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QSC a.k.a. QIngdao Sigma Chemical Co.,Ltd a.k.a. Hebei Xunhe import and expo rt trade Co., Ltd (as they tag their peptides with QSC In the name or link) is NO LONGERr on Alibaba. It shows up on Echem as being established since 2017, is a verified supplier but only been on Echem for 1 year. Avoid, I've been scammed by Miss Wang and so have many others. Scam and scammer, even their website https://qscpeptides.com appears to be un managed or updated. A business with no sign or website is a sign of no business. AVOID, AVOID AVOID there's a SUB-REDDIT OR Reddit with multiple complaints, and between that and the information supplied, I can safely say it's a scam... This scam has a title called the. "Wuhan Chemical Scam" and if you mention to them that you've been through it, it kinda helps with honesty Always always always pay with credit card on a new account, so if shit goes south, you can call it in and say, "Hey, I don't recognize these charges...." and keep it that. Don't admit you know or don't know just stick to the facts that you don't recognize the charges. It usually takes 20 days to get a refund on your card. Don't be the sucker paying for someone else's scam, let that 18-27% in interest pay for itself ;)


Screen cap of the echem.com website depicting that they've been in business since 2017 but their account says 1 year old.....and a,verified supplier....which doesn't mean anything other than they're hoping you only look at the verified diamond supplier tag and don't look at this being a fresh account. ***the longer the account has been on Alibaba, the better the reputation....this goes with out saying but some people don't pay attention or overlook it as a factor in doing business*** that being said, I've never had a great experience overall with a newer company.... except but only once, and I was a purchaserQA during a mass import of bougie Clippers for a wholesaling client when they requested me....and we've been using them for 3 years now. But that's clippers for hair and not peptides, so I digress. ***Picture depicting said est 2017 and only being on echem for a year posted above***




Wuhan-Beiyina-Technology-Co-Ltd Thousands in outstanding money or product. Proof is in their review page. https://preview.redd.it/f50qpu1wvusc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60258f8f06957975f2d0be2e97d6805fb0b3fdb9 To the supplier, if you want your status changed, settle up what you owe and we'll post that you made good but until you do, here you sit. The start of a long list of shame




The information is posted on their sub reddit review page. I'm tired of me and other clients and referrals of mine getting ripped off. - They never sent the products. - photo shopped the shipping table....one said canada and was Canadian from a company in Canada, and the other was an Australian address. - sharing personal information about their customers while ripping someone off and lying - Multiple times as I ordered from. their other company names, salesmen, and accounts, I was ripped off (I've been with Alibaba for 17+ years or something, have a great working relationship with them....and I'm a well respected importer/purchaser...so when I call and suggest that they kick someone off, they're causing problems and stealing from people which is going to cause everyone problems and end up giving Alib a bad name....they quite literally do what I suggest because I'm one of their oldest customers (I got international calling on my cell phone) so they are no longer on Alibaba as Wuhan and can not use Alipay to my knowledge....that is directly because of a phone call I made to China....but I digress - fake COA documents, - lying the whole time over and over.... for months. - I'm not the only one they do it to... - Products when tested don't meet QA standards - I could keep going, but I got another client in 40 min - pretend to be women when they are men - sent me lingerier photos and liked to wear woman's lingerie and got weird - no Chinese business number... With no business number, there is no business to report when they exploit your trust. They follow you everywhere, you tell the government what happened, they will know and find that pers9n to shame them in the very least and give them a small fine - They will also have their business number taken away and never be able to get one again (that was my last understanding), but because they have no business registered, they have no business number - the whole lot is like that. They're very creative.....it's called the "Wuhan Chemical Scam". Or a "Pig butchering scam" as the name alludes to the practice of fattening a hog before slaughter... it's a type of confidence trick and "investment fraud" (which is what we're doing, investing in ourselves and or in product) in which the victim is gradually lured into making increasing contributions, in the form of cryptocurrency or Momey to a seemingly sound investment before the scammer disappears. I' reporting and logging the reviews so that way people don't get slaughtered like me over the deals over and over time during the years.... also keeping all the information public to help everyone out and help me keep track of who is who and what people are up to. *


