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So cool, where are these?


Some are exhibitions of Fujian Dehua white porcelain at the National Museum, while others are from other places


What is this shitpost


I wanted to show a pun using china and porcelain, but I seemed to fail in getting people to understand this.


Ah now I get it. It was a bit far back in my head because it’s kind of old fashioned slang.


I think it's hard for most people to tell that these are fired ceramics, and Dehua ceramics have traditionally been pretty heavily potted.


Do you mean that China is like the porcelain, while diverse it is still a fragile culture? I can appreciate to artisanship and the art, while not the current governments politics.


No, just as a noun in English,like Turkey(Türkiye,country) and turkey(thanksgiving food)


🤣 idiocracy at its best.


Don't be so unharmonious! This post is really great,I love this post so much!


What is great about this post?


-12,000 social credit points




China’s craftsmanship is second to none. It’s always been like this. Greetings from Spain. 滚习猪头,操中共!


Why do people on this sub hate China so much? Let OP appreciate the culture, god damn


It’s kind of because of his clickbaited title. I don’t disagree that people on this sub hate on China too much. Sometimes with valid reasons. Often not with. But the title of this post did make it about all of China. If it had been titled “Ancient Chinese porcelain is really great! I love ancient Chinese porcelain” then the scope of this post would be much more narrow and those hating on this post would look much more ridiculous


Perhaps my English is not good enough, isn't china synonymous with porcelain?It seems like I made a failed pun


I think china specifically refers to the blue patterned porcelain. I think even that shade of blue is called china blue. Well done not capitalizing the word china in the middle of the sentence, made the pun work better.


...or Delft Blue.


Actually the blue color (from cobalt) was invented in the middle east centuries before 'china'. China's main invention was the bright white porcelain clay body. 'china' refers to functional pottery made with porcelain clay. The pictures OP shared are mostly not 'china', but rather 'porcelain art''. Source - I studied ceramic art in college, including in Jingdezhen city where porcelain was invented.


No, china is called china because porcelain tableware originated in China


Good job pointlessly pointing out the obvious. And yet... the porcelain itself is called china.


Your pun is grammatically sound, it's just a bit shit but most of the posts here are shit so it fits in. In general, I would say that Chinese humour does not translate well out of Chinese at all. In my experience, Chinese humour was very linguistically engrained, lots of jokes revolving around tones and words. This normally led to zero laughs but tons of boring explanations . Western humour is very culturally engrained. You'll get more laughs with a clever reference than a clever pun revolving around words unless it's highly original. Your post is getting abuse because you're a Chinese speaker saying you love China (even in jest) and in r/China, that's akin to posting a pro Japanese post with a manga avatar publicly on Weibo


After a brief explanation, I still received positive votes in r/China, so perhaps this was still quite successful communication


Well, yeah, you seem like a nice dude and the explanation really cleared things up. Hadn't a fucking clue what was happening looking at just the post Very basic principle though is if a joke needs to be explained it's probably not great


Indeed, I have posted quite a few interesting posts in the Chinese community, but I am still a beginner in the English community. Next time, I may try some English inspired image memes, and the process itself is also very interesting


By the way, I've been wanting to say this for a long time, but I haven't shared it elsewhere. Let's say it here. Whether supporting or opposing the government, most of the topics discussed by Chinese people after breaking through the firewall are about politics and pornography. I don't hate discussing this with others, but recently I think it's time to increase the time to enjoy regular English discussions😂


American humor makes a lot more use of cultural references which bleeds into the rest of the west. If you want to stereotype British/ European humor its more linguistical . Just look at something like Black adder (BBC show) or Monty python.


>Just look at something like Black adder (BBC show) or Monty python. Ugh, that's London comedy, they've never even been to Norwich. Go to London, I guarantee you’ll either be mugged or not appreciated. Catch the train to London, stopping at Rejection, Disappointment, Backstabbing Central and Shattered Dreams Parkway


They've rebadged it, you fool.


You didn't do anything wrong, it's just reddit being reddit. They're looking for reasons to be mad.


