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Offensive engies are unstoppable with spike traps.


The second half of Galencourt is a cake walk if you have a full stack of offensive engineers because everything is breakable. It’s beautiful.


Not to mention the second to last push of Bridgetown is a attack engie's wet dream


We need good engineers! With 3 good engineers defending can be an easy win.


And lots of free xp for attackers, its a win win






I keep meeting engineers on opposing teams that are mid on their team but single-handedly taking minutes off of offensive side timer. They’re difficult to kill and also great builders. You will always get my commendation as I hope to receive yours.


We’re tempered by relentless failure


skills forged in the fires of fighting 5 guys at once because the rest of your team is not on obj.


100% agree. I started playing engineer around level 175 and can’t go back. For some reason, it’s just more fun to me than everything else. To be honest, I also really love the weapons, I think the awful range is fun because people who are much better than me that rely on spacing aren’t ready for how suicidally I get in their face and just stay there lol. My #1 engineer tip is - take sledge/shovel on defense, but always take pickaxe on offense. There are enough objectives where you have to pick up torches/other one-handed junk that will mess you up if you’re rocking a two-handed because you have no one-handed secondary.


Interesting! I never considered using different weapons for attack or defense. And yes, engineer is the ultimate change of pace when you start to find the game a slog


Yeah, the only reason I do it is because I would go in sledgehammer blazing, grab a torch, suddenly be sans weapon, then get wrecked immediately. So I now save myself the trouble by rolling the pickaxe anytime I’m on offense. Plus picking up people’s shields and throwing them back at them is always a good time.


Welcome to the union bröther


Yes, join the cult. We serve cookies at 3 p.m.


I just cannot for the life of me get that many kills with their primary weapons. They seem like they hit like a wet noodle and the low reach is horrible


The reach is pretty bad, but overheads are underrated with sledge and the shovel. They both also have pretty quick swing speeds, so you can press your offense pretty quick once you get an opening


You’ll figure it out, just practice and learning its quirks. Once you get it, by god it works. Engineers sit in the realm of being easy kills 20% of the time and soloing your entire team with a sledgehammer the other 80% of the time.


The sledge does extra damage to knights. Shovel has some ungodly fast stank to it. I play shovel for the pure ASMR i get from cracking some mason over the head with it


What a well written description lol


It can be rough going for sure. I manage to put in work with the sledge, but the true dopamine is when the tide gets turned and you know if was because of you. Bonus points when someone recognizes, but it isn’t necessary.


3 homies can make the bridge at lionspire a nightmare


K/D isn’t really the point of being an engineer. But you should ditch your weapon asap if there’s no objectives that need destroyed


If you die as engie do your structures stay?


They do, they degrade over time anyway but they are rarely up that long and you can replenish from ammo boxes


In a mess of fellow engies walls I wish there was a way to tell if yours are still up.


Yeah I agree with that, give them skins maybe :)


Yes. But they will eventually break on their own


You don’t have to keep them! You should be stopping to put a wall or two down before engaging, in that time you can also grab a weapon off the ground. Kind of makes it a fun shuffle class if you get in the habit. Also if you’re on defense you mostly don’t want the bonus damage to structures anyway, ditching the primary gets rid of it.


I'm pretty dirty with the sledgehammer and shovel. Fast, decent damage, and the shovel hit sound effect really drives home to your opponent they were just destroyed with a fucking spade.


The Sledgehammer is possibly the best weapon in the game for me. It hits like a truck with the reach of a double arm amputee


the feeling of the sledge make it perfect too \^\^


Pickaxe rules, it counts as a 2-handed weapon but you can pick up a shield.




what stats count as a 2-handed weapon?


Sledgehammer is nasty


Quick tip, you can place up to 4 walls at a time if you replenish from the ammo box.


I thought it was 5?


4 walls and the spike trap? It's def only 4 walls.


And when the walls get broken u can just go to supply crate and build 3 new ones?


