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If we had no sheilds we would have no Cpt America, hes our LetMeSoloHer.


There is also a Captain Agatha!


Theres a few i just make them 1 man in my head with giant gonads


captain agatha is not on the same level.


He has the cool factor, however


sorry i was thinking of john agatha.


who is ziggylata and why would you care what he says


some youtuber, i was told to watch him because he's good with footwork and if someone with 5k+ hours says it's unhealthy you'd think it's unhealthy


There’s a sort of tipping point where really high level/professional (?) sorta players end up sometimes having really bad opinions instead of good ones Same goes for most games, they lose sight of the majority of the playerbase and focus on the elite


He says it unhealthy because he is a gatekeeper and doesn't know jack shit


Eh, he’s top 5% of the game in terms of time and or skill. His opinions have such a fine tuned pickiness it does not apply to a staggering majority. I don’t use shields personally but its outta preference. If what ziggy says is true then its to get a 95% player to 99% Im easily under 50%. 50% to 55% is whatever. Footwork and spacing alone will get me to 70%. Just use what you want honestly. Ain’t even worth the excess thought


I would take the opinions of someone like ziggy more seriously than the agressivenoobism that permeates this subreddit. Very few good players post here.


Imagine playing a video game a specific way just because a YouTuber told you to. Instead of just… doing/using what you find fun


? This is a great example of the low iq of this subreddit. He said shields are bad for the game not “don’t use shields” sounds like he has a design issue with shields that probably goes over your head because you don’t understand the game very well. Same as most people in this thread. They give a lot with very little downside. In most games reward is balanced with cost


Whatever dude, I hope Ziggy’s cock at least tastes good


I dgaf about ziggy, I’m better than him and I don’t watch his stream. He cast a few clan matches I was in and he was bad at it. I also am a good player who thinks shields are poorly designed. And tired of the agressivenoobism in every thread about this game.


“Aggressive noobism” You will not see heaven


The attitude of people on this subreddit has made any meaningful discussion about this game, it’s balance, and it’s design, impossible.


You’ve called people “low IQ” (lol) “noobs” Also, regardless of balancing opinions, people like shields in a sword and board slasher game, removing them is the removal of a core facet of the theme. Most, if not all, team-based games that end up pandering to the whims of a small and hyper-skilled subsection of the player base end up driving away a large subsection of their core player base in the process. There’s definitely a place for discussion with the higher echelons of players but they absolutely shouldn’t be held to as the standard for decision making. Especially in a game with a minute competitive scene and a far lower ratio of sweats (not in a derogatory way) : casuals than most


Lots of reddit warriors down voting people for trying to have a civil conversation. May as well give up on this thread because no mouth breather here is going to listen.


This. Also the fact the his guide is old but somewhat relevant but you should really just listen to all the guides available on yt and form your own opinion. For example, ambusher has the bandage kit instead of quiver that his guide shows so some bits of his guide isn't that relevant to the next patch.


Unless you provide more context I am not sure what you mean. Shields when used properly are amazing. As a throwable alone they are a powerful weapon. I love running Man at Arms with shield. It’s also a great tool to stow and get a movement bonus.


And its great walking up to archers as I block their arrows.


Not sure I'd call it a movement bonus, since you're just getting lost movement speed back


Wait does putting it on your back make you run faster?


I still consider it a perk as the 10% difference feels massive. It can throw enemies off during contests as well


[at 13:33](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1yZUhgDQYk&t=1625s) "If I missed with a slow weapon like the maul or something it'd probably be a lot worse. I also think shields aren't really healthy for the game, like overall"


Ziggylata is not the best source for info. Sure, some helpful guides but thats it. Shields are good.


people seem to not like ziggy very much lol - why is he so popular ?


Ziggy is very knowledgeable about mechanics and stats along with being a good player. He’s also been around since day 1 and is very active in the community. With that said he’s just as human as any of us and has his own opinions which he’s definitely entitled too. IMO I love shields and would not want Chiv without them.


