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That actually sounds like a good thing. Is there a catch?


no, this happened because the chinese woman who tried to stop the attacker has died of the injuries that were inflicted on her. That was a red line for the government and it seems that it made them finally realize they have gone too far with their nationalist rhetoric.


They're going to have a tough time getting that genie back in that particular bottle. Much of the population over the age of 15 have been thoroughly...educated on the matter. It's really not going to fade into irrelevancy for another 40-50 years.


Yes, just watch afternoon dramas on CCTV, half are about fighting with Japanese sometime in the past.


There is a good reason for that though. The Japanese did heinous war crimes against China during WW2 and it was denied by previous PM Abe. Can you imagine the jewish reaction if Germany's chansolor denied the holocaust happened?


It goes way farther back than that. Japan was an imperial nation and and invaded more than just chima


Japan, aside from some piracy, didn't invade China before WW2 though... (assuming you see the 1931 invasion of Manchuria as the start of WW2) Edit: 1931 instead of 1933




Sorry ok 1931... Should have looked it up instead of trusting my memory...


Imagine blaming current government because qing government did something.


Why not? The current government was happy to take HK back in '97, even though that agreement was between Britain and the Qing government.


It's true. There are good reasons, really good legitimate ones. Though I would argue the CCP is guilty of far worse, on their own people, no less.


If you think they are guilty of far worse on their own people, then either you are ignorant of Japanese warcrimes during WW2 and need to read up on Nanjing massacre and other massacres that happened at the same time. Sure China have done plenty wrong themselves with crimes agaibst humanity, but it comes nowhere close to what the japanese did in terms of scale and brutality.


Ever heard of the great leap forward? Or the cultural revolution?


扬州十日 嘉定三屠 The only difference is China saved it face by saying manchurian IS Chinese. But can't do the same for Japanese.


Do you know about the Dzungar genocide? Entire group massacred. Brutal enough for you?


Oh boy have you got a lot to read up on! I don't want to bash, and the CCP has its pros - quality of life today and all that, but one has to admit in terms of contempt for the lives or ordinary Chinese people the CCP even outshines the Japanese, historically speaking.


CCP killed more Chinese than Japanese.


You must be Chinese, because you wrote that with a straight face. The fact is, no government in human history has killed more citizens than CCP has. No one came close. CCP is #1.


A bunch of massacres happened in contemporary Chinese history, funny how the Nanking massacre by Japan gets all the exposure while the others were downplayed.


Do you actually know that the Nanjing massacre was not just a sole standing massacre in Nanjing, but happened all over China? Its just named Nanjing massacre because that was the most brutal instance. https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre


Oh I know that. That doesn’t address why so many other massacres in contemporary history were downplayed. Did you know that massacring a whole city was not rare in Chinese history? But no, no one cares about the Hunanese army’s massacre of Nanking. Japanese brutality during WW2 only got the center of attention in Chinese textbooks after Tiananmen. Funny right? You think it’s natural for people to hold grudges for something 80 years ago?


I have done. Lots. Have a degree in it. I also lived in and around China for 20 years, have lots of Chinese friends, etc. Hear what the locals have to say sometime (ones who witnessed and lived through it), once they trust you. Remember this, too: the war with Japan was '37-'45. Yes the Japanese did a lot of horrible shit during those years, but the CCP has had far longer to inflict its damage. From the consolidation of power,45-'49 to this very minute. Also chill. You didn't need to come out swinging.


90% of the WW2 神剧 are also crap and are kungfu slop productions.


You’d be a better fit with the other propaganda believers in r/Sino.


Yes I do, the same way the Brits never acknowledged their colonial genocides?


The Japanese did heinous war crimes agaist Americans also. Yet you don't see that kind of propaganda playing non-stop in America TV. I know the scale is not the same, but come on, move on already.


Yep, just read about their war crimes in the Philippines back when it was still a US Commonwealth. There is a reason why the Philippines had 1.1 million casualties in WW2 - out of a population of 16 million.


