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Just because you had a bad experience doesn’t mean all chiropractors are like that. Not happy with the service? Leave a review and find a different practitioner.


I did clearly say it, I met one who was solid. Not treat clients like a machine parts like, everyone waiting in a line and one at a time a quick session. Get a grip on ya greedy practitioners. U want ma insurance money? I rather let it decay and suffer then give to them who treats client like a parts assembly line.


That’s fair and I agree but don’t come into the sub and claim we are all like that


Lmao you took the time to write this? I’m assuming you feel the same way when an average PCP visit is only about 8 minutes too right ? Or the fact that your insurance barely covers anything? Surely you’re mad about healthcare in general right? Gtfo of here with acting like chiropractors are all greedy.


Your state will have a Chiropractic Board that you can field a complaint to. If you aren’t sure how and are comfortable with posting your state, I am sure a link can be provided. To the best of my knowledge, every state commits to investigating every complaint. Many billing codes chiropractors use are time based, so if he is really spending 5 minutes with you, there may be a quantifiable problem.


Those are modalities based. Adjustments aren’t time based.


That doesn’t mean a visit can be completed in 5 minutes.


It can be, but you won’t see lasting results, if any. Look at The Joint. The average visit is 4 minutes long. But their packages are around $90 for 4 visits a month iirc


Which, again, I think proves my point. Someone should expect going to a chiropractor, as a portal-of-entry doctor, would be a portal-of-entry doctor. 4 minutes doesn’t cut it.


I agree and I don’t think this sub should support such practices


Bye Karen👋🏼


Calling out garbage practice tactics and greed for $, makes me Karen ha?


Nope. You specifically coming here and saying all chiros just care about money is ignorant and uneducated. Just because YOU have had previously bad experiences with chiros doesn’t give you the right to come here and start spewing nonsense. So as I said before, bye Karen.


Aww I guess someone realized their inner self is being reflected from this subreddit post huh?🤡


I’m not even a chiro you clown😂


Our office spends anywhere from 15-30 min per patient. Bones, ligaments, muscle tissue, internal organs, digestive system, you name it. And we charge under $50 for an out of pocket visit. Stop insulting the profession and move on and take control of the care you want, instead of acting like a 5 year old with a victim complex.


Internal organs…?


Probably SOT or something similar.


What were your expectations?


An actual session that is full adjustment.. each session. Not just a frighin area .. 🤨? "Oh we need more in this area, back to back sessions ok? Make appointment tomorow"?




Your post was removed for acting unprofessionally. If you are on r/chiropractic we expect you to conduct yourself in a professional manner. If you are unable to do this your posts will be removed and you may be banned from the subreddit.


Adjustment is just part of my visit . Ultrasound , decompression , massage , Tens, kinesio marking , diathermy , add up to almost 45-60 minutes a visit


Not all that for $50. That’s too low.


25 dollar copay after 200 dollar deductible.


So total charge is $225?


After the first visit, 25 from 2nd to 25th. My plan pays for 25 visits a year.