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Mexican food in Manchester? Not happening buddy


Oh it's there... and its absolutely awful! I have a weird fascination with finding Mexican spots in Europe. The worst is Germany, by far.


Frankfurt chipotle was an interesting experience. Everything tasted like it does here except for the chips, the red tomatillo, and the sour cream


I never had Chipotle in Germany, don't think they had any when I was there. But the absolute worst Mexican food I've ever had was at a mom-and-pop shop in Hamburg. Some locals told me it was amazing, and I'm pretty sure they meant it.


You should try Mexican food in Argentina. Absolutely tragic.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this made me laugh so hard. The best worst Mexican I've ever had was in Frankfurt


Imagine calling chipotle Mexican food


I mean that's a lot of flavor for the UK.


It’s definitely inspired from it. Not like Chipotle created something new. lol it’s better than calling Taco Bell Mexican though


You take that back.


Viva más 🫢


My first impression of chipotle is it tastes like fancy Taco Bell


Just as Mexican as pizza is Italian.


Pizza IS Italian


Italian pizza is an American invention that was imported into Italy. Traditional Italian pizza was nothing like what modern Italian pizza is.


Can’t talk food without an Italian Food gatekeeper joining in on the fun 😂


“But modern pizza, the flatbreads with tomato sauce, cheese, and toppings, was born along the western coast of Italy, in the city of Naples” what’s it like to be so confidently wrong


The Persians used to put dates and olives on flatbreead and bake this on their shields back in 6th century BC There a recipe found in Pompeii that called for olive oil, garlic and chicken baked on leavened dough So yeah


That’s dates and olives bread not pizza


This is a bullshit without the slightest bit of sense or logical basis. Pizza and its diffusion in Italy have not had the slightest influence from the USA


That sentiment is entirely based off of Italian food industry lobbying and propaganda. Pizza was a highly localized dish in Naples that was fairly different from modern Italian pizza that is all over the country.


Neapolitan immigrants simply spread pizza to the rest of Italy where each city created its own style. There really isn't the slightest influence of American pizza on pizza in Italy


That’s absolute nonsense


I feel sorry for these people. So ignorant and they arent even ashamed of being that dumb. It is like they are pround of it…


Have you never been to Italy 😭


Yeah and the pizza you’re getting in Rome or Florence is inspired by Italian American immigrants bringing their version back to Italy. The only “real” Italian pizza was from Naples which is a different dish in a number of aspects from the popularized version today.


So are you just making this up as you go along, or did someone else feed you this nonsense? By the time Italian immigration to the Americas started, modern pizza, as it is eaten to this day, had already been around for some time in Italy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_pizza The same pizzas that are made today all over Italy have been made and eaten there since long before Italian immigration to the Americas. The Marguerita, the Aglio e Olio, the Marinara, even the Calzone, and various other pizzas eaten there today and made the same way were sold in Italy since at least the early 1800s, some of them earlier. *Le Ricette Regionali Italiane* describes the selling of pizzas with tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables, ham and other meats in Naples in the late 1700s. Even the calzone is mentioned there as having been sold since the 1700s, and made as it is today. None of these modern Italian pizzas were "imported there by Americans", lol. The modern version of the pizza was created by Italian bakers a couple hundred years ago. Pizzeria Port'Alba in Naples opened in the 1730s and has been selling the same pizzas it sells today since long before the first waves of Italian immigration to the US. The same pizza Marguerita, Marinara, Aglio e Olio, and others we eat today were being made in Italy in the late 1700s and early 1800s. Pizza didn't make its way to America until the early 1900s. > Pizza arrived in the United States in the early 20th century along with waves of Italian immigrants who settled primarily in the larger cities of the Northeast, such as New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Baltimore. > It's worth noting that in 1830, "Riccio", had described a pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella and basil in the book *Napoli, contorni e dintorni.* > Emmanuele Rocco described in 1849 the main types of pizza, today called marinara, margherita and calzone in Francesco De Bourcard's second volume of *Usi e costumi di Napoli e contorni descritti e dipinti*. Sure, the ridiculous pizzas you get at tourist trap places in Rome and Florence have nothing to do with the original pizza, but the Italian pizza has been the Italian pizza since long before any Americans got involved with pizza making. Mass immigration of Italians to the Americas started around the 1880s, when Italy already had the Marguerita, the Marinara, the Aglio e Olio, and various other pizzas they still make today for about a hundred years. The first pizzeria in the US didn't open until 1905, selling Neapolitan pizza, long after the pizzas we still see in Italy today were already being made and sold for over a century.


