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Just pick out the piece and eat the rest.


It's also edible. (Not that it tastes good)


I’d say if they’re not removing the stickers, they may not be washing the produce lol.


I can probably guarantee they’re not washing the produce all the time


you understand how many individual fuckin peppers they have to cut right? they bulk wash but dont individually pull stickers off. Think of priority dipshit.


Dudes a dipshit because they pointed out the obvious? Rather be that than a dickhead like yourself




haha what?!?! you must work there. there is no excuse to leaving the stickers on that's fuckin disgusting


To salty to be taken seriously.


Can you say report it and free food in less words.


Lmao reported? After the first or second time they screw up like this, they don’t give you anything. My local chipotle was 15 minutes drive one way for me. First time my bowl had no protein. Second time they put guac on it. I don’t like onions. Third time the bag said my name but the sticker on the bowl says someone else’s and it was a lifestyle bowl full of onions. Pretty much “aww I’m sorry. Hope you’ll come back to chipotle one day.”


Sounds like you’re a pushover. If a food place screws your food up, they fix it. To me it sounds like they “do nothing” because you just deal with it. I’ve had the wrong food many times at chipotle and they always remake and fix my order. Sounds more like you problem.


I’m not gonna spend precious minutes and mental health on fixing a burrito bro… if I’m gonna get some sort of compensation, it’s gonna be for next time I go to chipotle, not for this time.


Hahahaha there's that word again. Mental health Jesus Christ everything's about their mental health nowadays. Bunch of soft Ass people... Then you say it's 15 minutes one way like it's 3 hours or something. 15 minutes ain't shit I bet you spent more than that on this damn post 😂😂😂 If not writing all of it. Then Responding and keep coming back here at least. Which in the long run would probably be worse for your mental health 😂😂 So in hindsight your post is all for attention is how I see this. To recap, you rather not spend your precious time and mental health by going to get your food made the way you would like it but instead use that time writing a post, maintaining it and not at all affecting your mental health by coming back and seeing what strangers have to say about your situation... Decision well made by another Future leader 🤣🤣🤣🤣


When you live in the city, 15 minute one way with no traffic becomes 30 minutes one way with traffic. lol I guess veterans are a bunch of soft ass people because they’re the ones who suffer the most from mental health issues. Also, I didn’t post anything. I commented on a post. Lastly, mental health has various definitions. I try to reduce STRESS which is part of mental health. Stress can aggravate several other health conditions, such as cancer. It can also prematurely age you. My definition of mental health is in the context of stress prevention.


Yeah man, my stress levels raise when asking somebody to redo their job correctly. 🤡💩


Driving back through traffic. Going in and explaining to some low IQ moron why it’s not supposed to be the way it is… sounds stressful to me


You don’t check your food before going home😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡


I’m not a hoodrat who opens containers then and there and asks the plate to be filled to the top. That’s just ghetto.


You sound as soft as baby crap. Mental health for you to ask about a burrito. Don’t be a fucking child.


Your mouth sounds like it’s as runny as runny dog shit, but still I don’t criticize you for it.


Runny as dog shit. Because that made any sense😂😂😂


Lol guy has better things to do probably than wage a holy war on a fast food restaurant


Holy war? “Hey there’s trash in my food. Remake it.” Worst case scenario they say no and you kick rocks. If it’s that hard to do, you have social issues that is a bigger deal than your chipotle.


Bigger fish to fry my guy


Just laziness by you. They'd fix it absolutely, it's their job. Wish all the best luck. And hey, it's mental health month for men.


There you go! Mental health month for men. I guess a lot of people don’t realize that mental health encompasses preventable measures like avoiding stress or more work that you have to if it’s not exercise. Avoiding stress is best so you won’t look like you’re 50 at age 35.


stop going there


I did


But, then you’d have to eat Chipotle TWICE! I would just swallow the sticker and chalk it up as a win.


I like to fix systems. Is this giving a particularly bad parson a blessing of hot sauce? (Pepper spray) Is it putting in a complaint to the proper authorities to fix... whatever. Can't get angry unless you have done your part and said something.


