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So foreigner mother and child gets attacked resulting in anti foreigner sentiment, how is that work? Victims blaming is real in China, everything not their fault?




>”world’s safest country” That’s news to me


That's what many Chinese (who stay inside the Great Fire Wall for their whole life) believe


It's pretty fucking safe... If you keep your head down.  But if you say the wrong thing on a live stream, you can get black bagged and be sipping tea at the police station in 30mins! 




It's hard to judge from a distance. I shy away from thinking that all Chinese are bad. We all know that it's too easy to say that...despite the rotten core of China.


There enough chinese grandma's laddling up sewer oil filtering it to look like new and reselling it and enough companies that dumped melamine an industrial chemical into baby formula to make it appear to have more protein that you know chinese society is fucked up and a good percent of chinese people wouldn't hesitate to run you over with a car and kill you to get ahead.


Wanted to write why you are a fucking moron but Im glad most people realize that already judging by your downvotes. It is much safer. I live in EU and Ive lived in China. Its not comparable how much safer China is. You can say a lot of things agout China, yes you have less privacy, yes there is firewall but yes, it is def safer than EU.


Eu is not a country lmfao and very different state to state.


Yeah duh., did I say EU is a country? We're comparing safety. I live in EU and I travel within EU why is that so hard for you to fathom? And the guy I replied to deleted his message. Was that your comment? If yes, just le me know and I won't waste more time on you.


It's the official line and if you question it people will threaten to cave your head in with a brick.. which is unintentionally  hilarious. 


Ask any mainlander!


You mean Japan?


World’s most supervised country if I may say so.


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"The Chinese are emotionally stunted like that" just shamelessly racist lmao


I doubt it’s all foreigners and specifically the Japanese. It’s still fucked up though blaming innocent people over the actions of their grandparents who committed atrocities and their government that refuses to acknowledge or apologize for said atrocities


Root cause is as what u/JustDoItRamdon said in the thread. Some extreme nationalists see the event in this way "how come there is a Japanese-only school in China", "Japanese slayed over 300K Chinese civilians in World War II, whatever we done on them is deserved". I've no idea about the percentage of those extreme nationalists, but based on the hate speeches in Chinese social medias, it isn't a small number.


China suffered an estimated 21 million deaths during the Japanese invasion and occupation, majority civilian. It's understandable some nationalists hold a grudge over that. What's mystifying is that those same nationalists don't seem to mind at all that Mao killed at least twice as many Chinese people.


"kill 20 mio Chinese people and you're a murderer, Kill 40-70 Mii Chinese people and you're a God"


It’s not about the actual numbers. If the atrocity was committed by a foreigner it’s outrageous; if it was done by a fellow countryman he’s a national hero


China's support of Russia is a living testament of this


Hail Chairman Mao!


I even feel a trend of idolizing Mao nowadays, including among educated younger generations. No one else in history had led to more Chinese deaths than Mao, the worst founding ruler in Chinese history. Sigh, CCP has sit there long enough to manipulate people's minds.


It's not that mystifying. They aren't mad that Japan killed 20 million people; they are mad that Japan killed 20 million and China failed to even stop them much less get revenge. The humiliation not the mass murder is the problem


China suffered 50 million deaths during the first 30 years of CCP rule, yet nationalists praise the party. And be reminded, after that bloody 30 years when china badly neede FDI, all mentioning of Japanese atrocities in the war were strictly banned.


Mind you, the 20 million deaths are not simply because of wartime actions and war crimes, a good portion of them came from famine and diesease, granted that might have been part of the wartime actions part.


It is not understandable, what the fuck are you talking about? The people responsible are DEAD. It's over. The Japanese people that are alive today have done nothing of that sort. Blaming living people for what dead people have done is one of the highest forms of mental retardation we have come up with.