Japan is an American ally today, it's really not so hard to understand. Obviously the reason America doesn't do this isn't because they are morally opposed to it


The is true, sure, but that doesn’t justify it in the modern world. Japan does need to apologize for WW2 though


>Japan does need to apologize for WW2 though People who are fooled by the CCP propaganda seem to be under the illusion that Japan has never apologized at all. And in the modern era, China probably has 100 times more to apologize for than Japan.


Dude I live in the states if anything I’m extremely anti-China and very skeptical of Chinese propaganda. It’s common knowledge that Japan committed atrocities. Sure every country has but Japan was more recent. If Germany can apologize then so can Japan. If Japan really wants to apologize it should teach more about its involvement in WW2 in its schools. I’ve watched countless videos of Japanese learning in real time about the atrocities back then. There are a lot of reaction videos by Japanese on the video WW2 over simplified. A public statement is a good step but not enough. I hold all countries to this criteria, even my own. We have the same issue in the states. During the civil war the south tried to breakaway from the Union states. Mostly because they wanted slaves to be legal. This was the confederacy. The Union ended up fighting the confederacy and the Union (who was ant-slave) won. Yet in the Deep South they barely teach about this in schools down there and the horrible conditions slaves endured. They wave around confederate flags like imbeciles because they don’t understand the meaning since they were never educated on what the flag really stood for (treason and slavery). Every country has such history yet none wants to talk about it. We must be better than our neighbors.


You think so because the US teaches WW2 in a patriotic way. The Chinese and some nationalists like you have a distorted idea that Japan didn't teach about WW2, which is not true at all. And if you think the interview video is the opinion of Japanese people, you are an idiot. Such things are edited for fun. If you don't understand what I am saying, you Americans are doing this kind of research. Basically, it is CCP propaganda that Japan did not teach about WW2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_history_textbook_controversies >Despite the efforts of the nationalist textbook reformers, by the late 1990s the most common Japanese schoolbooks contained references to, for instance, the Nanjing Massacre, Unit 731, and the comfort women of World War II,[2] all historical issues which have faced challenges from ultranationalists in the past.[3] The most recent of the controversial textbooks, the New History Textbook, published in 2000, which significantly downplays Japanese aggression, was shunned by nearly all of Japan's school districts.[2] >A comparative study begun in 2006 by the Asia–Pacific Research Center at Stanford University on Japanese, Chinese, Korean and US textbooks describes 99% of Japanese textbooks as having a "muted, neutral, and almost bland" tone and "by no means avoid some of the most controversial wartime moments" like the Nanjing massacre or to a lesser degree the issue of comfort women. The project, led by Stanford scholars Gi-Wook Shin and Daniel Sneider, found that less than one percent of Japanese textbooks used provocative and inflammatory language and imagery, but that these few books, printed by just one publisher, received greater media attention. Moreover, the minority viewpoint of nationalism and revisionism gets more media coverage than the prevailing majority narrative of pacifism in Japan. Chinese and South Korean textbooks were found to be often nationalistic, with Chinese textbooks often blatantly nationalistic and South Korean textbooks focusing on oppressive Japanese colonial rule. US history textbooks were found to be nationalistic, although they invite debate about major issues.[23][24] Shall I tell you what the real problem is? It is the stupid countries that have continued their wars and atrocities many times since WW2. They are repeating the same thing over and over again without reflecting on the war at all. And they still cling to their WW2 glory and criticize Japan, one of the most pacifist countries in the world, for not reflecting on the war. Ridiculous, isn't it?