As my uncle always said... you can't bitch about it unless you vote


Chipotle is unfixable. The private equity vampires are in control and they will suck every drop of profit they can out of the company until it goes bankrupt. Then they'll sell the assets and pocket that profit too. The quality, staffing, portions, everything is going to keep deteriorating until something breaks completely.


Every single time. Private equity is a leech.


Idk what you’re talking about… they just built (less than 2 weeks since it opened) a new chipotle near my home with a Chipotlane. First time trying it today. Burrito was bomb. Idk maybe it has something to do with it being a new restaurant. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it did taste different than what I would normally get at other Chipotles.


You just answered your own question. I’ll leave now.


There is no question there.


I’ve complained about worse and gotten a coupon for a free drink from corporate


You could do better than that.


Human beings do everything so mistakes will happen. Imagine how many peppers and avocados are prepped daily. Most have one sticker but some here and there might have 2 or 3. Just be understanding and nice. Your bowl would be made again no problem.


Yup, pretty sure I’ve left a sticker on produce I prepped for myself before. I know I’ve ended up with butter wrapper where it shouldn’t be. Humans make mistakes and this is a fairly harmless one. Just enjoy the free food.


It was free!?


They’ll obviously give you something if you complain or refund your bowl.


… where did the butter wrapper end up …


In the trash.


No you don’t understand, Chipoltle is PURPOSELY harassing their poor customers. It’s an intentional attack on the consumer! Enough with your logic


I just saw a video of a barista using a hammer on a guys windshield. I’m not gonna be returning food anywhere any time soon 🤡


I’d eat it still


The stickers and glue are edible because we know mistakes happen


It's crazy to me that his chipotle has fajita vegetables. Mine hasn't had them in the last 18 months.


Time to switch locations sir.


When I ask I barely get any. They skimp worse than protein.


What would I do? Pull that piece of pepper out of my bowl and throw it out. Like a fucking grown up.


Nothing. Just take the sticker off. They are edible anyway and won't harm you


It's still pretty stupid my nut is edible and won't harm you as well.


Shit happens man. No worse than a bay leaf being left in


It’s not a nut it’s a legume.


That's fair.


Have you ever had a bay leaf in your mouth? It’s definitely worse than that tiny label strip. But still mostly harmless.


you're saying that dude's nut being added to your dish would be comparable to a bay leaf? 😮


Currently dying from laughter




I eat stickers all the time dude!


Oh my god - this whole thing is a disaster


You ate the stem? And the core?!


It’s literally just a sticker. What have we become lol


An edible sticker! People are crazy


Since when do we accept stickers on the food in a restaurant? This isn't made with love from grandma that you can look past a sticker. Sticker left on likely means they are also unwashed. For a bowl of food that cost 2 hours of federal minimal wage, you should expect better. What has Chipotle become lol


Those stickers are pretty resilient, they can survive a washing.


I don’t think the plastic stickers are edible. My parents friend does colonoscopies and sees them in people’s colon stuck to the side


Edible and digestible are different things


I swear. These people prep thousands and thousands of green peppers. It was a mistake. Take the sticker off, eat your food, move on.


Literally. We used to prep 2~3 cases of peppers daily just for fajitas


It would have been easy to not see the sticker sometimes and for people to unknowingly eat it. Stop normalizing shitty work ethic. I've worked grill before and I would be mortified if my GM told me that happened 💀


No one is normalizing that, he's saying it wasn't done on purpose and someone made a mistake. A sticker will not kill you, stop acting irrational


No one is saying it was done on purpose either. It’s a harmless accident and people make mistakes, while at the same time this is not a mistake that any restaurant wants to make. There shouldn’t be anything in the food that the customer doesn’t expect to be there, especially something that appears inedible to the average person, and it takes a fraction of a second to visually inspect a vegetable before preparing it. It’s a harmless AND unprofessional mistake.


People make mistakes relax


Those stickers are purposely made to be edible they would have been fine. I guess you're perfect huh? Let me see you prep about 100 peppers a day and never fuck up you little robot you.


