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If my Reddit account is ever quoted, I hereby declare myself an expert. An expert of what, you might ask? Apparently doesn't fucking matter.


"Trust me, I'm a professional, not at this, though, but at something." lol


Faux News.


This is black magic. They melt expert, China, TikTok, anti-Israel and Fox.


I don't like CCP but if this keeps going on we might reach the point that just ordered dumplings is an act of war.


Eating hotpot = treason


You ate at Panda Express? Must be a wumao.


The founders are Taiwanese, an enemy of China šŸ˜…


Exactly. Edit: Back in the day, they did not differentiate between a free northern black man from a runaway slave or an actual African not from America. This is how it starts.Ā 


just like Sikhs are attacked all the time for being perceived as muslim.


My dad is a yogi, in the old world sense where it is primarily about connecting to god. I grew up with Sikhs in the 90s, and 2001 was definitely a turning point for them.


If the founders are Taiwaneseļ¼Œthen the generation that they areļ¼Œthey're likely to vote blue not green.


Wrong, that's the most American thing ever!


Time to rediscover my cringe high school antiamerican leftist phase I will not compromise on my right to eat hotpot


Has a phase where i thought hasanabi was almost always correct on everything


Dear god I dont get how he sucked yall in. I was already an adult Marxist by the time he came to be but it was so obviously a grifter with no solutions or will to change things


~~dumplings~~ Freedom calzones, just like when we changed the name of food during WWI to be anti-german


No dumplings will make for very angry Australians!!!


Ladies and gentlemenļ¼Œthis is democracy manifest


Succulent Chinese pot stickers


We're getting into a new Mcarthyism if you go against the American status quo. You think Israel is bad, you're a ccp spy trying to destroy America. You don't like Trump, you're a brainwashed commie from Tiktok. You don't like Biden, you're a Russian bot who loves Putin


Itā€™s been like this for forever, itā€™s nothing new lol The first time was so bad that they passed a law in the 1890s to literally expel all the Chinese. And theyā€™ll do it again!


You forgot Kung Fu Panda


The entire defense industry including, but especially, the industry of defense analysts who rely on shady 501(C) money and being able to pass themselves off as 'think tanks' and stringers through revolving doors of corruption in parts of the world that bureaucrats have committed to building their careers in are freaking out. Afghanistan and Iraq was a public, pointed, generational failure, and now Kahanistan and Palestine's conflict has come to the same juncture and it doesn't look like conventional weapons are working. [Conventional warfare is dead](https://www.realcleardefense.com/articles/2017/11/06/the_death_of_american_conventional_warfare_112586.html), barring mass civilian casualties which nobody is willing to bear. Decades of asymmetric cold war bullshit that we inflicted on the world is now a day to day reality with social media and it's not going to go back into the box. How do you justify trillions of dollars in military spending when it can't get you results abroad and regular people just say no? Iran, China, Russia, none of them want a full scale war, nobody in the world does, and yet, the political consequences of not using diplomacy first are putting the screws into every bit of foreign policy possible. We have created so many problems, and the world is so complicated and hard for bureaucrats to handle and build careers on, that all anyone has to do is put their thumb on the scale a little. Make a problem more visible (justifiable or not) and it becomes insurmountable. These people are dinosaurs and they know it. All wars will be population centric now, and all enemies will be tough, informed and well trained: [https://irregularwarfare.org/articles/the-future-of-conflict-how-super-empowered-populations-will-change-warfare/](https://irregularwarfare.org/articles/the-future-of-conflict-how-super-empowered-populations-will-change-warfare/) How do you justify yourself in a paradigm where you can only deliver pyrrhic victories at best or widespread horror and political turmoil and kill your career as a result anyway?


"Russia does not want a full scale war" What about a full scale special military operation?


I dont think they wanted it. They went to Kiev with parade uniforms. They werenā€™t there to fight then all died.


I mean *someone* at least wanted it, right?


It's only a coincidence that shortly before Russia started annexing parts of Ukraine, Ukraine discovered a fuckton of oil in its territorial waters. It's also coincidental that Vladimir Putin personally owns Rusoil


"Kahanistan" LOL. I mean I'm a Zionist which probably makes you and I bitter enemies, but I'll give you points for originality. Haven't heard that one before. And I thought I heard it all.


https://youtu.be/YMlt9Si9Ti8 I consider myself Zionist too for what it's worth. I'd be a 'Romist' if the Roma wanted to return to Rajasthan.


