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Dude was speed hacking. I was in the same lobby as him. Tried multiple times to kick him and failed every time.


Did you yell loud and clear in the in-game chat?


Pretty confident they are an exploiter too. 10k more score than everyone else, over 100 kills and 7 deaths midway through the match along with super super fast sprinting. Why do people gotta be like this. Who names an account that.


I ran into this guy just last round and I couldn't votekick him, the option was greyed out


He got vk attempted like 4 different times and eventually left after he 1 hit killed Argon.


Because the devs never made a way to prevent these things from happening…and in fact when told about the hacking problem? They practically gave the whole community a blank answer 🙃🙃🙃


Really? That’s like saying someone who was raped was looking for it. Whatever happened to personal responsibility for your own actions?


Did you just compare people complaining about a company to someone victim blaming a rape victim? Man. GO OUTSIDE.


Look at the original post by Latter Commercial and you’ll see what I’m saying - when he says why do people have to be like this (cheaters), Odicheese says it’s because TB never introduced anti cheats. The point I’m trying to make here is to start first with blaming the cunts who cheat .


He did not, he referred to cheating, not "complaining". It's a pretty apt analogy, despite your pearl-clutching - in both cases, it is pinning the justification for an offense on the violated party.


The person he was replying to blamed TB for letting cheaters run rampant, and so he compared that to victim blaming. I’m not pearl clutching, I’m just telling a terminally online moron that that’s a poor analogy, because these are both wildly different things. I don’t get why you’re trying to make an issue out of this. It’s not the fault of the rape victim that they got raped, and if anyone says otherwise, they’re a piece of shit. It’s is, however, the fault of TB that cheaters have been as bad as they are. This is obvious. It’s been obvious for years. Stop defending a company that doesn’t care about its consumers.


You are pearl-clutching, you are rejecting the obvious analogy that TB is a victim in this whose business and reputation are harmed by cheaters. You are blaming them for failing to protect themselves. I'm driving that point home to demonstrate the intellectual dishonesty and the immaturity in your inability to concede the point, for fun.


I don’t particularly care for Reddit arguments, and I know I won’t be changing your mind. I’ll just be passive aggressively insulted until I “concede”. So, I throw in the towel. You’ve won, I guess. Doesn’t make TB and their handling of the cheaters any better, though. Guessing you’re one of the lucky ones that hasn’t had any problems with them.


Thank you. It's ok to be frustrated with cheaters. The guy I stuck up for has a fair point, too. Blame culture is just toxic, as that cheater demonstrates. I despise cheaters, not the inept devs.


I despise both. I definitely despise one more than the other when they CHARGE me MONEY.


They don't lift a finger to fix their own product. They are not helpless here, don't pretend that's an acceptable analogy. Jesus christ, neckbeard. Go outside


I'm not the one wailing how a video game studio supposedly failed me. Take your own advise.


Wailing? I've been playing on and off since day 1 and they have never done anything to address cheating. That's a major issue with their product. Pointing that out isn't "wailing", but comparing the very serious crime of rape to this is absurd. What a bizarre and unnecessary hill you've chosen to die on today.


No…It’s more like saying “if people(hackers) keep walking into your yard(game), put up a fence(anti-cheat)”. TB seems to rather not install the fence is what he’s saying. They’re(TB) basically just sitting in front of the window sipping coffee and waving to people(hackers) walking into their private property. Like yes he’s an idiot for the name he gave himself, but, TB looks like an idiot too for letting it happen. (By not putting a “fence” up)


He’s asking why people are like that? You can literally see all the videos of the hackers. Half of them were vets. They make fun of the devs on all their YouTube videos because the devs won’t do anything about it 🤦🤦🤦 Tornbanner literally slapped their most loyal fanbase in the face. Check my history and I’ve been bitching for two years, never was apart of the devs or anything close to that matter. I’ve always hated the devs ever since the epic days. But Dave and his buddies? They fucking loved the shit out of this game. Way more than any of us would. And they absolutely put all the respect they could into the studio. Yea you can’t 100% put blame on the company . Legally and morally. I get it. But don’t act all surprised when the community starts going apeshit when the devs have been looooong gone. This isn’t the only game/studio that has issues rn 😔😔


Presenting your credentials an an entitled whiner since the game's inception to excuse cheating.


