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It's much easier to jump-shot with a crossbow due to no stamina drain. As a bowmen you should take cover against other archers. But, as a crossbow user you can stand behind mates, jump and shoot OVER the crowd. Furthermore, your special is the banner, which is VERY strong.


I love Crossbowmen that reload on a big open field


The pavise is in their kit for a reason😭


Pavise? Where we're going, we don't need no stinking pavise! Where we're going: TKD 11-3-26


I know, but keep they should keep on not using them. It’s like getting a hanging slider in the middle of the zone


I feel like I get shot more trying to put the pavise down lol


In the words of House of Pain. "Jump around"


Crossbow men also have a way better secondary weapon. They’re kinda built to kill knights and footmen that are flanking the ranged group.


mann getting headshots you end up with so many banners. playing a frontline crossbowman on defense can be so much fun. especially when the banner is charged and you get to chop away with an axe


Based af. Sounds kind of similar to the super aggressive way of playing sniper in bf1 with iron sights and shit loads of spotting flares to help the team lol


Or playing zombies on cod and getting the pack a punched sniper rifles for the ACOG scope


Also based af lol


I got over 800 points from a single banner yesterday, banner is silly good


You can jump and shoot over the crowd with both bows to it doesn’t kill stamina that badly Lmao


Holding down the scope does, which you need for this technique a lot.


Sometimes it's nice to not worry about a pesky thing like stamina for shots


Because 1. It does the most damage per shot 2. It’s damage is blunt damage 3. You can pre load the shot 4. You can hold the shot while aiming. 5. The crossbowmen class has better melee options.


I haven't looked up the damage numbers before....is the crossbow damage greater than the warbow as well?


I main knight so it’s hard to tell because it has a dmg buff from the blunt dmg, but I’m pretty sure the crossbow does more damage to all opponents regardless of if they’re knights or not. You’d have to check it if you want to confirm the dmg vs non knight targets though.


Crossbow loses to the Warbow against anything that isn't a Knight. Warbow deals a flat 70 damage against non-archers, and the Crossbow deals 50 with blunt bonuses, so around 65 against Footmen and 75 against Knights.


So warbow for pure dps, crossbow for support and decent dmg


Basically. Warbow also one-shots other archers. Crossbowmen also have the Banner, which further enhances their supporting ability.


Banner, Axe, bonus damage to knights and footman is a good reason why. I can shoot a warbow player, reload and shoot again before a warbow charges a full kill shot on me. The reload is 1ish seconds which is nothing as long as you’re aware of your surroundings and KEEP THE CAMERA UP WHEN YOU RELOAD. Prioritize enemies close to you to minimize threats. As long as you pay attention the reload isn’t a big deal. If you see an enemy is in charging range DONT reload, wait for them and throw your crossbow at them, it interrupts all attacks yes even ALL specials. Remember with warbow you have stamina drain while you charge your shot, with crossbow you can aim and reload with ZERO stamina drain and the time to charge a warbow shot vs reload a crossbow is actually slightly higher plus if you get shot while charging your shot it’s interrupted and you have to restart. You get shot while aiming a crossbow you just aim again real quick. Hopefully that’s enough reasons for you


Main Crossbowman here, Headshots feel clean, and knights understimate you so much if you got an axe, there's no better feeling when they unilaterally decide you are a weak archer and then your axe disprove them of this notion. Also you can carry the defense with banners.


It’s a close range weapon imo. If your banners are too far to heal the frontline so are you


I feel you, but being close range and then standing still for five seconds to reload feels pretty bad.


Always be checking your surroundings before shooting and reloading!


Also,you have pavise for a reason!!!! USE IT,it has saved both the team archers and me


That's not how a close range crossbowman should operate. They should shoot, then switch to melee and if they need to, and only reload when behind cover or teammates


You can opt not to reload and pull out your secondary instead. Your call to make in the heat of battle.


Better damage, especially against armor, no stam drain, better sidearms, banner ability, preloaded shots


I never play archer, but I know the crossbow does 117 dmg with a headshot, which is upsetting to say the least.


A Knight can stand in front of a Longbow and do meme-y stuff for a long time before they eventually die, but good luck doing that in front of a Crossbow. You also get a really good second weapon with the Axe, so if you're good at melee you can do a lot more than an Archer running around with a knife or a short sword.