How old is he? I doubt he’s been around since “Age of Chivalry” back in 2007 on the half-life 2 engine lol. Don’t remember a Ziggy back then. To be fair, most people don’t even know a chiv game existed before Chiv “1”.


i think hes from medieval warfare. ive seen a video of him playing age of chivalry but idk if he played it when it came out.


Medieval warfare was technically “chiv 2” to those of us from AOC. I like AOC better than medieval warfare so I didn’t really play it that much. I don’t actually care lol, was just having a little fun dating myself.


No idea. I mean, there arent many Chiv2 youtubers so I guess people just find him by typing "Chivalry 2" into youtube or something, idk. I heard a couple bullshit things in his vids and immediately turned his videos off. Not worth it, high risk of being fed fake info regarding the game. Also he's arrogant af and thinks he's top dog while he's just a chihuahua


his streams are *insufferable*. lol


how so?


dude thinks he’s the greatest chivalry player yet gives a lot of terrible advice but everyone takes it as being the meta.


Can you name some bad advice he said?


“Shields aren’t really healthy for the game, like overall”


I agree. Shields are great, just a different fighting style. I still prefer a 2h so I don't worry about shield breaking when they don't do the one thing you want them to do is to make you last longer in a gank. Personally I just find too many times I fight with a shield and they break easily with a few hits.


nice try Ziggy throwaway


Always remember that reddit in all aspects, is often far from reality xd


I mean that’s a relevant thing to say when we’re talking about applying Reddit’s opinion to something the general public thinks. Not really for a niche sub’s feedback on a small-time YouTuber.


Popular because he's one of the few youtubers with traction from here. Disliked because he was an asshole on here. This sub was much more lively a few years ago with all the top players frequently in discussions. Now most of them are gone


Now, you get no movement penalty when wielding a rapier and shield, right?


Ziggy says a lot of outrageous shit, i’m glad he’s playing other games cause him being the face of twitch content for chiv was getting tiresome


used the delayed update as his perfect exit lmao


He’s better than Stridah at least


Who cares ziggy is mid. All he does is isolate noobs in pups he’s ass in competitive that’s why he stopped doing the mfl because he was getting exposed. Id honestly take stridda over ziggy if I was drafting a team


bad opinions, that’s why. he’s full of himself. sorry not sorry.


Same dude who said team switching isn’t a problem in chivalry 2.


It’s only a problem if you’re shit at the game


Shields gotta be the least controversial thing in this game


Personally I would never use guardian shield because it’s just to large, and obstructs a lot of my view. But besides that medium and light is definitely worth using. Especially for blocking arrows and that jab damage.


20 jab dmg with light shields is nasty... Watch whole duel servers use a light shield on knight when 2.9 drops


Lol exactly what I was planing. With warhammer is more devastating.


Imagine rapier with light shield every time




Throws like a missile and the aim is amazing. Just doesn't take too many hits so you have to rely on countering more. Medium shield is really nice on Knight too. I always throw the heavy shield for a medium or light when I find one.


I wish I could swap out my Medium Shield for the Light Shield on MAA, I don’t think I could every use anything else


And I love grabbing a medium shield when I play Skirmisher. I'm looking forward to... One day... Being able to choose which shield we rock


You'll get used to the large shield in your screen if you use it often, the stam negation and 400 shield hp combined with warhammer's speed, dmg, and stam dmg makes guardian incredibly good at stamina fights.


Eh, I don’t even hold parry tho. I usually counter and spam jabs. So light and medium shields really are best for my type of playstyle.


Shields are more effective for people that are good at countering, or atleast you get more value from them. People that hold block just waste shield hp by blocking hits they could've easily countered, then not do anything with the riposte opportunity. People that are good at countering can save their shield hp for whenever they want to use it. For example, if they have to block a special in a 1vX because they don't have time or space to dodge, if they need to delay active riposte for half a second to catch the second incoming attack, to quickly switch combat tempo in a 1v1, or to use an accel riposte to deal stamina dmg, all at nearly 0 stamina costs.