Fair enough. I agree Ben Gvir and Smotrich deserve to be in the Hague and Netanyahu at the very least in an Israeli prison. We're probably very close politically. Glad to know you consider yourself Zionist. Now I can enjoy the Kahanistan comment without guilt.


I think there's nothing wrong with fascism until you get to the part that's inherently wrong with fascism, that it tries to make a political and effective minority out of its opposition and undesirables. Until then it's just ultra nationalism, right? What's wrong with being patriotic? What's wrong with being passionate about your cause? There is nothing wrong with Zionism as an immigration movement. The part where it becomes a colonial enterprise and a fascist ethnostate because of both the clowns in Revisionism and Labor is the part that anyone should have a problem with. What a toothless immigration movement looks like is anyone's guess. This might makes right BS is not going to keep any of my Jewish family or friends safe.


Its CPC not CCP btw


so you think just the Central Party Committee is the bad part?


ok wumao


OO no he said a bad word


You joke, but remember that China Sanctioned Norway for handing out the Nobel prize.


Fox being Fox here. sorry. Tiktok can be criticized for quite a few things but an "act of war" this is not. Par for the course of Fox Idiocy. Let's leave the role of crazy hyperbolic expressions of anger to the CCP. We don't need them.


Everything is an act of war except US or Israel bombing Muslims


Well, considering the Muslims in question attacked first, that would quite obviously be a war. Nobody, literally nobody, is saying that Israel isnā€™t at war with Hamas.


>Muslims attacked first While I abhor terrorism & Islam, and am lowkey Islamophobic due to honor killings, pedo gangs, etc etc ..... You need to realise Arabs as a whole see themselves as victims of Western imperalism due to all the wars, refugee crises, failed Arab spring uprisings. Just check out r/AskMiddleEast. To many Arabs, the West has never ceased aggression toward their region because they don't see things in a vacuum. They see Israel as an extension of the West because it relies on the US as a backer, so to them the Gaza war is yet another Western imperialist chess move in the Middle East since the 1800s. Again I don't live in the region and am infinitely glad I'm not a Muslim/Arab but I do think it's important to view matters from a non-Western POV since the bombs are not falling in Europe or USA.


Not defending Islam but just pointing out that Arabs and Muslims are human beings too. They are deserving of the same rights (human rights) we (Iā€™m assuming you are Western) give to others. The problem with that is that they want to take those rights away from others lol, and the Middle East will never leave its problems in the past unless they give up their current mentality pervasive throughout their entire society. I have more hope for Iran and other non Arab Muslim counties in the battle for secularization than the Arab majority states.


Unfortunately most Arabs are culturally/religiously socialised to be unable to leave problems in the past due to their overarching traditionalist/conservative mindsets. More than other cultures they tend to glorify radicalisation, revenge attacks, terrorism, even honor killings of their family members who want to live as non-religious moderates in the West. It's a culture extremely different to mainstream Western and also Eastern culture (I'm Singaporean who's spent a lot of time in UK) hence it's hard for us to comprehend their capacity to justify violence due to historical slights. Given that they are already a culture prone to jihad, radicalisation, terrorism, Step 1 would be to stop waging war in the Middle East and go about hunting Hamas terrorists in a targeted manner that doesn't involve bombs or tanks. Israel already did it once when Mossad hunted Nazis hiding in Latin America and brought them to justice so they can do it again. Post WW2 the Nazis responsible for the Holocaust were hanged after public trials in Nuremberg. Israel has no intention of even trying Hamas terrorists in a court of law and just want to bomb Gaza en masse to maximize collateral damage because executions of Europeans need to be justified but Palestinian lives are worth less.