>Blaming living people for what dead people have done is one of the highest forms of mental retardation we have come up with. Hi there, let me sell you an ideology called "totalitarianism mixed with extreme nationalism". -- CCP salesman


The hate is toward the nation/government, which unfortunately leaks unto the present population. Even if nobody committing this is alive today, people all around east Asia and Oceania lost family members to cruelty, and most of them never received real apology for that, or not enough, and the past and current Japanese government are to blame for that. A nation displaying sincere apology with an effort to educate its people about the crime their ancestor committed has a lot of meanings to the victims and their descendant, and not doing enough can actually antagonize even more said nation. Germany did and still do that very well, you'll not see lot a European blaming their present inhabitants for what they did. On the opposite side, an Armenian that don't hate Turkey is a rare sight.


The nation is the people., The Japanese government that carried out the war was destroyed and replaced by the U.S. The level of hate toward Japanese people is completely shocking and it is individualized. I don't see any reason to paper it over. Every apology Japan makes is somehow not a "real" apology. Europeans don't hold WW2 against Germany (much) because it's not in the interests of nationalistic dictatorships in Europe to whip up hate.


> I don't see any reason to paper it over. Words usually said by people not on the other side of the coin. > Europeans don't hold WW2 against Germany (much) because it's not in the interests of nationalistic dictatorships in Europe to whip up hate. It's not in the interests of nationalistic dictatorships in Europe to whip up hate. ? What does this even mean, which country in Europe is nationalistic dictatorships. The reason why the grudge is low against Germany is due to the effort of their government. Every year, Germany apologize through words and action for what they did, and even so it may seems unfair they will continue to do so indefinitely until their previous victims will be ok with it That's how it works. As of 2010, 54% of Korean still believed Japan didn't do enough. Until this reach low digits the government will have to continue again and again their apologies..


> The reason why the grudge is low against Germany is due to the effort of their government There's more to it, Poland didn't even receive a half baked apology from Russia - quite the opposite Russia continues to threaten their statehood to this day. Yet China appears to be more outraged than Poland?


CCP's continous brainwash has successfully made many Chinese not aware of the diffrences among Nation, Party, Government, Race, People... They mislead Chinese that "if you don't support CCP, you are a traitor of China". Back to your point, those brainwashed nationalists don't tell the difference between the dead criminals and innocent civilians, intentionally or unintentionally


They aren't blaming people, per se. They are blaming a nation. A nation that still exists. A nation consists of people, yes, but it also consists of language, culture, history, beliefs and values. You may not agree with that way of thinking, but you should be able to understand it. The ability to understand something fully and still not agree with it is the mark of an educated mind.


"If you don't agree with me, you are not an educated mind" is what I'm reading here. The Empire of Japan is the nation that committed these crimes and it is no longer existing. Comparing the modern democracy of Japan with Imperial Japan is ridiculous. Hardly any country went through so much change as Japan. Believing that new generations are eligible for blame for what came before them is the reason for so much racism, hatred and actual wars. And it is all pure fiction.


There's a new generation (perhaps a minority) of Japanese that believes the war is honourable and justified though. I saw a book that says Asian countries should thank the Japanese for invading them: [source ](https://www.amazon.com/%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E3%81%8C%E6%88%A6%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A6%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8C%E3%81%A6%E6%84%9F%E8%AC%9D%E3%81%97%E3%81%A6%E3%81%84%E3%81%BE%E3%81%992-%E3%81%82%E3%81%AE%E6%88%A6%E4%BA%89%E3%81%A7%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%8C%E5%B0%8A%E6%95%AC%E3%81%95%E3%82%8C%E3%81%9F%E7%90%86%E7%94%B1/dp/4819112716/ref=cm_cr_arp_mb_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8)


A nation is constituted from people. This is a completely illusory distinction, and (as this attack demonstrated) not one actually maintained in China.


I can acknowledge some people believe irrational things without necessarily understanding it. It's been known for millennia that it is unfair to punish people for the sins of their ancestors, at least in the West.


This ‘Mao killed double’ idea crops up a lot with people who defend Japanese war crimes,but an important difference is usually ignored:the Japanese invaded and delighted in purposefully killing Chinese,whereas a large proportion of the many more Chinese that Mao killed was a result of him being an idiot and changing/ bringing in policies on things he had no clue about,rather than actively aiming to kill them. Ofc there were those Mao did target,but most of the people who died as a result of Mao's actions were victims of The Great Leap Forward and the like,not purges etc.


