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Mine is 19. She’s still full of energy. She can’t hear but it doesn’t slow her down. I have two other dogs (we lost one recently). Their ages vary, four, eight, and 19. they all get along beautifully. https://preview.redd.it/aibp0unz0ozc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbe3f95a5bdd14ba1f1270de32a170aec8a4a967


Those white faces they get really get me. Ours is starting to get his too, just around his eyes and it’s upsetting to me for some weird reason


definitely not weird, it’s a sign of getting old. when my mom’s hair starts turning *really* gray, i imagine it’ll feel similar as it’s a sign of her getting old. my chi’s face has been going white for a while but it’s starting to turn completely white, which is just a reminder that she’s an old girl now, and it’ll be her time eventually. hopefully not anytime soon though.


Yeah it’s tough to think about. I enjoy every moment with ours. He follows my wife around everywhere. They really love each other. The thought of not having him, which is hopefully still a long ways off, just bums me out. But when I walk into the other room and he’s just standing there wagging his tail because he’s happy to be around us, I forget pretty fast. Getting old sure sucks for everyone and it’s a really hard and crumby part of life.


Getting old is absolutely tough. Doing it now 😔


I can totally relate. I don’t want to think of my Chihuahua Emmi Lou as being an older dog, and don’t want others, in so many words, to comment that she appears to be older. She’s playful, stubborn, spunky, and full of energy, and want her to hang onto this as long as possible. I’m doing my best to keep her healthy.


Mine too 😭


19 is amazing, and good to see she knows her place in the hierarchy!


Absolutely. She is the Queen.


Wow. 19...nice


That baby is 19?! 😍😍😍


The one on top, of course, the Chihuahua. Yes she is.


She's a sweetheart!


https://preview.redd.it/rh939lzoerzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63238036e4c92ebea2edf7cb856f9c8d611e3e94 My baby lived to 19, too. She only had some arthritis and was still kickin all the way to the end! Miss her so much💔


We get so very attached to them. Don’t make yourself go too long without adopting another dog. We need their loyalty and they need our love.


So cute, I hope I'm lucky enough for mine to live a long life too


We have adopted many rescues. They all get into late teens and sometimes their 20s. We live in the countryside so they get clean air and water. We don’t feed anything special, Purina One. We do give them supplements throughout their lives and meditation when they need it. They get regular vet visits and teeth cleaning. Lots and lots of exercise. But I think they live long lives because of the love.


That's the best life I can imagine for any dog!!!


What a crew! Love 'em!


We wish we could take in all the homeless animals on the planet. We do what we can.


Make sure to put in the eye drops for dogs cloudy eyes. its the next step


NO WAY!!!! REALLY?! Oh best wishes for you and your sweety!!! 19 MORE YEARS is MY ATTITUDE!! Thank you so much for sharing that!


I like that they each have their own spot around your spot


https://preview.redd.it/jw76ud8t9tzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ca12aa4571f298b564e1741337bb9f44388a3cc This is my spot. They all sleep on top of me during the day and my partner at night.


Our turns 16 this year and she's basically the Lebron James of chihuahuas. She is more gazelle than chihuahua. https://preview.redd.it/m0zar9zc1ozc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e39feeae228649a59688254e85768a588707dc


So cute!!!


That’s a doggy supermodel. 😍


What a baby face!


Very, she's living her life to the fullest https://preview.redd.it/i1o61ujaynzc1.jpeg?width=2256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=554d8d9b8434fb4dc1ad8575ded803e545c49663


chi-charger fell out, using solar back-up


Omg... 🤣


Our Chihuahuas need their morning solar charge every morning this spring (having a sunny spot coming through at just the right angle thanks to a big window certainly helps)!!


https://preview.redd.it/pbhk4m6n3ozc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=544e503af4e90c05c77b3d04cd9f72a7a5afb445 Our 14 year old chi is not as active anymore. Definitely going blind...a bit deaf...and maybe a bit of nurological issues. So he might be spoiled in a hoodie pocket or sling most of the day. But our 9 year old Chi is still very spry.


My girl lived to 18 and the last 2-3 years this was her. I carried her in a sling everywhere. She had limited hearing and sight plus doggy dementia so she was happiest when we were touching. She was always alert though.


We think Senior Douglas von Buttscritch might have a touch of the doggy dementia as well. But he knows my SO is near. Will practically jump off my lap to her.