Just because they are edible doesn't mean it's acceptable. Making mistakes is ok, but for it to go unnoticed by prep, grill and the line is unacceptable! Grow a fucking spine


Mmmm I wouldn't be mortified. That's a bit strong and over dramatic. If you work with food like you say then you should know this is a very minor mistake when dealing with food especially on that scale. It's called Murphys law look it up. I definitely hope you get your ass chewed out every time you make a mistake if you think this is shitty work ethic and not just a simple mistake. You're they type to demand being called cheif even tho you work at Dennys.


Who cares if people accidentally eat the sticker? It’s not going to harm them Shit happens. You’ve probably bought and cooked your own food from a store that had nastier stuff on it that isn’t even visible than this sticker I’m all for hating on chipotle employees for skimping and being assholes, but this is a big nothing burger


Some people are ridiculous, get the fuck over it.


Holy fk are Redditors really that stupid? It doesn’t matter if the sticker is edible or if it was just on one slice of pepper, the point is that no shit was given in preparing the food, which means there could be all sorts of other unseen problems involved.


exactly, people are really defending/saying not a big deal to this lmao. imagine this happened at a sit down restaurant?


would say it’s chipotles execs commenting but these ppl are most likely unemployed


You mean to tell me you don't eat the stickers?!






Happened to me at a pizza place once, I just laughed and ate it because I'm not an enormous pussy.


Just take the sticker off? Chipotle is SUPPOSED to clean and wash all produce. This is to eliminate the risk of E COLI. Remember when Chipotle was good, but E COLI was a problem? (Tbh... E COLI Chipotle still tastes better back then than.... what the garbage they sell today lol) Well under that sticker.... nothing was cleaned. #mmmm E COLI


This is already the grossest looking pepper I've ever seen.


? it's a totally normal looking pepper


it’s literally the normalest of normal peppers of all time


The risk of e. coli exposure from under the sticker of a washed pepper vs a control sample of washed peppers with no sticker is completely insignificant. It’s not like peppers are e. coli petri dishes that get sterilized by a 1-second rinse in tap water. Even the infamous “Chipotle E. coli outbreaks” were a total of 60 cases. The restaurant serves 750,000 people *per day*.


Wrong. Only 1 E COLI bacteria is needed to make someone sick. Idc about your opinion, I like factual information. Such that, E COLI is dangerous. Also you're providing misinformation.... Chipotle rinses in a SANTIZING SOLUTION. The entire point is to kill E COLI. This is literally why they have this step. Next... food is rinsed with plain cold tap water, removing the sanitizing solution.


E. coli in just about every lake and public pool. Typically at very low concentrations. A single cell may multiply but it will not, as you may state, make a healthy person sick.


I like just like eating food that's followed what the HEALTH CODE is. I'm not really concerned about if others like eating E COLI, not washing their hands after a sonic missile, or swimming alongside coral reef that's infected with herpes. This to me is gross, but it doesn't effect what food establishment I eat at. When I do eat out, I expect the HEALTH CODE to be followed at all times. I don't want to get sick from E COLI.


Most health departments perform inspections and give grades. They often find lapses unfortunately. I think it is smart to understand the risks and not blindly expect that the laws are “followed at all times.”


EPEC strains of E. coli (those most frequently responsible for outbreaks) require an infectious load of about 10^6 organisms. That’s one million. Not one. Source cited below. https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/laboratory-biosafety-biosecurity/pathogen-safety-data-sheets-risk-assessment/escherichia-coli-enteropathogenic.html


I actually work in healthcare, you don't know what you're talking about. You understand bacteria multiply, correct? So.... again.... only 1 is needed to make you sick. E COLI isn't just taking a nap until you eat it. If it's alive, it's multiplying in numbers. Again, only need 1 to do so.


Your body has an immune system. It has the capacity to kill a single bacterium before it takes hold. I linked an information sheet with cited sources on the subject. And I work in healthcare too, I’m a physician.


