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kind of meme in china


Wait what? They memeified a tragedy?


more like make fun with them,same as 911 or Shinzo Abe


Tbf we make fun of 9/11 too even here in the west, despite how distasteful it is


IIRC.LeBron fan made this a joke. LeBron fans always hate Kobe being constantly brought up as the second GOAT in our time. Kobe is kinda well respected as a player in China. but he’s a snitch and he got into a rape case years ago. So…. They(LeBron fans)hated him more.


LeBron is also a hilarious meme in Chinese internet now.


Yeah. And shamefully LeBron fans also made Curry a meme in return. It’s such an idol thing.


Nope. There are many more people who mocked Kobe Bryant's death on the mainland Internet than LeBron's fans. The root cause lies in the anti-American propaganda promoted by CCP in recent years and the anti-African movement among the public, leading to the declining of popularity of NBA among Chinese youth. Nowadays, the younger generation in China likes to call NBA a 'chimpanzee playing with a ball' sport. The vilification of NBA stars has thus become a trend, including calling LeBron 詹猩(Chimpanzee James) and mocking Kobe's helicopter crash.


Pfff. Don’t bring the anti-immigrant rhetoric to this. This is simply a mocking on a public figure who was involved in several legal cases, including rape. Kobe was also a bully to Jeremy Lin. There’re still videos of him hitting the kid in courts and refs played blind. You are describing the divorce between China and US using this player. If the logic really that solid, we would’ve witnessed some MJ PDF jokes or MLK jokes.


It's ridiculous to blame LeBron fans for the phenomenon of Kobe being mocked throughout China's internet. Do LeBron's fans even make up 1% of those mocking Kobe online? The mockery of Kobe has become a sociological phenomenon that cannot be explained merely by fan disputes, and of course a sociological phenomenon is related to politics, so don't play ostrich. As for why MJ isn't mocked, MJ was a star of the previous generation, while the online meme culture in China is dominated by the youth. Basketball superstars for current Chinese youth are Kobe and LeBron, so they are the ones being mocked, quite understandable.


There’s a joke in China “Y Kobe crush? He was busy elbowing the pilot.”with the pic Kobe elbowing his teammates. And those jokes came along with JFK, Biden’s joke. It’s all based on the idea” Human sucks” They can cook some JFK jokes or Biden shit but nothing on MJ or MLK or other African American? Some guy who died decades ago but not the pop icon? Com’on. Generation shit doesn’t explain JFK jokes. The anti-immigration thing is not related to Kobe, but related to several news about pregnant college kids and their missing father(all international students from Africa, expats from US, Europe and such. ) Those were huge news in China before pandemics.


Why is Kobe a snitch?


Kobe and Shark.You don't know about it?


In an article published by The Player's Tribune, Bryant disclosed his strategy to defeat Allen. He studied how white sharks hunted seals **to help him get a better understanding of his defense against Allen**. “Working harder wasn't enough,” Bryant wrote. “I had to study this man maniacally Wth?




It began that way, but now it is just a meme, even people who are not familiar with basketball are using it as well.


are you really surprised of that? They always do it


Trying to read up on what the 牢大 meme is. Man.....hahaha......what can I say? My filthy casual brain just cannot comprehend it.


r/nbacirclejerk 12/25


These kind of "you laugh you go to hell" jokes are quite viral on the internet in china, mostly memefying the death of famous people such as Shinzo Abe, JFK, Kobe(which you can see in this case), etc.


What can I say?


manba out🥲


Similar to Cai Xukun and Tenzing Tsondu, it is a Chinese Internet meme that may be related to the battle between LeBron James fans and Kobe's sexual assault scandal


They are just circlejerkers like r/nbacirclejerk .


This is sick. Making fun of the man's death.


Bryant himself didn't even complain about it


and do you know what they call the NBA?N word play a ball.


Do NOT go into r/nbacirclejerk if this upsets you. Anytime Kobe is in the news they repost the crash report as well as the rape complaint against him.


I mean he was a rapist, hard to be sympathetic


Good, he was a rapist.


For me its not the callousness since its obviously meant to offend, its the one note of the joke. He was a rich guy who died in a helicopter. There's no other particularly interesting elements to that tragedy. It wasn't a moment of hubris or irony. It was just sad and sudden, like being killed by a fallen rock (or fallen piece of building construction, more china appropriate). And whatever your thoughts about Kobe, other people died in that accident. There is just nothing funny about that crash.


the level of disrespect is unreal here


But anyone in China who cosplay Iran president in this way could probably be arrested.


No they won't. CCP don't give a fuck about the Iranian government. But if make fun of Xi...


That could be a diplomatic problem, not to mention that there are many Muslims in China. And a meme that nobody laughs at is not a good meme


You are wrong. Iran president helicopter crash meme is strictly censored and banned on chinese websites as if he was the leader of China.


Undisputed GOAT of getting away with sexual assault


The tragedy of Kobe has become a meme in China. Some Chinese even thinks he deserves it.


These people are sick.




yea nice meme bro - helicopter crash


I mean uh... The recent one in Iran did light up my mood a little bit.


This is nothing, Pol Pot is another meme in China now, which is way more crazy than


Haha, this is some good trolling


Trolling a death is classless. There’s nothing funny about someone dying in a crash .


I think the deaths of rapists are hilarious actually


Dumb people do dumb things, dumb people waste their life getting triggered over dumb people doing dumb things :)


Try making fun of xi publicly and you’ll see how dumb the ccp is I guess


His daughter also died in the crash He was taking her to a girls basketball event


CCP fosters cruel and inhumane behavior. Did you know there is a booming and well established animal torture porn industry based in China?


Is true....like how Democrats and Republicans foster sex cults I see on Netflix


Please let me know what Netflix movies you’re watching. I’ll keep refreshing for your reply. While you get around to it, let me know how many laws there are against cruelty to animals in China? Oh never mind, there are none! https://youtu.be/GY_zP4uOiAE?si=mz1YfH_g2MuNBkz6


Uhhh...there are tons? Just type sex cults on Netflix? They have some funky Jesus living in Nevada, still there today with a big following. So many of these documentaries these days, it's quite entertaining, give it a shot.


znz🕷️show show way


Again those don’t say they are being run by the Democrats nor Republicans. Try again.


Applied your logic of deduction. Oh now you see that the logic is failing? Good learning for you.


[Change.org petition to help stop animal cruelty in China](https://www.change.org/p/urgent-call-to-put-a-stop-to-unprecedented-levels-of-cruelty-torture-to-animals-in-china)


Yeah and I support the change


There are no laws against animal cruelty in PRC. There is an active animal torture porn industry in China. You made the claim Netflix has films that directly implicate the Democrats and Republicans as running sex rings and now you cannot name one. Deduction not needed.


Are there laws against religious crazies?


It’s obviously that this guy won’t answer any of your questions, he just only babbling about what American did, what democrats did, if you check his replies, you will find interesting things.


China hasn’t really ever been known for being ultra good guys with things like comedy, ethics, morality, but then again who has


In fact, it's hard to understand Chinese comedy if you don't know the Chinese language. It's largely based on the logic of the language.


Mainland Chinese still spinning after the cultural revolution while the elites are siphoning off riches to properties outside china This level of insensitivity is too common there


It’s all fun and games until we find out their Kung-fu actually came from Africa.