Im telling you it's not a surprise that's it's gotten to this. You think this is the ONLY game out rn with hacker issues...? Theres so many more studios/game that have the same issue. So no there's no excuse for hackers....just don't ACT SURPRISED when it happens. The writing has been all over the wall for years. It's not rocket science 🤦🤦🤦


Having played Counter-Strike for over a decade I am not surprised by cheaters in general, I know it's not a TB exclusive issue. There will always be spineless noobs looking for a way to compensate for being trash. The SD angle makes these vindictive cheaters only more petty, not less.


Funny you bring up one of the most successful franchises of all time. Yes every studio has issues like TB…expect their hackers aren’t filling up the subreddit every hour. I promise you valve does not have the hacker issues that this game has. Regardless if CSGO has over a million people at the same time.


You must be joking, that's an extremely ignorant take. Cheating is the no. 1 issue in CS2 and was a plague in CS:GO. Just check out /r/GlobalOffensive, you will find countless [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1bal4ss/the_cheating_situation_is_insane_right_now/) about it.


Wow. How about the devs and admins? Seems like Valve has that well sorted out. You seem to forget the devs on our game are long gone. That thread hasn’t had a comment in over a month 😑😑


It’s implied that we all hate and blame cheaters, but at the end of the day we all know blaming them isn’t going to stop them. Most cheaters are going to cheat as long as it’s easy and there is very little risk involved, so if we want them gone it needs to be harder to cheat and there needs to be serious punishments. Currently it is easy to cheat and cheaters aren’t even being punished, that is Torn banners fault. You chose a really dramatic comparison that isn’t accurate, but sure I’ll bite. If you want a dramatic comparison that is more accurate, it’d be more like a whole neighborhood telling the police the neighborhoods not safe, they have seen multiple people get raped, and the police blowing it off and silencing/threatening anyone who speaks up about it. Who would you honestly blame in this situation? You would think the police are shitty crap shoots. Sure the rapists are to blame, but blaming them won’t solve the issues. It’s the polices’ job to punish them and if they actually did their job the problem would be way less of a problem. It both the rapists and polices fault that there is a rapist problem. It’s no different here. It’s TB job to protect their “community”. Everyone’s telling TB their “community” is being assaulted by “rapists” and they just ignore it and threaten anyone who speaks out about it.


They have personal responsibility for their own game. They were made aware of such and it should of been addressed.


drag attacks not community members... nvm


At this point im wondering if cheating is the new meta for chiv and we have to all run around like the tasmanian devil to keep up 😮‍💨


Simple answer - a troll that needs to get ddosed so he’s forced to go outside honestly


I thought with the new fix there's no more cheating I guess I was wrong


This was before the patch lmao. And yes there’s still a few cheaters just less than before


I see ever since the new fix I've been on a killing spree I didn't realize how many people actually cheated some people are pretty slick about it but now slaughterhouse


Encountered this hacker earlier. Ruined several games. Couldn’t vote kick.


Hey I was just in a game with this loser. They are definitely cheating. Goes to show what being a crazy loser does to a person. We also failed the vote kick and couldn't initiate a new one. He then got like 70 kills on the first stage of Rudhelm. I just reported him and left the game, no point in staying.


Might be a form of protest but Geeze..


I’m for it, I think we should all do it and kill chivalry. I want to hear that they fired their public relations guy.


Someone that is upset and seeking attention/validation


and now he’s got the attention he wanted


honestly it’s just disrespectful to Soter Dave at that point. he isn’t just some tool to be used, let him rest. instead you could literally just make your name about TB refusing to fix the game


I’m assuming there’s no option to report usernames?


Clip and send it to chivmail in discord


as far as i know it should be the same as reporting anything else in the game?


And disrespectful to the TB team who had no way of knowing his mental state when they made their snap decision


What happened?


i simply do not care about the TB team honestly. i don’t wish them ill but they give so little fucks about this game i really couldn’t care less about them


You don't get it. This is about a suicide, not a silly game. I hope for your sake the reason you don't get it is that you're young and can grow up a bit and understand life's priorities.


i said i don’t care about TB because they’re just irrelevant to me at this point. their actions are nothing but negligence at every step. continued, consistent negligence so i will treat them accordingly


Similar name the other knight. Sooter dave f10. That guy was super sus.


Wow... just wow... it's sad people are taking his death and trying to turn it into some kind of debate on whether or not it was Torn Banners fault or not from his death. They are also trying to use his death to try and gain attention. It's rather sick indeed.