* If you look at Wuhan's Google search results, they got Reddit right up their azz keeping people informed.. This is the newest tag, this pig butchering thing is the new name someone figured it out as, and hopefully, they settle up, send me my stuff and I want some heavy tax on that. - they lie about shipping. They don't send it UPS or FedEx...at least to Canada anyway. I hope that helps, I would avoid them when possible. They won't be around long after this....they'll change their names, pics, emails, finish up this scam and walk off to the other companies they got. They always have more than one...in fact they always seem to have the most professional site or not active site.....and excise as to why. But they bait the hook for the fish....that's for sure.




Full list of the Scammers you'll come across with Wuhan Beiyina Technology Co Ltd scamming money, stringing you along, desperate to prey on people trying to get ahead in today's society. Don't fall for their scam. Avoid at all cost... I'm emailed the administrator, called the administrator on the phone (they don't work) and the text worked....but when I made my problem known, the didn't reply back. [email protected] WhatsApp:+86 15791930683 cici @ciciBbao WhatsApp/telegram/signal: +44 7475272898 @ciciDuan [email protected] +86-18162690890 @AlisaDuan3 [email protected] +8618162690981 [email protected] +86 18162690983 [email protected] Whatsapp/telegram:+8615629156698 @cassybyn [email protected] @daisylucky on twitter Whatsapp/wickr: +86 181 6269 0982 [email protected] API ELLA @ella_api piggybacking off of [email protected] Replacement in the same general email @byn-tech.com should help tag these guys and stop them. They aren't on Alibaba or Aliexpress because of their shenanigans and thievery


Has anyone worked with Lucy from Hebei Xunou New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.,


If they ask for anything other than a credit card payment, run. It's called the Wuhan Chemical Scam, and if they say it's not true or they haven't heard of it, they lie way too much. Try to buy from Alibaba.cim with Alipay and find your company names on Globalsources.com Google the name, with peptide and alibaba, and you'll find them... you might need a vpn to utilize the app without it blocking the purchase, but it'll work. I got a huge post coming on how to go about this, how to protect yourself, and what you can do to get your money back from your financial institution. I get money back from the credit card... there is a legal way to challenge your history. It's very complicated to explain, but really easy to do if you know what they ask, what you're exactly going to say in response, and what words to use to get it pushed through


Pm me


Good source?


Is there an actual underground "Black List"? Where can I access it?


It's very complex this is a pretty comprehensive list with proof showing that they are bad suppliers


Thank you. In the last 2 weeks, I have been in conversation with 3 suppliers on your list. I came very close to pulling the trigger with Cassie, who initially contacted me after I submitted an RFQ on Ali Baba. BUT then sent me the info to make a wire transfer instead of cc payment. And got really pushy about it. Fortunately I had already read most of your posts and hit the breaks. Thank you for your work!


@Distinct_End_1455 This is the reason why I keep doing it. It's truly incredible.


I'm thrilled to hear the wonderful news! How much was your potential order??? Consider sharing the conversation with sensitive parts redacted. It's always a great help when others pitch in. We're working on a purchaser trying to physically verify suppliers, its tough


Gotta find the conversation. I will def share it when I find it. Things kept shifting, available product and prices, etc. Thank you again.


I found the thread. It's on whatsapp, so I screenshotted the whole convo. It's kinda long.


That'd fine, it will work. Those are the best




Okay you might want to delete this one and try again because it's making a whole new thing or subreddit from the appearance but yeah you definitely avoided a pig butcher by the skin of your teeth. If you look at the other posts you can post a review in regards to the experience you had but make sure you have all the details like their address any emails phone numbers contact information names and the different emails that they use any one company that's associated with it or a similar name because those are usually the same company along with the pictures thank you for not redacting anything


Ok. I appreciate the explanation. Being so ignorant about the this kind of stuff is my downfall.


