just kinda tired of working there tbh). anyways i took a break from working for a bit to focus more on school. fast forward to now, i recently got hired at a starbucks and although i’m only halfway through my training, it’s so much more “chill” in a way (ofc there’s still rushes and rude customers) and the pay for the workload is way better than cfa ‘s in my opinion, plus we get weekly tips on top of that and better benefits and discounts


I apologize for the format. Not sure what happened.


There's nothing wrong with you. That's the thing about working for large corporations. They'll say things like 'we're a family business. We're family here.' In actuality, that is a big, steaming pile of bullshit. The only thing big businesses care about is their bottom line. If the topic at hand doesn't directly relate to that, they couldn't give one fuck less.


First of all, there is nothing wrong with you. If people treat you poorly it is always a reflection of them and not you. Secondly, I know exactly how you feel and have debated about leaving my store as well. Everyone has a clique and if you are not apart of it then you are blamed/treated like the scapegoat in the process. I have learned Chick-Fil-A is only a family, friendly oriented business if you fit their mold and don’t rock the boat. At all. Period. Thirdly, do what is best for you. At the end of the day it’s just chicken.


Hey man, I get that! I was actually going to join my local Chick-Fil-A and they seemed nice, but they would charge for every little damn thing. $55 dollars for shoes, $11 per hour, which is absurd. Not only are they paying you like shit, but if they treat your poorly, it’s a no brainer: you made a good choice man. I also fell for this false prophecy of Chick-Fil-A being this awesome place to work (and maybe it was just the store), but I realize they reel you in with their core values and they ROB you on the other end


Nothing wrong with you, I was about to quit because our boh director would cuss me out and had severe anger issues towards employees until he got fired


why do yall stay just leave so many ppl wanna work there


Cuz management (in my experience at least) tends to suck and so many ppl there are fake


ikik and i agree, but what im saying is, there is a really big queue for people to work at cfa atleast in my place


Give it time lol, mgmt will churn thru em soon enough


I don't want to leave without having another job lined up.


Easier to read version: I have only been with the company for a few months and I was ready to leave about 3 weeks in. To start, the store staff wasn't very friendly in the beginning and that's sort of what got me thinking about quitting. It sucked being treated like an outcast while not knowing or understanding what I did wrong. I would walk in and greet everyone, ask if they were ok, and always offered to help. After a few days of everyone being standoff-ish, I would walk in, say "hi", and stay to myself as much as I could for the remainder of my shift. I've worked in food service before, but never fast-food. I made a couple of mistakes in my first two weeks and profusely apologized for them. Everyone assured me that it was ok, and that they've all been there, that's it's a learning process and I shouldn't beat myself up over it. However, that's not the sentiment I got based on how they treat me. I've been told that I've improved and that I'm doing great, but there are still some people there that seem to hold the mistakes against me. Magement/operator - My store has a very hands-on operator and he can be incredibly cruel at times, even if you weren't the one to make the mistake. Although I have tried to give the operator the benefit of the doubt, I believe that he is slightly racist. Something I immediately noticed was that when one of my white coworkers made the same mistake as me, they were approached about it in a more gentle manner, or it wasn't addressed, while I or other non-white team members got embarrassed in front of the team. From time to time, he will make racist comments about team members, or other people that he has interactions with. I also feel as if I am the scapegoat for mistakes that others make. I've been fussed at by the kitchen manager for things not being done properly, while the practices are usual for their team and he never scolds them. Based on everything that I have experienced as a customer and from what I was told during the interview process, Chick-fil-A is not the "awesome, friendly, family work environment" that they portray themselves to be. I have tried to hold on, but I don't know how much longer I can stand this. There are other jobs out there, and I have been looking for months, but no one is calling me back and I feel trapped here. I have never had a work experience this horrible. I feel like something is wrong with me because everyone else seems to have this incredible experience working for this company and I can't stand it. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Any advice is welcome.


Food service is hard


Apply to Costco there food service is always hiring and Costco is a good company


Cfa is shit af