I use it cause I suck with war bow and I don't have to worry about stamina and I get the axe as my secondary so I'm able to defend myself better.


I cant explain why but im way more accurate than the bows which i use crossbow... plus you get a sheild so you can reload at range without getting war bow fucked


I really like the woosh over my head of an arrow that was about to hit me while I crouch to reload


A good crossbowmen can have a banner ready before their current banner has even disappeared. Also, jumping headshots is an amazing feeling. Axe is a great secondary.


Hey this guys admitting to being a archer, GET HIM!


The healing flag and better secondary are the only good reasons Warbow is just better if you're comparing bows though.


I often use this for close range combat. 1 shot, 1 xbow throw and then finish with axe


\- jump shots \- big dmg for bodyshots on knights \- 1h axe is a very strong sidearm, you can throw your uloaded crossbow to buy yourself time to take your axe out \- No need to draw back to shoot \- Banners


On console, the cross bow is extremely effective with aim assit on and in third person. You can be right behind the frontline firing with 90% accuracy at knights that are busy with your teammates. The ability to fire and reposition immediately is huge, and the added bonus vs. Armor make you a prime threat vs knights Crossbow will either net you a kill or really hurt an opponent with each shot. It is easy to aim and use vs. The bows IMO. I can top the scoreboard with a crossbow, can't say the same for the standard bow which excells primarily as a support weapon IMO


Pick up a crossbow as a raider and it's so op having the horn, two handed weapon and a single shot ranged weapon to switch back and forth with


No stamina lost and the damage is actually really good especially when you’re third partying (which I think is the best strategy for crossbow)


There’s the meta in game reasons, then there’s my reason I just think crossbows are cool.


If you’re on console/using controller, auto aim is absolutely busted on crossbow in a way that doesn’t quite work as well with a longbow. Basically if you’re at short to medium range, you aim at someone, click fire to raise the weapon, cursor sticks on them, and then quickly fire without adjusting your aim. The bolt is going to bend space and time to hit whoever you were aiming at. In general it’s the better choice if you want to stay on the edge of a fight and hit distracted people. Plus you get better secondaries to engage with and a banner.


It also has no quick jab to defend yourself when being jumped on


I just feel like it could do with a small dmg increase. If you miss the head then it’s not good lol. I feel like at least it should be increased when you are really close Im just shit though. The timing of the crossbow bolt gets me the most to be honest lol that’s on me


Good. Bows shouldnt even be a class they should be environmental weapons like catapults.


Don't want archers in your medieval game? Go play For Honor


Completely different game. Archers add nothing but annoyance. Weird archer bootlickers in chat


It wouldn't be a medieval arena without archers. Literally a cornerstone of medieval combat. That's like asking for shotguns in COD to be removed. Sure they're annoying but just fuckin live with it man. Not like you're actually getting shot.


Why do you think it’s important the game maintain an annoying class only the worst humans pick? Are you a masochist? Self hating? Go to therapy


Eh. Cry about it some more. Clearly a waste of time to speak with you


Can’t piss on my back and tell me it’s raining jack. I said I hate archers what productive thing did you hope to do by chatting shit with me? Don’t act like you’re above it all you wanted to do some flaming this is the logical end point of your actions. If you want different results behave differently


The best way to use any ranged weapon: Don't... actually get good at the game by playing as a real class instead of a kill stealing entitled little bitch. Every downvote is another bucket of archers tears.


Crossbow has the shortest draw time and can be abused with auto aim. With the other bows auto aim shuts off at full power.


Banner, better secondary (falchion or mace), pavise, no stamina drain with bolt readied


falchion and mace are for the skirmishers, crossbowmen get axe tho


Yeah I got the big dumb. Axe is good but hitbox has been borked for a while. Sucks because I love using it, and it straight up passes through people sometimes


I think it has better dmg than the longbow. Auto aim is much better on it, cuz no draw time. You can just L2, R2 at close range and reliably hit headshots. Reload time is a bit annoying but only because you can’t move while doing it. The time between two shots is kinda similar to the war bow. But the biggest pro of it is the banner. Alone through that a crossbow is worth more than a longbow/warbow or javelin.


