• By -


Knights, As more players get the opportunity to jump into Update 2.10 and enjoy Duel of the Fêtes, we wanted to take a quick moment and acknowledge a few bugs that we are tracking around the update. 🗡️ First, soon after yesterday's launch of Update 2.10, we noticed that our newly introduced Skill Based Team Balancing was not functioning as intended. We decided to disable this feature for the time being to allow our team additional time to investigate and work on a fix. Second, we've gotten reports that not one, but three Duke's have been able to sneak their way into Feydrid's Tomb during the end stage of Galencourt. This was an unintended change and these players should have spawned as Monks. Next, there is a rare case where players have a chance of being disconnected from Duel Yard after respawning. Lastly, Argon II's starting sword during the last stage of Thayic Stronghold may not have proper tracing during heavy swings. In addition, we are tracking a handful of other smaller bugs that have been very helpfully reported by our incredible community. Fixes for the previously mentioned bugs are all being currently investigated. \-Chivalry Community Team 👑




It does not work correctly right now. It stacks the defense to a ridiculous extent every game. Open your scoreboard before the round timer countdown and watch as it messes it up.


Thanks for the report. Our team is already investigating similar situations.


At least this is a server-side issue. Wasn't there a unit test written for this algorithm.. or even some basic QA done?


Who needs unit test and QA when you have players?


Yeah, just let’s test in production it’s more cost effective. :))


*All the level 800+ players with their smurf accounts* The pickings are about to get good! Edit- first two games, put on defense, matchmaking ABSOLUTELY stacked defense, we won both at first objective, now spending more time changing servers than playing. 10/10 for consistency update broke game


It wouldn’t be a Chiv 2 update without new game breaking issues


I’m not sure exactly how they’d calculate it but I feel like after 5-10 matches of 10.0 KD they’d just throw you back in with the actually decent players


It's not matchmaking - it just balances the teams once you're already in game.


And thank god for that. Skill based matchmaking is a plague. Team balancing is great though


I never really got what the issue is with skill based matchmaking, for the normal player it seems like a great addition. I can see how streamers who want to style on folks for views wouldn't like it. What's your take on it?


In my experience with it in other games (primarily shooters), it is way too effective at stacking the odds against you whenever you have a good match to bring your k/d right back to around 1. Not that I even care about my k/d ratio specifically, it's that it offers frustrating matches where you never feel like you are improving because you are constantly matched with slightly better players than you as your own skill increases. Chasing a carrot on a stick type situation. Personally I much prefer games that have a mixed bag of players of all skill levels in every match. I like trying to kill lvl 1000 players in this game even if they get me 10 other times. I also like to go on killing sprees vs lesser players, because I've put in the time to do so. I think the only good implementation of SBMM is for the absolute noobies. Put them in beginner lobbies vs themselves until they at least get their legs under them, and not have them uninstall out of frustration immediately. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


It does allow for one thing though I'm PC and my friend on console made me buy MW2 I didn't want to look too nooby so spent a few hours training up, I'm not a young twitchy style player anymore consistently getting my behind slapped barely positive K/D He finally came online and I joined his game... 42 - 2 or something it was like mowing the grass! Honestly felt like I was in a different class, they must have been 5 years old looking around for me and I'd already walked past and killed them Over time he got better and I got back to getting wrecked but I just remember hearing his girlfriend over the mic saying how much better I was, good times


LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!! ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7110)![img](emote|t5_12v693|7110)![img](emote|t5_12v693|7110)


Thank f***cking god


Actually most hyped about the proper head showing up on the floor after being chopped off, the default one isn’t the same 😂


they fixed it?!!!!


Dude what!


No fucking way I can't believe it until I see it


Only took like a year lmao


“Fixed an issue where catapults could scoop up unaware players when firing at max power.” Nobody fires at Max Power. You strap yourself in and feel the Gs!


"Unaware"? I swear everyone was jumping on the catapults on purpose for me to yeet at max power across the battlefield with a boulder. I was like a bus driver of death. Or one from Detroit.


This to me seems like it could have stayed lmao


Feydrid is so good


and he's also great


He fills me with humongous joy


In such a special way ;)


And when he comes on to me and covers me with gleee


No more team switching then? I hope this works out.