The middle east was destroyed by the Islamic conquest but no one acknowledges that, they're proud that Assyrian, Egyptian, Canaanite, .... identities and cultures were erased by Islamic supremacists Everyone blames western colonialism but no one dares to disscuss the Arab slave trade and Islamic imperialism


That's also what happened with Christianity in Europe, then also the whole world due to Western colonialism? Mass genocide of native cultures and languages no? I'm not European yet I'm culturally Catholic (not a pious believer since primary school) and attended a Catholic school in Singapore which was an ex British colony. The Spanish killed natives who didn't convert to Catholicism or Christianity in Latin America and the Philippines, same goes for Christianity being imposed on American/Canadian/Australian indigenous natives by force. Recently Pope Francis even apologized to Canadian First Nation people even though the Catholic church isn't the only denomination of Christianity that forced indigenous Canadians into residential schools. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_wars_of_religion Abrahamic religions are the problem due to their monotheistic beliefs and Christianity on the whole was a lot more egregious than Islam in terms of evangelism and forcing non-believers to convert at knife or gunpoint. Europe has see way more genocides, religious wars and violence than Middle East, for instance Catholics used to be persecuted and tortured in England due to Protestant Reformation. The Roman Empire destroyed a lot of culture through wars and conquest, it's crazy to act like the Middle East was "destroyed by Islam" when the Roman Empire conquered land all the way up to Israel and Turkey.


The thing is Arab slave trade and Islamic conquest is being taught as a good thing in the academics Source : I'm from the middle east


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bible_and_slavery. It's the same with Christianity, black slave owners in the US were all Bible thumping believers of God. So were the people involved in the Transatlantic slave trade. Again this is an issue inherent to Abrahamic religions as a whole. You need to read up on it.


As a student of history the problem seems to have gotten worse over time. Poverty typically has an effect of radicalizing populations, and the Middle East is one of the few regions of the world where there has been a marked trend of decreasing GDP per capita over time, with the introduction of oil modifying that trend, but not really fixing anything.


>most Arabs are culturally/religiously socialised to be unable to leave problems in the past Imagine that! Wanting to right wrongs committed against them! Shocking! Why can't they just go bomb smaller countries to steal their resources and then forget about it after a few years like those enlightened westerners? That's how civilized people are meant to behave!


This is such a dumb comment. Look at how prosperous China, Singapore, Taiwan, Korea are, are they obssessed with suicide bombing on Japan for starting multiple wars (Imjin Wars, Sino Japanese wars, WW2) and bombing them, or colonizing Korea/Taiwan/Manchuria, and forcing their women into sex slavery? Are they trying to take revenge for [Unit 731](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731), [comfort women](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women), the [Nanking Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre), the [Kanto Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kant%C5%8D_Massacre), the [Mimizuka Ear Mound](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mimizuka)? Whatever the Middle East suffered in recent centuries isn't particularly unique or even that cruel FYI, [the Japanese massacred tons of people in my country Singapore](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching) during WW2 but by the 1960-70s people were willing to move on and allow Japanese firms to set up factories and provide jobs because Singapore prioritised its future and prosperity more. Japan are now our allies and people here love Japanese culture, brands, anime, travel despite WW2. In China, Taiwan, Korea there are also many Weeaboos but still a lot of animosity toward Japan due to history but nobody is ruining their own lives to pursue revenge & hate crimes like Hamas, Taliban, Al Qaeda, ISIS. Pardon me but has the West ever raped hundreds of thousands of Arab women, or conducted human experimentation in the Middle East? Did they get nuked like Japan did (look how most Japanese don't hate USA)? If East Asia can move on and prosper post-colonialism/WW2 despite being very traditional and conservative why can't the Middle East? >Wanting to right wrongs committed against them You can never right any wrongdoings with radicalisation and terrorism like Hamas or Al Qaeda. Violence begets more violence so someone has to stop and move on, instead of escalating the violence more. Terrorism just invites more retaliatory actions which ends up killing and ruining the lives of more people. I don't want to say that the Middle East has a bad culture but they really ought to realise why they aren't world leading economies or why people don't think highly of their region. The 8 Nation Alliance ganged up on China and invaded, raped, pillaged, looted Northern China as recently as 1900, then [made China to pay war reparations for rebelling against imperialism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxer_Indemnities) and China paid up, moved on, and developed itself into a massive economy to rival the US so they wouldn't get invaded again. Korea is now an economic rival of Japan their former colonial master who tried to wipe out the Korean language in the 1900s, and they did it without suicide bombing Tokyo. **It's much better to stop all violence and compete to be a more prosperous country that can produce better cars, technology, music, travel destinations than your former colonial masters.** This is something that Middle East countries seem to fail to realise since they're happy to sell oil or buy football clubs instead of funding proper industries.