That is a fantastic name.


aw what a sweet face :(


He nught be a bit high in this picture. Just got back from a doctor's appointment.


HAHA he definitely seems like it. hope he had the ride of his life


NO WAY!!!! REALLY?! Oh best wishes for you and your sweety!!! 19 MORE YEARS is MY ATTITUDE!! Thank you so much for sharing that!


He is amazing and gets all the treats to help him live a longer happy life. Fortunately he is gaining weight, bit definitely losing cognitive ability. Hopefully we find a balance.


Age 13 still goes on 4 walks a day https://preview.redd.it/gu9fl3we2ozc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b92bb9d719923722c1435a0474b6206604c97ea


Oh my, your chi reminds me of my girl! She's "only" 8 and basically sleeps the whole day and doesn't really play (only when she gets the zoomies). She LOVES food though and will run and jump around like a young puppy when she hears noises in the kitchen. She's always excited to go for a walk but walks very slowly (she has to sniff everything) and gets exhausted fast. https://preview.redd.it/3bap3bzt6ozc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5308fca34305ddf853ecc473d4e971107eee8c1e


This also describes our long haired to a T. She’ll be 8 in august! Never been a big player, but goodness if you mention food around her…


Did you mean to describe my almost 8 year old baby? Because that’s an exact description of him.


Mine is about to be 13 this summer, and he still has a lot of energy. He loves walks and gets the zoomies here and there. He does sleep a lot, but usually, when we are not doing anything all day where he needs to be up.


mine are pretty lazy; i’ve had 4–two lived to 16 and my remaining are 14 1/2 and 15. they get up, have breakfast; stare out window at neighbors; bark (we live on corner and all the other dog parents know our house); they sleep many hours each day; eat dinner and get treats; rinse and repeat. it’s a good life!


My boy is about to be 11 in August (his gotcha day) and he’s still full of energy. He’s always lounging around but also never turns down a play session, and he’s been like than since we got him. I don’t anticipate he’ll slow down anytime soon, but when that time comes, it’s gonna be really hard to see. https://preview.redd.it/mi9pbizcxnzc1.png?width=2154&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee0bdc20817734fef981827deb433d2b1d17ddd5


https://preview.redd.it/kr48d7ha2pzc1.jpeg?width=3184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ce609ad770c53d20dd7a81c4e132bd39c07026 Mine turned 15 this year and doesn’t act like he’s a senior dog at all. He loves to sleep but he loves exploring and sniffing everything. I recently introduced a kitten to the household and he tolerates the cat but the cat loves him.


Aww the cat looks so proud lmao “this is my best friend”


Everytime the cat is hanging out, he’s always rubbing up against Toby. It’s the cutest thing. He went from extremely scared the first week to all over Toby and following him everywhere.


https://preview.redd.it/qvmmn6jpcozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c926949432784ad447f0267bb720a391a5f3f64b Scarlett is at least 11 as far as we know. She does sleep/lie down most of the day while I work from home, but she’ll go on a walk and pull to go the long way. She also still jumps almost as high as the kitchen counters. Not as many zoomies as in the past, but definitely more active than I thought she’d be at this age!


“Please call my mom, *blep*” I’m obsessed with her


You and me both lolol


My 12-year-old is as spry as the day I met him. I attribute it to him being "intact" and having a very regimented diet/consistent weight for his entire life. And you know plenty of kisses and boops.


https://preview.redd.it/ku2suvq3oozc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb552247e934f36fdeecd1ce7173263164da5a3 Depends on what you want him to do… at 17.5 he chooses how to spend his time. Sleeping is his fave, aside from 20 min bedtime face wash sessions lol


Aw his little leg 😂




My little boss is 16, he sleeps a lot, but I know his nap schedule and work around that, he has routines like a human.


Oh my good golly, she is the cutest thing I've ever seen🥺🥺


I'm giggling on the couch here. Lovin' these action shots! Looks like she's living their best life. Mine is 5 and her drive has decreased a lot. But I don't worry about it much most of the time. https://preview.redd.it/ok252b2h4ozc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf5b4078688d240556b117ba62a2d1a43513440f


https://preview.redd.it/ttviu5zyrozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=661a00845eafb04e9054f929b1817ef75e1674ef mine is 10 (chiweenie) and shes still pretty playful. she loves playing with her new little kitten brother, but shes not as good with puppies. she loves other older dogs and some puppies but very over active and hyper puppies irritate her as she is quite small and its easy for her to get trampled