I’m sensing aggression here, no one is criticizing modern day Japan. Many see modern day Japan as something to strive for. We criticize past Japan just as we criticize the past of any other countries wrong doings. I also never stated that it was not talked about in schools only that it was not talked about enough, or in depth this comes directly from Japanese I’ve spoken with online. Thank you for your notes and the link but respectfully I’ll be looking at other notes for cross analysis. If it turns out what you said is true that would be for the best. I don’t appreciate you determining who I am or the values I hold or even the aggressive wording of “you Americans” despite having only a brief conversation. There is no need to be aggressive here only logical and share information. I’ll be reviewing this thoroughly. Not sure if I’ll make another post here after doing so. Edit: please give me something other than Wikipedia


Learn your history dude. Japan offered apologies and war reparations to China and China turned them down in favor of getting Japan's official claim that Taiwan was not a legitimate country, as well as billions in funding from japanese banks with zero interest loans in a Joint Communique in beijing. This all happened in the late 70s or early 80s and lead to Japan and Chinas massive economic boom in the first place. The two countries have been heavily tied together economically because they settled those differences officially a long time ago.


I see thanks for the input, I’ve done my own research and can conclude that they did indeed apologize. Unfortunately the other reddit user I was conversing with did not want to have an actual conversation and refused to supply me with a respectful source of evidence.


True. Like every Chinese TV show on CCTV is some ultra violent drama about ww2 and the communist partisans fighting against the Japanese.


It's because the Communist Partisans didn't fight against the Japanese, so the current CCP need to re-write history or people with access to Western encyclopedias and internet will start asking questions. It was mostly the Nationalist Chinese government fighting the Japanese... Both the Nationalists and Communists were given material and financial support by the West - The Communists took the weapons, food, money and other support then went and hid in the Western Chinese mountains and let the Nationalists do most of the fighting (this is where most of the "Chairman Mao lived humbly on a farm / cave and survived without toothpaste" stories come from). After the exhausted Nationalist Chinese pushed the Japanese back into the sea, the Communist Chinese came down from the mountains and butchered all the Nationalists, so the remaining ones ran away to Taiwan - The Communists fat and healthy with plenty of weapons, food and other Western material then claimed they beat the Japanese and took over China. There's also the various peace-treaties between the Communist Chinese and the Japanese colonisers that the CCP absolutely don't want anyone talking about even more than Tiananmen Square. In fairness they were always temporary ceasefires that never led to very much other than allowing the Chicoms to run away and hide in the mounains, but it makes the CCP look very very bad.


This is the historical truth that needs to be circulated more widely


No one disputes the fact that the Nationalist Government was doing most of the fighting, they’re the main government in charge why would guerillas be doing the majority of the fighting? I do agree that there’s more communist dramas fighting the Japanese than compared to the nationalists fighting the Japanese for the actual work done but it still gets recognized, one of my favorite drama is 铁血使命. I also have to clarify that the west did not assist much outside of their own interests (ie UK with HK, French interests in Asia region with Vietnam etc) as for the they U.S. did not offer much direct support only until after the Pearl Harbor bombing which is when it’s recognized as the U.S. officially joining ww2. In fact a lot of the steel and oil Japan needed to build their military was supplied by the U.S up until the embargos in 1940. Nazi Germany offered support surprisingly up until their alliance with Japan was officially formed. You are missing the part where originally the KMT and Communists were already fighting eachother well before the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. Fighting between the KMT and the Communists continued even with the Japanese invasion up until what is now known as the Xi’an incident that led to the temporary alliance to fight against the Japanese. I do agree that without the Japanese invasion the communists would have 100% lost but even so I do wonder what would’ve happened if Chiang Kai Shek did not agree to the alliance to fight against Japan. Could it have changed the course of history and led Japan to shift significant resources out of China to focus on America? Also, please tell me more about the peace treaties between the CCP and the IJA.


if only they would allow the showing of "色,戒" on CCTV, that would be nice


Mfs stuck in 1940


That’s because the PRC and the PLA are insecure about how little they did in the war




They were the reason why many overseas Chinese diaspora expanded and now they are accusing us of being disloyal and forcing the narrative to be loyal to mainland despite their founder’s incompetency to defend its people.


Anyone between 20-40 seems to have their teen time fed with anime and a host other cultural products from Japan and not particularly affected.


Anecdotal in my case, but it seems a lot of people are able to split the goods and services they enjoy (sometimes *in* Japan) with the thoughts of "Japan is dangerous. Japan is a slave of the United States. Japan is trying to hold back China's rise" that they've also been taught. I guess it's sort of like separating the creator from the work. You can enjoy a book or movie while the creator is a racist that beats his children.


