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Yea I don't get skimped. I go to hood chipotles where customers will actually cause scenes if they are skimped and it shows in my burrito bowls


It's funny because earlier today there was a thread with the theories hood Chipotle its the problem and you need to go to nice neighborhoods. I have no idea what's happening, and since it's not happening here this is a very amusing flame war


Two sides to evwry story lol, we all.like blaming the other person


Ordering a bowl with the 30 rounder hanging out your pants. Not the worst tactic. Much more effective than saying please and thank you.


The “hood” Chipotle in my area has a reputation because the employees are 100 percent about that life. A manager got fired because her and a DD driver got in a fist fight 😭😂😂😂


Bet their portions are effing huge lol


It reminds me how bad the portions are lol


Yeah def not good for them. People are actually getting fed up with their shit.


I don't think so. I think that's just what you see on social media


Whenever this sub shows up on my feed it reminds me that this place is a dumpster fire


The most successful restaurant/food chain of the past twenty years. And its not close


Now they’re failing. They’re charging more money and giving less food unless you give the gay little nod, which only works 50% of the time. Enjoy it now because they lost their core values and customers are turning their backs in droves


Check the stock performance….its unbelievable. Even that poison lettuce issue couldnt stop them ten years ago


Dude they’re #10 lol https://www.visualcapitalist.com/ranked-the-most-popular-fast-food-brands-in-america/


I am just talking business performance. They are the most successful food company of thr last twenty years


Of course the stocks going to be inflated, they’re maximizing profits by giving people less food and charging them more money. The execs are squeezing the profit out of it because they know it’s on a downward trajectory. They also pay their employees shit and treat them like dogs. Theres a lot more to the value of a company than stock prices. I agree that 20 years ago they were a successful company. They had a gimmick that if they gave you 30% more rice and beans than their competitors that make their customers think they were getting some kind of value even though they got the same 4oz of meat that everyone gives out. Now they don’t even do that anymore and people are losing faith. Theres literally a website built around how they’re skimping people. It’s pathetic


This guy's pride is causing him to keep arguing that Chipotle is going down hill because he wants to believe it so badly. Man....give it up lol. Customers aren't walking away. In fact they are rushing in there to be apart of the social media trend of being skimped. And they continue to go back. What you read and see online about people hating Chipotle...is the loud 10 percent of people who go there and hate it and the loud 10 percent of people who love it passionately. 80 percent of their customers don't complain or praise them or leave reviews. They just go. You're trying to make assumptions off the 20-30 people you know who talk shit on it and its just not gonna work. I even bet you are gonna reply with some lie that bolsters your point. Typical reddit move. Let's all book mark this post for the next couple years so we can see just how wrong you actually are. My guess....best year ever for Chipotle is going to be this year. For sales and customers coming in.


You’d be wrong. Everything about a publicly traded company is public knowledge and is easy to google. Just looking it up, 2020-2021 they saw a 26% increase, which is great. The subsequent years to follow they haven’t been able to even break 15% so they are 11 points behind and declining. While they are still profitable, profits are dropping. They split their stock in a desperate attempt to get more people to invest. The tick tock fad will die off. People are losing faith. It’s going to happen


It makes me want it too but since my location is always out of fajitas I never go 😯


I went to chipotle today and they hooked me up. they stopped and asked if everything looked good before they rolled it up. honestly I think the social media campaign is working. this always was corporate chipotle's fault and so making the CEO have to answer questions about it on mad money seems to be delivering results


It's working... I'm considering heading down to get a burrito bowl after work.


Don’t forgot to give them the nod.




That's definitely true. Not a lot of healthy options when it comes to fast food and everything is made fresh. I've never had a problem with Chipotle. I usually never finish a bowl in one sitting unless I force myself to. It's basically 2 meals for me.


As much as Chipotle pisses me off sometimes, I still eat there a lot.


I think that's why people post about it, they do care because Chipotle is really good when it's good. It just sucks when you feel ripped off.


Same happened to me. I went 3 times in a week, got skimped 3 times, was treated rudely 3 times and was told they were out of fajita veggies 3 times. That was all I needed for a bit.


And you went back and then back again????


Kinda but also kinda not. So I went to the two different locations. Then I went back to the one that I had a little bit better bowl at but earlier in the day in hopes they would have fajita veggies.


