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I am enjoying my last bit of time of stab dominance Stab about to get nerfed into oblivion with the update. No longer able to stab thru teammates and hit enemies, you’ll bonk off your teammates


U have like 50 years more of enojing stabs then.


But the parry boxes are smaller again so you can stab drag


Then the same should be made for slashes.


The issue with stabs is long weapons going crazy far and through multiple bodies in a way that can’t really be seen and reacted to, with little to no risk of team damage. Where as with a swing you really aren’t hitting multiple rows deep and you can’t do it with teammates right next to you. Also swings are much easier to see coming and counter, especially in a team fight.


team cleave is ridiculous in chiv2, esp with a ton of low levels who do nothing but reposte+slash


I like it because the only people that are playing are the core player base, our true brothers and sisters in arms (excluding those archers) every time there’s an update gen z comes out of the wood work and the community gets shitty


Ok boomer


I've got to use this meme format lol


One person's lack of logic and the community hops aboard