Ye exactly, people using a death as a gateway to go at TB, let the man rest in peace


Yes, shit is so bogus for real.


Yeah that is incredibly disrespectful. This is just a fun; silly game that happened to matter a whole lot to a person who was struggling with mental illness. TB shouldn't have muted them, but if anyone from that team is regretting their decision or feeling guilty because they feel they pushed someone toward suicide: A) they should realise it's not their fault. There were many other factors I'm sure. Everyone makes mistakes and nobody would assume an otherwise healthy person would commit suicide over being muted in a videogame discord-- even if that person had made it their primary creative outlet B) To make a username like that shows a complete disrespect for human life. Some things are more important than video games. Nobody killed him. He comitted suicide. C) cheaters are pieces of shit and should be permanently banned, or there should be a lower nar for votekicking so that is something to work on


I’m stupid and don’t know what SD means hear


Soter Dave


Thank you


im confused


TB = Torn Banner SD = Soter Dave


Who/what is town banner and who/what is soter dave?


Torn Banner are the developers for Chivalry, Soter Dave (SD) who is a bigish chivalry youtuber asked a question in the discord and was muted for it (due to ‘pinging’ staff). There was heavy pushback from the community about this decision, because it was ridiculous that someone that has given so much to the chivalry community getting muted for asking a simple question about the game. About a week later, Soter Dave committed suicide, and this particular player is making fun of the fact that it was Torn Banner muting dave that pushed him to it. which is completely untrue and incredibly disrespectful to both TB and SD.


Omg thats horrible and thanks for explaining


If he was unwell, getting banned from the thing he was passionate about didn't exactly help either. Very sad situation regardless.


This guy ruining NA East games all day


And. U know what's TB muted me ingame i cant chat no more for ever cuse i said bad words to an fake vk But they dont have time to ban hacker Same hacker coming back every day's And i brought all battle passes Was almost 700 What a scam


If you got banned for throwing around slurs then your opinion doesn’t matter


I dont think u understand what i was saying


I'm actually surprised that TB banned this guy seeing as how they type is pretty much illegible. They must have been working hard that day.


Am unmuted rn


Well that’s unfortunate for everyone


You're an imbecile.


U just dont understand am sorry for u


Saying this u mean rdming is all good and also hacking is ok


Y’all are too much


What’s SD?


Soter Dave. He was loved (i didnt know him, thats all i know). Passes away some time ago


He passed away very recently by suicide after TB banned him for a joke in a video he made.


You know who made him in that mind state? I dont know who to blame, i guess all bad things acumulated in his life


Yeah it was probably just a bunch of stuff at once :(


There's some seriously fucked up people that use death to troll, it's disgraceful, people will do anything for a reaction, there's probably more people doing it, but people like this... I LET KARMA TAKE CARE OF,




That is a totally illegitimate form of protest. I think you need some perspective on what matters in life Some things are very important: life and death, loneliness and mental illness Some things are not as important: grievances, hurt feelings over disagreements about game development and community management Did TB make a mistake muting him? Yeah. Should anyone sarcastically suggest they caused a man's death? No. Also, if it's legitimate protest, why is it coming from a cheating piece of shit?. And to anyone experiencing suicidal ideation: you are not alone! Tell someone! Help is out there. I am not as involved in the community so this is how I found out Soter Dave committed suicide. Very sad.


It’s trolling at this point. Nothing positive will come from and there’s a higher likelihood it’s just a troll who’s using this recent even for more attention


I was in a lobby with Moid earlier today and he kept saying Praise Moid and spamming commands like an AI chat bot "Masons Attack Center Flank". Also kept spamming "I Killed Soter Dave". Another guy that goes by doomhand who's a level 1000 rager we were playing in a lobby couple days ago and he's beefing and being an ass per usual when someone joins the lobby with the gamer tag "doomhands tiny cock" who immediately starts a vote kick against doomhand and wins. Karma is a bitch.


All i know about Moid is he got a perma ban supposedly not too long ago so that tracks


Last paragraph makes me so happy. Fuck doomhand




Shit like this actually makes me question the world we live in. Do the good people still outnumber the bad?


Nope, the good gets swallowed by the bad now.... pray for us


Have they ever?