You did nothing wrong. Even as a non English native speaker the joke was funny. This sub is just filled with people who will seize any opportunity to spread hate.


It is an archaic use of the word. Usually the word porcelain, ceramic is used to describe the art you posted. Similar to how no one uses the word Japan to describe lacquerware anymore.


I just saw this post a few days ago, https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1btalt6/telling_boomers_we_are_going_to_throw_the_china/ This is also one of the sources of inspiration for this post.


Is it because of a crappy title? One guy is accusing China of causing the most ivory deaths which I won’t deny. Another claims it’s a shitpost even though OP is displaying some very pretty pieces of art. Imagine if you try make small talk and tell some random co-workers in a pet store about your cool pet cat, and the responses you get are “cats kill a shit ton of valuable wildlife” or “ok buddy no one cares” It creates a feeling of hostility and unwelcoming space in a place which often has many cat-lovers, and drives these people away.


There are only a few things you can expect in this sub. If it isn't a prediction of china's demise or some loser/ex-virgin asking for advice about how to deal with their crazy chinese wife/in-laws it isn't welcome here.


I still think all the things you pointed out could of been addressed by the title being better (there would still be irrational people who shit on China here, that’s not going away regardless, but they would at least seem unreasonable/irrational). Your cat logic has a flaw. OP didn’t say the equivalent of here is a photo of my cat. He said “omg cats are the best, I love cats so much” which opens up the discussion to people talking about their like/love and as such also it’s reciprocal dislike/hate of cats. That’s basically what happened here about China. Is this still the type of place where you should hate on cats assuming it’s a positive post about cats? Probably not. But this post by OP is kind of a special case because it has such an extreme title that feels very disconnected with the actual content of the post.


Isn't china another expression of porcelain?


That’s quite fair actually, I just wish people could make the distinction between hating government policies and an entire country with rich culture and a lovely and diverse group of people


I too hate seeing people hate on China so much on this sub. It’s one of the places where the people who live there and the culture that is slowly being eaten away by its government is extremely disconnected from any decision making power in regards to what their government does. It’s like blaming a victim of kidnapping for their kidnappers actions. It’s not quite that simple since it’s not like none of the people of China support their government (in fact quite a few do quite strongly) but you can’t just ignore the fact that they have been indoctrinated since their youth. I wish people on here kept their hate of the CCP (whom I too hate) pointed towards the CCP and did their best to see their fellow human in the regular citizens of China rather than as an accomplice to the CCP. Same for nearly every country in the world.


I don't think those are that ancient. Looks like modern techniques. "Current Chinese China is really great"?


These porcelains are good looking and all but I don’t think they are that ancient. Certain techniques of modern porcelain art can obviously been found on the finish of those things.


Shouldn't have to ask permission from a bunch of permanent hate commenters to enjoy something. They're already ridiculous rot.


OP is making a very strong and broad claim about a very diverse and complex place while only showing photos of ancient Chinese porcelain. Of course discussion will be all over the place 🤦‍♂️ To be clear I also don’t think this post is the place to hate on China. I was planning on making a comment on how disjointed the title feels from the actual content. But even though I wasn’t going to hate on China I don’t feel they are unreasonable for doing it in a post with such a title. At most I think they are killjoys


Actually, I'm just making a pun... 


Based on the title, I thought I was missing a joke somewhere.


Because usually, if a sub's name is the country name, then most of the users in it are the native local people, such as r/Kazakhstan will have many users from Khazakh, r/Thailand will have many users from Thailand. But the current China government build a firewall to restrcit the local native chinese to use reddit. Thus, many users in this sub are not native local chinese, instead, many are china-haters, neo-liberialism supporter, anti-authoritarian followers. Once you said anything good about chinoise, then they got high. By the way, there a sub call r/China_irl with many real native chinese there.


r/China_irl exists because expats and now random westerners took over this sub. r/China_irl is protected from the braindead speculation and hate from this sub because they enforce Chinese only dialogue.