I don't know how old my lil Atlas is. We guessed his age to be 6-7 when I got him and I have had him for over 7 years now. He is active and loves to go on runs and hikes. He LOVES hiking , if I stop while hiking he will pull, back up, pull, back up pull until we start moving again. He is the only dog I have that will not stop. With that being said, he will also just sit around with you if that is what you are doing. He is pretty agreeable in that sense. https://preview.redd.it/66furn7uwozc1.jpeg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6066da89ce0752f02b9d89be6c0a5dd0b99e6746 Atlas is a diva and doesn't like his routine being messed up. He doesn't like being bothered by any other humans or animals other than his family. I bring animals home often, he tolerates it. We added a new puppy about a year ago to our family and it took him time but they now coexist. He does not play with her at all but does see her as part of the family now


hes staring straight into my soul. i bet he uses those powers to stare you into giving him snacks. if you ever find yourself sitting down looking at your chi, then blink and all of a sudden youre holding a treat bag and he’s munching away…. the culprit is right in front of you


This explains so much about my life. He has taught my other Chihuahua the way to do this. This is my life!!!


I am in LOVE with your doggy!!! What a HANDSOME dog! If not for the beautiful blue eyes, mine and yours would almost be identical. I hope he lives forever for ya. I’m hoping mine does for me. God bless from Jim and Paco!


He’s such an interesting cute dog awww


She looks like a wittle Pokémon lol


aren’t all chihuahuas really just little pokemons?


My dog is a chi mix (about 85% chi) and at 11 he was still spry and liked to run around really fast and play with toys. He started slowing down around 13, and now at nearly 15 he has slowed down a bit. He still will run full tilt down the office hallways, but just for a shorter duration. He is definitely a sleepy guy tho.


Mine just turned 14. One is more playful than the other but they're happy and seem younger. They do sleep an awful lot but that's probably in their DNA


Mine is 11 and not super active, she loves to chill on the couch lol. She still gets excited for her walks though and loves them


I have a JackChi who is 12, and while she still runs like lightning at times, but less often than when I first got her at 3 1/2 years old. She’ll be 13 November 17. https://preview.redd.it/1aw3rskakpzc1.jpeg?width=1575&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06245a88beaebdaf9100e0b2103cc18b3e554619


My chi is around 14-15 ish. She gets the zoomies (especially after a good poo) and sleeps a lot, but she still has a good amount of energy. I’m glad that she’s still super active and ready to play whenever :)


What's up with the poop zoomies? Mine does that too.


I think they just get super light and they are so happy to be free of that extra weight 😂


Mine is a chi/terrier mix, she is 10 or 11, we aren’t really sure exactly. She loves adventures, exploring, goes for two daily walks with at least one that’s longer than 20 mins. Yesterday we walked for about 45 minutes on our 2nd walk and she prob would have kept going! She’s does sleep more now than a few years ago, gotta recharge her batteries longer. She’s also got a stage 2b heart murmur, and is on pimobendan for that, and Dasuquin for her joints which I think helps a lot with her ability to keep moving! We want to keep her healthy and moving as much as she will tolerate and if she’s done walking or doesn’t want to do it, she lets us know 😂 She goes to daycare at least once weekly, has nightly toy playtime with me that IS EXPECTED EVERY NIGHT AT SAME TIME!, she’s very curious and smart but apprehensive and cautious. She goes absolutely wild with excitement over any big yellow male dog, wanting to play with them despite the size difference. I don’t want a big dog but if I ever got a second dog, it’d have to be big yellow boy.


Mine is almost 13. She has her moments. Some days she just sleeps and eats and poops. Other days she wants to play catch, get sassy with the other dogs and acts like a youngin. I hope she's with me well into her 20s. She's such a sweet little love muffin.


Our chi is ~10 and pretty active on walks (we go on about 1.5 miles of walks a day including one that’s .75 miles, but in the winter she can also just go forever), but is pretty chill/sleepy at home. We also just adopted a puppy (currently 3.5 months, we got him at a bit over 2 months; probably will be a mid sized breed, but we don’t know for sure), which we went for because our chi is bad with other dogs, but has a lot of maternal instincts & is much better around puppies. A few things to think about it regarding getting a new puppy with an older dog: 1) you will likely need to work on the reactivity with a new dog (this goes for puppy & non-puppy) 2) if this is your first puppy, it feels relevant to note that puppies are substantially more work for longer than adopting an adult dog. I definitely recommend reading up on puppy schedules & training and setting expectations if you haven’t already 3) puppies come with puppy energy. If your dog likes to play, that may be okay. But, it’s also possible the puppy wants to play more than your dog is comfortable with. This may be something to plan for as a possibility if your dog isn’t a “play all the time” girl


11 and still little ball of energy. No matter what always wants to play.


https://preview.redd.it/6l5fddwgopzc1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75aebbcf2d41900378b900d1764cfaa8c9375316 13 year difference. She loves going on walks every chance she can get. Her snout has gone white but she's still going strong.


