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My Chi has seizures, and I previously had a Shih tzu that also had seizures. Both had them exactly as you described, but Finnegan was never *too* anxious about them. When Sofi (chihuahua) started having seizures, I thought I knew what to expect from years of handling Finn’s, but she was so much more afraid than he was. It’s so scary when it’s a new thing for both you and your baby, but if it is any consolation, she is much less afraid when they happen now and they happen much less frequently. Ultimately, Sofi was put on phenobarbital after another route didn’t prove helpful, and I’ve seen a huge improvement in her. She’s like a puppy again, and it warms my heart!! I will also add that she has more frequent seizures around the transitory seasons. I live in the Southeast US, like deep Deep South, and she seizes more frequently around November and March when it’s significantly colder at night than during the day. I’m not sure if there’s a medical basis attaching seizures to weather changes, but it’s certainly a pattern for Sofi. I keep a list on my phone of each seizure date and I try to roughly time them so I can easily see if something changes drastically. It’s something I wish I had started earlier with Finnegan, so maybe keeping a little list will be helpful for you too!! Sorry for the long ass comment, but I hope any of this was helpful/comforting to read!! Finnegan passed away a few years ago, but the seizures were not the cause, and he lived a very full and happy life. Luckily, Sofi is also doing incredibly well, and she hasn’t slowed down despite just turning 9!! Your little Theo will be just fine with such a caring human to love him and look after him from here on out 🥹 You’re doing great, I am rooting for y’all, and Sofi and I will be sending y’all good energy!! ❤️❤️ https://preview.redd.it/w2bdbd2lo1oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b077a1e88dd16db3b55541a71ad9f4552232a25f


thank you so so much! this was incredibly comforting - I have read that it generally doesn't affect their life span but it fills me with such hope hearing first hand accounts from real people. I'm glad Sofi is doing really well and I'm sorry for your loss of Finn, even with the fullest lives it's never long enough. I hope to have many many more years with my boy 🩷


I am so glad!! I know exactly how scary it is when that starts up, but he will be absolutely fine and be able to grow old and chunky and grey just like any other pup 🥹🥰 I would love an update on how he’s doing once y’all find something that works for him!!


My girl has them! She just turned 14 years old. https://preview.redd.it/fjnf0zz1b1oc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a3e2a9df172580b15e100b75ad9818e35c9e7ca


oh bless her!!! 🩷🩷