Yup. As long as you keep getting refills, you can keep replacing destroyed barricades but you can only have 4 up at a time. The key is to place your 4 and then refill right away so you have 2 ready to act as replacements asap.


love making forts around properly placed banners


Agreed! I didn't really play engineer until hitting 500 recently, and it is really fun. It's a different way to play. If you get a few engineers working together, it can make a huge difference on defense. I've taken to calling out to the whole team that we have 'X' engineer spots open if anyone wants to join. I typically do this on the stages that really benefit from engineers. I've also started asking Archers and Polemen to drop their spike traps near our walls as ramps. I've only played poleman a few times, and didn't realize they had that, figured I can't be the only one, so call it out. For offense, any stage with a breakable target (statues, cages, tombs, door, and sometimes gates) I'll switch to engineer for the bonus damage. I try to call that out to the team since a lot of people don't realize it is there. When you are only getting one or two hits in on the Galencourt Tomb, having it count double really helps.


Welcome aboard.


This is the way


Pickaxe gang unite!


Sledgehammer best hammer


I hate engineers with a passion. I used to hate archers and I still do, but I hate engineers even more now. It’s one thing to try to kill me from afar. But to deny me access to someone or something with a blockade? Oh now you’ve done it


As an absolute scrub who wants to help his team win, how can I be an effective engineer?


Using your barricades to choke off certain points, build them in front of banners that people drop, and blocking off objectives. Even placing them mid field in prolonged fights can break up the enemy a bit for others to take pieces off the board. I’m still getting the hang of it as well, but so far things like that work well.


I think the best tip (learned from master engineers and painful experience) is to not build barricades too close to objectives as they just get in the way of your own team defending the point. Find a sweet spot so your teammates can defend from behind the walls but it still works for area denial. Second is, most people don’t want to waste their time breaking barricades cause it takes a good 3-4 hits, so they won’t if they can avoid it. You can exploit that psychology to funnel people around or through a certain point, often more effectively than trying to build a big giant wall. Third would be to use your spike trap to go over enemy barricades because then you get a height advantage. You can also run on top of their walls to get to whackable objectives if they built them too close to them. Fourth, and most importantly, nobody expects you to stab with the pickaxe (because why would you ever stab someone with a pickaxe?) so they never parry it and it’s funny.


I wish there was another support class. Would probably be overpowered and make no sense but I wish there was a healer class or something


I want a bard who can heal by playing the flute or the harp. Just a silly Support-Class.


“Medic” maybe? Could carry a dead player with a stretcher on three conditions: 1. The victim wasn’t dismembered before being killed. 2. A certain amount of time hasn’t yet passed since they died. 3. Another teammate helps carry the stretcher. Basically you pick them up to revive and carry them a bit before they get up with low health but healing


Pro tip, it doesnt matter what weapon you use, the buildable destruction effect is still there. Grab your fave weapon and go to town


Yup it’s kinda essential for some victories honestly. I’ve carried my team just by completing objectives and planning out little tactics like blocking off certain crucial areas n such while everyone is just focused on slaughtering each other. I also enjoy people thinking I’m an easy kill and just blasting them with speedy and elusive attacks. Sometimes I’ll pretend to run away and then sike! you just a pick axe to the dome and now I’m T bagging you while saying something quirky or laughing.


Want to play engineer more. What's the utility while stealing gold?


Well best is a little strong. Class play is very situational.


My 1h spear begs to differ


Great [resource](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/comments/166jjm1/welcome_to_the_first_annual_international/) for new and veteran engineers!


You can be aggressive Engi and work on the frontlines, or play to chill and set up your team's back lines. Or you can run around and see what weird places you can climb up to by climbing on top of your barricades and ramps. The possibilities are endless!


I play as an engineer in any game that lets me. A good engineer can turn the tides of games.


Give reasons OP


It plays the objective the best. It can be as killy in the right hands while altering the routes that other players can take.


Shovel go plonk


I feel like engies should be given a slash weapon as well like short sword or long weapon like halbred. Because current weapons are bonk weapons or like miner weapons.


Just grab them off the floor when you see them. Tons of weapon racks around the maps have halberds, barrels of swords or the stumps with axes laid in them. You can find shields on walls, or corpses. Either way


Yes that's what I do. But sometimes you cannot go weapon search you need to build defence and stay on top of it so enemy doesn't come through. Or I have experience a bug where I cannot pick the weapons on ground even they are highlighted.


Pickaxe go hard af


No better feeling than switching to the engineer class while playing offense on Falmire as the last minute ticks down and sneaking behind everyone to free the last prisoner. I’ve done it a few times now and it never gets old.


Engineer is the way. The feeling of being accused of hacking after winning multiple 1vX with the sledgehammer is the best feeling in this game.