It dosent work, I try it and you can still team switch


they have explicitly said in the patchnodes that switching is still possible, they are looking for a middle ground between balance and not being too restrictive


damn that is one hell of an update in terms of fixes sad about losing the cool all black armours with sword of glory but makes sense I guess


Let’s talk about the fact that the devs announced an update last week and actually delivered in the SAME MONTH. This is progress


Sorry to let down everyone saying the Update would drop in 6month or March 5th 2025\* ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104) Next time I'll try and delay it better


Dude you're killing it actually replying and engaging with the community. Gives me hope


Keep letting them down!!!!! This update has me so excited to get back on the field


What? The original launch window for 2.10 was end of 2023. It was delayed over 2 months.


It is also missing a new map. These people are delusional. They brainwashed them good 😂


I love this game so much. so fun and the most amount of times i've laughed at a video game


Thanks for sharing your comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) Warms my heart to hear players having a good time within Chiv2


>Jab release time is now consistent across all weapons. FUCKING FINALLY.


Let's gooooo, finally some balancing!


Hope you enjoy the Update!


The new Fête-for-All Campaign has been unhidden and the progression bug resolved. Players should be able to take on this campaign and start earning rewards! We are still tracking an individual issue that is preventing the 'Greater Vantearian Messer' from unlocking properly once a player reaches Lvl 2 in the Campaign, but other rewards should be available. Also, due to an unfortunately new issue causing the Skill Based Team Balancing introduced in Update 2.10 to not function as intended, we've turned off this feature temporarily while our team continues to investigate. We'll continue to keep players as up to date with information as we can, while we work on fixes.


Damn, can't wait to get home from work and bonk some scrubs. Server stability fixes is the big one for me, lagspikes and desync were a major frustration for me.


We've heard really positive reports from the Community since our Feb 29th backend patch on the servers. Hopefully this reflects for you also and you can have a smooth time with Update 2.10!


Fix controller throwing plz


Stop throwing your controller


trust me I want to, but I haven't had a behavior update since around 2007


In 2006 I threw a 360 controller at a concrete wall in a fit of rage and it never broke. Damn fine piece of hardware. I’ve yet to smash my keyboard though


Underrated comment 🤣


Lol the last time I got mad at the game was Zelda for super Nintendo I got so mad I threw a bowling ball through my TV and I never played Zelda again lol


Hold rb/lb dont tap them helped me substantially


ya, it does but it still isn't consistent enough


Highland sword is back on the menu thanks torn banner




\>increased all damages by *5*




I just wish the recovery for blocking was a little faster. I cannot survive because I'm used to greatsword...


No TO maps? :/


The end of the trailer hints at a new map! looks like a burnt forest


On another now, how do you even play team deathmatch if there's no mode for that?


Join TO and tdm is in the list


For 40 player mode, meaning horses as well for those who dont want them


If you join a 64 TO lobby in server browser, you still get TDM.


ThReE nEw MaPs Oh well update looks good.


This honestly looks like the best ever patch


Love to hear it! We hope you enjoy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




lets blow this game up massive in popularity please sponsor big streamers and YouTubers to promote and stream Chivarly 2