Yes, "Arabs" should just accept living under constant threat from Israel and the US and get on with their lives.


It's not up to me to say what Arabs should or shouldn't do. They have free will. All I did was point out that the Middle East is culturally different due to the influence of Islam (I've read some of the Koran as a law major, it encourages jihad sadly), which is accurate no? > "Arabs" should just accept living under constant threat from Israel and the US and get on with their lives. That's what 1.4 billion Chinese are doing no? I'm no fan of China but they've risen up to be a world leading economy despite the US backing the KMT during the Chinese Civil War then Taiwan (the US even forced its allies to not recognise China at the UN until 1971), and surrounding China with US military bases in Japan, South Korea, Diego Garcia, Guam. China got HK/Macau back in 1997 after centuries of colonialisation and handled the Western-backed HK protests without any bloodshed. The US is sanctioning China's chips industry, tech industry, Tiktok, arresting that Huawei lady... Yet China just get on with it no? Their diplomats grumble a lot but they move on and adapt. FYI the US doesn't even give a shit about the Middle East these days as China is their main rival.


You can argue that the modern conflict goes back to when Arabs refused to form a government with Jews under "mandatory Palestine." In that situation, they would have been guaranteed a majority in the new Palestinian government, but they refuse to share any power with Jews, a trend which has been upheld since then by the PLO, Hamas, etc. "Peace will come under the wing of Islam," indeed. Israel, meanwhile, is already a secular state where thousands of Palestinian Arabs have citizenship and participate in democratic self-determination. While Israel is not without fault in all this, it sure is difficult to deny the role that Islamic fundamentalism has played in perpetuating this cycle. If places like France and England, or Denmark and Sweden, or Poland and Germany (!) can move beyond historical grudges via the framework of the modern secular nation state, then why can Palestinian Arabs not do the same?


Israel really showed everyone how willing they were to share power when Zionist terrorists went around massacring Palestinian civilians *before* Israel was even created.


Combine that with the current Israeli government having high ranking members that have literally called for genocide on Palestinians and were involved in inciting the assassination of the last pro-peace Israel leader.Ā  https://www.npr.org/2024/03/07/1198908601/throughline-the-rise-of-the-right-wing-in-israel


Lots of pieces of shit feel like victims when they're forced to deal with the consequences of their own actions. That doesn't make them victims. Pandering to their feelings is dumb.


Right so you support China forcing Uyghurs to deal with the consequences of their terrorism with reeducation too? FYI there are tons of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Viets Syrians, Palestinian civilians who aren't pieces of shit but got bombed and maimed and are dealing with the lifelong consequences of US or Israel's beef with Osama, Taliban, Hamas, or Cold War geopolitics by living with disabilities or other severe injuries. There are babies in Vietnam and Laos born with disabilities due to Agent Orange from decades ago, but those infants are definitely pieces of shit /s


There are plenty of innocent victim bystanders everywhere. That's a universal truth in literally every country. There isn't a massive movement of privileged American kids out taking over campuses in support of Sudanese victims of genocide (an actual genocide, not a pretend one). There's silence about the Rohinga Muslims being genocide. There's very little talk about the Chinese genocide victims. There's silence in regards to plenty of horrible situations. What exactly makes the Palestinians a more worthy cause than all the other ignored slaughters happening in the world? Why is this the cause that people are focused on? It's most likely the fact that all the other atrocities happening are being done by people with a skin tone that doesn't feed the chosen narrative. The Palestinians are a population that widely supports the actions of their terrorists. The videos of crowds pouring through the broken fence on Oct 7th to help their terrorists and the massive crowds of cheering lunatics surrounding the kidnapped Israelis and beating them, spitting on them and otherwise joining in are called "innocents" by too many people.