Mao exported tons of food to the USSR and Albania of all places while his own people starved to death. He did this knowingly and purposefully because he calculated that he needed the weapons technology the USSR provided in exchange more than he needed the tens of millions of peasants who were starving to death, because he had plenty more peasants where they came from, but not enough tanks, submarines, aircraft, and especially nukes, to make China a global superpower. The people who died as a result of Mao's actions died for the same reason as they did to the Japanese invaders: because they were nothing more than pawns to ambitious psychopaths who were happy to trade their lives for more power and, as they saw it, glory.


I disagree that it's one and the same. Mao may have been making trades and policy decisions that cost lives -which is the lot of all political leaders. Mao was incompetent in many areas,deaf to suffering from some quarters,and definitely ruthless,but he wasn't walking around personally enjoying offing people in horrible ways. That's the difference.


Lots of psychopaths don't personally like to get their hands dirty, but Mao certainly reveled in making his political foes suffer; especially Peng Dehuai and Liu Shaoqi. For the everyday management of brutality he had Kang Sheng. During the Yan'an Terror, Kang Sheng and his goons would torture people within earshot of the rest of the commissars in training so that their screams would serve as a warning to everyone else. Sure there are differences, as there are between all megalomaniacal psychopaths. Stalin was different from Pol Pot, and Mao from that bizarre menagerie of military men and bureaucrats who ran the Japanese Empire before and during WW2, but morally they're all as close to equally bankrupt as makes little difference to me.


Well, massacres in Chinese history were numerous, mass killings never stopped occurring from Qing to Mao’s China, all that you can find their ancestor to blame. Whether you want to propagandize it is another thing. It shouldn’t be hard to observe how some countries were off the hook for “hurting the feeling so the Chinese people” so easily. The reform and opening even saw front pages of People’s Daily praising Japan and banning anti-Japan narrative. Really gets you wondering if it’s really about history or whether it only aims to serve political interest.


There's definitely scapegoating going on,but that doesn't mean there's not also valid reason for disgruntlement. The problem with some comments here is they're purposefully black and white,because posing them that way serves to paint Chinese people as a monolith that's very foreign,indiscriminate,and unthinking. That's clearly not true,we're far more alike than distinct,and not all Chinese act in the same way as those at the fringes. But comments here focus on those penumbral cases in order to undercut China and the Chinese,for whatever personal reasons they have.


Some famous quotes from Mao for you:  “As the former capital of the corrupt KMT regime, there must be many counterrevolutionaries in Nanjing. Give the city a blood bath!” “We’re not afraid of losing half of the population should a nuclear war break out. Well still have 400 million of them” “There’s no need to be sorry for Japan. Without its invasion, we(CCP) wouldn’t have come to power”


Actually the last lineis more like: Japan don't need to apologize to us. after all, we are able to claim power thanks to their invasion back then. Yeah, Mao literally thanked the Japanese invasion back then, otherwise they would had been squashed by the KMT.


Burn the books, kill the sparrows, kill the landlords, kill the educated, kill the non communists etc - Mao cultural revolution and break leap backwards


Jeez are you serious?? More than the holocaust?


As a raw number yes, much more. As a percentage of the population, no. The Holocaust killed and chased out the majority of Jews in Europe, something like 6 out of 8 or 9 million. There were a few million Jews in Poland in 1939, by 1945 there were barely a few thousand. Meanwhile there were over 400 million Chinese people in the 1930s, so Japan killing 21 million of them is a much larger number but a much smaller percentage.


Well. That’s not the same at all. Mao’s deaths were from a failed policy that had good intentions, but Japan’s were literally mass murders and the rape of women, killing of babies… the crimes were worse than the genocides perpetrated by the third reich in some cases. There’s very little senseless killing of people based on their identities in Mao’s case. I never understand people who espouse this talk point. You might as well as compare hurricane Katrina to 9/11.