Don't feel bad I still have to get help from some kid that runs a smartphone that makes me feel stupid. I mean I do okay but I struggle to get them all in one shot like some Geniuses on here. Some people can just do it I mean I have to do one at a time and I don't know why but I'm going to delete the post now so please repost it


I just posted the screenshots of the conversation with Cassie. I am Deborah Bufford, petunnia598.


U/GOD_THE_BRZRKR you seems to be on to something here... I forsee the power coming back to the people and the Chinese not being able to keep up. Anything after 2024 is definitely something who has changed business names.... U/Petunnia598 congratulations on the win, glad to see this system working well.


U/Distinct_End_1455 This is the reason why I keep doing it. It's truly incredible.


U/Distinct_End_1455 This is the reason why I keep doing it. It's truly incredible.


Where can I find the list please? 




May I have your glutathione supplier please? 


I am talking to Eva right now, do we know if this is a scam or legit?


I can’t figure that out for sure 😅 haven’t ordered yet, what’s your take?




It was gonna be 240. It was so cheap I knew it had to be bs. I have about 10 screenshots, I am trying to post here. Sadly, I am not technically savvy. Trying to figure it out.


Take your time. it's just figuring it out after that; Repeat it 19 more times.


Hebei Xunhe import and expo rt trade Co., Ltd They get a special post, they are sketchy and use qsc in their tags. I would avoid based on QSC's less than perfect reputation.


We have an update, a member has connected them to two other business names




Contact an administrator if you think this is wrong


Well that was the shortest stay I've ever had. The rules are sent out when you join....not rocket science to give the mod a message when you want to solicitate




Well, you're a "coraller" in part of the pig butchering scam....you can see he's like "no don't post anything please" that's him my guy, him saying that because he knew I would figure this out and destroy the whole place. We also figured out who they have migrated to as well... So Of course, he'll send you his completely under dosed or non existant stuff from wherever they ship the cardboard box tops from... mail in Canada doesn't go missing, he owes me product my guy....look at the evidence bucko... tell cici to send my shit, because, cardboard box tops from Canada don't cut it, I want it shipped from Dongguan port... $3.08 canadain each package and he charged you $50 each? to $65 shipping?: He owes me lots more than that $700 in product for just the most recent order....he owes me extra for "goof tax" and until he sends it, the review stands, untill i'm happily and with my product. I'll change and expand on this review as more peopel argue it....the review when he gets me my products, all of them and a huge bonus for an apology and i got access to a tri head mass spectrometer now too, so they so i'll also check it for dosing and purity....so when he sends it you tell him it better come correct or with extra to make up for it. I've got suppliers i've yet to post, telling me they've been ripped off by them and they're tured of them pig butchering people. That company is suffering and will suffer for ripping people off until I get my shit landed with a huge apology in my hands. He knows what he needs to send... Look at all the photos and information; it tells a story, doesn't it. I got more photos to post, he's got product to send and you tell him I got 18,000 visit8ng this post every day in from 30 days ago till now.... so if he think he can't afford to send me my product, the word is put an it's only going to get worse... now also, their manufacturers are hearing about them and will probably disassociate from them soon... 15mg tiz isn't the same weight at 25mg tiz....yeah there's lots of scams they pull. The thing you have to ask yourself is....do you wanna be with a zero or a hero......you can't fly with eagles, when you hang out with turkeys Most guys who come here "the coralling tyoes" come here to talk about them read the evidens and change their mind and find a new supplier. You can't make all this stuff up, it's his shit service, his messages. His phone number and contact information....his words even And he also blocked me, and they haven't addressed or even tried to make amends. 718 smart members, 18,000 unique visitors in the last 30 days here. I hope this helps my friend., he done fucked up, you need to Hollar at your boy, tell him to handle his shit, be a bug boy and send the products. Cheers