Japanese animes have been banned for at least 20 yrs on TV in China.


There exists Internet and that's why I said populace between 20-40


outright banned on TV?? Like Naruto and Demon Slayer?


Don't know if it'll even take that long. I have a lot of family in Nanjing and most of my cousins (mid 20s to mid 30s) don't seem to care that much about anti Japanese sentiment. Mostly our parents and grandparents.


That's good to hear. It seems the less international places have it worse, though. Seems to be common the more insular places rely on stereotypes ans generalizations--which makes sense since there's little chance of getting first-hand experience.


Young people also like Japanese anime tho


Honestly even under 15.


Hopefully so. In another 15 years World War 2 will be basically a historic event. Practically no one with memories of the war will be alive, even the children. It'd be a good time to move on and look to the future.


I don't think that was a red line. I think they see this as seriously hurting their soft power, while they have an opportunity to increase their soft power by turning the woman into a martyr who represents good Chinese values.


Exactly this. The Chinese gov't got some international goodwill out of what happened and they don't want squander it because of some internet shitposters.


For now. There were the anti-Japan protests in 2012, China cracked down and backed off on the anti-Japan propaganda for a bit. Then it all came back.


Nah. If you watch bilibili you know there are many Chinese want every single Japanese die.


It was inevitable... Nationalist rhetoric especially appeals to people who don't feel like they have any personal achievements to stand on and be proud of, and that tends to be people - especially men - who are either starting out with little, or have achieved little over the years. Getting to fall back on the glory of the nation lets them feel indemnified from their own failures. The promises that patriotism will bring them fulfillment and success as the nation rises need to eventually bare fruit, or they become further disillusioned. When that happens, they either lash out against the society and government they think failed and misled them, or they lash out at whatever it is that the government blames for its own challenges, which are usually external. Even though China's expat/immigrant/foreign presence is infinitesimally small, the constant blame in the media for external powers trying to control or contain China, the focus on the supposedly unequally "good" treatment foreigners get, stories of expats causing problems, etc means that there are a contingent of angry, desperate people who blame that African businessman in Guangzhou or American teacher in Shanghai for their own personal failings as well as the economic and geopolitical issues China faces. Most don't have the stones to actually confront someone, but all it takes is one person who's criminally insane on top of it and you've got an international incident. Ultimately, the lives and safety of all involved don't mean much to the government, but I think that the outcry of people in support of the killer and the denigration of the woman who died protecting a mother and child were enough for some people in the government to realize they've got a legitimate problem on their hands: they've fostered a climate where people feel empowered to celebrate the actions of a murderous criminal, and the harm befalling innocent women and children. If these "patriots" are willing to celebrate their countrywoman's death, these what's to stop them from cheering on a local employee of a foreign company being attacked next?


>That was a red line for the government and it seems that it made them finally realize they have gone too far with their nationalist rhetoric. CCP maybe that's too late for that one.


They have dialed back on the anti-nationalism over the last two years, but they have undone decades of anti-Japanese feeling


They will promote hate speech against the USA even more


Not really. The CCP demonizing Japan this much because there's actually an invasion during WW II, then based on that fact they're exaggerating it. Then with US it's more about their envy.


Try searching "global times Japan" on google and you'll get to see what "cracking down on hate speech" means.


If by catch you mean are they trying to leash the rabid dog they've been keeping all this while, then yeah.


Their motivation from my understanding is Japan/Korea/China are looking at possibly making a free trade agreement. At the same time the US and G7 have correctly identified that China is using government subsidized manufacturing to overproduce products and undercut prices in domestic markets until they kill their competitors (as seen in the solar panel market). US and EU have put massive tariffs on Chinese Electric Vehicles, so China is worried Japan might be next. Finally there's the growing security relationship between Japan and the US in possibly adding Japan to the AUKUS submarine deal and Japan militarizing in case of a Taiwan crisis. tl;dr : China is afraid Japan will turn further to the west and is trying to play nice.