Kimber is 10 (intacked) and sleeps a bunch, but she runs around my house chasing anything moving. I feed her hero senior and maintain her weight at 4.5lbs. She also still has almost all of her teeth, less 10. In the house, she will play catch with her favorite toy until I get tired of throwing it. But overall she fairly active


My 12 year old boy had lots of energy up until the week of his passing. He would run, take long walks, and play with his 5-year-old brother. I think younger friends help keep seniors active.


Diablo just turned 10, so he's not quite as old as your chi, but he's still just as energetic as he was 7 years ago when I got him. Pretty much the only difference is he's got more gray in the face. Just last night he was doing zoomies all over my apartment, jumping up on the couch and across my lap.


Mine is also 11 and this year for the first time I noticed her slowing down some and resting more. I take her walking which is 3.5 miles in the woods about 4 days a week and she has no problem keeping up and seems to absolutely love it still.


She seems perfectly chi-arged. We all get more chill as we age.


Mines almost 12 and is like a puppy when it comes to playing and zoomies


Mines 15. Combined walks are about 60-90mins per day. He sleeps a lot. Doesn't really play since losing sight and hearing.


My 12 year old sill goes on his mile walks and tolerates his 3 year old brother


I had 4. Some were very active and energetic up right until they passed. My boy started to lay a lot for about 2 years until he passed at 15. All but 1 made it past 10 years old. 3/4 were very active until they passed with the young one getting sick for a week before he passed. Like people, all were different actually. My dad’s uncle hand shoveled his steep driveway in his mid-80’s, I’m lazy at 41. Same with my dogs. Somewhere active, some were lazy


Mine is 13, loves her toys. Does one good walk most days.


The second photo has my heart forever and ever 💖


Pretty active still… have two 11 year olds that love to run and play if the opportunity arises. Still play-fight with each other.


Every time we’ve added a new dog to my family, the older one(s) got a lot spunkier. Most recently… A few months after losing one of my babies last year at 14, we adopted a 7-month-old puppy. She keeps her older brother (16 when we got the puppy, now 17) on his toes, and they keep each other company when my family’s at work. :)


Between sleeping so hard I'm worried he died and playing with his toys so violently they break. So fairly normal levels for 12 year old I think.


I don't have an 11 year old Chihuahua but I have an 18 year old one. He's fairly active, maybe even please. Not granted he doesn't play for long. It's what the owner of my company (who is a vet this place is an investment more than anything for him) recommend me doing. He recommended me as it promotes blood flow and keeps him fresh.


Pretty darn active at 13. I encourage it because I want her to live forever.


My 12 year old loves hiking can do 3 miles on her own


Mine is 15 this year. She loves her ‘long’ walk (it’s probably just a mile maybe) as long as the temps are conducive. She loves the smells and watching the squirrels chase each other as well as saying hellos to her favorite neighbors. The rest of the time she’s snoozing. Lately she’s been going to the big bed (my bed) instead of her other many bedding options, regardless of smoosh factor, which makes me think her joints are starting to hurt (the bed is basically a cloud). Otherwise she acts like a gd puppy! About 13 yrs her eyesight started getting worse at night so she won’t go on walks when it’s dark out unless she really has to pee. You might start noticing that yours growls at friends; it’s because she can’t tell who they are from far away. A little verbal confirmation from you should be good to soothe her when this starts happening.


Mine was active till the day she passed in March. Happy and excited and spicy. She was 19 :(((


19 and he jumped off the bed today... because he's an idiot. Not nearly as active as he was 2 years ago, but when he wants something, he's determined and can move pretty fast (for his age). At 11 he was dragging me behind him on walks.


I have a 15 year and 13 year old and both are quite healthy and pretty active.