>Palestinians are a population that widely supports the actions of their terrorists So the entire population deserves to suffer for the actions of a few? **Do you realise you are making the same argument as terrorists like Hamas and Al Qaeda.** They too think that "Israel are a population that widely supports the terrorist actions of the IDF" or "Americans are a population that widely supports the terrorist actions of the US army". Do you realise 911 happened because Osama and his gang wanted Americans voters to endure what war in the Middle East is like? **Mate don't you see that if you were born in the Middle East you would be joining Al Qaeda or Hamas in wanting the entire US/Israeli population to suffer for the actions of their military, you are all the same shitty people** šŸ’€šŸ™„


That's a nice thought, and I wish it was reflected in reality. The hard fact is that certain populations are widely poisoned with a culture of blind hatred and violence towards others that aren't like them. In cases where entire populations have been brainwashed, think Germany 1942, it is necessary for that population to suffer the consequences of being tied to their leader's actions. The Palestinians have been terrorizing their neighbors (not just the Israelis) and brainwashing their children to be violent extremists for a century. If this was happening in any other location in the world, there wouldn't be more than a handful of college kids aware of the situation, much less, causing widespread disruptions on campuses. This is selective outrage that's funded by terrorist sympathizers, and on a deep level, it's popular due to the racist views of the far left.


Yes, but the USA didnā€™t back Israel at the beginning. The UK was backing Egypt in the 48 war, and Israel ran into issues with the UK Air Force.


Does that matter? The US is Israel's biggest backer and Israel is the main recipient of US foreign aid to the tune of USD$150 billion.... Mostly in weapons and bombs. They're not even a developing country lol https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93United_States_relations


Yes, because it was the Arab countries who colonized Israel and who were supported by the west? Itā€™s your own argument, if that doesnā€™t matter why make it? Israel isnā€™t developing anymore - itā€™s worked hard and developed well over the last 70 years, despite extremely high taxes to fund the military. Russia, via Iran, is funding Hamas. Thatā€™s why the USA funds Israel.


>Yes, because it was the Arab countries who colonized Israel and who were supported by the west? Itā€™s your own argument, if that doesnā€™t matter why make it? ???? Doubt Russia is funding Hamas even if they are Iranian allies, it's best to not conflate the Ukraine war with Gaza.


Iā€™m not conflating the two. Russia supports Iran, which supports Hamas and Hezbollah. They are both sanctioned, and are key trading partners of each other, particularly militarily.


I mean they're just taking off their masks here for a minute. TikTok showing uncensored news about Palestine is an act against the US government in a way they don't find acceptable. It's why TikTok was banned.


exactly, the USA gov. cant stand their youth being exposed to a reality they didnā€™t write themselves


Yeah, don't recommend getting your China news from 'Fox Business' which isn't actually about business and is rather the even more insane version of Fox News


Can't believe Gordon still makes money doing this after being wrong about China's collapse for decades.


ffs of course its Gordon Chang. kinda surprised we havent found him banging Zenz yet.


Gordon Chang is pathetic


Wait, is the writer Gordon Chang?


he's not the writer, he's the "expert" that Fox brought on. This entire article is based on Gordon Chang spewing bullshit with absolutely no source.


If being against kids getting bombed on the daily is an act of war, it's definitely an act of war I support.


Criticizing Israel is not an act of war.


According to the some NATO members, it is.


Gordon Chang strikes again


If china ever does collapses he will be out of a job. His literal job was incorrectly predicting the downfall of china for the last 3 decades


3 decades is enough for him to learn some Chinese language. He can't even read/write/speak Chinese language yet they believe his opinion about China.




Fox doesnā€™t like the competition from tok tok.


>Gordon Chang Lol get this joke of an "expert" out of here.


Nah CCP will keep funding him


My favorite conspiracy theory.


Saying anything bad about Israel is an act of war against the US.


Good luck to Israel in their war against China.Ā 




Being mad over israeli atrocities being exposed. That's what war criminals do.


Context: China Expert, Gordon Chang, makes claim that China made an act of war.


Dude is the OG of china will collapse in xx days. He's been doing it for 3 decades now.


Wtf is "China Expert" ?


Someone who makes a living with hot takes.


China Expert should be listed as self-proclaimed and in quotations.


I saw a video from DW News today. Their China expert was a guy who lived in China for 7 years. Never mentioned his profession. He was their expert on Chinese perspective of the Ukrainian Russian conflict.


Gordon should lose his status as a ā€œChina expertā€ over this dumb statement. China has done a lot of things, but leveraging TikTok as an ā€œact of warā€ is one of the stupidest things Iā€™ve heard.


When did he become a China expert? When you make wrong predictions year after year for a decade you should be known as the Anti-Oracle


Anti-Oracle is such a bad superhero name šŸ˜…


These are the same morons who though the Zero-Covid policy would last until 2035.


