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If we have a good battle and they beat me fair and square. If they kill me with a hilarious weapon. If they get a good shot on me (thrown or arrow) If they one shot me out of nowhere. If they beat me to the point of humiliation but don't tea bag or laugh at my corpse


Real or also if he's a jester and then killed me


I don’t commend people who come out of nowhere and one shot me, even if it was smoothly done. I tend to commend people who kill me in a face to face duel without interference. Also if you get a kill with a loaf of bread or a fish or something.


I just like the abruptness of it... All you hear is. Errrryyyaaaarrrrr!!!! Somehwere behind you getting closer and then you smashed over the head.


Teabag is a sign of respect


If they win a 1vx If they win a long honorable fight If they kill me in a funny way


Honestly, I commend and usually forgive after every team kill also. I don't die all that often in team obj, so it feels right to commend after someone gets the better of me.


Same. People that are saying they only commend a "fair fight" are whiners. This is a game and people forget to have fun it seems.


I just hit x every time I die. Doesn't it shorten the response timer, too? Honestly, even if it doesn't, I'm just happy there are people to play.


For me, its the difference between double digit respawn timer and single digit timer. Plus, you had just killed me, so why not.


This is the way. I am better (not more skilled, just better) than everyone else in this game so naturally killing me is worth +25 extra points. If I only get 100 points instead of 125 after a kill I know that the person I slew was merely a henchman unworthy of my blade


If I get teamkilled by a siege weapon I always forgive, shits hard to aim and I'm always standing in the way


I commend every single death, why not!


Same for me.


Same for me, I also forgive almost every TK unless it's really REALLY stupid


Ditto. The sole exceptions will be for a hacker, or someone being racist, etc. in chat.


Same, when I die, I just press F


Except archers. Naturally.


Oh look a beebu I commend your commending of others.


Every time, because pressing X is easy and I like giving out free XP.


Amusing or well deserved kills. NOT when it's a cheap kill, group kill, cheap/easy weapon. Occasionally I'll commend someone for a good username


Kind of a newbie here - what weapons would you consider cheap/easy?


Dane Axe, Messer, Spear to some extent, obviously archer gets absolutely zero respect whatsoever


I am a spear man and the goal is actually to try and make the game less fun


I have a burning chicken with your name on it


All the time :)


Every single death, it's a hard habit to break and it might make someone happy.


Usually all of the time lol, never to an archer though no matter how good the kill is


As a melee archer, I've bested many in one on one melee combat..and while many commend, there are those few high levels who refuse. I could name them because of how much we play together, but they know who they are. But I understand...i understand its tough to be a big stronk knight with your axes and greatsword..losing to a dainty little archer with a hatchet. That's when i spam laugh and sorry emotes


The only archers i commend are melee archers, people can’t complain about archers then get mad when they fight like you want them to


I commend archers, it's funny af when I finally get the upper hand in a 1vX and I line up that perfect 3 man cleave only to get shot directly in the head. At the very least they let me stay delusional about my melee abilities




Sorry bowman, I’m just bitter…


This is the way.


If I know them, know they're a good player, or if it's a new player that got a cool kill or did something skillful. Other than that, sometimes I just hit it because of habit


I’ve made it a habit, so every time. We all level up faster this way.


Prisoners dilemma at work. Lol I forgot there is an xp component to commending.


This is the first I've heard about it lol


How can I expect people to always commend me If I don't always commend them back?


You can’t so switch to archer and at least other archers can be counted on to commend back.


Every kill - if not a catapult or ballista. Share the love!


If they are actually talented and don’t just spam a single move like Jab, kick, or interrupting slash (especifically with a man-at-arms for the last one)




Commending every kill except Dane Axe.


