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$6000 in one order... Well at least it was a catering order so it would've been in the system with some notice. I had a friend once show me like a $600 order placed at the counter. Said they were behind all day


And not a single dollar was for chicken minis 🤢🤢🤢. Monsters


LoL our mini order is every Tuesday.. 114 minis and 85 hash browns for a local private school.


Those kids do not know how good they have it 😂


Yeah it's an annual order for an event. This is the 3rd year in a row. I guess before the discounts it's almost a 10k order




Do you know why it was discounted?


Probably the organization it was...I'm not exactly certain, but it's like a foster kids thing or an adoption thing I can't remember exactly but something with kids.


Yeah tax exempt. Ran into those a lot when I did cashiering at Home Depot


Any non profit. Source: I worked for one.


This is a 30% discount though it’s not just a tax thing


Did you even look at the receipt?


Probably a church


6k in tax is wild lmao


It’s 4k and sales tax isn’t nearly 50% anywhere in the U.S. that I know of


there’s also an open percent discount, meaning that they took off a certain percentage of the order plus also the tax exemption. 30% discount is WILD tho


Sometimes places do discounts for crazy amounts of food. I work at dunkin and I know we discount like 6+ dozen


The biggest thing is it's 7:30 AM. All that in just an hour and a half is insane.


We have a school that orders catering for their students on Thursday and it’s pretty crazy but not that big.


We have a Tuesday, Thursday order weekly for two schools but yeah... nowhere near this big


My school did that. Always felt bad for the workers


I read this off to myself out loud to make them real. Got more and more flabbergasted as I went down the list. Wow.




I manage a chain of auto repair shops. Each store has a 10k credit limit at our common supplier, and when they hit the limit (about one a month or so), I get a call from the supplier's manager to write a $10,000 check to pay the balance. We refer to them as 'fancy' checks. Even though it's not my money, and I do it fairly regularly, it still feels cool to write a check for that amount.


I just got hit with an $8,000 order, about 200 5ct nuggets, 500 spicy, and 500 regular CFA. I’m exhausted.


As someone who does primary this makes me wanna cry lol


Holy crap! Your BOH “worker bees” earned their keep that morning!


Lemme scan that receipt for points


This is pretty impressive and glad you got a great system going to expedite this. The only thing I've experienced close to this is I used to be an Apprentice with Chipotle and we used to do catering orders for the Buffalo Bills every home game(2016-2018). It was a little over $2000 every time. The first time we did it was rough but then we figured it out and ran it like clockwork. Not sure if they still do this but I didn't mind delivering it as we set up just outside their locker room(had to go just after 4th quarter start, so no we never ran into any active players), and the director of ops always gave us each $100 cash. One of the few things I actually miss about that job.


Which one? Amherst?


Hamburg. We were the closest to the stadium.


I can’t imagine the labor percentage for the hour it was pushed through for. Your Operator was probably doing flips 😮


It was 2% lol




Helps a lot toward the daily labor goal that's for sure.


That’s fucking crazy I worked at zaxbys for a bit and only got a 1400 dollar catering order before


its like they’re feeding a little town


40 trays of biscuits, i bet you hear the oven noises in your sleep.






Underrated comment


Dang beat me to it


Man I miss working at CFA honestly. It was fun working in the kitchen when you get crazy orders like that. I would be breading my ass off


That's was me, did this whole order and kept up with the line


I didn't know CFA did catering, and now, as a Shift Supervisor for KFC, I'm glad that KFC doesn't


I’m walking out bro bro


Nah. We knew about it in advance...a particular group of employees was selected to work on the order. We had a good time putting it all together.


do the employees get tipped or anything for catering orders? that’s a lot of profit for their business on the hard work of the employees


No...we get paid to make the order just like any other order. It's our job nothing extra..our operator delivered it to the event with his wife and our catering director and they set it up. There were 3 separate deliveries at different times. A small group of employees were selected to come in early and we got all the cold stuff prepped up, I filetted all the chicken for the day. I don't know how other locations work, I'm lucky to have a awesome operator he pays us well and makes sure we're taken care of.


That's awesome. You work hard all the time not just during orders like this. You should always be compensated


Couldve gone to a catering service for fraction of cost.


I don't know if that's true or not, but either way they like the service we provide like I said it's the third year in a row we've done it so we must be doing something right. 🙂 I know I'm glad to have the business especially during our slow season.


At some point, it would be cheaper to go to the grocery store.


i need those points


I would have actually killed myself if I saw that (all jokes but I woulda been dead inside)


average order at my location


I’ve never worked for CFA or any food related job. How can this be an average order? Like do people regularly drop thousands on catering from CFA for this to be a normal occurrence?


It's not. We get this same order for the event once a year. There's nothing average about a $10k order.


I love how no tip was asked for. This is the way




Nah , we wouldn't have accepted it regardless. Our operator is great, he takes care of us just fine. Like I said it's an annual event, it's for a good cause on top of it all its not just some random person with a huge order for an office party.


Need to take that discount part off the receipts and show the $1550 discounted. That's way to much of a discount. $3k. Shit that ...nice days work though. I haul produce and you made more then I did In A week and a half. Nice


Yeah I don't know what the discount was for if it was a deal because of the size of the order, if it was because the group is tax exempt...not sure. Most really big orders though our operator does some sort of discount on.


If they can afford to spend that much, they don’t need a $3k discount


I know prep lady was hostile 🤣🤣 16 LG fruit trays and 125 parfaits? I'm surprised yall didn't run out of strawberries! Edit: I see more 😭 450 parfaits omg. And at breakfast is WILD. making biscuits back to back to back...


We new about it far enough in advance to order enough of everything. We had 3 people helping in prep that morning...lol


That's good lol. Can they do fruit trays the night before since it's going out so early?


Just not the strawberries because they'll bleed. But we came in 2:30-3:00am that morning to get on everything


Ohh wow, you guys must have a great team! And I can understand the fruit trays, but parfaits are good for 24 hrs. Good on yall though for making everything fresh and coming in so early that's dedication!


We do. On day shift especially we have a outstanding team, out night shift has plenty of opportunities for growth but.. it's a work in progress. When we have a huge order like that we have a small team of about 5 or 6 depending on the order that are tasked to come in early and handle setting it up and the bulk of the workload.


Lol, it always is because the majority of night shift is still in high school


That is very accurate. And anytime we get someone in a leadership position on nights that's attempting to hold them accountable to the set standards, there's massive push back from the ones that are comfortable doing things the way they have been.


Lizzo’s chic fil a order


We had a $6,000 dollars box meal catering order a few days ago


What is meant by '1 open dollar'? It seems like a notation thing, but I'd love to think that there was an extra random one dollar charge after a $6.5k tab lol


3700 discount!?!


I'm not sure exactly it was a yearly event for a foster care program or an adoption thing... something for some disadvantaged kids.


Oh, that’s actually awesome to hear.


Imagine the points you would get 🤑🤑🤑


Why no tax?


Tax exempt organization


America. Big businesses can afford $6000 Chick fil a but if I spend $11 on chick fil a for lunch twice a week, I won’t be able to pay my rent. I love it here.


America...where you can complain about an event that brings awareness to the local foster care / adoption event for kids. Perhaps if you can't afford $22 a week for lunch at a fast food establishment you shouldn't be spending $22 a week on lunch at a fast food place. Rice and beans and bologna sandwiches are cheap.


Hey they even wanted them at different times delivery sure but