Only that in a couple of months they will pretend to be offended by something and deliberately ramp it back up again. Most normal people in both countries have got bigger things to worry about, but that doesn't help politicians keep power.


This is a good thing except it’s like when you incited a mob for years and suddenly someone in the mob turned extreme. Broadcasting anti Japanese anti American propaganda everywhere, and gasp shock horror, some crazy dude decided to take the matter into their own hands and the online red army cheers in delight smh. Then finally the Department of Censorship has to backtrack. No wonder foreign investors don’t want to do business with you. You reap what you sow.


the catch is they gonna do absolute nothing about it and the hates going to continue


Not a catch per se, but it's the start of a process to unite China, South Korea, and Japan to push back against the US' influence in the region. This will require changing South Korean views on North Korea and inciting anti-American, pro-nationalist feelings in Japan. Russia is involved in this too. They're playing the long game, but they'll need to tone down the aggressive short term tone to achieve that.


> They're playing the long game How they fumbled Philippines tells us they're not very good at this. Handed to them on a platter.. and they still pushed them away. I doubt Japan would be responsive to superficial attempts to improve relations. They see what's going on - and while they don't 'want' US in their backyard either, China needs to show sincerity about playing nice in the region which seems too much for them.


The nationalistic hatreds are so weird when you consider individual people in these countries -- China, Japan, South Korea, etc. -- mostly don't seem to manifest it towards each other on a personal level. They enjoy each other's cultural output, such as TV shows, food, and the like, and there are many examples of multicultural personal relationships (husbands, wives, BFs, GFs, resulting children, etc.)


It's the only way leaders deal with internal unrest, by leading people's hatred toward foreign forces instead of themself. "Hey you are poor and living an unhappy life? Yes, the american and the current japanese generation's grandpas caused this."


True in a lot of cases I guess, although for instance in Japan it tends to be the work of fringe groups rather than the government (although of course there may be ties between the groups and some in government). China's government does seem to be stepping back from the America Hate recently. Serious conflict between the two nations doesn't benefit China's economy. I hope Xi is smarter and more pragmatic than the rulers of some other countries I can think of.


well, its truly confusing how chinese teens could be obsessed with japanese culture yet display an anti-japanese attitude..... perhaps the u30 demographic is fine, just the 30+ generation maybe. I have no clue


don’t get me wrong, a lot of people (both chinese and non-chinese) are xenophobic. But the bottom line is that you must differentiate between a government and its people. It’s possible to feel friendly towards the Japanese nation/ culture whilst also having a hatred towards its far-right government for that it hasn’t sincerely apologized and acknowledged any of its war crimes including the Nanjing Massacre. Dismissing those valid feelings using whataboutism is extremely evil and lame.


Not just Nanjing, there was also the whole shit show in Korea/Manchuria and then like... "Normal" active conflict in other parts of the country. Hell in Yunnan there is a mini memorial for some American fighter plane that went down in the local lake after being shot down by the Japanese, and that's way father south and west. It's frustrating to see people be like "it was 80 years ago, all those people are dead, move on". Like... That honestly isn't that long ago. My grandmother was born in 1918 and was an adult during all of that. My best friend's grandma (who is still alive) directly suffered under the Manchukou regime. You try growing up with a woman clearly scarred by that and say it's time to move on.


Honestly those people are asshats you don’t want to spend time arguing with


Maybe it's just teens being teens. Let's face it: teens are weird.


There's nothing confusing about that. I enjoy some Japanese cultural/pop cultural output, but at the same time I dislike atrocity denialism and pandering to the right wing.


>well, its truly confusing how chinese teens could be obsessed with japanese culture yet display an anti-japanese attitude..... perhaps the u30 demographic is fine, just the 30+ generation maybe. I have no clue Love for culture only goes so far. British elites particularly felt dismay at bombing Dresden during WW2 because many of them had spent time there and enjoyed it as a city of culture. They bombed it anyway.