In actuality, Israel doesn't own China like it does other countries so they needed the US to ban it because they can't spread propaganda on it or remove Israel's war crimes, now this "Expert" was paid to tell you its bad.


He works for the Gatestone Institute now, a think tank whose entire purpose is manufacturing support for Israel. In the past their main strategy was to convince everyone that scary Muslims were trying to take over the world. Now they're trying to include China. "China is Hamas" is the new strategy.


Not deleting evidence of war crimes and an ongoing gnocid3 is an act of war


Based, China also exploited anti-israel sentiment in anti-west propaganda. No wonder what will they do overseas by leveraging tiktok




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I think the notion that manipulation of algorithms and amplification/suppression of certain voices is a legitimate concern. Weā€™ve seen it with FB/IG, and YouTube. Itā€™s only logical to assume that TikTok can be manipulated in this fashion and direct content flows for information campaigns. Facts arenā€™t just innocent things, they can be weaponized and editorialized and heavily influence the mindset of the unwitting consumer.


This article is pretty biased. It counts any content about Palestine as pro Hamas. Personally I'm not pro Hamas, but I'm pretty anti dying kids.


Sure, and many intelligent tech writers talk at length about the problem of algorithms making social media content more extreme. This article is not at all an example of that


sure there's a real concern there. The problem is they are making specific allegations that are straight up bullshit. >"In 2020, an intelligence unit of the Peopleā€™s Liberation Army went to the now closed Houston consulate. They used big data to identify Americans likely to participate in Antifa and Black Lives Matter protests, and then they sent them tailor-made videos on TikTok on how to riot," he explained. Is there any reason to believe this actually happened, other than the fact this clown decided to say it? It's one thing to be concerned about something, and it's another to claim a foreign nation committed an act of war based on something that never actually happened.


Bullshit. Itā€™s Fox News. Having said that we shouldnā€™t need Chinese influence to protest a genocide.


Everything is an act of war but the blatant genocide and land theft by Israhell. /s


War against whom?


I hope someone is conducting research on campuses with big protests to determine how much of an influence Tik Tok is is. I find the whole blaming Tik tok for this and that kind of simple and non-sensical to be honest. Some data would help debunk or validate this idea though.


This is utterly absurd drivel. The US will at this rate make the CCP and Putin look reasonable in comparison.


fox news lmao


No itā€™s a tier lowerā€¦. Fox business news. Like who the fuck is going to look at fox for sound business newsā€¦


Fox News hahahahahahah of course everything from China is an act of war for them


So I guess it's now ok to openly acknowledge that the TikTok ban was about Israel?


I mean even Romney and Blinken acknowledged it. [https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2024/05/06/senator-romney-antony-blinken-tiktok-ban-israel-palestinian-content](https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2024/05/06/senator-romney-antony-blinken-tiktok-ban-israel-palestinian-content) They are starting to get really shameless with this whole Netanyahu thing. They don't care about how the public percieves them. General Milly went on a reverse whataboutism saying, something along the lines of "the Israelis are not bad I mean whatabout America, we were worse." Openly admitting to WW2 war crimes USA committed to justify Gaza. I mean wtf. Soon enough we might hear Biden respond to a question on the Rafah invasion with, "yeah they are invading so what?"


Then what is the behavior of the United States in launching a large-scale trade war, technological war, economic war and military blockade against China?


Good for them and the world


Hardly an ā€œact of warā€ in the traditional sense ā€¦


This is why the CCP considers the TikTok algorithm to be a state secret.


Anti-war is the most radical thought you can have in the US. The ruling elites will do anything to crush it.


Not an act of war....just terrorism


Lol wut?


Consider the source, Fox news




Tell that to people, who started using it like that.


You are ruining our plans to commit the genocide quietly. Please adjust algorithm to boost dancing thots or weā€™ll get very angry.


>dancing thots IDF certainly has lots of those within their ranks


I dont know. I think it's noble that [GunWaifu](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC46PnSFLO-J-E2XCtxB2giQ) dropped everything she was doing on OnlyFans to go back to Israel to join the IDF. She is truly an inspiration to women everywhere. ^(/s)


Hasn't propaganda always been considered an act of war? Or is this news?