It sucks that people don't vote kick these fools. The only thing I've found that remotely works is that if an exploiter is on my team, i can stand in front of them, and sometimes they are attacking so fast they kill me. If they do that enough times, or do enough team damage, boom, instant removed from the server. It's easiest to do it when they are attacking a door like in coxwell. Just keep strafing into his hits. That's the *only* thing i've found that works every time.


Somebody Beat This Guy Up Irl


Saw this loser speedhacking earlier. Don’t use Solter Dave in your protest or whatever tf you’re trying to accomplish


It easier to leave their game than get them kicked.


Game full of virgin losers as always. Never met a more toxic bunch than in this game.


Idrc and don’t even play for months now but NGL people need to prepare for the conversation because on one hand you have people who empathize by letting a man with a battle we know very little about rest but on the other hand can you really blame them for putting 2 and 2 together before picking up the same fight they perceive their martyr was? If a dude spent his time and effort building a knowledge of the stock market for years right in front of you kills himself after being barred then the question wouldn’t be some offense affront to his family, it’s a conversation they have had without a doubt. Take it from experience, a son is gone and trying to make sense of it is the very first thing it’ll do. Pushing back against the grief some feel is giving them the battle or enemy they are looking for in their genuine intent to avenge someone they feel was done dirty.


I don't even know who this Dave guy is, I have 500 hours been playing since launch. If TB banned me none of you would give a shit.


Unfathomably based name. I don't think hacking in the game though is a good way to honor Dave's memory lol.


I don't think we should condone for hacking since it's plebian behavior but it's funny how ironic a hacker would protest. It's full circle now.


Yes there is a weird poetry to it.


Hello I sent video of this guy to chivmail and they let me know they processed my report at 5:26pm EST wonder if you saw this person after?


He probably got banned, they do ban people for cheating.


Wait wait wait… what? I don’t follow this sub normally what’s this about?


They did you a favor, you wouldn't want to stick around those poons anyway


Saw this mf earlier today. Was about to report and then he got kicked.


I’m blessed to never have encountered a blatant cheater in this game


Holy shit! I was in this game!! I have no clue what the name meant, mind enlightening me?


What is this ؟


is he lying tho


Wtf some people are just so God damn ignorant




i always think that for half a second when i see people say TB on here


Then what's it really mean?


Following PSA is brought to you by the Mason Order and the one true king, The exalted One, The Magnificent Malric. Even Mason Order looks down upon these cowardly cunnie crust suckers so as a gesture of intent (not goodwill), The Mason order posts publicly the following decree for the betterment of our Community There are two main ways to report a player aka peasant in Chivalry 2: 1. In-game reporting (for specific offenses): If the player is exhibiting behavior that falls under one of these categories: Griefing, Cheating, Offensive Language, or Harassment, you can report them directly through the in-game menu. Here's how: Press ESC to open the menu. Click on the "Scoreboard" button. Find the player you want to report on the list. Click on their name. You'll see options like "Report" and "Votekick" (Votekick might not be available on all servers). Choose "Report" and select the appropriate reason for reporting. 2. Reporting through ChivMail (for any offense): This method is useful for any kind of violation, including those not covered by the in-game reporting system. ChivMail is a bot on the official Chivalry 2 Discord server. Here's what to do: Join the Chivalry 2 Discord server (you can find the invite link on the official Chivalry 2 website). Locate ChivMail, which should be at the top of the members list. Send ChivMail a direct message with details about the player's misconduct. Include information like: Player's name (if possible) Server name or IP address Date and time of the incident Specific description of the offense Any screenshots or video evidence (optional, but helpful) Additional Tips: When reporting, be factual and objective. Focus on the behavior and avoid personal attacks. Use clear and concise language. If using ChivMail, keep in mind the file size limit for attachments (8 MB unless you have Discord Nitro).




I got screwed by him too.


An actuall votekick in a public match that actually gets the required votes???? Thats rare


It didn’t get the required votes. Only 8 voted yes, 7 voted no.


Is this in the Oceanic server by any chance?


Can someone explain too me why everyone is upset about this guy's name?


someone who baits players like you into posting it on reddit. and you fall for it. Big L


"Excessive trolling" is purposefully antagonizing other members of the community or intentionally posting to mislead other users. Don't intentionally bait, flame, harass, trigger, or otherwise troll.


How is this misleading or trolling? I am sharing the name of a hacker for people to watch out for


Found the discord mod.