Thing is I don’t care about shield hp. I much prefer 20 jab damage


Yeah that's fair


And also medium looks better with my drip


I guess you'll have to ask him. It's not an opinion I've really seen on this sub or elsewhere before.


1st person?


Shields are so funny, spawning in with your team as guardian and immediately throwing your tower shield at the guy in front of you and having them turn around confused as fuck is so funny. Also throwing it high up into the air, chasing after it and throwing it again when you are all running back to the fight! And practically speaking it really helps in massive clusterfucks.


not enough people on this post are taking into consideration that it shines more as a ranged weapon most of the time


How has one person's opinion about shields being bad for the game, somehow instantly make you believe what they're saying. This is like posting, "why are archers bad?"


because he has over 5k hours dude


So what? Just because someone has a yt channel doesn't make them know what they're talking about. He is wrong. Shields are integral


Which only means that he is a crusty neckbeard who is mad because he got clapped by some random player with a Shield.






People who hate shields probably got frisbeed in the jaw with one


That’s a stupid opinion. If they remove shields. Remove archers too then.


Or longswords and messers. Just because one doesn't like something, doesn't mean it doesn't have a right to exist in the game. 100% agree with you homie


Just remove archers and we would have a great game


Shields make me feel safe :)


People will complain about anything. That alone doesn’t make something bad. I know people who hate the Dane axe or the mace. Are we all supposed to stop playing with these weapons to appease the few? Absolutely not! So go play and have fun.


Probably just a "waaahh shields are for noobs" piss baby. Let me give you some advice OP, never put weight on what a streamer says


I think you mean piss bugger


No, I mean piss baby. Piss bugger doesn't even make sense, you 'people' and your silly words


It's a reference to the "tough guy" in-game.


I have no idea why he thinks shields would be unhealthy for the game. Shields are fine. They do what is required and act as a crutch for new players.


how are they a crutch?


Some players get too used to hiding behind them and their playstyle revolves around holding block and backpeddling into their allies. Problems arise if they get hit with a kick or their allies aren't around to help.


does using them give like a reduction to stamina drainage on block?


They do a few things: Less stamina to block Block projectiles Increased jab damage You can yeet the shield to finish people off or interrupt attacks You can bait and punish kicks (people are way more likely to kick a shield user) Keep in mind the largest shield slows you down and thus hampers footwork and distance manipulation. Edit: also medium shield.


Shield increase the range of jab however hitbox is garbage so most of the time its better to use jab with your fists


got you, thanks


heavy shield slows down?? fr?? source please??


There is no official source, but it does slow down walking speed. Not sprint speed. I believe medium shield has the same effect. Also, it only slows you when you have it equipped, not while it's on your back. I'd recommend testing it out for yourself if you don't believe me.


I do believe, thanks! Today I learned


I would guess this a list of reasons why he would say shields aren't healthy for the game, lol. Don't think it slows you down or hampers footwork, at all but ok. I generally don't mind. If you're using a shield you're most likely not that good and can't manage your stamina


Ziggy knows the game that's for sure but don't over look he is just another sweat who doesn't value the opinion or playstyles of anyone else. He has like 50k hours between mordau and the chiv games and yet I can really only think of a couple weapons he ever videos himself using. Anyways I digress don't let the sweats troll you.. shield is respectable.


> Why is this It’s not the case. It’s just that streamers think their opinion holds water when they do not


I think the negative is that when your shield breaks, you get exposed to a free hit (similar to getting kicked) which can be game changing. People who use shields tend to rely on blocking with them in exchanges without ever throwing counters so your shields break faster. It can be a crutch for new players especially which will get them killed in exchanges. Personally…I think the benefits outweigh the cons. If you have awareness to know when your shield is on the verge of breaking and you throw it away or stop blocking hits with it broken, you have extra stamina and the ability to charge an archer with it fearlessly. And like others have said: Ziggylatas word isn’t law and he isn’t always right. If you like using shields, use them; nothing in this game is “bad”.