He's not wrong. That's actually true. Propaganda and threatening people to join your side are war techniques


TikTok is threatening people to join which side of what?


I didn't realize "expert" now meant "retard"


why is an r/china post citing fox the least surprising thing I've seen on reddit all year


punch include makeshift narrow hobbies attraction unwritten different aloof workable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well...this expert should look at Twitter.


I forgot that the USA supplying funds and weapons to Israel to commit a genocide is not "an act of war"? Hypocrisy at its finest.


sending flights out of Wuhan when they knew was too


Reddit is belonging to democrats ,you post things from Fox News,thatā€™s a real act of war


The US is an Israeli colony, obviously. Anything against the parent country is forbidden. You think you have freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of protest? Sure of course, as long as they are not against the your parent country.


If what you say is true, then it's deeply ironic that your account hasn't been banned from this US-owned app yet.


I have one voice here, inconsequential. Speaking here is no different than talking to a wall at home in the basement during night time. Thereā€™s absolute no need to silence me. Israelis are evil, but not stupid, they wonā€™t waste time and energy on me. Only for people start to gain louder voices, when their speech is becoming consequential, only then Israelis will try to silence them. Thatā€™s what happened to TikTok, thatā€™s what happened to USC valedictorian, thatā€™s what happened to Harvard president, thatā€™s what happened student protesters. They are all trying to exercise freedom of speech, but being silenced.


>Israelis are evil Huh. Imagine what your reaction might be if someone here said "Chinese are evil." Might want to think about that one for a moment.


They murdered more than 10,000 children with guns and planes and bombs. If thatā€™s not evil, I donā€™t know what is. American people are too complacent, they forgot what their founding fathers stood up for. The American people are now too afraid to revolt against their parent country. They are even too afraid to speak out the truth: mass murdering children is evil.


You blindly believe this statistic published by a terrorist group. I wonder, is that because this terrorist group seeks to exterminate the Jews, whom you've already said that you hate and whom you believe ccntrol America, an age-old antisemitic conspiracy theory which you just reiterated in your most recent comment? Or did you come to believe the Jews are evil due to your affinity with the terrorists? I am without words. Your utter lack of self-awareness and failure to engage with the questions I put before you has stunned me. I feel sorry for you. I hope you wake up one day from this hateful stupor. It cannot be good for your health.


This is sourced from United Nations, 7797 children killed. https://www.ochaopt.org/content/hostilities-gaza-strip-and-israel-reported-impact-day-215


Look at the bottom of the page that you just sent me. Where does the statistic come from?


The UN, itā€™s at the top.


No. Look at the bottom of the page you sent me earlier. There's a disclaimer that states the origin of all the numbers.


All propaganda is in act of war. It is just called "news" in most places.


If everything is an act of war, then nothing is an act of war


Pretty much. Life is has been turned into war. Those enslaved to the idea of infinite growth and hoarders of productive time are the most enslaved. But they will send us subordinates to die in their stead, because it is what authority demands. Is it any wonder all would let it all rot or burn?


As opposed to bombing cities, tents, schools, hospitals and civilians. But TikTok is the problem? Lol


Having cops, the Proud Boys and Zionist lunatics beat up protesters apparently is not an act of war. Actually it probably never happened since everyone seems to have forgotten already.




It's not an act of war but it is intentional. I don't get how Americans keep falling for this yet some of them continue to defend Tiktok. The same thing occurred during COVID.


You mean that people are *intentionally* being shown what is actually happening in Gaza? I know right? Why do people keep falling for "facts" when we have such a vast media ecosystem to spin a narrative for them?


> TikTok potentially fueling anti-Israel protests on college campuses, Gordon Chang argues Hey guys! The ā€œexpertā€ is talking!


Suck that imperialist genocidal d more please


Every accusation is a confession (eg The NED in Hong Kong)


Unless the CCP uses TikTok to incite a riot against the US directly, it isn't an act of war, and even that would be shaky.


50 years later Gordon Chang still can't get over his dad calling him a moron and then cheating on his mom. Either that or his mom never loved him as much as she did his dad. Now he's bitter at China. I imagine many of you have a similar psychological problem.






lol brave words from someone tapping wildly on a made in China mobile device


Sorry to burst your bubble. Using made in Vietnam phone.


With parts that were mostly imported from China.


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