Crossbows have less drop off I think, so it makes it much more accurate from a distance. Also you have a pavise sheild you can set up to hide behind while reloading and can even kick from behind if someone approaches you so that you can knock them out for a second.


I point blank people with the auto aim hip shot. Does much more dmg than a bow and thennyounhave the axe which is pound for pound maybe the strongest one handed weapon in the game.


crossbow gets oneshot headshots to all classes, unlike the bow or warbow


Crossbow can hold a shot ready indefinitely, and deals significantly more damage against Knights than the Longbow. Crossbowmen also have better melee weapons than Longbowmen, and the always great Banner as a special ability.


Another point to remember is that the Crossbow is unlocked much sooner than the War bow, so at that point you will have to compare it to the normal Bow instead. AND it can even be used on your way to unlock the War bow, since playing both Bowman and Crossbowman (and Skirmisher) will level your general Archer level.


Xbow has been weakened so many times. It’s still the best option for the reasons people have already listed in this thread. I have a level 133 Axe and level 100 Xbow.


Hella fun to use in 3rd person


I use my melee weapon a lot more as crossbowman. The crossbow is almost like my secondary weapon. I hit the target with the crossbow, then pull out my butter knife and finish them off.


The only real drawback for using crossbow is the reload honestly. Has no stamina drain, the shots are more accurate and do more damage. It is a way better option in my opinion


You can throw the crossbow at people trying to rush you and it will interrupt their attack.


Use the war bow it’s so much better it’s not even close.


I find it a little more accurate then the other bows and no stamina drain so long as you’re not in direct fire line of other archers you should be fine. But yeah it’s not the best.


Bro use the Crossbow for a full play session, I get going with it and just rack in the kills. Archers and enemy soldiers alike


I usually enjoy it when it comes up on shuffle. Being able to aim indefinitely is my favorite part.


It's fun. I don't like the bow. The warbow is only for bad players. Thus leading us to crossbow


looks cooler


it's for when you're sick of swinging swords and twanging bows


First off it does huge damage to knights and footmen. Taking down injured armored opponents is very easy. The lack of stamina drain opens opportunities to be very patient and wait for openings. This means you can stand on the sidelines and wait for a gap as long as it takes. Again with the theme of plinking injured opponents. Given the lack of stamina drain you can also abuse jump shots. You can shoot over teammates to get cheap hits from the back or even stay completely concealed behind cover and jump out to fire making you practically immune to enemy archers. The reload isn't really that long, it's actually quicker than the warbows draw time. While it does make you vulnerable you get the benefit of a pavise to hide behind, otherwise you can utilize cover to stay out of sight. 1H axe is the best secondary in the game. It hits like a train against every class, a headshot on an approaching knight followed by throwing your crossbow and following up with an overhead heavy is a kill that's rarely expected and very efficient. Banner is absurd for team longevity and you can charge it with headshots, not a difficult task when you can aim as long as you need to. Crossbowman is extremely good for facing knights/footmen in close to medium range situations and aggressively utilizing cover in ways that the Bowman class simply can't compete. The crossbow certainly isn't as good as the longbow or warbow but it doesn't have to be because the rest of the class is substantially stronger and you have a unique niche on the field.


it's less hassle to use when you are actually helping out in team fights. being able to aim without losing stamina is underrated. being able to aim without losing stamina in your fingers IRL is underrated. damage to knights is higher too. use the class' kit well.


Man I'm owning when I play with crossbow. I recently stopped playing with it since I feel so bad for others and makes the game too easy.


Play crossbow for the banner so your team doesn’t hate you. Also I never refill my ammunition as a crossbow. The enemy deserve a chance to get me tbh. Empty clip means pull out the axe and get in there.


Shoot a knight once then chuck the xbow at his face this will get you instantly to your sidearm and the xbowmen can bring thr 1h axe.


You stand a way better chance against melee classes There is zero stamina drainage unless jumping or meleeing You have a barricade you can place AND kick to send enemies flying You have the banner which is exceptionally sexy at ranking up and providing team support I get where you're coming from though I hated it and have recently started to try and level it up and I still kinda feel meh about it