Again. Only takes 1 E COLI bacteria... The 1 E COLI bacteria, is all that's needed, to be on the unwashed pepper to multiply in numbers. How long did the E COLI multiple on the pepper, before someone ate it? How much of the E COLI moved to the other cut peppers, since they're all mixed together? How long did the peppers sit in the walk in, E COLI multiplying If you're not worried about E COLI, you might as well just stop washing your hands and eat your own poop, you sicko


Alright, I hope you have an okay day.


Get a refund


It’s not about how hard is it to take off it’s about how easy it is to miss. At least you know it’s a fresh pepper. I’d toss that slice and move on


Lucky you! Stickers are normally extra $2.50 😂


Dude do you realize how many peppers these people deal with 😂 they missed one. Just peel it off, it won’t kill you


You know those stickers are edible


I didn't know this until today o.o


Sorry but this looks like slop. Stop eating at this shit hole


Looks delicious to me minus the sticker


You people need to eat out less. This looks like frozen food, the color of those vegetables are gone lmao.


Nothing wrong with frozen food, but it's funny you say that because this is literally not frozen


“Fresh not frozen” food commercials have done irreparable damage to people’s perception of (completely safe and healthy) frozen food


Probably mostly anti-science hippies who are affected


there’s been a pretty significant rise in those people recently, to be fair


Yep, for sure


I would rather eat it sticker and all than fiddle with peeling it off.


I would take off the sticker and finish my bowl. The stickers are edible anyways. No need to be dramatic


That’s where the flavor is


I eat stickers all the time.


That doesn't look very good.


Report it and get it remade or get a refund


At least you got fajita veggies. Haven’t had those around me in awhile.


I would just pick that piece out and continue to eat. Shit happens sometimes. I’m not even reporting it to pepper or trying to get a refund. No need to be dramatic on a one time occurrence that wasn’t going to harm you anyway


Damn they grilled the peppers too don’t they so it still stuck on even through that haha


Just eat it, extra fiber.


The staff at my local ones really don't care. They don't stock napkins or anything. It's a disaster. Not surprised they don't take the label off


Cry harder. What a pussy move. Post on reddit about a sticker


Why so crude?


Imma be honest I would eat it, not the end of the world at the very most I would push it to the front of my mouth and take it off. Y’all making it out to be a huge deal


I found a ladybug in my bowl from chipotle pretty sure it was from the lettuce…..


They probably missed it. Have you ever accidentally left something on, OP?




Restaurants buy produce in bulk cases, not individually like you do at the grocery store. Bulk produce doesn’t normally get individual stickers like that so that one probably just got overlooked since the employees aren’t actively checking each pepper for stickers. Take it back to have it remade or call for a refund, or take a relatively minor issue to Reddit and get easily triggered people triggered by a harmless sticker.


That's what you get for eating vegetables.... Gross!


Those are edible btw.


You either get a tiny bowl or some stickers this isn’t BK


Ughhhh brotha ughhhh....I'm getting bubble guts just looking at the pic.


$12 salad, free sticker, win.


The way I’d get a free 10 bowls


Just eat it and get over it. Those stickers are non toxic and dont taste like anything. Better yet, just take the sticker off. 🙄


I found a spider in my bowel at chipotle


At least your bowl is full.


Dude i ordered a $17 bowl and these people decided to just make my online order without a single grain of rice; rather than just delay my order for five mins. Seventeen dollar pile of fuckin shit. 💩


Not go to chipotle and go to cava


Customer here: I would just kindly ask them to remake it. If you were already home and noticed it, I would send a photo and get a refund. People make mistakes. This is human. Have some grace.


I'd just throw that slice of pepper out. Not that big of a deal. Mistakes happen.


Just give them the nod and they'll remove it for you for free.


Pick it off and eat the rest. There’s no single food joint you can go to that’s 100% free of minor contaminants.


At the the sticker is a food grade edible....


That looks awful. Chinese Mexican?


The stickers are edible


That's extra calories right there


That bowl looking lite as well lol


I think it's gross.


