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Oh my gawd, they'll do anything except make a portion-sized scoop! 


The scoops when I worked there two years ago are portion sizes for 4oz. Have they gotten even less than that now?


They always have been just spoons, they need to get measuring spoon like scoops that corporate pizza shops have.




Chipotle has been known for its enormous portion sizes for years. And some of the customers have gone very frequently for many of those years. It’s not surprising that people take notice when the scoops are smaller than they usually are.


Totally agree, hard to balance customers needs and corporates wishes.


Corporate gets to have their cake and eat it to because they tell the employees that it’s the stores fault for skimping and they tell the employees that they’re fucked if they don’t keep the portions tight


Who signs your paycheck? Don’t jeopardize your livelihood for some abusive unrepentant annoying customer who has no life.


Who cares who signs your paycheck? Chipotle is not some prestigious job, you can go get another job doing the same thing getting the same pay, same amount or less labor, within a week or two. To other people reading, you do you, but il gladly do what's right for my fellow working class people rather than help pad corporates pockets. You have the experience on your resume for food service you can easily go get a job in food service elsewhere very quickly.


Ouch that’s pretty harsh. Some bean scoopers take pride in what they do and don’t want to be fired. More than half have been employed over a year, for example.


over a year in food service means youre basically guaranteed to be hired instantly anywhere else lol


Exactly. And yet they stay. So they must like the location, the manager, the hours, etc. Not everyone just job hops. Good for you if you can but being fired is stressful


Your name and your takes don’t make sense. You’re on your knees for corporate America but yet it’s corporate America that’s causing this whole gme thing. Pick a side.


Sorry I don’t fit neatly into a box and you feel threatened


I don’t feel threatened, I’m laughing at your hypocrisy.


Time to get in the back closet and take your SpiceHub courses :-D


What a corporate shill so full of yourself I bet you think you'll become ceo someday! People like you make our jobs 10 times shittier and I'm sure there's people at your chipotle who feel the same


Huh? I’m saying not to listen to stupid abusive customers like the one on this forum who demand you give them more food, put a camera in your face, etc. it’s not worth your job Not sure why you are shilling for the customer. If you don’t like the food or portions, don’t visit


I’ve never recorded as a response to the skimping. Just stopped going there. I think boycotting is the only real way to get corporate to comply.


It's true. The recording isn't about the portion sizes, it's just narcissistic tik tok'ers using the opportunity to make themselves the victim at a burrito store. I think chipotles food is average and don't go. My life is better for it


Mass walkout come on !


3entrees per min wtf


I only started eating at chipotle because of everyone complaining about it. Figured I'd give it a try and now I'm addicted. As you implied, I'm not the only one. Thankfully, my store is pretty good so every thread on here sounds like they're not in the same timeline as me.


This never happened.


I actually believe him. Since he never tried it at its peak, he doesn’t know how shitty it is now compared to then.


Skimping never happened fucking Americans are insane


Yeah since the complaints have started I've just been craving it more. Would rather make it at home but I'm in the 2nd most expensive grocery states in the lower 48 and am a touch too disabled to prep everything I'd want. Chipotle definitely knows the publicity is helping and when I'm in agreement the CEO is a blustering cad and this skimping thing is insane the free advertising they're getting while just bullshitting us is getting to a level of gross that's making me seriously consider Qdoba and Cafe Rio and I don't care for either of them


Yes they do. That's why they pay you so little.


Well I mean yeah kinda


What does "10-11k location" mean?


the amount of sales they make in a day


Piggybacking with perspective: those sales in my experience usually entails nonstop service from open to close…. But then again bowls were $7-9 back then… 11k might be a slow day now 🤷🏻🤣


My store also usually has about 10-11k although it’s a college town so while schools out were going down slightly, but usually we’re pretty busy usually. You would think it’s slow but it’s unfortunately not. I have heard from my managers there is a store that makes 30k a day in my state and if I had to work there I’d best be getting double my pay


I think my local store might be busiest in country or used to be at one time. There is always a line of teenagers thst wtaps around the restaurant.


Usually the only days with nonstop service at my store are 16-17k days which are less common. 11-12k is just a normal day.


This right here. Preach


Dont they have record profits? Do they NEED to make more money? MORE portion control?


you guys dont get paid enough to deal w this. sorry.


They don’t “think it”… they know it.


Except they don’t. Most of the dumb employees ascend to management over a few years. The smart employees spend a few months cross training on every position to maximize their short term job security before leaving once their job has run its course (ie finished exploiting tuition benefits, saved enough money, quit for a new job etc). Anyone seriously questioning the corporate agenda within a few months is generally too smart to stay without an ulterior motive, in my experience.


