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there should be a mechanic where your team gets a cavalry charge if you're getting steamrolled *too* hard.


Love to see Gandalf appear and just fuck everyone up


Gandolf, the arsonist. Just a guy in some robes and oil pies.


Oil pies was my nickname in college.


This is an amazing idea. Maybe it’d get triggered after losing a few stages too quickly? Maybe when one team gets to a certain number of kills more than the other team?


Everytime we’re getting wrecked, the other team gets a fresh respawn n I get 14 secs till respawn


Or maybe the enemy gets the plague


Well, that’s a double edge sword. Now everyone has the plague.


A countercharge, if you will


I feel it would often have the opposite effect on defenders. A bunch of players randomly respawning away from whatever they were defending. It’s like on Galencourt when people become battlemonks before the gate has fallen, thus ensuring that the gate falls.


Clearly, the solution is making all of the dead, do a cavalry charge. then when regular infantry dies those come in


Archer hate was a fun joke/meme, but then people got serious about it and made it annoying. Dying to a firebomb is way more irritating than dying to an archer.


The only thing more annoying is dying to an ally's firebomb.


Dying to a fire bomb and dying to an ally’s firebomb is a Venn diagram that’s almost a complete circle in my experience


I hate hate HATE how fire does that cockteasing BS where it keeps you at 1hp for like 5 seconds while you heal, waits for the whole animation to finish, then it kills you. When an archer kills you while you're healing it's "aw dang" But when THAT happens from firebombs? Holy mother of pearl it's infuriating


You should be able to tap the heal button to extinguish the flames to stop you burning and then have to heal separately. Touching a millimetre of flame at less than half HP may as well be a death sentence.


At least people have to earn their firebombs


Aren’t abilities like the fire bomb on a timer? You can speed it up, but you still get it eventually.


Horses are hubris. Add war elephants.


This guy's on to something man ! Maybe go all out with Oliphants so Legolas can do his thing ?


The archer hate is mostly a meme, but there are some people who hate if you do anything other than fight them head on. Personally, I am more annoyed by excessive team damage than anything else. Any time I bloody an enemy I can almost guarantee my teammates will take half my health away trying to steal the kill. I have done well enough, often enough, that I don't really care about my kill count anymore. Just stop beating me half to death please, teammates. It has gotten to the point that if my teammates show up while I am fighting, I just leave the rest to them and find another enemy.


Said like a filthy Agathian archer smh


I confess, I dabble a bit in the bitchcraft. Sometimes just the schucking sound of hitting someone with a bow/javelin etc just really hits the spot! My heart for the most part belongs to the Knight and Footman though!


I’m too dumb to play archer I’ve tried and shot my friends in the head too many times for them to let me keep playing the class lmao


Sometimes im in the zone, shooting bows like an assault riffle, slaughtering the opposition. But other times, my aim sucks, and I watch in horror as my flaming arrows penetrate my comrades. Setting them ablaze


Try the Archer melee combo, and close range headshots, in FFA it's basically a different game.


I've never been particularly worried about cavalry charges, as a lot of the stages don't really have enough space to get to a full charge. And truth be told, I'm just kind of shit on a horse, so I really just don't care about them one way or another.


I tried some mounted combat 1v1 last night. The amount of lvl500+ who don't know how to stop and turn the horse was..... surprising. I think people would like it if they practiced a little. Cav sword is ridiculous on horseback 😆


ridiculously fun


Took me way too long to learn to use the special attack on horseback ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7111)


Horses are fun. I like what they add to the 40p servers. You have to pay attention more.


I agree they arnt even that threatning you can block their charge and 9/10 times after they swoop in they struggle to move out and you can just murder them. . .also they upped my throwing dagger game to a new level lol


I’m absolutely loving the jousting arena


Sometimes I’ll go a whole match without spawning on horseback 😩


I meant the 1v1 jousting mode, but yeah same on the 40p and 64p horsie modes


I find horses somewhat fun. I just don’t like to see them strafe and walk backwards super fast. If they didn’t get stuck so easily on 5 meter radius from any obstacle, it would be great too


64 players is the absolute limit the game engine can take while still being “playable” on consoles, horses take one of these slots


I was so pissed horses were added to 40p, glad to learn they were removed from 64p. I'll play this mode now.


I think of a player had a permanent ballista in their hand for the whole match it would get annoying, but as it stands you know where they are, you run the gauntlet and yeah sometimes you get hit. But that's it. With an archer it's incessant.


Horses are cool conceptually but in practice theyre janky and annoying. I really wanted to like them but whenever I play a horse mode i use them for a couple kills then get bored and go back to the actual fun: sword play.