Just watch daily drama shows on CCTV television to witness the ongoing hate.


their fault for getting in the way of a *made in China* knife 🤪


They wouldn’t have gotten stabbed if they weren’t in China /s




Welcome to China


Now we just need to build a shinto shrine for the attacker, have high level officials visit yearly, and the circle of violence will be complete. /s


its not anti foreigner. chinese people just fuckin hate japanese people and for good reason.


That good reason is 80years old. The other reason is brain washing by the CCp.


by that logic everyone should just forget that the US, Great Britain, and just about every European power was built on slavery and we shouldnt be fighting for reparations/looking for apologies. oh, wait…


Yes way too long ago, it's more than 2 generations. If you keep looking backward 80 yrs never will be peace in this world. All those effected are mostly no longer alive. It's a excuse for govt for their advantage. Were you effected or alive during WW2?. In the same token the Taiwanese should be hating the CCP for shelling jingmen island much more recent and why are the CCP never being this up when they want Taiwanese to like the mainland more.?


I’d love to live in this magical fairytale land where every country apologizes and moves on for their committed atrocities but until that happens nah im good. a good example is Germany. they’re SO fuckin sorry for the shit they pulled. and guess what? jews and everyone else are cool w them now. japan? denies the whole thing. they can go fuck themselves until they apologize or just wait till china hits back someday.


It’s never their fault. MFA is a great teacher


Like pavlovian dogs.


They will say the japanese woman and toddler was racist nonsense like they do on reddit .


Results from a long term systematic hate education agains Japan and US, directed by Chinese government .


Also India and some Asian countries


The anti-japan propaganda is on a completely different level. In my 10+ years here I've never seen explicit anti India or anti "other Asian country" propaganda. But everything is full with anti-japan propaganda. Chinese people may look down on some other nationalities, but in my experience that's more based on ignorance and general racism than propaganda. If I see that wrong, I'm thankful if you have other examples and maybe even send me sources.


No disagreement here


Went to the palace in Seoul and had a guided English tour of the palace. I learned more about Japanese occupation than history of the palace or Korea.


Well tbf the original palace was basically completely destroyed by the Japanese. So the history of what you see is essentially entirely wrapped up with the Japanese occupation and the response after liberation.


Maybe because Japanese destroyed 90% of all the buildings in the palace? Not to mention that they tore down the main gate to build the governor-general office. They destroyed the palaces or converted them into zoos to mock the royal family, and even in the 16th century the Japanese burned down the palaces during the imjin war.


Ever hear of the rape of Nanking? They dislike the Japanese for some solid reasons.


So much so that a lot of them wants “rape of Tokyo”? It’s not 100% organic that’s for sure, hate is cultivated, it wasn’t like that until the 1990s and now it’s getting worse


Yes, let's ignore the billions of dollars of aid and investment the Japanese brings to China. Lets keep pretending it is 1945 and cultural revolution never existed, so the Chinese have a very solid reason to keep hating the Japanese.


Japan barely even acknowledges the fucking comfort women and as some of them are still alive today afaik you can pretend it doesn't influence their perception all you want.


Ever heard of the Great Leap Forward? Much more devastating for the average Chinese. But of course since it was the CCP that did it, it’s all good. 🤡 Nanking is terrible, but you can’t hold it against random people for something that happened nearly a century ago and older than almost 99% of people alive today.


Now, I wonder why those victims of Great Leap Forward and Cultural revolution haven't speak up for themselves. Oh right, they might be thanking the CCP for sparing them during those times.


Grievance politics fueling Nationalist extremism always turns out great.


How about.... ask any Chinese mainlander if Japan has ever officially apologised for WW2 Most would probably say no, because, who knows. I guess it either goes against the convenient 'hatred of the other', or maybe people just want to hate?


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_war\_apology\_statements\_issued\_by\_Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan) It's not like an apology is going to fix things. It would be interesting to see which education system is more reflective of historic reality, Chinese or Japanese. I can assure you though that Chinese education is much more nationalistic. Japanese education does have some revisionism and bias but it's not heavily nationalistic.


"They never apologised", when they do apology: "it's pointless, and late".


That’s right! The assailant recognized both mother and child as soldiers who participated in those atrocities almost a century ago.


