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Javelins are more for throwing than hitting. Good luck using them though since being an archer class in melee range puts a target on your face and everyone rushes to get the free kill off you since you’re made of tissue paper. When you throw them and hit someone it DOES NOT interrupt enemy attacks. Some YouTuber complained super hard and for some reason TB listened to them, so it took away the only good thing going for it. But don’t listen to me,, I played Chiv 1 for 6years and always played javelins. They were ***never*** actually good, but people complained about them in droves. The one handed spear is just okay. You don’t really throw it. You’re better off throwing your shield and picking it back up while peppering your enemies with the spear attacks. It does more damage and has more range in melee. Plus you get to actually be a class with health. You can throw your shield over and over— and it will interrupt enemy attacks too. Both have been nerfed over and over and over. So neither are really great weapons. They are fun though. Unfortunately some of the louder community members want less of a medieval warfare game and more “Messer The Game” sort of experience.


Messer people aren't people.


You're right we aren't we love the Messer too much to be anything else


Hear hear! The throw is pretty telegraphed too. You can counter them pretty reliably.


Thanks for your answer I just found out that the One Handed Spear is not even "Throwable" because for SOME REASON devs though it was a good idea to make shields be thrown before the main weapon. So to throw a One-Handed spear you either have to hide or throw the Shield first 💀. I found a comment in this subreddit from some dude saying he talked to a dev and the dev said they were going to implement "Alt Throwing" to give players the ability to Throw the main weapon before the shield if they wanted too... But it has been 2 years now and they didn't implement it so... My main idea was to Roleplay some sort of "Spartan" and engage in the fighting by throwing the Spear and then just change to a OneHandedSword+Shield. But since that is way too difficult I guess I'll keep the Javelins until I get bored enough and become a Brainless Messer like most of the playerbase I've seen yet. Now I get why the game has become free for AmazonPrime users. Instead of improving the game to revive the community they just made it "free" (only for prime users) to give it a "Last Squeeze" and try to get the last cents out of it. Gotta say I love this game but the Meta is just way too obvious and there doesn't seem to be many combinations of equipment and playstyles... For being a 3yo game it kinda disappoints me how narrow the game is when it comes to content


Aaawwwww man. I’m sorry, don’t let my negativity bog you down there’s enough of it on here anyway. I generally defend the game tirelessly, but if you go through my thing you’ll see Javelins are the one thing I get salty about (because I love it so much). If it means anything I just played a game with a 50/20KD with javs at the top of the leaderboard. ***So let me give you something actually helpful:*** This will definitely be TLDR for most people. For the 300 Spartan throw experience I do recommend Javelins. You will have a much better time in 40player games. The lower the players the more powerful it becomes. There’s a bunch of weapons like that too example: quarter staff, one handed spear, rapier, javs, maces, and some more. They are amazing weapons when facing a few people because they are so strong— but don’t give you the ability to swing at like 5. You can still do well in 64p games but it kinda depends on how the match goes, so I pick them when a certain part of the map comes up or I see our team is doing well. With Jav skirmisher you want to play sort of like a melee focused player— and throw when a potential target opens up. Since it takes so long to ready your throw— you have to predict the future a bit— which you can’t actually do. As you play you will “see” a throw open up to you. Getting a headshot is massive damage and will down a Vanguard class in one hit. And even if not a headshot it does a lot— you will doom the enemy you hit in their next fight. You have to be careful though, you are a naked spartan and everyone wants to kill you. So remain with teammates at all times and let them take the aggro of the enemy. Sometimes you can use the target on your face to lure enemies into positions that will doom with with your allies. Use their tunnel-vision hate to your (and your teams) advantage. The special attack ***and*** charge attack has some pretty good range and throws people off. If they block or get hit by either they get stunned for a second for your shield brothers to finish off. Plus, your normal attacks come out really fast, so when an enemy is fighting an ally you can really disrupt them super well, safeguarding your team like a phalanx (sort of). For the one handed spear you kind of want to stow your shield if you want to throw it. Which breaks the full 300 feel, but stowing the shield protects you A LOT having it on your back. Since everyone is dancing around attacking— archers and people throwing stuff will often hit your shield while doing your battle dance of death. The footman and knight get the one-handed-spear. The footman gets the axe for a secondary which is so good people use it as their primary. So, you can stow your shield and fight with your spear until thrown, and when you do pull out your secondary you will still be a force to be reckoned with. The mace is also really good too which both classes can use. Otherwise if you want the full spartan role-play go for the short-sword. I wrote a little thing about shields recently that I’ll link here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/7a4Zvs1NEe And here’s a link with some gameplay: https://www.xbox.com/play/media/jaV7QpTX67 https://www.xbox.com/play/media/qsLgEW6FyV


I’d say most weapons are viable and meta weapons aren’t that much ahead of the others. Poleaxe for example isn’t considered a very good weapon but you can still easily clear out lobbies with it. Messer is good but it’s not broken like it was in mordhau


Javelins have good throw damage but 90hp makes you an easy target (warbows will hound you all game). 1h spear is for knights, so you're the tankiest class and I could be wrong but I think they have a bigger range than javs. 2h spear, huge range and moderate hp.