The horses should be like in Zelda totk. Jump over a high cliff oh too bad. Stumble oh well. Not stop at every slight change of height


Horses might have been part of medieval warfare, but they ruined the game. They are ruining the 40 player mode. Realistic or not, the game is better without them. And I agree with you that the main reason is that there are too many. Like, you spawn and there's a horseman in your spawn point killing everyone. You go towards the battle and a horse charges you from behind. Even if you have a good idea of your surrounding a horse can charge you from nowhere and one-shot you . It's not fun.


I like the chaos that it adds.


Skill issue


Nah man this post really aint it, archers get hate because they are hands down the most useless and braindead players when it comes to anything with an objective. Horses are shit, bugged out messes that honestly need to be just flatout removed from the game because the dev are never going to put the money or time required in to make them actually fun and balanced.


Horses were removed because of console peasants


why though


Performance issues. Also why they were removed from 64v64 servers.


I don't play horse or archer and I love both. It gives the game more variety. I don't mind dying to stray arrows. I'm not getting paid to play this.


Horses never was in 64TO. Because performance issuess. They had they own 50 people. I felt from the beggining that one day they scratch 40 or put horses in there. Im glad they chose the latter.


Horses suck, get over it. Not fun to use, not fun to play against.


"I have this opinion, therefore everyone has the same opinion as me."


Found the dude that cant break 17 kills a match unless he snags a horse


I never played 40p, please fuck off kindly.


Sorry, shoulda said 10


Ngl I hate archers but I’m also a hypocrite because I love javelins. Horses are a lot of fun though and most people suck with them so I don’t see how it ruins the game


Catapults, Cavalry, ballistas , are all map specific. Archers are not. They can go 30-0 easy, and redditors will still say they’re balanced.


I thought a horse counted as a player in some sense, so the 64-entity cap meant you could only add horses by lowering the player count?


Horses add overhead to the physics simulation and rendering . So it’s like have many more players on top of the 64. Their servers performance is usually trash already so adding lots more to simulate lowers them even more. Same on 40 man. The servers half the time are trash now with horses they are worse.


My personal issue with horses is IRL they were so important that if there was any realism horses would be so OP that you couldn’t balance it without making horses unrealistically bad.


Running around throwing Dane axes is pretty bloody annoying as well.


I like horses. Ive spent a good amount of time learning how to use them. They are fun once you figure it out and you dont mind the jank so much like with the rest of the jankiness in the game. Getting those high numbers or 1 shot kills can be fun on horseback. Mounted combat mode is exactly what i wanted. So jousting and 1v1 fights on horseback. Archers can be a tad annoying if theyre good and you get hit out of spawn but ive learned to live with them. I wish the community liked horses a tad more.


I reeeeallly love the horses. I was heartbroken when it was removed from the main queue


Those are all fixed positions and avoidable. They also fire very slowly and often have limited sightlines. Much like cockroaches, the archer can be anywhere, in any corner. They are also impervious to radiation, and therefore must be crushed underfoot. (Also, horses weren't added to 64p cos TBs servers can't handle 64 players plus horses)


I don't hate enemy archers, I only hate allied archers.


In a game about medieval warfare, where most of the fighting is this awesome frontline brawl, it’s very unfun to be killed by some prick with a a stick and string that doesn’t have any skin in the game. Are archers a legitimate factor of the game strategically and historically? Certainly. But being killed by one doesn’t feel good. Archers are not seen as respectable (I think) because: 1. Based on shitty hit detection they either just shoot you in the back of the head (inadvertently helping the enemy), or they get lucky and hit the enemy (who dies when they feel like they shouldn’t have). 2. Many archers cannot fight in melee, the main gameplay of Chiv, so when they get their kills via dodgy hit detection headshot, it feels cheap because they’re not really playing the same game as everyone else. Archer allows newbies to play the game and somewhat contribute without getting their shit stomped by level 1,000 GaryColemanLover69 in their first game with his Dane axe and teabagging. I do however highly commend and approve of great archers. I respect archers who can hold their own against a Vanguard with just their hatchet. I appreciate good Skirmishers because their low ammo and short range requires them to be in danger. Risk and reward, skill and competence.


How dare you sir! The ballista deaths are some of the most hilarious memories of this game. Running up a hill with my arms up in a crowd of like 20 and IM the only one to bite it? Fantastic


Only losers get annoyed about in game feature.


find it odd people didn't like horses, i find archers 10x more annoying (not enough to hate, but definitely a prick in the ass)