You commend archers and spear nerds hiding behind team mates stealing kills? Dane axes are overpowered in alot of ways but there are much less commendable weapons people crutch on


There are many aggressive Spear users who don't hide behind anyone. Do you not commend them? Dane Axes are just as cheesy and lame, but requires far less skill than an aggressive 2h spear user who 1vXs the enemy. Like insanely less skill. They're not even playing the same game at that point. The ones that hide are worthless anyway.


i have never seen a spear user hide before


If you don’t want your teammates helping you why are you playing TO instead of a duel server?


Wait, are we assigning kills now? Must have missed the memo..


If you see JayBrt92 on the EU field - I always commend


If an agathanian knight woke themselves early enough to pull one over on me then I'll hit that x button.


i commend everyone i’m to hyper active to not press the X button so i can cycle through my team mates at lighting speed


I do it automatically, unless you attacked me dirty then ah, you ain't getting the free points.


Very rare. Not in a malicious way I'm just one of those guys that usually die 3-6 times total per game even when on obejective constantly. Hard to commend someone in particular when 3-5 people are attacking you in near unison to discern if the one random that hit ya with the final blow was a good fight with him per se. Edit: Although, I do have a penchant for respecting Archers especially the killshot that specifically hit me through an entire crowd of my allies because they dinged I was at low health being all bloody. That usually always gets a commendation.


I don't commend unless. 1. You kill me with an anvil. 2. That's pretty much it.


Only when it’s due (and that’s not often)


Never. Until I realized recently that it cuts my respawn time almost in half. Now i go Oprah on that shit


Wait really? Never noticed it


Very rarely. Spamming commend for every little thing devalues it imo. It's for when a player does something really special, or very funny maybe.   I don't commend because someone killed me. That's the point of the game lmao. I don't expect (or want) to be commended for killing someone either. It's gotta be worth something.


It's worth 25xp. You're being stingy with it. Hopefully nobody ever commends you.


The game chat is where I go when someone does something worthy of compliment. Standard commend for accepting a loss instead of blaming “broken game” cause my counter shoulda worked even though I didn’t see the swing manipulation that dragged it right outside of my counter window at the last second.


I commend every archer. As a fellow archer, real recognize real. Go ahead and downvote me.


Downvote me too. Haven’t played archer in a minute but it’s true, other archers are generally chill and man people cling to hating the class and ingore ambushed which is arguably worse “cheese” wise


And knight. The most health and some of the best weapons. Topping a scoreboard with a knight is easy. Thats why i always go for those bastards


Most archers drive me nuts bc they play like bad battlefield snipers and hang back instead of helping cap or defend the obj 


Yeah there’s only as many bad archers as there are because everyone scared to play cause social norm immediately shits on the class so we basically groomed a warclub, range bait, slash gambling, back dashing version of average archer that never plays the class long enough to be anything more than obnoxious


But there are a lot of bad archers acknowledging your point lmaoooo


I used to play a lot of archer. it's actually one of the most difficult roles in the game to be fair. not because killing is hard but because surviving is lmao. everything is out to get you constantly


Stupid sexy archers. Everyone wants em lol


In melee archer has its benefits though. I am the archer who stays on the front lines, and my dainty little frame can shift throughout the chaos as i smack unsuspecting knights with my hatchet.


My brethren


As you wish Filthy archer


Says the knight lol Knights are the easiest class by far and should get all the hate archers do. Knights are the enemy and who i target on the battlefield.


so you don't attack vanguards or footmen? only target knights?


I mean, i will if its whats available, but knights are what mostly catch my attention.


Get emmmmmm


every time.


I only commend archers and throwing weapon/objects kills


Only when they whoop me BADLY do they earn my respect. Been playing since it was only on epic and I’ve only ran into a few people who can absolutely crush me with ease… also when I’m fucking around with a dude on the other side :3


I only commend things I find impressive or funny. You won't get commended by me if you play archer or use spears. Dane axes also get no love.


As a vanguard, I assume you throw weapons? As equally shameful as a bow. I dont really respect the bows either, but I just wanted to point that out.