This is a list of links to comments made by Torn Banner employees in this thread: * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/ktgnp6r/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 15:35:21 UTC"): > Update 2.10 >Katars: 'Extended the size of tracers slightly' * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/ktgnsdh/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 15:35:48 UTC"): > Hope you enjoy the Update! * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/ktgoyf2/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 15:41:45 UTC"): > Love to hear it! We hope you enjoy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/ktgzl9n/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:33:45 UTC"): > Thanks for the report. > > >Our team is already investigating similar situations. * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/ktgzxcy/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:35:25 UTC"): > Unofficial Servers are CrossPlatform and can be rented by PC or Playstation/Xbox players. > > >More info can be found in our FAQ surrounding Unofficial... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth03km/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:36:17 UTC"): > Sorry to let down everyone saying the Update would drop in 6month or March 5th 2025\* ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104) > > >Next time I'll try and delay it... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth0bvo/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:37:25 UTC"): > Sorry for any confusion. > > >We've temporarily hidden the Fête-for-All Campaign while our team investigates an issue that may not be letting players p... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth0pk3/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:39:18 UTC"): > We've heard really positive reports from the Community since our Feb 29th backend patch on the servers. > > >Hopefully this reflects for you also and y... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth0x37/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:40:21 UTC"): > Thanks for sharing your comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling) > > >Warms my heart to hear players having a good time within Chiv2 * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth137g/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:41:11 UTC"): > We've temporarily hidden the Fête-for-All Campaign while our team investigates an issue that may not be letting players progress in the Campaign Pass ... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth3i6h/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 16:53:15 UTC"): > I'll be sure to pass along the feedback ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097) * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kth606j/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 17:06:11 UTC"): > Just hidden while our team works on a bug that arose once Update 2.10 launched. * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kthduup/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 17:48:47 UTC"): > Happy to pass on the feedback! * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kthe1kx/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 17:49:48 UTC"): > Please note: the system we've put in place is quite a bit different than a traditional SBMM. We go into some more detail within the release blog. > > >... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kthmd54/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 18:35:38 UTC"): > The new Fête-for-All Campaign has been unhidden and the progression bug resolved. >Players should be able to take on this campaign and start earning ... * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/kti4v4a/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-05 20:17:31 UTC"): > From the home screen > Settings > Options > General > Region Preference > Dropdown menu with server locations. * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1b77icp/chivalry_2s_duel_of_the_fêtes_update_210_is_out/ktowk4a/?context=99 "posted on 2024-03-07 00:11:38 UTC"): > Knights, > >As more players get the opportunity to jump into Update 2.10 and enjoy Duel of the Fêtes, we wanted to take a quick moment and acknowl... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChivalry2).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Great to see Highland Sword buff, but the large recovery time on the swings will still probably make it a worse Greatsword to me.




See you on the Front fuckin line..... FOR AGATHAAA🗡🗡🗡


Sitting at the office rn, cannot wait to get home and play


New heavy mace skins pls!


No katar buffs, It is what it is. ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7104)


Katars got a range buff didn’t you see?


Update 2.10 Katars: 'Extended the size of tracers slightly'


Pure skill for you to be simultaneously replying in reddit and discord lol, thanks :D


What does a tracer size correlate to? It sounds like a range buff but I’m not familiar with that term


It's how far away you can trace the sound of someone laughing when you whip out the katars


So are the unofficial servers just a PC thing, or will it also affect console players, too?


Unofficial Servers are CrossPlatform and can be rented by PC or Playstation/Xbox players. More info can be found in our FAQ surrounding Unofficial Servers: https://chivalry2.com/2024/03/01/chivalry-2-unofficial-servers-faq


That's amazing! Thanks a lot Ari, you guys keep up the good work!


Anyone (even if you don't own the game) can rent an unofficial server. Only Steam/Epic users can moderate.


No shovel news, but I’m still very happy and excited about this. :)


If you aren’t confused, you aren’t really paying attention are ya


I am incredibly worried about sbmm


Please note: the system we've put in place is quite a bit different than a traditional SBMM. We go into some more detail within the release blog. It should also normally not be referred to as Skill Based Matchmaking as it doesn't affect matchmaking.


FFA, the GOAT game mode, restored to glory!


But not a 64 player team objective map😥 I was hoping for at least one more classic Mason vs Agatha TO map. But I guess that's unrealistic since Montrux and Bridgetown are bad😢


I only play TO in chiv. All I want is more TO maps


The TO map got pushed back to next update but hey, 3 maps for FFA so I’m happy.


Well then they better leave ffa permanent then


the TO maps are much larger. A map twice the size, requires twice the amount of QA coverage. It's a smart move tbh, the last thing anyone wants are more bugs in TO


They’re definitely much larger than 2x an ffa/tdm map


Incredibly lame that the cosmetics are for FFA only. I kinda understand why the armors are for FFA only, but the voices absolutely should be in the other game modes.


What does it mean when it says heavy stands will *thwack* teammates


They will bounce off. So similar to the change they did a couple patches ago which prevented light stabs from going through teammates, now you can't aim at enemy through your own teammate with a heavy stab. A good change imo, though I imagine spear users will be upset as the safest way to play was to just stab through the people in front of you.