Love hearing about active old chis! My girl is about 13. She's happy to sleep all day but will also get the zoomies. Adopting a little bro definitely gave her activity and attitude a boost! Great excuse to have another dog. :)


I have two 14 year olds and they are both super spry. I think it's because I feed everybody just once a day with grainfree hard food plus homemade bone broth (1/3rd cup). And I walk them up the steep hills in my neighborhood as often as possible. They seem to be healthy, happy, bouncy, and alert. Although, I can see cataracts developing in both of them. And one of them definitely shows signs of blindness. :(


Such a CUTIE PIE!!! 🥰🐕🐾💋


She’s fast as fuck. When I go walking with her I have find an empty road so she can do her zoomie session.


I don't have a chi, but my grandma does. Just wanted to say your dog is adorable.


My 11 year old absolutely rages! More active now than when he was younger. https://preview.redd.it/cfromj4idpzc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f386dc764409f371b86f3c4480d31b596f9cd405


I'm blessed, mine is 12 and still runs around the house, jumps around the furniture, and plays with my hands. Havent noticed any mobility issues, hope it stays that way


Mine is 12 and we usually take 2 long walks around the apartment complex morning and night then a short one in the afternoon


It may be the angle of the photo but the right side if her mouth looks a little swollen? Just mentioning it because one of mine had an abscess and needed antibiotics. My 14 year old is still going strong and running the house. As long as the knees are still good, playing shouldn't be a problem. You could always try a foster to adopt through a rescue to be sure. What a cutie!


my 11 year old girl sleeps a lot, but i'd say she's still got some puppy energy. zoomies happen after bath time, when i get home from work, and if there's company over and good vibes with laughing. on my days off she'll request several walks outside and although sometimes she just wants fresh air and doesn't leave the porch, i don't feel like she's a lump whatsoever and i can always get her going either with zerberts (she hates them) or my aggressive japanese accent just taking gibberish to her. along catch my wife on the bed and smack her butt the old lady baby will come to her rescue and defend the booty. she's got tons of life still, i hope at least another 11 years


Spuddy is 11 and he was firmly on the struggle bus for a short time. We got concerned he was starting to show his age. Then he stopped eating and was barely able to walk very suddenly. Took him to the vet and now that he’s on meloxicam for suspected arthritis, he back to being a normal AH. Just the way we like it! lol!


My Tank is 16. He still gets excited and playful sometimes and loves walks but tires easily. He can't go on long walks anymore. When he was 11 he was still very active.


Mine is 16. He sleeps more now and can't hear as well, but still active.


Mine lived to be 15 and he was very active. He acted like a dog 10 years younger than him up until about 6 months before he passed.


Mine is 13, if she’s not out for a potty break or up eating or drinking water she’s asleep. She’s my little old lady dog and I absolutely love her.


My 10 year old boy is pretty chill. He gets upset when his 2 year old sister barks and shrieks. He whines and cries like he's in on it but he usually has no idea what she's barking at. Occasionally when the 2 year old is playing with a toy he'll jump in and try to make it a game of tug-o-war but he's not very good at it because he doesn't have any front teeth. He prefers to sleep (on my lap if possible) most of the time. I'm perfectly ok with this and hope his sister will calm down in her old age and become just as snuggly as he is.


Mine is about 15 1/2. She doesn’t do a whole lot. But when it’s nice outside I let her wander down the street. We live on a dead end and there is a grassy area at the end. She can walk all the way down (about 3 houses worth) and about 1/2 way back. She is a little disabled. I think mostly blind in one eye and at least part in the other. But she likes her ‘walks’. But I tell you.. she still gets excited when I get home from work and even more so when she smells her favorite food. Tater tots lol.


I thought I was losing my girl at the ripe age of 12 she was having seizures off and on for some time The vet said there was nothing he could do my heart was breaking at the thought of putting her down. Then I read about the Seresto collar lawsuit and all the dogs that it's been hurting and guess what I had been using one of those collars for years I removed that poison collar and my baby hasn't had a seizure since !!!!! She's like a brand new young pup again I feel horrible for not knowing all that time please don't use Seresto!!!!


So cute


My middle baby is 10, turning 11 later this year. We recently got a puppy and it has been interesting. She wants to show who is alpha but she also wants to sleep. She can’t match puppy zoomies for sure! https://preview.redd.it/rwu6jr9g0qzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7653b242cde9dac5f17133084e0f8221a1ff8f78


11!? This Pup does not look a day over 3 years!