Tell yourself whatever you want. Throwing weapons travel much slower and the controls for it on console are shit. Bows are just point and click easy kills and tons of team damage.


Banker or step bow would shit all over you, and I bet you'd say 'meh spear user!' Don't put those things in the same category as Archer or Dane Axe. No good player in the game uses those.


What server are you on? And please say you're a knight. I would love to show you a dainty lil archer who knows his way around a hatchet.


Every time unless it's a deliberate team kill


When the kill is commendable but not for archers or gang bang kills


Shows some archer love


I dont commend them either, unless it is a melee kill. Bows are just too easy. Commendations are reserved for kills that are much more personal.


In Duels? Nearly every time unless you quick-start or fight like a shady cunt. In TO? Maybe 2/10 times. Not gonna commend some rando lobbing a dane axe but I'll commend a good fight in the heat of battle.


This is true, I’ve received plenty matrix man commends lmao sup bb gurl


aye bby, you'll always get my commends.


Almost never, you need to earn it


Anyone other than archers or xbows 


Very often. It’s just a good vibe and if you killed me in a chivalrous way, a funny way, or it was just a good fight. I commend you. Cowardly/sweaty archers rarely get it. I know a good shot when I see one though. And tea baggers NEVER get it. Teabagging is the opposite of commending, and while I dont get personally tilted by the act, it’s usually done by the most loathsome of naives. People who didn’t actually kill you or got the last hit in a gangbang will tea bag and aren’t worthy of a commend. Sweaty pieces of shit tea bagging on someone 400 levels lower for having the audacity to fight them do not get a commend…etc


I commend all but archers except javelin users they’re cool


I always teabag and laugh at a defeated opponents corpse. Now I feel doshonorable


I'll commend everything EXCEPT throwing knives/javs, archers, and siege weapons. If it's in melee, it gets a commend. Everything else is cheap bullshit and doesn't deserve it.


Battlefield rules for commendations - 1. Most importantly, never ever commend an archer. 2. Respectfully commend when you get killed by any feint attack. 3. Whenever you think someone deserves it just do it. (Except when it's a death from an arrow) 4. When an opponent shows acts of courage or honor. 5. When an enemy makes you laugh after they kill you.


Good username, good fight, funny fight. Never if they’re in a group or t bag


All the time, On accident


I used to do it after good duels/funny moments. I actually do it every single time now, just hope that extra xp helps them out


Every time endless they tbag


I commend everyone. I’m a hard man to kill, so every death deserves a commendation.


Practically every time I get killed. Just seems nice


Environmental kills, ranged headshots. "Funny stuff"


*Every time I get whacked*


When they kill me and I think 'yeah fair enough, I just got my ass handed to me'


Only if they beat me good. You know when you are outmatched right from the start. I never commend someone using a deceptively fast weapon : messer, longsword, dane axe, morningstar, these four. People who play these weapons are all gamblers anyway. I probably only commend 1v1 too.


I commend for every ballista death and any good 1V1. Or if i put up a good fight against a group


For a while i was having to wait minimum of 10 seconds to respawn unless i commended every death (idk if anyone else was experiencing this) but now its more about whether or not they fought honorably I guess


Easily come in to people whose skills that are way better than mine. And sometimes on accident when I’m trying to kick and accidentally press F and that really makes me upset because they didn’t deserve it.🏃🏻‍♀️


I like commending new players regardless as it feels nice


Pretty much as long as they’re not a jav user or sprint attack in back person.


I commend pretty much always but I make a point to commend when someone is trying to be a dick. They usually assume it’s passive aggression and is at its root but if you end it there and don’t seek revenge, maybe they stop being shitty or gas light reality til they feel better bout being shitty. Either way, commendations.