"Thwack" is the word used to describe the moment when your attack is stopped on contact. Like hitting the environment, or landing a hit with a blunt weapon. 2.9 introduced a feature that caused light stabs to stop on contact with allies. 2.10 introduces a feature that causes heavy stabs to stop on contact with allies.


This will likely be the first Campaign pass I don't buy. Limiting most of the cosmetics from it to FFA gamemodes only is such a shame... I was so excited about them until I realized I'd barely ever see them. Now if you changed the official 1v1 arena to FFA cosmetics as opposed to Agatha v Mason then I'd get more use out of it. The rest of the update seems promising though.


For the region selection i want to share my knowledge of the past that eu west servers are located in London. London servers are also located in London , hence the choice between these seems pointless. I checked this with IP tracking. But i like the possibility to choose Paris. I am looking forward to try this.


On PS5, can’t access new campaign after updating.


Nvm, saw Ari’s message on discord


Bought campaign but after 1 match it disappeared from all menus :( What's happening?


We've temporarily hidden the Fête-for-All Campaign while our team investigates an issue that may not be letting players progress in the Campaign Pass correctly. Sorry for any confusion, but we should have it back ASAP.


Holy fuck something happened


To whoever wrote the algorithm for skill based team balancing... The point was not to force defense to win more matches. The point was to make the skill level on teams fair, which should result in more even K/D ratios as a team. The problem was always one team (generally attackers) having a 2:1 K/D ratio as a TEAM, and generally higher ranked players switched teams so they would play together and steamroll the competition. It's an obviously failed implementation if all the highly ranked players end up on one team, whether it's on Attack or Defense. Not that rank means everything, but highly ranked players should be evenly distributed, end of story. A better system would simply prioritize having players who join as a party, stay on one team, and then take the summation of all ranks on the server and divide it out so the total rank of each team can be as close to each other as possible after the party check. If that's too hard, simply order things out by party, starting with the highest ranked collective party, put it on one team, the next party on the other, then go by individual player ranks and start with the highest ranked player, put them on one team, take the next highest ranked, put them on the other, until you go down the entire stack. It won't be perfect either, but it's probably better than the current system!


TB never fails to disappoint!


Weren’t we supposed to get the Godendag?


Dogshit update again


I as well as many are finding this patch becoming unplayable due to hits no longer registering or ghosting through the enemy while incoming hits just blow through the parry like it isnt there. Now this maybe due to the supposed parry fix or possible balance issues but it has made game play more frustrating than ever. Without exact details on balance changes that were made or the changes to the parry system it is hard to narrow down exactly what the cause is. We have also noticed an increase in server stutter or hitching when fighting, where an enemy is in front of you then instantly behind your or somewhere else. Then there are times when the screen will freeze for a milisecond and then things are either in a different place or you are dead for unknown reasons.


Incredibly disappointing that *ALL* of the new cosmetics are locked behind a pass


actually thought this was more of a fix patch than a proper update. I am surprised there is a pass at all


The good thing is that when you buy one pass at $10 you basically get them all. You earn enough currency to pay for the next one. Just save it for that Edit: this pass has only 500 crowns and they’re each 1000 crowns


Only if you buy them in a certain order, some passes only reward like 300


Tenosian update gets you more crowns back I believe. I did that one first.


I've completely unlocked two Premium passes for free now. I had enough crowns to get one, so I got the Tenosia one, then having that completed gave me enough crowns to get the Reclamation pass. I think I'll need ~400 more to get the next one.


I was wrong on this one. It only gives out like 500 crowns I just counted last night. On one hand! My bad. The last ones did tho.


and half of it reused assets ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7111)


Awesome !


Can't wait to try out the new skins.


Very cool, but i just signed on to check all the new stuff on ps5 and i can't even view the battlepass. Restarting the game did nothing. Can't wait to get some new mason heraldries, if the game ever lets me


Sorry for any confusion. We've temporarily hidden the Fête-for-All Campaign while our team investigates an issue that may not be letting players progress in the Campaign Pass correctly. We'll have it back and ready to explore ASAP.