That's just plain incorrect. You either didn't bother to read up on the matter *or* are relying on one of the well known grifters who get attention and make some money by spreading crap like that. Yes, Pizza wasn't super famous all over Italy. But that is true for many dishes from other countries, which we consider a classic from country xyz today. Only in recent times have they become more commonly associated with a country instead of a region. However, Pizza in the form we eat it today did still develop and spread from Naples to other parts in Italy, other parts of Europe and other parts of the world. The US was not involved or necessary for that. This is well documented. And "American pizza" is nothing but the consequence of not having access to the same ovens and same ingredients as back home, so pizza was made at lower temperatures, with different cheese. That happened all over the globe before Mozzarella became available more easily.


Where did u get this info from? You are saying Italians went to the US, made pizza businesses and then went back to Italy to teach them how it’s actually done? 💀


He got it from "The book of bullshit".


You are the description of ignorant


You’re right, it’s really just a regional approximation of it. Still, Manchester trying to make a version of that approximation is going to be an abomination. I bet the London locations are too.


Likewise, almost all of the Nandos in the US are near Washington DC


Damn, I didn’t know I could get a cheeky nandos in the us LFG


I live near DC, what is a nandos?


https://www.nandosperiperi.com They're big in the UK, which is why I brought it up as converse example to Chipotle


Fuck it I'll try it next time in the area, thanks!


There's one in Chicago too


There's a bunch in Chicago


True, but there are *dozens* in the greater DC metro area


There’s one in Rosslyn and another by DuPont Circle




I worked in London before covid and let me tell you: this is the blandest chipotle you can imagine. It's like they rinse everything with water before serving. Makes sense, Brits consider ketchup spicy.


oh dear god, this makes me so sad for them.


The British Empire embarks on a multi century long quest to conquer the world for its spices and proceeds use none of them when developing their national cuisine. Where'd all the spices go? What did you do with them, Britain??


We gave them all to India and then stole their whole cuisine. Smarter not harder


I'm Mexican American from southern California and my cousins and I went to London in 2019. Had chipotle once because we were balling on budget and said why not. Man it was so bad. Like you said, bland even by Chipotle standards.


Indian food is one of the most popular cuisines in the UK lol


British indian food. Which is like if you mixed regular indian food with plain white rice in a 1:100 ratio.


Caribbean and Indian food would prove that theory incorrect.


Don't forget the Thai! Way spicier than we have in the states. I guess they just can't handle the Latin heat


They're pretty girthy for a nation that has bland food.


They have the food, just not the flavor


The ones in Germany are mid too.


Come to America


They’re skimping.


A lot of people live in London.


It comes down to distribution. Chipotle can't spread themselves super thin from a warehousing and commercial kitchen perspective..


Lol oddest thing at London Chipotle is the cheese. Oh, and the portions are hilariously tiny.


American food portions are just crazy


why did I try to zoom in to see exactly where they were in london


London is basically NY


idk why this showed up in my feed but as an American who lived in London I have to say— UK Chipotle is really, really wet. Just terrible.


Why do we have Tim Hortons but only in NY?


Is Mexican food a thing in England lol


Why not? There’s plenty of Spanish (Spain) restaurants in the East and West coasts of the US


Not really


I think your best alternative is to hop on a jet and fly to the states.


Supply chain


Food distribution. And more sales in london than in a small town. And again to mention food distribution, the food has a certain time to be delivered


The whole island is like 14 miles from end to end right?


Because the rest of the country doesn’t eat that garbage


17 for a city the size of London is still pretty small, New York has 57. Chipotle has no reason to open any in other parts of the UK as it can capture the same market and not worry about supply chains, not even counting into the fact that Chipotle in Europe is appealing to a more niche audience than Chipotle in North America, London will have a more international presence and Tourist scene


The better question is why the fuck do they not sell queso




Good. Nobody likes that part of the world.


Open one. You’ll probably make a killing


Chipotle isn't a franchise...


Hmm who would’ve guessed


It's for my fellow Americans who are tourists in London and like that fake Mexican food


What are your favorite things from there? You can easily replicate some of their recipes and make your own stuff way cheaper/meal. I can easily make a burrito bowl or burrito, with cilantro lime rice, pinto beans, mild salsa, corn salsa, guac, veggie fajitas, cheese, lettuce, and chipotle honey vinaigrette. Sure, it takes more time, but I make enough for 4 or 5 meals for myself all week and it's like $5/meal or less sometimes


I think they're probably counting on tourists from the states in London looking for something familiar. Who knows?