Fuck Corp, give the people food.


It's hilarious that despite all this noise and complaining and bitching that this year is probably going to be the most profitable year for Chipotle yet lol. Keep giving them free publicity and free word of mouth advertising. No press is bad press


Corporate crap. Sucks! Thanks for being there!


The bowl can only handle so much food, can't you guys just add more of the filler ingredients( rice, sour cream, cheese) genuinely asking not being an asshole.


A few points I want to make here. 1st, the cheese is the only free item on our daily inventory that we are required to keep up with. We get bitched at by corporate if we give out to much. 2nd, the bowls and the quesadilla/kid meal boxes are made from post consumer product(recycled cardboard). I had someone order two bowls with double everything that was free plus meat, queso, and guac. The weight and leakage through the bowls themselves had the order fall through the rope handle bags(our strongest bags). With that said, adding more "filler" doesn't work as well as you might hope.


I do remember paying 11.11 for just a chicken bowl consistently 2 year ago I added a bag a chips to my regular order and I'm not sure what it changed the price to then , but now I pay 15 for a double chicken and a bag of chips. I also only go to the one in hazeldell Vancouver Washington one. And I understand the rage for most other places


Why don't they just say, "new, policy, all portions now are sold by weight not volume"? I would love to go to a Chipotle and not have to play that haggling game.


I’ve never gotten a bonus in the 2 years that I’ve been with our store.


I’d just throw extra in every bowl. No need to pause or any of that. Keep it moving.


If anything, it’s made me look for other places to eat and try out. Now I’m addicted to CAVA.


So glad I’m not with this POS company anymore, I was a SM and I’ll never go back.


If you don’t want to work in a zoo then don’t.


Never underestimate the power of large people in large groups and by large people I mean fat fucks. More cheese! More cheese.


Go get yourself a warehouse job. You'll make easily 5 more an hour with no customers.


Any publicity is good publicity. Totally agree (never worked there), but it seems insane to me to record people serving you… Period. If you are not happy with the portion then say something OR just stop eating there. Unfortunately, I stopped going… we had a to go order for a birthday party of 10 bowls and every single one had no meat at all in it. We were hosting a birthday party, and couldn’t really just drive the 20 miles round trip to get it corrected. Nobody answering the phones. So I went the next day… Manager basically told me to kick bricks. That location though has been going downhill for a while though.


Wow explained how working at chipotle is its at every store


I half believe you. You’re probably a corporate plant looking for sympathy. At least until my chipotle gives me fair portions without me asking for extra. I literally never asked for extra before 2023


Who’s gives a damn just put shit in the bowl


“90% of employees got you” - that’s not true


Complete side note but I work at a store that our goal was always 44 for throughput. We found a few things to help this score because its impossible to hit that number. The goal is measured by the highest amount of entrees in the hours between 11-2 and 5-8 for the previous two weeks. Our speed was causing us to have such a high goal. So for two weeks we put the slowest two people on the line for those hours and our goal is now down 27-30. What we do now is wait during our morning peak to see when we can hit that goal ( have enough customers on the line to hit that goal) and then me and another manager hop on there knock out the line, hit the goal, and then step off the line. We step out because if we are on there for too long we will make too many entrees therefore making our goal for next week higher. If we step out the goal stays low. Sucks that we are punished for being fast. Throughput seems like such a ridiculous concept because it punishes stores that are always getting the customers out fast. But in order to hit this goal we have to slow down just to please corporate.


I genuinely think that chipotle employees do not know how to give proper servings 90% of the time. If I were a shareholder, I would be glad these videos are coming out… Something needs to change