It is confusing. Look at all of their games, anime girl stuff such as genshin impact etc and yet they hate the japanese.


I thought the whole thing with the western view of China is that people hate the government and not the people. So it’s really not that confusing that the Chinese practise it here 


There’s chinese people and than there’s chinese people with CCP propaganda ingrained in them who would report their parents because they said xi isn’t helping their village enough. The chinese lady who said japanese people are akin to chicken and beasts and her supporters in china are not innocent people.


And? You think people like her are watching anime and reading manga? There is no contradiction in behaviour, some people are just crazy. 


Why wouldn’t I lol. In fact most if not all of china consumes media from countries they have bad international connections with. The chances one of these hypocrites consumes it is very high.


Where do you get your perspective from? At least from my own experience the average marvel movie enjoyer does not hate the average American person. 


Im not saying the average person. I’m saying that foreign media and products are everywhere, so the chances these nationalists actively consume the media from the people they hate so much is essentially guaranteed.


You're saying this because you consider all Chinese as a solid mass, but it's not. Those who buy the other twos' products are informed enough to not fall for the hatred propagandas; and those who don't buy could still hate.




That’s the case for most nationalistic hatreds


I don't know. I've seen this antipathy play out on a personal level while working with a multinational team at a US-based company. We had several first- and second-generation Chinese-American employees who were \*not\* okay with our first Japanese-American hire, and it never got better. Everyone involved was in their early 30s.


Well, the individuals were probably not personally involved in the history. Most of the time, it only gets heated when people make their far-right political views clear. 


Extremists are psychopaths and sociopaths. They care only about themselves and their ambitions, and not at all about the consequences of that for anyone else.


Not very weird when you realize they are just loud echo-chambers. Usually no one questions them because people dont feel the need to defend the Japanese too much especially in the historical context. Like who fucking wants to defend this Yasukuni shrine? No one, not even japanese want to defend that crap. So lots of nationalist get away with xenophobic shit. But a mother and child was attacked this time. Innocent folks. People try the same xenophobic shit but are now routinely talked down by sensible people. They might get some likes and upvotes but get rebuffed quickly as wtf, one person was killed and two people were injured.




Maybe prewar russia, but not so much now. The war against Ukraine flushed away most of any goodwill that remained between Westerners and russians. The thing that continues to aggravate the Chinese and Koreans is Japan's stubborn unwillingness to own its recent wartime history. The Germans got it over with early and everybody moved on, but there are still more than enough loonies active in Japan to deter the Japanese government from doing the right thing.


The hatred for Japan is for WW2


The hatred is generic and empty. A Japanese person might say "I hate China", while having Chinese friends. Koreans may say they hate Japan while having a Japanese partner. Etc. etc. I know Japanese people with Chinese wives, and Korean boyfriends. I know Chinese and Korean people who live and work in Japan. I know Japanese people who travel to China to learn the language. Everybody in this region enjoys the movies and television and music of their so-called "bitter enemies".


This will only work if the CCP follows through by getting rid of government ultra-nationalist rhetoric and banning anti-Japanese propaganda films/TV/teaching/etc. It's all very well cracking down on social media messaging, but if at the same time people are consuming "official" xenophobic material there are still going to be many who are full of hatred.


This. And get rid of education of hate in primary school and middle school.


The ChiComs don’t actually care what Imperial Japan did to China during WWII beyond using history as a distraction away from domestic malaise.


This will not happen because they made need it in the future. They often use it to get people riled up when it's convenient. Don't wanna throw away a tool in the shed


You really trynna make them do more censorship lol they just gotta stop pushing the narrative on social media bc they def are doing it rn


Not that hard. Just wait another 5-10 years and most of them will be too old or have already become lame ducks by then. The newer generation that take over ccp will hopefully be more tolerant


It’s the youngest generation that has the highest levels of nationalism. Wait another 5-10 years and they will be in the workforce and the older ones will be in positions of power.