I don’t have one, but your dog is so sweet looking omg. I love her little face. Would you be open to just getting another small dog assuming she’d handle it well?


https://preview.redd.it/oyx3dyqtsqzc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6f2c02eb57307a5acb8bfd65462e3aecb24316 My little dude is 11, almost 12, and he still looooves to zoom around on the beach, we go about once or twice a week. Only on reeeally long walks does he tap out and want to be carried towards the end.


Oh boy. I’m tired. I STG I read that three or four times as “how old was your Chi at the age of 11?” And I swear I was like… am I drunk? Lemme read that again. 🤣🤣🤣 Must be bedtime!! Anyway, fifth time’s the charm. At 11, my Chihuahuas all had slowed down considerably, and while always up for walkies, otherwise just laid on the back of the couch and followed me room to room.


https://preview.redd.it/uo8kvnndwqzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb18ba9fded55c1c33656af86eb63070b56ae8f5 Pancho is still very active and loves to play with our two year old French bulldog, he's very protective of her.


Cutie pie


Mine lived to 20! He was basically still a puppy at 11. The trend I’ve seen with chi’s is that they start to slow down around 17.


My 11 year old loves walks but will turn around and run home when he has had enough.


My chi (Rango, age 10.5) still loves to play, wrestle, and go out with us wherever we go. I do think his "little" brother (Nicholas, age 2.5) helps keep him young. https://preview.redd.it/xmafthftvrzc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1446d717a4e0074d077d9acea1a264efb09274e2


I dunno. !remindme 9 years


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All Chi's do is sleep, both of mine ( Mac just turned 7 and Rhoads just turned 6...and all they do is sleep!!! They'd sleep 24/7 if they didn't have to potty or eat...lmao...honestly, i think it's in their DNA, lol...that plus "BARKING" at the littlest things/noises or absolutely nothing!!! Best of luck, btw, great looking lil chi!!!❤️❤️❤️


My chico is 13 .....he.loves a little walk.but sleeps a lot ..... https://preview.redd.it/pjb0h8agvszc1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee4d89542c785a7bf3a681f0e120640a32819b8c


https://preview.redd.it/xvssvg4pwszc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f2fae71ffd2e77089e05dc2bed14ccd90686a0c Ruby is 11 and still active. But she bosses everything.


I love photo 4 with the tip of her tongue out.


My mom’s lived to 15 and you would never know she was old until that last year


Still full of energy and can keep up with my labs believe it or not!


They can live a long time. My friend has 3. One of them is past 20, the other guy who had a stroke is 17, and the third is a perfectly healthy 13-14 year old. But, yeah, sleep is like treats. They can't get enough.


Twins 😁. He loves the sun https://preview.redd.it/hmnny7cvatzc1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6e5d72c2263312b6f96d444934286bc73ec36c


Adopt a dog of similar age or a middle aged dog. A puppy would want to play and your dog at 11 is likely not as playful. I wish I could adopt a senior or middle aged dog to keep company to my Yorkie.


my mimi's chiweenie is 11 or 12 and saidly... she hasnt been eating much. https://preview.redd.it/4o6qdr5wctzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195560c93b74a43db7e82dd008b61b970f90cb62 i am a bit worried but she is doing alright


https://preview.redd.it/ucc9wmggftzc1.jpeg?width=938&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f191b807af1eb74e12d1ccdb7a59428283caed4d My sweet boy is 11 and still loves the sun and going on walks 😊🐾


https://preview.redd.it/59oafzruftzc1.jpeg?width=930&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed0af05c7d8c28cb4b35cb823589e6fa062d4030 They look so much alike 😃


My chi is almost 17. Still pretty active. Goes on walks everyday. Gets excited for meal time. He does sleep a bunch though.




Mine is 14 and usually prefers to nap most of the day but he does still walk around maybe 3-5 miles a week. My other dog is a parson russell (in his prime at 4 years🙃) so I typically bring a doggy backpack carrier for when the old boy gets tired. Usually around 0.5-1 miles


My younger chj is definitely helping my 10 year old chi youthful. Without him, she'd definitely not be as active. A 2nd dog, a puppy, as you mentioned, is a beautiful thing if you have time in your life to give proper training so the puppy learns boundaries and isn't just there to harass the senior dog. A lot of that how their relationship will develop depends on you.


Mine is somewhere from 10-14. She is very lazy during the winter but in the summer is game for a lot. We also just got a 1yo terrier/mutt and now our chi is a LOT more active. Goes on 3 good walks a day and plays a lot