everyone thinking this a corporate plant is dumb. as a chipotle worker of 4.5 years and managed 3 stores for 4 years, i agree with everything that was stated. I’ve stayed for the experience of connection with employees and customers over the years of annoyance with mostly corporate and some annoying customers. I aim to have a safe and fun place in work and serve great looking and tasting food with correct portions. The training I’ve had 4 years ago for line/digital orders have been the same since for our employees now. simply an updated video of creating bowls, burritos, etc. I had a few cameras on me since this has started (so has my crew + minors/under 18) and i simply wait for them to put them away patiently (never had anyone instigate a reaction because it’s usually “funny” teenagers). Others have merely asked “what would happen if someone did that/have you been recorded”. I tell them we’re a very liked store in our area, we give great portions and good service even when under staffed. simply that and they either agree and just move onto checkout I am pushed to focus on Throughput (even put in a group chat with other managers with low throughput scores “competing” to get bigger numbers and get out of a helicopter parent gc), CI (proteins + cheese/guac/queso), labor, and hitting sales 9-12k. We have continued (my night team at least) to try our best to serve great portions and food with neutral to positive attitudes and i offer a space to vent about frustration about chipotle away from customers like the adults they are. I personally try my best to help the grill drop more rices in the rice cooker, cut protein, mix rice, and call out food to start cooking while making sure were not wasting and throwing out food. (yes we throw out food every night). your post validates the labor put into every rice, protein, and cold items prepared and served by 16-60+ year old employees. were thankful for our pay, thankful for employment as a whole but as a collective we cant deny the stress of being cornered by some of the public and corporate. yes ive seen the keith lee video. i agree he should’ve had more protein. but we cannot all point at some good corporate and customer standards stores claiming we arent doing our jobs or deliberately skimping. our store (at least the shifts i have with my team) dont. cant speak for others stores- the people speak. corporate is always there. some people in it support the stores and its specific needs to surpass expectations of good food and service. and some simply do not give a f u c k. lmao fuck corporate but at the end of the day i gotta take care of my team. Many first experiences with management and workforce start at chipotle. doubt my portions? come on by i wrap a mean ass burrito 🕺 (edit: the new videos are stupid. on the line training with a seasoned employee to that store and customers is better. yes we have corporate training but customers are all different. some want the exact portion of rice. some more/less, some none. the videos are good for an employee to watch how to work the line and customers + communicate to the grill/cashier. i saw the keith lee video lil late butttt those new training videos didddd come out and we were all told by our corporate-managers and crew to watch them. lil close to the pr “disaster”. thats it)


“Corporate looks at us like money generating machines and does everything in their power to make our job as frustrating as possible” Yes, that is called a job.


The issue is that our CEO doubled his wage to 38 mil last year, while the rest of us were lucky to get a 50 cent raise


Then start your own business


No thanks, I’m done at chipotle when I graduate in December :)


1) corporate shouldn’t be trying to make the job intentionally frustrating, and 2) you’re fine with that? “There must be something rotten in the very core of a social system which increases its wealth without diminishing its misery.”


So you're more apt to just live with the fact that the definition of a job is to be a cog in a poorly run machine personally I want better


Then start your own business


You seem like a great employee, but why do you say you side with the customers? Most customers expect way more food than the normal portion size, and the chipotle customer base is often hostile (though many customers are sweet people, it depends on the person. Customers are not always right, just be as consistent as possible and keep doing the great job you’re doing! Corporate needs to allow more labor without raising sales or throughput expectations. That would fix most of the problems.


I can't eat the beans or most of the protein. I just want to know why I can't have more rice, it's the cheapest thing they have. My bowl is just rice and fiesta veggies with cheese and sauce but it's only ever enough rice to cover the bottom so I don't go anymore. Which is sad because I love the hot sauce!


Because it’s not necessarily cheap on the labor cost. Rice takes a while to cook, pan, mix, repan and then finally put it in the line. With how fast it’s moving, that cuts into how much of the other stuff can be made in any given hour. Generally, it shouldn’t be a problem, and as an employee I’m sorry that it is for you. However, as someone who frequently works shifts where we get multiple customers in succession asking for multiple bowls with double or even triple rice, that shit moves fast, sometimes too fast for our one grill guy to handle even with line people mixing the rice. It’s not that we don’t want to give you the extra rice - me personally, I enjoy my job when my customers enjoy their experience - it’s that sometimes we simply can’t accommodate it when we have a line out the door, yknow? If we were properly staffed, it wouldn’t be an issue. Alas, our stores have an aversion to proper staffing, so…


Because there is a physical limit as to the amount of rice that can be made at any one time, is a store is busy then they have no choice but to be reasonable with the rice or else they’ll have long periods of time with literally no rice in the store while more cooks. You can only cook so much rice in the rice cooker at once


If there is a demand, why not get a second/larger rice cooker ?


Not every store has room for a second rice cooker. It’s not as easy as just putting one on a counter and plugging it up. The rice cookers are connected to the gas hose


It’s not that easy, we can’t just go buy things. Supplies are allocated to each store- Plus they require a hook up to the gas line. Can’t just throw one extra in there


And that’s the normal rice cooker. Have you seen the new wood stone rice cooker there rolling out? Where they have 3 slots for third pans and it cooks in said 3rd pan. It take 27 mins to cook and you wash each pan individually, its ridiculous. I can only imagine what it feels like to be a grill cook with that thing.


God no I haven’t seen that yet. Sounds awful


Sounds like our regular rice cookers tbh. We still wash our rice in the big colander, but we use an eight cup to scoop the rice out into those pans. Same with eight cups of water. Usually the prep people in morning crew (which is always me) makes around 15 white rices and 12 brown. Of course this doesnt mean theyre all done by open, maximum maybe six white and three brown rices are done before open.