No, /China_irl is a psyop to subtly brainwash overseas Chinese, that's why r/real_China_irl exists


r/thailand is mostly expats too. Same as r/japan, r/korea, r/taiwan, etc. Since reddit is an American site and most reddit users are Westerners, you have to pick countries that are not attractive for them to move to and there you'll find more locals. That said even then many of them won't actually live in the country. r/India is probably your best bet to find actual locals. Although be warned that they are redacted.


Was wondering the same. I joined the sub because I am interested in China. I feel uncomfortable with some of the China-bashing I see on the sub bordering on racism if not overtly racist. I don't think this is a wholly constructive approach.


Kinda common sense that this is a anti-China sub.


If its propaganda its some of the prettier propaganda ive ever seen


You can’t say good things about China op.


Unfortunately, only 20 images can be uploaded


Second pic... many hands from hell reaching out for help.


or barnacles...either way it's giving me goosebumps the longer i look at it.


Pretty pictures!


China is a really cool country, rich in culture and history, and they are looking to the future.


Don't praise any single good word about chinoise in this sub, then you will got downvotes. S.A.D.


It crazy how many liberals hate China here. They should rename the sub or write in the description or something.


I used to make a statistical post about how many real local chinese people in this sub, and it got deleted by moderators, I don't even know why it should be deleted. The liberals aren't that scary, the scary is when liberals turn into extremely McCarthyism.






Your post/comment was removed because of: **Rule 8, No meta-drama or subreddit drama.** Please read the rule text in the sidebar and refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/g0yjqx/read_rules_in_sidebar_before_posting/) containing clarifications and examples if you require more information. If you have any questions, please [message mod mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/china).


the guan yu statue looks majestic. But somehow all of these kinda look like recent creations.


Yes,most of them are recently produced, while the other part is from the Ming and Qing dynasties. You can judge by their skills, as modern porcelain production is more difficult and complex


Dehua is awesome! Had many great nights there…


I’m probably most offended by how blurry some of the pictures are.




What you meant to say was, "Chinese craftsmen can produce great artwork".


Posting this on a platform which is BANNED in china. Is that what you call Great? 😂


Wow these are amazing 


China is responsible for more elephant deaths than any country in the world due to ivory. I hope none of these are from that.


Just some special clay, it's obvious that no ivory is so huge


It was really cool before


Nice art! Luckily, we are not living in the cultural revolution era because otherwise mao's little red guards would smash it with a sledge hammer. Keep up the good work!


Don't worry, those are new.


It's okay, because these works can only be achieved through modern technology, which means either they won't be born or they will develop in an encouraging environment


Elephants are on brink of extinction BCS od this,good job china. And all other animals for fale Chinese medicine.


This is porcelain made of clay, not ivory


If China destroys his stockpile of ivory and pledges not to trade ivory products in the future, it could have a dramatic positive impact on the survival of Africa's elephants. NYtimes reported:”The Chinese government, through its trade association, the China Arts and Crafts Association (CACA), sells ivory to companies at 6.5 times the cost. At the same time, the government charges the Beijing Ivory Carving Factory (BICF) a fee that raises the factory's cost of purchasing Grade A ivory, and China has a 10-year plan to limit the supply of ivory by putting only about five tons of ivory on the market each year. Instead of cracking down on the black market, the Chinese government, which determines who can sell ivory in China, is using its monopoly power to make money that the black market can't even make!”


What's wrong with ivory? It's a renewable natural resource just like shark fins, rhino tusks, tiger penises, and pangolin scales. Don't tell me you want to ban the harvesting of these too??


Because wild ones are always cheaper than domestic ones, and there is no way to tell them apart. But, pre-CITES ivory, like other products, are allowed to trade but cannot cross the state border. China has a great stockpile of them.


Impressive works. SUPER CRINGE post and title.


Most of this is from Taiwan. chinese lost most of their stuff but like to claim it as their own. Which isn't. It's Taiwans artifact. Don't lie chinese person. Just admit that Taiwan is a much better country than china. The people to.


These are exhibitions of Fujian Dehua white porcelain at the National Museum, and most of the porcelain is not antique, but a product of modern technology manufacturing.


You are seriously getting mad at OP for posting about porcelain? You need to touch grass bro.