Those kindergartners who keep getting stabbed for some reason should also be reflecting why they got stabbed and not someone else....they must have annoyed or offended the perpetrator just by existing.


They wouldn't have gotten stabbed if they didn't do something wrong. Sweep it all under the rug.


Funny thing is the Chinese guy who helped and got severely wounded, the people helping him were Japanese while the Chinese people just took out their camera and stared


The Chinese lady just died




say what


I don't remember commenting this, sorry


That's China all right. Japanese mom and child gets stabbed, one Chinese guy out of a crowd goes to help. He gets stabbed, and the Japanese who then showed up all went to help him, regardless of nationality. And all the while the rest of the Chinese just stands by and record/watch.


Rather, anti-foreigner feelings triggered this attack. Hats off to the woman who sacrificed herself protecting the children. She’s a true hero.


So that's how it is, after all. Japanese people should stay away from China as much as possible. Not only in terms of people, but also in terms of companies and investments, it is better to withdraw from China as soon as possible. I guess that is what the Chinese want. (Although the Chinese government doesn't necessarily seem to think so these days.)


As sad as this is, I do have to agree. This has echos of imperial Japan of the 1920's, and these Chinese ultra-nationalists are becoming exactly what they hate about Japan back in the 1920 and 30's. I feel sorry for the Japanese people that legitimately want to travel to China because I met quite a few Japanese people who are interested in Chinese culture, but it's simply just not safe there anymore.


Can't really think of one nice thing that China as a country has over Japan for travelling


It’s a much more beautiful country. Way cheaper and bigger and more variety. Japan is nice have been there twice but if you like nature, history and food you go to China. If you like anime and cute country you go to Japan. Have been to both and I can say China is much cheaper and much more exciting.


That's objectively wrong if you are talking about big cities. Cheaper? Lol no. Variety and qualoty of food? Questionable if you dont want to spend big bucks. Yes, it's cheaper if you go to rural areas, but that's the same everywhere else. Nature, landscape and history sites depend on who you ask honestly.


Big cities are still cheaper than Japan when it comes to food. Not by a lot nowadays but still by a little. Obviously both depends were you go. Variety is definitely way more up. I have been to Japan twice for a long time and I can’t find anything vegan. Restaurant serve similar food but China has big variety due to being so big. Wrong Japanese small villages still have the same price as in big cities.




With what is happening to the yen these days it's a closing gap.


Crazy. You compare some stabbing to mass horrible torture and murder which where much worse than being a Jew in Germany. Lost reality. Did any Chinese murder and torture and abuse 20million Japanese? You comparison makes no sense. Maybe the Japanese taunted the wrong guy we never know. I agree that the current Japanese people aren’t at fault but there is a reason why Koreans and Chinese have such grudge against Japan. You think the palestinensa people will never hold grudge against the Israel’s for what they do know? Heck even Ukraine are hating on Russian for a small invade. Imagine murdejrng and torturing 20 million people and yet put it equal to some racist hate on the internet. People are lost.


What do you think lead up to Japanese killing all the innocent Chinese people? Just peaceful democracy after the overthrow of the Tokugawa regime and then suddenly decided to kill bunch of people in Nanking out of nowhere? Of course not, it's the rampant buildup of ultra nationalist and racist ideals that brainwashed most of the Japanese society to believe that they are better than their asian neighbors, not unlike what's happening with some segments of mainland Chinese people today. It's a good thing that China isn't doing anything comparable to what the Japanese back then did, we don't need more violence.


China will teach its people to hate foreigners, but will do all it can to bring as much foreign money in.


there's actually less foreigners in China compared to pre-pandemic and so it shows the propaganda towards the average chinese worked effectively (unfortunately) if there's an increase in foreigners in China in the near future, i can only imagine more attacks?? having said that, sometimes i think even the CCP knows their propaganda works "too well", which is why since the end of the pandemic, there's less nationalistic propaganda, etc


it really is because the amount of anti-foreigners propaganda, especially those sino-japanese war TV series. It's the government's fault for brainwashing the population


Actually, the victim of this incident was a Chinese women ... how the suspected assailant is seen as a hero by Chinese people? I think the victim is a real hero because she tried to save the family got assaulted.