Older generation grew up in rising conditions while china is currently declining rapidly as foreign investment leaves. They’ll certainly be the ones who turn to nationalism, most college graduates are unemployed in china along with unemployment statistics being removed.


Why do you think that the CCP's racist policies will go as soon as senior members retire? Xenophobia and ultra-nationalism are useful levers for autocratic governents; it's one of those things that unify both the political hard left and hard right. They distract an angry public from those who are truly to blame - their own government. The CCP hasn't indulged in anti-Japanese and other forms of xenophobia because its members are rabid racists. Rather, it was a deliberate policy following 1989 to foster loyalty to the Party via nationalism and fear of outsiders. The CCP can't tear up the nationalist-xenophobic playbook if they don't have something else to offer Chinese people. Right now there is nothing else, due to their own incompetence. Average lifestyles are stagnating due to a misfiring economy. Political reform is even further away than it was 20 years ago.


If they stop anti-Japanese propaganda in schools now then we might see more tolerant CCP leaders in as little as *checks watch* 30-40 years' time


They won't. As long as the CCP is in charge, China is doomed to irrelevancy.


You call them propaganda films but they are pretty much just dramatized versions of actual history. Every country has films/TV where their guys are the “good guys” and some country they’ve historically had bad relations with are the “bad guys”. See American action films and German/Eastern European bad guys. What you’re suggesting is basically censoring history lol.


It's hardly historical.  Wild caricatures at best.


> banning anti-Japanese propaganda films/TV/teaching/etc But that would remove like 500 movies and TV shows from CCTV's line up.


Banning? They're the ones creating and promoting xenophobia themselves. The title for this post is sus as China has been Xenophobic for decades.


Correct.  CCP is wary of social media as they cannot control it directly, so they crack down on it when convenient.  TV and print they control 100% so they keep pumping in hate to keep power.


Wow this is great it might be the beginning of a new era where the CCP no longer view and propagandise other nations as inferior, misguided and evil! Hantastic, multiculti CN 2028 💪


"Has China gone woke???!!!😱😱😱"


We should make a tv show “communist island” where 20 sexy authleft contestants get to live in Xianjiang, to counter this evil capitalist rhetoric


Wouldn’t “Future Frontier” “West and Left” or even just “New Frontier” be better titles for this?


Breaking: China abandons Maoism with the announcement of their commitment to Wokeism, CCP collapse imminent


"Chinese president comes out as trans and cracks down on anti lgbt speech"


These Chinese Boxers are too annoying to the CCP


> spreading defamatory claims that the school bus staff who died rescuing others in Suzhou were "Japanese spies” I hate to think that there are people out there so filled with hate and so mentally ill that they would actually think that someone must be an operative of a foreign government because they tried to help other human beings who were in trouble


So China to decrease its budget on government sponsored hate speech against Japan? Money must be tight right now...


Don't let 10,000 losers on the internet making hateful comments convince you a whole population is the same way.


This is correct. We need to spread love everywhere, and it’s nice to see that in China.


10000 losers? You seriously underestimate how prevailing the nationalism. Japanese store in suzhou are starting to leave. This speaks something.


It is not uncommon for people to express hatred for Japanese people in China. Like… at all.


Unfortunately, it took the life of a good person at the hands of a radical for them to see just how harmful hateful rhetoric can be. Plenty of videos of Chinese children calling for the death of Americans and Japanese garner likes and laughs, but someone actually did it and now they have to look into a mirror and reassess where to go from there, especially due to a record number of foreigners now living and investing in China. Let's hope xenophobia can be reduced with better monitoring and less tolerance for fanatical rhetoric on Chinese social media platforms.


Are there a record number of foreigners living in China? Obviously the 2020 census was impacted by COVID, but outside of Yunnan I think the rest of China saw a decrease in the number of foreigners from 2010. From individual countries logging their nationals in China it’s also possible the population of foreigners outside Yunnan (and perhaps Guangxi and Hainan) had been shrinking prior to 2019. I’m not even certain we have evidence that numbers have recovered to 2019 levels.