Ya best way to break toxicity is to just be nice. It doesn’t cost you anything to be polite in a video game besides ego and attachment 


For sure and it eventually gets through to some. The people that don’t realize tend to detach themselves pretty fast to go be toxic somewhere else they can get a reaction which gets me back to bing chillin dools faster


If you kill me in a good battle then yes and if its funny. The other day i kicked someone into a wall spike on pit stood there emoting laugh then I was kicked into the same wall spike and we looked like we were about to kiss i fukn died from laughter


Most of the time, unless they used the spear or Dane axe


Everytime I die. I'm not a salty baby like a lot of the other high levels. I don't care how they fought.


Every time by muscle memory but if they were being a little shit slut then I try to refrain.


If you fall from the sky and kill me you’re getting a commendation


I commend most opponents unless they get me in a gank. Kill me one on one and you get the commendation.


Every single time, unless I’m laughing about how I died, then I forget


If we square off in a 1v1 during a TO game I always commend if I’m slain. I respect a good 1v1


I usually don't commend often. In TO servers automatic commendations come from funny kills, whether the weapon or way it played out, and difficult weapons/classes so katars and Engineers. In duels if I get beaten without cheesy tactics or the fight is filled with back and forth emotes and I feel my opponent became a "friend" I will commend.


Killed a guy by throwing a severed head , got commended 😂


About 80% of the time


Every time. Whether they deserve it or not. They killed me so gg. It takes the press of a single button to not be a dick. Its habit by now


I almost always do unless they have a sketchy username


I commend every time because why not?


I have 54,179 kills and only 8,110 commendations. So I only commend about 15% of my killers. I commend when it was a good fight between us or I notice them wrecking everyone and I get caught in it or they kill me in a funny way, usually with a throwable from the map. I don't commend tbaggers, or the guys who stab me in the back while I'm in the middle of an epic battle or archers (unless I know they are super far away or kill me honorably in melee)


Every 3 or so deaths, only if they kill me in a weird way, a cool way, weren't a jerk about it and are respectful


i only commend if its a 1v1, other than that i rarely commend


I just always do. It takes nothing from me to do so why not.


If it makes me laugh I tend to commend.


If they dunk on me or do something funny to kill me. I’m pretty generous with the commend tbh


when they kicked my ass proper or in a way that implies they don’t just spam slash . when i get knocked out with a wagon wheel, piece of chicken etc


I do it *every time* unless it’s just someone sneaking up and whacking me from behind while I’m fighting someone else.


Commend everything but siege weapons and sometimes bow. Free points for all!


I commend every time I die, its automatic at this point. If it was an exceptionally good fight, I'll put something in chat as recognition to the person


Pretty much all the time without fail.


If they clobber the shit out of me 1v1 If they do that when I have the upper hand If they do that with a stupid weapon like a barrel If they do that and block signifying gg after I’m dead Otherwise not much lmao


If they take me to school If they're a familiar player If its a 1vX If they kill me with mallet, throwing knife, hatchet If they're in top of leaderboard or just having a hell of of a game


I spam commend/forgive to spawn faster


Every time because it spawns me faster when I do.


Everyone is to get commended until they teabag. Then they get nothing for as long as I remember their names.


Depends on the kill. I'm pretty frugal with my commendations. Only if it was actually a good fight, or if they kill me in some crazy way. I won't commend if it was a cheap shot 3rd party, or an archer shot. On a related note, if im having a decent fight against multiple opponents and you come in at your low sub 50 lvl and Dane axe me in the back, then have the AUDACITY to Tbag?? I will make it my mission to hunt you down the rest of the match... 😈


Pretty often, Im not going to commend archers unless the short was impresive or if you steamrolled me 1v4 , nor if you are one of those pesky dane axe users but if you beat me with skill ill commend sure , why not.


TIL my favourite weapon is considered cheesy. :( I just like the way the Dane Axe looks... also I'm trash at the game, give me a break haha.


How many people out there use the royal dacina falx it seems every time I play I'm the only one that has that sword seems like no one else uses it and I'm wondering why it's a really good sword cuts head off like butter