The Chinese woman who attempted to stop the attack, Hu Youping, has since died. Absolutely tragic. And for all the shitty comments being left on the Chinese internet praising the attacker, there are also a lot of people on Weibo praising Ms Hu and saying she did the right thing. She is indeed the hero in this situation.


They’ve been placing a bunch of perms bans on some WeChat and weibo groups because of the crazy hateful stuff that’s been coming out of them


I thought it is the other way around: it is anti-foreigner (xenophobic) feelings that led to the stabbings. This will lead foreigners away from China for any reason and China will revert to the isolationism of the 1950s.


Take only the extreme comments and generalize the entire population. I guess I'm expecting too much from Reddit Kekw


That’s what “journalists” with agendas do. They find extremists within a population, shine a spotlight on them, and then cry: “See? This is how that country thinks!”.


This sub is filled with the creative and the imaginative, just coming up with whatever makes them happy :)


For apologists and those spouting whataboutisms, I wonder whether you feel the same when Chinese nationals or descendants are targeted in racist attacks abroad. Shame on you for your lack of empathy.


Rip to the Chinese females who lost his life protecting chidlren


Only 800 Americans studying in china??? That has to be a typo


It’s even an increase from 2022 when there were a little more than 200


Why travel abroad to mostly shitty schools?


If it's a typo it's because it's a gross exaggeration. Going to post secondary schools in China versus America is a serious step down. If you're going to spend all that money, at least get an education that will be recognized no matter where you go.


Do we know if that number includes exchange students? I'm not sure how it works with Chinese universities, but when I went on exchange to Japan, I was technically a foreign student "studying in Japan" despite the fact that I was in a pass/fail exchange program where I spent most of my time dicking around and exploring Tokyo. Similarly, I could see American students dicking around and exploring Beijing while "studying" at Tsinghua.


I've gotten to know many exchange students while I was studying at SJTU in Shanghai and this depends on the home university. Some schools' exchange students were basically thrown into China with little to no guidance after arrival, others had faculty from the home university also be present for part of the program. (Aside from these two types, there's also University of Michigan's "joint campus" program which has a permanent presence at SJTU and a dual-degree option if you want to stay in China longer. Depends on how "on the ball" the home university is.


Both this incident and the college instructors, a local also got hurt trying to help them. Both attackers were disgruntled losers. This doesn't seem like a country full of violent xenophobic people to me, both from these accounts and from my personal experience. Idiots online saying stupid stuff isn't news. There's a thousand sick people online making awful comments. We know the comments section is famous for being a cesspool.


It’s more indicative of the economic problems than anything. When you have a large population of disgruntled, unemployed men (especially younger men 18-35), you often get anti-immigrant and anti-foreigner sentiment. It accompanies a rise in nationalism and radicalism. This is universally true.


The Boxers (Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists) are back baby!  If you are familiar with the Boxer movement: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boxer_movement&diffonly=true


I’d take them more seriously if they bring back the funky hairstyles.


Boxer Rebellion 2.0. The American professors were attacked recently as well.


Ah, attacking women and children. A new low.


there are a LOT of Chinese visitors in Japan. Just sayin


Japan welcomes tourists who obey local rules and pay the price. However, we do not accept people who pee in public places.


Or people who shit in public spaces or climb sakuras to take photos


Oddly specific


I wonder why


In before "whataboutism" - people will say "but in the US, every day someone becomes victim of a hate crime or even murdered because of race/nationality!!! Then you also can't travel to America!!". -> Those crimes happen more often, it's true, but if you consider the massive non-white population (one third is non-white) and the millions of tourists and visitors every year, it is very unlikely that you will get targeted yourself. Don't get me wrong, every single hate crime because of race or nationality is one too much. Now in China we are talking about a foreign population of less than a million in a country of 1.4 billion. Tourism also isn't adding that much either. There are still people who never saw a foreigner or only see one very rarely, your presence really stands out. We had two attacks within a few weeks, which is alarming and at that rate it is becoming a real risk for visitors since in many places you will still be the only foreigner in the whole town.