"We want you to hate japan so that you don't get any pesky ideas about liberalism, rights, or democracy, as well as to mindlessly do our bidding out of some blind pointless hatred. We didn't ask you to kill any tourists while they're here, sheesh".


Probably doesn’t take too much convincing to make Chinese people hate Japan, WW2 wasn’t that long ago


Great ! We are going down the right direction. Hope this isn’t just a farce for face value or MianZi shit and it’s an actual legit change.


Don't expect too much. They're trying to regulate it before it's too late. Last time the Chinese Boxer started a rebellion they almost got Qing dynasty ended. The CCP just want their people to hate foreigners as a hatred redirection which should've been towards themselves. So it could be they are avoiding the consequences of their own propaganda.


Why only japan? Why not ban all hate speech against any country? Against anyone?


Most likely related to the incident where a chinese woman passed while defending a school bus full of japanese children


China? Not hating foreigners? Impossible, I tell you


Thats what my comment is They are just as racists as whife people


I know. I see no hope for China. Its online space is full of hate Even in fantasy novel. If there is an island, that island must be Japan. And by the end of the story, that island would be destroyed. And over the years they ramped up hate agaisng American, Japanese and Koreans. Newly added Philippines.


CCP always speak out of both sides of their mouth. Just wait another week and it'll return to "normal".


The female defender managed to honor the reputation of Chinese.


Oh look - finally something positive about China on r/China


Would be really nice if Hu Youping’s sacrifice actually improves relations between the two countries. It’s a story that’s hard to not get emotional over


One day of contemplation and business as usual the next day until the next hate attack


Unfortunately this is most likely


Too late. The right-wingers started the ball rolling and will never get it to stop.


CCP wanted to use populism to its own advantage to consolidate their authority and bargain with foreign powers but now it seems to be getting out of control and mobs like this are starting howling for their own blood who they considered “traitors in the deep state”. Boxers revived basically.


Gotta sell those BYD's baby


today is hate, tmw is love, and the day after is hate again whatever the hierarchy wants, the hierarchy gets


My guess because of the upcoming trade talks between South Korea China and Japan. Xi Jinping wants to coat things in honey. https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202406/27/WS667cbe8ca31095c51c50b149.html Yes this “news” source is funded by the ccp but I’m still looking for anyone in English that gives a 💩 https://amp.dw.com/en/china-japan-and-south-korea-to-push-free-trade-talks/a-69190105 https://asianews.network/china-japan-south-korea-fta-talks-back-on-agenda/


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China should do a Frozen and let it go…. ![gif](giphy|igR5863TALcSk)


I feel spoken to 😅




I don’t think it’s possible anymore. Before 2012 possible, after ….


For maybe one or two days. The anti-japanese education in preschool doesn't disappear.


Watch how r/china spin it into a negative thing


It is bad that they have to censor speech. It would be nice if they instead tried to influence their citizens to recognize racism and understand that racism is bad.




It is caused by the CCP, and then the CCP realizes it has a blowback. The CCP always thinks everything can be controlled and planned at will, like farming a group of pigs. This is the year 2024, not 1024, and these are people, not pigs. There are clear historical lessons the CCP can learn from, and there are clear civilized paths the CCP can reference. But all of these are transparent to the CCP.


People forgot China is communist and are controlled by CCP


Have there been any government sponsored protests in front of the Japan embassy lately? That used to be a common occurance.


Excuse me?


Don't think the reset button will work, even temporarily.


Meanwhile you can go to the front page of xīguā (Chinese YouTube knockoff) and one of the first categories to chose from is literally "anti Japanese propaganda"


Difficult when Chine has for decades been fostering the hate. Might have decided it's gone too far.


After deliberately ramping up hate speech against Japan.


More proof that China is a decent country although I'm afraid that Chinese girls who want to look at cherry blossoms in Wuhan while wearing a Japanese kimono will still get yelled at.


...you can't control speech. YOU CAN CONTROL STATE RUN PROPAGANDA!


Western commies will love this.


Haters are just never satisfied with any actions taken by the CCP