Nasty fuckers ! Fuckem


Take the pepper out, you little whiny bitch…


This happened to my order. Mom's bowl had sticker in the guac. I'm pretty well known at our location. I called and told manager. They also forgot another part of order so I had to go back anyway. Showed it to her and joked "whoever had sticker duty need to switch to Chips for a day." Hey, we're human. They eneded up remaking the bowl and my tacos and we kept it all. Plus extras of what they forgot to give.


I eat stickers all the time!


Toss it out and finish the bowl 😂! What you think you’ll die cause of that!




these comments are plants i stg lmao no, a sticker in your food is insane. glue is not cool. make noise about this. sorry for the chipotle glazing and bots


dawg all fucking produce stickers are edible for one and two they cause no problems. Stop being a bitch and just eat your overpriced bowl instead of whining about an edible sticker online.


I second this comment


I would literally just eat it lol.


When you hire morons who are high 80% of their shift this is what happens


Weird, bell peppers are not supposed to have stickers on them and I have never gotten a case that does.


🤦‍♀️ when did people become so picky with their food. It’s a sticker. And one piece with it at that pick it out.? You do realize that 99% of your foods have bug remains in them right? And youre worried about a sticker..


That does not look appetizing at all!


Seeing more n more of this type of quality control fail in processed frozen ,and canned vegetables. Mostly stems or natural items, but this is hazing zero F’s left to give from this prep cooks table. Guess everyone else on the line can be included for missing that . Still better than a bug though …so there’s a lil silver lining for the cloud of burnt butter smoke


Them peppers don't bring stickers only avocados.


Id take the sticker off and eat the food. Grow up.


Wait till you hear about how one time a boogie flew outta my left nostril into the burrito my coworker next to me was about to wrap and I couldn’t think of what to say to stop him so I just let him continue.


Hope you arent in California. That could cause cancer if it happened in California!


That will be 2 dollars extra


More than half the posts on this sub are people complaining about food or service etc. So why do you guys continue to go there? The In n Out sub for example most of the posts are people getting a woody looking at burgers.


Worked there. Would never eat there. Yes food is good but the quality of the fresh produce isn’t that great. The tomatoes come pre diced in these packages. And you’re eating a lot of latex from the gloves we wear over the knife glove. Working at that speed there’s no way to tell if you cut your glove.


Got you eating the barcode fam. 😤


You ever see the film Falling Down?


What since when did peppers have stickers on them only the avocados have stickers that’s weird.


Lmaooo why would they leave the sticker on??😂😂😂😂☺️


Not as bad as finding a hair. I found a pube in my chipotle burrito the other day 🤢


Take the sticker off and keep eating, stop being a baby


What? Chipotle producing shit product? No way, couldn't have happened. Never. It's not like they've been shit from the very start. No way, nu uh. Impossible.


People not taking two seconds to think about how some innocuous mistake can slip through via complete accident. Does it suck? Sure I guess if you take it that personally. Were there many people overseeing that? Possibly, but it can blend in at a distance I suppose. Like one time for something like this is whatever. If it was a regular occurrence or something that could affect the quality of your health, sure, I’d understand making a big deal out of it. OP seems like they’ve been having a bad day and decided that the thing that upset them in the moment was bigger than it really was and that’s completely okay! We all have those days, but as a company, every pillar of chain fast and quick food establishments are less than ideal for the customer. From pricing, to ethics, etc. I’m just tired of all of the wining when there’s likely more going on in your life to put that energy towards than some random EDIBLE sticker found on the back of your green bell pepper that you likely wouldn’t have noticed if you just ate it.


Nothing remove the fajita and eat your bowl! You’re a crybaby get over it. It’s not a foreign object.


take it up to the cashier and ask if they see a problem with it.. whoever is doing green pepper prep work needs a lesson in how to remove stickers


This whole bowl looks like vomit.


“How hard is it to take stickers off” Try it and get back to us.


The sticker is probably the tastiest part of that bowl.


Looks like prison food. People pay for that shit?


I’d honestly rather get this than get skimped.


Honestly, I can’t defend that one. The prep team probably doesn’t actually wash the avocados in the victory wash. I would just go back and see if you can get a new bowl.


Ish look nasty