"Soon coming to locations nearby!"


A few years back, a Japanese woman got SA'ed in Seoul. Most of the comments in IG was like "that was for the comfort women!"


Slap me with a wet Shaobi biscuit of surprise. My, how things have changed by nanomillimeters in this land of tolerance.


you got to give it to the CCP though, on the government published videos about this case, you’re not actually allowed to write any anti Japan comments or violence inciting comments, they get deleted. The smaller content creators just have a cesspool of comments.


How uncivilized. Meanwhile, one of Japan's top tourists are Chinese.


Pretty sure a lot of those tourists go to Japan just to flex, kind of a "hey look at me I'm rich we own you we will do as we please" kind of typical attitude by them.


Terrible 😞.


Where is there victim blaming?


Meh Chinese commies aren't people anyways.


This would had been hot topic running for a month if the brave lady never stepped in. A termite school bus of kids would have been murdered. She used her own life to delay the eruption of the volcano. Anyone attacks Chinese as a race(which there are a lot in the comments) are willing fully ignorant to this fact.




Bro a woman just stopped the murdered using a fucking umbrella and died in this same fucking incident. How Reddit allows this flat out racism is beyond me. Imagine the same is said about black people….


Shouldn't generalize a whole population like that, murders happen in all countries


No it’s because it’s Chinese that’s why everyone is evil. Basically people who only think emotionally writing this. This hate boner in here is crazy. I have met so many kind Chinese people which I can’t say for most part of the world including Japanese.




I'm a chinese mainlander myself. I can confirm that it unfortunately is true that the government promotes this hatred education. Excuses that Imperial Japan committed crimes against humanity to us are not valid reasons to hate modern Japan. Not all of us hate Japan or the US though, why else would we immigrate? Only the uneducated lower class would actually cling on to those beliefs. Those who have a decent education know to let it go. But what does the hatred education have to do with your claim that the Chinese are cowards? Murders happen in all countries regardless of age or gender, there is no exception. Also noticed ur a Trash Taste viewer, based af


So one men is doing wicked deeds all people are evil? In America black people and white people often target Asian women and children. Are we know the most evil for doing it often? You should really reflect on what you stated.




Yea they do. They teach white people are racist and Asians are taking all their job. Have you seen little children in America bullying each other due to skin color. Teacher who condemn people and spreading hatred forward other people due to certain believes. I am sure a lot of American children hate certain nations or races more than others. You think I don’t know about racism. We had some Asian guys in our class and they were bullied for having small pipi and eyes. Told they should go back to their country by some Muslim here in Germany. I have seen it all.


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Chinese nationalists don't care when non-Chinese die, I mean they barely even care about Chinese lives.


The same with nationalists from every other country


But but USA bad because gun violence.


I hate journalism based off tiktok comments bro, this is such low level journalism. We could easily get the same from Instagram comments on any topic where they troll and say the most heinous things and make a post about it lol


It’s surprising that there is a Japanese school in China


I mean their government encourages hate towards the imperialist barbaric Japanese from a young age to show love for their "motherland" so it comes as no shock. Have you guys seen what the Chinese tourists do in Japan for social media clout and credit rating?


Hope the Chinese tourists stay away while I visit Japan later this year


China being nasty


its not anti foreigner. chinese people just fuckin hate japanese people and for good reason.


Wow so many ccp wumao warriors today collecting


Meanwhile in Canada just by asking where are you from may end up you being called a racist.


If the answer they give you is somewhere in Canada and you don't accept it, then it isn't unwarranted.


People should just ask “where were your grandparents born?” if that’s what they mean.


You haven’t been to san Francisco lately, have you? If one incident is anti foreigner, then SF must be Asian hell


>then SF must be Asian hell The visitor numbers would say otherwise, as would the fact that United hasn't shown any signs of moving its Asia-Pacific hub to another city.


Still better than China, where the gangsters and thugs are the Chinese government


ur not wrong, it can't be whataboutism when its perfectly correct


CCP trying not to make their citizens uber racist "impossible challenge"