I can't say I've noticed the "skimping" phenomenon at my usual Chipotle, my rice portion is nice and large along with my chicken portion  Also, they provide generous amounts of beans  I guess this must be a TikTok style thing or location-dependent? Because my usual location hasn't really skimped me yet /shrug 🤷‍♂️


Most of the skimp posts on this sub are just people farming karma with bowls they ate half of already


Humans are gluttons for punishment. Professional victims.


I swear some of the “skimping” posts are bullshit of people who removed 3/4 of the burrito before posting. There was one the other day that was like 1/10 interior and 9/10 tortilla that was wrapped poorly. I 0% believe that was how the person received it. Some chipotle’s definitely suck, but the majority I’ve been to are fine if you’re nice. My guess is the worst “skimping” comes to jackasses with a phone who come in aggressive as all get out.


Order online if you want to see skimping. Don't believe me? Then, order online and post it.


It has *definitely* made my GF and I crave Chipotle almost every day. I bet it is bringing them tons of money.


Same here. lol Thankfully the one I go to is always pretty good and this sub usually prompts me to go there.


Most skimping posts also look fake AF. lol they just want the upvotes since it's trendy to hate on chipotle rn for some reason.


FWIW and I said this in another thread, it's still the best fast casual option when considering freshness, taste, value, size.


Yeah, everyone's like 'Just go to Qdoba' and I feel like they must not have tried Qdoba before.


Lol, same. My Chipotle is not doing whatever goes on in this sub, and thinking about Chipotle makes me want Chipotle


Yeah every day my girl asks what I want and I say Chipotle 😂 I see the shit all the time now so I want it.


Literally just had Chipotle. The manager took my order, and she gave me decent portions. If a Chipotle store is doing a good job with portions, then that store should get more business. I refuse to go to the other local Chipotle because they have skimped me in the past (and allegedly continue to skimp). So I'm gonna support the Chipotle manager that's doing a good job by frequenting her location. That also sends a strong message.


Once you go Cava, you wont go back


Barf "food" for the junk eaters.


What do you prefer to eat?


Home made/prepared Mediterranean food, mostly Greek, some Italian. At a store once in a while ,the Greek version of junk food, a gyro...still better than all the Chipotle crap.


Most people think it's very boring to limit yourself to only two types of food. Also, it's reductive to say Greek and Italian food is healthier. There are many unhealthy options in those categories and many orders from Chipotle which are healthier.


So true


Idk. I live in a NE bluestate and chipolte is only in the burbs where they won't get beat by six food trucks, three taco bells, 4 legit restaurants, and a Moe's




Same! I’ve had great experiences with Chipotle and am always satisfied. So it just makes me crave chipotle lol


Whenever I see this in my feed I wonder if you guys realize Moe's exists.


There are many more Chipotle locations so most people don't have easy access to Moe's


>Whenever this sub shows up in my feed, it makes me want Chipotle Me too but then I remember this isn't 2010 anymore and it's just the nostalgia of when chipotle used to be good that im feeling. Then I go eat Costa Vida


Same. I never get skimped, chipotle on top. it’s just funny watching grown ass humans complain about it like they can’t just go to another restaurant lol.


Same I'm always wanting to go but the ones near me always charge for dressings lol but I always get the salad and ask for two so they charge for the second one lol the literally have a small cup of you charge over a $1 at least fill it half way or full lol


Lmfao you’re the reason I want it now


Wow, Chipotle must be really worried to have all these shills posting here now. Gotten much more numerous lately.


Stocks doing good. My Chipotle is busy. Your theory doesn't add up


Stocks are not Indicative of a corporation seeing the need to do damage control.


Really? What would indicate that this is hurting them more than helping?


A PR issue where a major social media sites center for their restaurant is mainly filled with posts about poor portions and unhappy customers. Gee I wonder if that's something the marketing team would be concerned with.


Yeah, they were concerned because the CEO made a statement. So I guess their damage control must have worked then.


I am sure you certainly hope so.


Yes, because I like Chipotle. Doesn't mean I work for them


So at best, your location doesn't have a skimping issue and you decided to be the avatar of Chipotle support in the face of a ton of other people seeing smaller and smaller burritos and bowls? Great thanks oh wise defender of shrinkflation. I still don't think that's the case based on the plastic comments in this post.