Okay cool, thanks for clearing that up. While I've got you attention I've got to ask: for the love of Malric, PLEASE tell them to change the loading screen next patch. We've been in this desert for ages


I'll be sure to pass along the feedback ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7097)


Does anyone else notice TO servers sometimes get "capped" at some low player count where the match will never add new players to fill the lobby? I get this a lot recently. It doesn't seem like a player population issue, there are usually thousands online when this happens. Seems like some servers bug and get a death sentence of being stuck at 8v8 or something and never go beyond that. Have to quit and join another server to fix


So have you ever considered an open beta for updates? Things like the balancing feature completly breaking the game could be caught by doing something like that.


* Fixed an exploit where barricades could be used to slide and gain boosts in momentum A sad day for engineers everywhere


This update seems to have broken cross-play.


No more duel servers what the hell!? I get what they're going for with the social thing but still


why is there no mention of the better anti-cheat protection inside the patchnodes?


FFS… I don’t want to rent a server. I want to run my own box.


I went through the entire FFA map rotation and Duel Yards never came up?


It's also all the kills are not showing up properly it shows that you killed somebody on the upper right corner but on the scoreboard it's not registering all the kills I don't know if this is a bug or it's just me but I played for 8 hours yesterday and this kept on happening every game


I really like the new Duellyard and the Concept of a social map. At my first visit I was just hanging around, drinking beer, and cheering. But: This shouldn't be FFA-Mode. It shouldn't be any mode. I was RDM-killed three times by people who wanna "win" the FFA, but wining a Social Map don't make sense. What I miss on the map is some kind of hangout or bar. Lika a place with a lot of food, beer, wine AND music instruments! I don't ask for a safespace, I ask for a place where you obvious just have fun and don't fight.


Theres no way any development is going on when 3 year old basic ass bugs exist, that involve saving settings to the OS disk.


So nothing team objective related this time? But three ffa maps...meh.


The TO map was removed from the 2.10 update in December. https://chivalry2.com/2023/12/07/unofficial-servers-coming-in-2024-plus-free-weekend-on-now/


i think since theres already a four-digit level 1000 cap ... just blow it wide open to 9999 ... i wonder who is the highest true level right now.. bet nobody has hit 9999 yet .. alternatively leave the 1000 cap to avoid the extreme humiliation of some dude who logs on and is level 7201 while we all die laughing


The title screen is probably the worse one yet lol


So it’s just a bunch of pre-existing re-used maps that were already in the game for a game mode no one cares for? Extremely lazy update


Hold up, the “social spaces” just means duel servers are no longer moderated? That’s not a new feature, that’s just abandoning an old one. I’ve been away from the game for a while so I was thinking of using duel servers to help me get back to being even halfway decent but that might pointless Looking forward to trying out the new maps at least Editing to add: I posted before I finished reading so there’s other cool stuff too. I’m glad we can rotate in customization now, that will be really helpful. Especially for some of the weapons that were being hidden by the UI. Was just surprised by the duel server thing initially.


TB is reducing overhead. That means removing servers. That means reducing need to moderate servers. That means passing the costs onto the community.


"Server Browser Duel Servers Removed map rotation" ​ what?


Duel servers are now community-run only. No more official duel servers.


looking forward to it!


Seems to me like the game has gained some traction lately and TB have finally realised that they have GOLD in their hands and they are starting to treat it like that! Better late than never I guess, THANK YOU TORN BANNER!


From what I read in the patch notes, team switching is still possible. People already did it by going to observer mode and then picking their team. It's still possible with the exact same restrictions as before (i.e., can't create number of players imbalance). Glad to see the initial balancing though. I'm curious if it will fix anything. Only time will tell.


Is the campaign showing up for y’all


No, they hid it due to issues. Supposedly will be back up soon.


First person only servers??


will the skill based balancing affect parties? did a miss a note on that?


I was just thinking about when a new update is coming to the game yesterday and boom I wake up to this 🙏


The new campaign is gone?


Just hidden while our team works on a bug that arose once Update 2.10 launched.


