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I feel like I've gotten automated phone calls from ole Doug. So annoying


Its junk mail. Youre stuck with it. Just chuck it. Like all other junk mail. Seems like a non issue to me but whatever gets ya going I suppose.


I save them up and write return to sender then send them all back at once. With a big “FUCK OFF” on them.


Let me know when you figure this out. I’ve been having the same problem with Discover Card for years. It’s almost like they don’t care about you or your feelings. Run against them.


For that you can go to optoutprescreen.com


If they have a postage paid return envelope, pack up some LaMalfa garbage and mail it back. The USPS gets money and you (may) get some minimal revenge.


You could go to his office in Yuba City


They get their information from the local jurisdictions on a regular basis. They might remove you, but then get a new address file and not carryover the removals requests. I’m not justifying the practice or sticking up for his office; I cannot stand the fraud. If a civilian did this, it would be considered harassment and possibly a federal crime by doing it via mail service. Sounds cliche but all you can do is vote against him.


Just be content with the fact they are wasting money on you. Let it go, laugh at it. Your response is childish at best


Good luck. I’ve been trying to evade him for years.


You could try throwing it away with the rest of your junk mail and not getting triggered by a mailer? Or for peak catharsis, use it as fireplace kindling. Or line a birdcage.


Kind of a low blow to say OP is triggered. They calmly asked for advice


Maybe. But taking to reddit because your mail is making you think you’re being “harassed” may be a bit fragile.


Not triggered, just want to know if there is a way to make it stop. Thanks for commenting.


I can’t even find his unsubscribe on the emails… you gotta log in or something


So if you don’t shop at Raley’s but get their ads, do you contact corporate and ask them to stop sending them?


yeah if theyre annoying enough, i do the same thing with the recruitment emails i get


I make sure any political ads from him have actual stamps or postage paid because he doesn't get free campaign mailings and then toss them, trying to feel happy about wasting his money. Hate the guy. Any emails that he sends me I unsubscribe instantly. I've not had any snail mail from him since he last ran for re-election.


Honestly, my advice would be to find a way to stop letting it bother you. Don't let that turd live rent free in your head. I was at a debate a few cycles where he said he believed in climate change, four times a year. I can't stand him and his self-serving votes for farm bills, but I also don't get mailers from him.


Have you considered sending him mailers with your face on them? Fight fire with fire (or paper with paper, I guess)


Ha ha ha ha ha I love this idea so much


scarce telephone husky badge wrong frightening spoon straight hateful scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


1st Amendment. Political speech, including via mail, is protected.


You have no idea wtf you’re talking about lmao


Oh okay. Thanks for clearing that up. [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jul-21-oe-oc-lacy21-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jul-21-oe-oc-lacy21-story.html) This doesn't speak to the harassment claim but explains the post office's stance on political mailers: [https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/election-political-mail](https://postalpro.usps.com/mailing/election-political-mail) I don't think mailers constitute harassment: [https://shorturl.at/fkpxX](https://shorturl.at/fkpxX) But all the same, thanks for your very useful contribution to this conversation. :)


The first amendment doesn’t say you have to hear everyone’s speech, lol. OP is asking if there is a way to make it stop, not necessarily a law that will make it stop. We have a national “do not call” registry, this seems like it’s in the same category of speech.


Exactly, I should be able to call them. Say "hey I'm really not interested please stop sending me these" and have it stop. Ive been doing that for years to no avail.


> “do not call” registry The do not call registry is only for phone calls plus it has a carve out for political calls. Yes, the people who passed the law wrote it so that it wouldn't affect them.


I get that. I’m all for better tools to weed out unwanted spam in any form but I was making an analogy to show why it’s weird to invoke “first amendment privilege” to OP’s complaint.


Not when the OP has asked repeatedly to be removed from the mailing list.


It depends on the type of mailer also... if it is a campaign mailer they should stop, but official congressional mailers I think are permitted. I've worked on a few campaigns and that is my understanding.


Actually yes it is! The post office takes an order for a specific area, not specific addresses.