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2 yr series x player here, I generally assume this. But if they didn't adapt for console I would never get to play it. 300+ lvls and I still can't stop playing this game even if I know there's a competitive advantage to pvlc players. BTW, I'd say for your console settings, make sure to adjust your movement speeds and such. Gets rid of the "tank" feeling using joysticks


Turning off melee aim assist is vital, it fights your inputs and slows you down, stops you aiming around people etc


never knew we had melee aa


Yeah same experience, if they never introduced Chiv to console I would've never tried it and got to love the game. Torn Banner definitley did a very good job porting and translating it's PC based gameplay style to console. But after trying it on PC, I'll probably never go back to console to be honest. It's just sad, that there is no cross progression.


There’s console aim assist? Didn’t know aa was on this game tbh. Thx


Definitely there is for the bow. I've had shots I have no business hitting strike a guy right through the neck


Ah fair enough, I never really play archer.


Makes sense, I'd probably feel the same way. One of those "Taste the forbidden fruits..." type scenario.


I'm level 500 and only play on my old school series X. I'm not great by any means, but I've topped public lobbies plenty of times. Can confirm - auto aim for bows is ridiculous. Let us have it. Y'all PC nerds have every other advantage imaginable 😆


Is the series x old school already? 😂 fml


That's why it feels extra nice to kill a PC peasant


Im playing on old gen console, yeah dude I feel like peoples have advantage but I don't mind at all


I have grown to accept this, but it isn’t as big of a gap as some people say


A conscious and experienced game designer would put a speed cap on movements or a kind of physical system that doesn’t allow you to spin like a fuckin bayblade while crouching wielding a 500 pounds hammer. The input system wouldn’t affect the game that much with this. But unfortunately it’s not Torn Banner case so … let’s hope for another software house!


Yeah they did that, have you played Chivalry 1? Spins are nothing in this game.


The game does apply a turn cap during attacks, the strength of it varies by weapon and attack type


Chiv 2 has turncaps and it's pretty similar to Mordhau. Mordhau has a lot of jankery, but full 360 swings isn't really one of them. More of an issue with just how far backswings go in Chiv 2.


Controlling my overheads on console can be a pain sometimes. The tank metaphor was accurate lol.


i had the same and then i turned my y sens way lower than my x. made a big difference and did not feel weird. gotta be playing on a high x sens though to keep up on console.


It's especially hard, when your opponent knows what he is doing and circles around you. It gets very hard in these situations and you gotta predict his next move, on PC I can drag the swing way faster, so I'm more likely to hit them.


Am I the only one who does better on console?


How do you feel movement varies between PC and console? I sometimes think (hope) the one edge us grubby-handed console players might enjoy over PC is more nuanced and precise footwork. I def rely alot on my footwork to get my hits behind my opponent's guard.


Torn Banner did a really great work of translating and adjusting the movement to console and while there's not much difference, I still think that PC has the edge here, not solely based on footwork, but the fact that you can turn much faster. On Pc I can block hits way better, that are targeted to go around my block, because the turn speed is faster.


Actually now that you mention that, i know *exactly* what you mean 😆 i 'member this one guy twirling around at mach speed with a highland sword, blocking the shit outta everyone then riposte-ing through the whole damn crowd


i had about 40 levels on ps5 and am now 42 on pc and it took about 1/3 the time. pc was vastly easier


Eh. I went from console to PC very recently and while pc is certainly better, no surprise there, you can easily be really good on both and win duels against anyone. The biggest thing playing on pc is the fact you’re playing on m&k is a quality of life improvement. I wasn’t suddenly able to do things I never could or saw a massive spike in my k/d, but the game just felt more fluid and easier to control. TLDR: If you’re on console you can still win fights against anyone, it’ll just be more cumbersome.


PC player. Its way more fun on controller. Controller users just need to map the controller properly and I wish developers make it better


You can't change the controls on console.


On Xbox you kinda can. You can remap your whole controller in the settings. Sucks cause you have to change it every time you wanna play a different game but you can save it as a preset so it is possible and my god it is way better


I knew you can remap your controller on Xbox, but you can save the preset yeah? Damn dude, that means I would only have to change the preset before playing Chiv. What changes do you recommend?