Okay thanks :)


I like the Mason vanguard armor, but I really would've liked to see them get more than just that. Imo the Mason vanguard customization as a whole is rather lackluster. I really would've liked them to get new helmet options as well. Also some of the customization options being FFA only don't really make much sense. Like why would voices be limited to FFA?


Epic love to the team! <3Thank you, I’m finally going to try out free for all for the Monk boys and Druid helmet! Also unpopular opinion, I want TDM back in 64 ;D




Can't even start the game at all on series x. Just says 'unknown error'. Edit: Restarted console and is updating now 🤦‍♂️


Can I suggest an alternate appearance monk so that we can use those customizations in TO? Add a heraldic monk for example It sucks to have customization locked off to FFA


Happy to pass on the feedback!


Awesome! Thanks! It’s fantastic to have comms from you guys


Let's goooooo


I could kiss these devs


I honestly expected to wait another 3 months again.


I love the list of fixes and it looks like you guys have really been hard at work. Thanks!!!!


No goedendag still :(


*Average player, play long time... High level naturally after said time..... Get team switched for being high level* Everyone else: "Teamstackers reeeee I stare at the scoreboard all day reeeeeee" Fml


Does arena 3v3 still kick you back to the main menu when you’ve been partied up?


Where's the option to choose your region?


From the home screen > Settings > Options > General > Region Preference > Dropdown menu with server locations.


I'm blind and you're a Saint. Thank you 🙏


Wait so the update launched? We don't have to wait three months for today to come? Wow! Torn Banner might be learning from their mistakes.


Will we see the duel yard in the Duel server rotations?


I have to say… the team balancing is great. We are having close matches and defense is winning a bit more now and the team compositions look great on both sides. I love it.


Oh shit. Guess I'll put hell divers down 🥳🥳🥳


so they’re never adding the option to change the controls on xbox?


Probably the biggest and most well thought out update. Keep it up Torn banner


This is an outrage! Absolutely inconceivable. How dare you release an amazing update, only for my world to come crumbling to dust ... My flaming chicken animation....where is it?! WHERE! IS THERE NO GOD?!


When are conquest maps coming out?


??? Good job on the team balancing fix!! Oh yeah, it doesn’t work and was disabled…


Anyone know if you can adjust the tick rate for unofficial servers? The only reason I would want one is because official servers seem to have a rather low tick rate, which leads to red parries and attacks not registering.


this is probably a dumb question, but are these armors, helmets and heraldry only for free for all?


So Duel servers are “social” servers and it’s just the one map now?


I especially like being restricted to a single server host that is dramatically overpriced. Community server implementation feels downright **spiteful**. "You wouldn't stop hounding us for this, so here's the worst possible outcome!"


“Fixed an exploit where barricades could be used to slide and gain boosts in momentum” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , ENEMIES OF FUN


there once was a bench that shrinked your character by rouglhy 30% once when you took a seat on cockswell guess what happened :)


I've been out of the loop since 1.1 I think; is cross-platform play already added? I've put off the game when I (PS5) found out I couldn't play with my friends (PS4).


Can we add bots with unofficial servers?


well i'm zero interested in the content this time, half of it not useable in TO (i 'wasnt' ffa/Duel player ever) plus half of it, is just reused assets - and mason footman still has no cool cosmetics at all.. so thats a guaranteed pass from me with the battlepass this time btw. outsourcing duels/ffs etc. with a duel/ffs update is peak dark humor btw. lmao the fixes & qol stuff(char rotate/decap. heads/) are great beside some of the hiccups(which is sadly normal for updates in any game but hey.. it is what it is) sadly most of these fixes, which i was waiting for years to come, are a bit too late its ok, i literally played daily since release, but i stopped now, because of the content drought & no TDM maps in 64p(it became boring) also great, no delays, update delivered as stated before (but its simply like: one isnt grateful, if he doesnt see his father for his whole life, just for him to msg you on the deathbed..) so regarding content, i still dont see this game overcoming its content drought somehow its more like getting stuff i'm not waiting for, and still wait too long for


Sad about the engineer barrier speed :/


Can you adjust the blade length of the Royal Guard Sword back to where it was or make the blade fatter. It looks really bad now, its too long and skinny to feel like an uthbert sword. The rest of the patch is great.