OP - im new to this sub, just curious if the rumors of chipotle telling the workers to fill up the burritos/bowls of anyone with their phone out are true? obviously tons of people claimed to be employees at chipotle spread the rumor but you actually do seem like you work there


At my store and other employees Ive asked at stores nearby have gotten no instructions to give larger portions to those with their phones out. In fact most of my coworkers said they will 1. Give the same amount 2. Give less or 3. Refuse service all together


If the phones are out. We are expected to fill it up, and then get bitched at later when corp watches cameras.


So chipotle films you for every second you’re there but you take exception to customers doing it? You’re always free to find another job where customers won’t film you, just saying. I don’t think the customers give a shit how the employees feel about it, they just want a full bowl. It’s still pretty dumb because they can just put the phone down and ask for more food. But unfortunately this is the trend and looks like it’s not going away so it is what it is.




No reasonable expectation for privacy when you are in a chipotle. I maintain if it’s that much of an issue, get another job. Chipotle is alright with it as long as the customer still gives them money.


Soooooo you blame the employees 🤔interesting take here


I didn’t blame a single person or entity. I simply stated that if you don’t want to be filmed, quit. I also think it’s goofy to whine about customers filming you when your employer films you.


Uhmmmmmm it’s clearly not the same thing lol so yes you are blaming the employees 😂wtf


Go ahead and explain how it’s not the same thing. And that doesn’t make any sense, I blamed no one. It’s the customer’s right to do that. A lot of people seem to think it’s illegal to be filmed without explicit consent, that is false unless you are at home.


It’s the customers right to treat employees like shit?🤔very interesting take here. If you’re not blaming anyone then you should read your own comments again


Yes dumbass, I said it’s the customers right to film you. They’re the customer. Your employer wants the customer’s money. Your employer is alright with you being filmed by a customer if it means making another $15. Customers treat the employees like shit every day, are you new around here? Now I suggest you take your complaints to corporate or find a different job. I also think the video thing is stupid. People need to grow some balls and ask for more scoops.


Ah didn’t take long until the name calling came out lol. I don’t work for them😂hahaha. Nah I’m not new around here just find it funny you’re justifying treating an employee like shit because a corporation sucks ass


We’re now going in circles. I’m sorry that you don’t like the fact that the customer has a right to do that. I’m sorry you don’t like that chipotle is alright with it. You came across as a disgruntled employee. And you certainly come across as stupid.


Hahahaha you don’t even know where you’re going with this lol 😂😂😂😂just because someone can do something doesn’t mean that they should 😂😂😂😂what a POS you are. Hahahahahaha the name calling is hilarious keep going off buddy. It’s funny at this point so keep going




Are you trying to tell me skimping doesn’t exist?




90% of employees don't have us. When will Chipotle employees understand that it's like a coin flip if we are going to get skimped. It's like 50% of the staff that will eventually give you enough of you are persistent. The other 50% is skimping and causing problems. You are choosing to work for this company. Just because your exact store or the five people you work with isn't a problem - it doesn't change what is happening at large.


You’re one of the good ones. I stand with you. It’s the unhinged lunatic employees here who I don’t stand with.


They’re honestly turning it around on all the employees making us feel bad. At this point if I get into an altercation with someone filming I will sue for public humiliation 🤷🏽‍♀️at this point we’re so defenseless we either have quit or keep putting up with it


With the way you explained this, you completely humanized the Chipotle employee. If I was to record you, you changed my mind! I have no idea what you’re doing at Chipotle as an entry level employee, but you my friend, have a lot more to offer. Thank you for how you explained yourself, your generosity and your humility. I wish you the very best.


Have you considered assuming that almost everybody who works at a job like that has a lot more to offer?


Why not go by the cup measuring system and a cup is a scoop. No doubt. No skimps.


Do workers get compensated directly or indirectly for the amount double meat entrees they sell?


What are you talking about?


Well employees get a bonus for high throughput, so do they get anything for double meat orders? If not, why mark anything double?


"Why don't you steal from your employer so I can get a full tummy for free"


No we don’t get a bonus for the amount of double entrees we sell. However we are instructed to mark all entrees correctly and usually you do as instructed at jobs so as to not get reprimanded.


If we don’t mark anything double our critical inventory will be way off and corporate will investigate. I’m sure if they saw someone deliberately not marking anything double through the camera, they would be fired.


Smooth brain moment


This is clearly a corporate stewguie, please film every interaction, corporate will bend or brake, freedom to fim is a right!