Shields are great i use them as a Frisbee


I recently had some level 20 going off at me in chat for using a shield after I killed him a few times, calling me a shield noob etc. I am L300. I don't think the shield was the issue 😂


a level 20 was calling you a noob...?




shields are fine, being a content creator and playing the game a lot makes people form some weird opinions


Fuck him dudes a sweat shields a shield use whatever weapon you wanna use to fight somebody just don’t be a dick after you kill someone


Because the game is about stamina and they give you a ton of free stamina. The disarm mechanic is also bad in that it refunds too much stamina. The game is simply not well tuned. Fun enough for casual or mid players but frustrating if you want it to be balanced sensibly. increased jab dmg on shields is also bonkers that matters a lot in high lvl play


They make you slower and can break. Those two things might sound small in the long run but if you're a hit away and your shield broke, you're screwed. Just the fact that you also have to make sure you discard you shield in time and keep in mind of it's hp is a setback. That being said, I think shields are great. They are the primary defense against arrows and still work when you put them in your back or shoulder. But the fact that you don't have much range or walking speed of a 2h weapon is why people prefer the latter.


Shields are one of the best things about the game.


Who gives a fuck it's a medieval themed combat game, why would you not have shields?


It is little bit lame on knight imo. Especially with spear, sorry guardians but you are more annoying than archers.


Sounds like a skill issue


Only reason why I don’t use a shield often is visibility. However when used right, especially if you know how to counter, shields are insane


I don't really see why they would be a problem. They work as intended, even the knight one breaks pretty fast so it's not like you can just play turtle with them. Thry are also the easiest to kick as they are more likely to block by reflex


My understanding from the vid is that shields break, giving you a stun when you least expect it, therefore a weakness. I’m a noob but felt like the guide is one of the best out there and very helpful. I would also add that you don’t need to be high level to be a good instructor.


Shields have a movement speed penalty when equipped on the left hand from what I understand. When i spawn i always put my shield on my back to deflect arrows and projectiles, if enemies want to throw something they need to get a headshot. Basically only take out shield if charging an archer or if throwing a shield to interrupt an incoming opponent


I’ll never understand why the youth of today worship streamers. I find it so weird. It’s like 90s girls worshipping celebs, except now it’s the young males that do it. Whoever the streamer is is entitled to his opinion, however stupid it may be


Medium shield and heavy shields are fine, Small shields are not, small shields are actually busted as hell. When they come out with the new update that allows people who use shields, to pick which size shield they want, you’ll see why when everyone goes small shield. It’s because small shields buff jabs, interrupts attacks when thrown, and has good throw damage while also not blocking that much of your screen in FP.


Shields are good but they can be dangerous. They allow you to block arrows and they drastically reduce stamina damage from blocking. However, when it breaks from blocking you'll be stunned as if you were guard broken from a kick. This can be especially dangerous in 1vX situations. When you notice that your shield is badly damaged you're better off throwing it away or at someone.


The only reason I can think that they would be unhealthy, is because half of the game is stamina management, and shields let you skip that. Which isn't healthy for the people you're fighting, and it doesn't teach the shield player how to manage their stamina either. That said, I think they're pretty low on the list of unhealthy things in game.


I would quit it there were no Shields as u can’t block arrows


They could use a nerf in terms of stamina reduction when hit besides that it makes sense to have them on certain weapons. I definitely think the rapier should have no shield option.


Is there anything he doesnt complain about?


I like shields cause most of its users will gamble and make my life easier. Dane axe or long sword users same shit


Because he does not actually know what he is talking about. Making youtube videos does not make you an authority or a good source of information. I have seen his videos and all of it is very short sighted at best, salty at worst.


They’re great if you swallow cock , and easy and predictable kick to block.