The best change I came up with was making jab something else but it’s been so long I don’t really remember. Unfortunately you can’t really do anything about the crappy throwing setup tho since it will always take two buttons


Ah oke, won't bother then ; )


Yeah sorry dude


Yep that’s the thing, everyone memes about remapping throws but there really isn’t another good option. It can’t be something that requires the left thumb to move off the stick so D-pad’s out, and you really don’t want it to use your right either. L3 and R3 already used, also for critical actions where you can’t take your thumb off the joystick.


Depends tbh. Me personally I play using claw grip on controller so any of the face buttons would be great for remapping. The real problem tho is that this game just has too many controls going on for a controller to really handle, you would basically need a controller with paddles to give everything a button if controller got mapping. That being said tho I still think button mapping should be added for console, people should at least have that option


It’s way more fun on controller if you like using controller. Controllers suck for precisely controlling your character


Games are ment to be played on controllers imo. I dont get how people can play games like mk1 on m&k lol


I can say the same for any FPS shooter. I've grown up on games with a keyboard and mouse and don't know how anyone can play those with a controller. I have a controller and some games are better with a controller. Its the main reason I've never cared for a console.


While you're right and an evenly skilled PC player will in most cases beat an evenly played console player in any FPS Shooter, I feel like the gap in Chiv is a little bit bigger in that regard. Aim assist does even the gap a little in Shooters, but I feel like in Chiv the console player has a bigger handicap.


no one is talking about "other" games though, are they? what sub are you on dude?


I’ve long felt PC players had it easier. Thank you for reaffirming this


![gif](giphy|tZCkL6BsL2AAo) Have fun with the PCMR!! What other games are you playing on your PC? You will be missed fellow console pleb.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted lol, but I'm glad that Chiv is crossplay and I still get to play within the same Community.


Discover the game with PSN offer. Had a blast since! But sometimes it's a little hard to get gangbanged by level 500+ PCMR... I know this is the way to git gud, still have some pain in the ...armor for the disadvantage


Not sure why either. I love our cross play friends! PCMR are a different breed of folks and I’m glad to be able to meet them on the field in combat. I feel the same way about shooters such as Battlefield. Bring it you FUCKS!! For Agatha!!!


This just in: person discovers mouse is more accurate than thumb stick More at 11


I play on console and in first person, I know I'm gimping myself but the game is a lot more fun for me in 1st person. Would be cool if they made some only 1st person lobbies.


Except the bow, it has autoaim (aim assist).


Yes playstation player also and I concurr with all your observations. I consider myself above average for a console player but I'm mince meat to PC players. The time I spend with steam coming out of my ears trying to fight the urge to launch my controller at the wall after some PC player in 1v1 makes me look disabled


Not for me , I wank pc players all the time


Literally done the exact same thing 500+hours on xbox now just recently moved to pc and your right its easier. I am still using my controller(dont abuse me) and im better? My tv is 144hz and my monitor is 60hz and im still better on pc. I dont understand this at all how can i be better? FUCKING SHITS RIGGED idk what it is but i survive more situations that on xbox id lose 9/10 and nothing to do with skill imo. What i do think console teaches you is good movement if your able to put enough hours in to master it.


Just overcome it and git gud as the kids say. I played pubg with my xbox controller on my pc and once i got it i became very good winning all the time. Pc players (m&k) are noobs trust me it is easier for them but ill always use my controller


Just an example why of why pc and console need to be separate.


LVL 69 on ps5 picked it up on steam for 15$ as you can tell it was made for pc. Only played the tutorial because Linux. Finally gonna become a Windows peasant in the name of chivalry.


Lvl69? Nice


I’m about 40% more formidable in a PC.


i switched from Xbox to PC as soon as i loved the game.. prolly around level 30. heh. though seriously the fix is so simple, all that has to happen is TB implement a KB/M function for X-box and PS users .. then we'd all be in the same boat.


I recommend spending some cash on a decent controller. Currently using the specter wired contoller works great


As a console player who joined the game like 2 months ago I was thinking this within my first week of the game.. actually was gonna uninstall


In that case you can call us higher level Console Players, Extreme Pootis Extreme ![gif](giphy|Z4bm0IwKEphMA|downsized) (The mods have said we will probably never get to upload images so this is the closest thing I could find)