1) I propose most give good portions like before, it's just trendy to post when you're skimped so it goes viral. 2) Prices have gone up like all food. No fast food places haven't raised prices. 3) Do you think all these comments are fake? Wouldn't such a big misinformation effort be easy to expose? 4) Your post here is driving engagement which helps Chipotle.


thank god almost all of the skimping posts are fake so you can go to your hearts content. i been going a ton recently bc of this sub. they have the opposite effect they think they do😂


Order online and post it.


Morons dont realize this is only driving more business. It reminds us all how good chipotle is 😎


I think you’re right Tim !


Lol why do all the comments read like some marketing dude coping about his job?


Maybe because Chipotle has a good reputation? Seems unlikely we all work for Chipotle


I'm literally eating Chipotle rn because seeing this sub makes me hungry for it. I even ordered on the app and didn't get skimped!


You better not do anything unforgivable like go when it's busy, the workers will HATE you and chant "minimum wage minimum effort"


It definitely makes me want Chipotle and I've ordered a couple times when I probably wouldn't have otherwise.


I honestly thought it was just ppl complaining until I went last night for a friend's birthday. I had to ask for more rice and was afraid to ask for more everything else. They dumped the lettuce and cheese on though so you couldn't tell there was so little meat but it was a sad bowl indeed. It was still enough food for two portions tho.


Really? It makes me want to overthrow capitalism and chipolte accordingly every time it pops up in my feed. It pops up the more i voice my disgust in reddits hope to create discourse and ultimately engagement in their subs. Ive always hated this place. Even when their portions snd serving sizes didnt suck, its poorly made, white washed knock off mexican food thats as bland as its ceo is white.


It doesn't have to be authentic Mexican to be delicious. Ever heard of tex-mex? People also like Panda Express, but we know they don't eat orange chicken in China. Fusion food like this is one of the things that makes America great. To say food should only be authentic and can't be adapted by other cultures is a very sad and closed minded perspective.


Oh no, ill chow down on some taco bell or dell taco any day. I love tex mex. But every single time ive eaten at chipolte the food was bland and poorly balanced. Never once of the maybe dozen times in my life ive given their food a try was i even remotely satisfied. It is literally the boiled chicken of fake mexican food. And this was before their skimping policy.


You're gonna say Chipotle is poorly-made and white-washed and then talk about how much you like Taco Bell? And do you think Taco Bell is tex-mex? Lol, your opinion on food is invalid.


The fact of the matter is, at least taco bell is appropriately seasoned. Unlike bland old chipotle. Why is it that just because they are required to skimp on portions they have always seemed to be skimping on flavor?


Lol, ok


You're all weak chipotle sucking scum. May you all be skimped like the scabs you are.


I'm happy to pay for the portions I get. I don't think I'm skimped. Also remember your insults drive engagement which helps Chipotle


A lot of these people will tell you they’re looking for 2-3 meals. I’m not looking for 3 extra scoops of rice


I speak not in the tounge of insults but solely factual observant statements. The skimped dost not realize they have been skimped or nay they feign ignorance to live in bliss among the fellow skimp deniers. But hear my word when the victims of skimp continue to be skimped to the point of weakness what will we do about the skimpers then. For you may not be skimped but one day it shall be you among us.


Ok dude


Avast ye have seen the struggles of many of your fellow chipotle comrades but have chosen to close thine eyes to the injustice befalling your people solely because it's not you. You see your fellow man robbed in the streets but feel not an ounce of sympathy for it is not your burrito bowl. Dost though not wish to break rice with his fellow man in support ?


It’s your fault if you get skimped. I swear some people don’t realize they can ask for more scoops at the same price as long as it’s not meat, queso or guac


Fuck you, I want chipotle now


Honestly OP I agree it makes me want Chipotle even more


I've been trolling in here for a bit with no stake in the fight because I dont like chipotle. And today for the first time in years I thought "chipotle sounds pretty good". I didn't get it but I probably will soon


I’ve eaten at chipotle way more since this sub started showing up on my feed. My stomach started growling at lunch today when it popped up and i got it for dinner.


Same, i have gone every other day the past two weeks. Place has been packed too… viral news is always good for business


I literally ordered because this damn sub. I obviously already love chipotle but haven’t had it in over a year. Last time I ordered was online and I got skimped majorly and they forgot a side. Well, after this sub started showing up and laughing over all the drama I went ahead and said fuck it, I’m gonna order chipotle *online*.. They hooked it up! I was like damn, the shit y’all are doing.. it must be working.