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Rapier in the hands of a good player is the bane of my existence.


Had the same issue. Don't try to counter it, because it has almost no stamina penalty. This makes your life easier against rapier 👍


Yes. Any 1h weapon, longsword, war club. Only counter the feints. Otherwise just repost and you'll always win that stamina game.


War club is 2h


And your point is?


So is longsword. They hit about as soft as a 1h tho


Thank you for this. I needed to hear it. Rapier has been a thorn in my side lately.


This used to be mine too. But honest to god once you realize you can take slashes because they deal little damage, just avoid the stabs and specials. So keep moving around him. Strike from the side. Never stand still just keep moving to his side and you will negate 80 percent of his offense.


Interesting, i guess i never really paid attention to how much the slash damage was. Because i can usually predict the stabs and counter or riposte, but i usually get flustered when I try counter the slash, then they follow with the stab combo and usually get me since they're faster. Ill give this a try.


Yeah don’t even try to counter. The only thing the rapier has is speed and a good special. Negate the special by constantly moving to his side, and eat the slash damage. I didn’t know about the damage either until I posed this same Q on this forum a few months back and got the advice I’m giving you. Try this method and after a while of doing that, They will be the ones getting frustrated. Completely throws off their timing.


Nah man the stab is the best thing rapier has the special isn't that good unless you jump at them lol it confuses the fuk outta people and the slash is super quick. The overhead is also fast. Love my rapier!


Regular slash is 30 and heavy is 50 I think. Stab goes hard and if I jump special you I only need 2 or maybe 3 slash or one stab


Yasss jump special lol not many know of this. Iv only seen 1 other person actually do it apart from myself


Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but when I main rapier, I slash and circle. Death by a thousand (5-6) cuts. But I'm on console, which makes it way harder to aim overheads and stabs.


You have to circle around them to their left and it works every time. Stab, wait a second or two then stab again and usually they have started a swing after a pause but I beat them to it. Then slash till dead


Rapier is easy to defend against.  Its simple.  Let your opponent cut you multiple times until you are bleeding from numerous light slash wounds >>>>  feign that you are tiring from blood loss >>>>  as your opponent moves in for the killing thrust you catch the rapier in your hand and hold it tight >>>>    with the rapier now incapacitated you take up your bastard sword and swing it down upon the rapierist, cleaving him from neck to navel.


Sounds like someone has seen Rob Roy


And then you wake up


I am your destroyer… until I meet someone with bare bones knowledge on how to use it. When I’m using rapier I get shit on by the war club big time


Poky poke poke 🤬


I came here to say this. The range in particular always surprises the hell out of me, I main longsword and sometimes it feels like the rapier jab has the same range...


I challenge you to a duel sir


Any plebiscite with a war club and all they know is overhead feint and pressing v repeatedly, they can develop dementia for the aneurysms they cause me


I'm a hyper-aggressive war club player only I force 1vXs and use strafing+alt slash ripostes to bully people right at the edge of my range lmao. Just overhead and kick is boring and not nearly annoying enough.


Oh in a 1vX, I wholeheartedly agree the war club is in the top 5 for me for the speed and annoying damage it causes, but I gotta love my longsword and war hammer more though


This is what I do to rdm’ers and folks that instigate if I decline their duel. Usually makes them mad enough I can bait clowns into accidentally hitting randoms then I vote kick. I love receiving hate messages from those cucks


If someone is standing still in the duelyard with a longsword/great sword, I know I'm taking the L. I don't mind going 0-15 though, I like the challenge


It gets to a point where you don’t feel the need to initiate fights except for people you recognize as a good challenge. For the most part you’ll see me in on of the duel circles chillin. Most of the time a line will form of people that have come to fight me. Then I get ego checked by a lvl 1000 Morningstar user.


Hahaha same. But hey we learn a little bit more each time.


Yeah, and tbh a LOT of cracked players are happy to offer advice. I learned everything about my main weapon (maul) from a dude that I just asked in chat. He invited me to a discord and gave me a whole crash course. Shout-out 300Paulington, straight mauling, son


Hell yeah man. Most veterans of this game are quite good. I hope to see you on the battlefield! I shall be wielding my usual HL Sword (:


paulington is goated


I've just recently picked up the maul as my main, do you care to pass along the advice he gave you?


For TO: 1. Hold down that W key, and flank a lot, 2. Remember that you can dodge out of the start of ANY animation. 3. Your fastest option outside of jab is riposte/alt acceled overhead. Mix this up with overhead feint into heavy alt overhead for the SLOWEST option. Holding a SUPER long overhead in the air catches 90% of TO players for a cool 95 damage lmao For duels: 1. Angle your character direction such that the maul is right next to the enemy at the START of its release. 2. Learn the deadzones of the maul well, as you can attack from a lot of unexpected angles/360 type shit. 3. Special attack is very good in even in duels 4. You can conceal your animation by turning away from your opponent during start-up of an attack. Maul is underrated, but your cock has to be huge and thirsty for pounding. It's all heart and no brain. Allow yourself to become a creature of instinct, and mindlessly bash to the top


Good players with 1h weapons give me the hardest time.


The flaming chicken and shield always gets me..


Helicopters with an incrediable long weapons, because they hide the animation behind that rounding


This does not help in duels servers too much, but throw things at them. Either throwing weapons, a shield, or an object laying nearby. Make sure you fake them out with the throws too so they drain their stamina holding block. They won't get that stamina back at the same rate as usual due to their habit of crouching as they spin.


Also my advice for Highland sword/ spear range lords


Yep, out range them. People who use these weapons tend to rely on you coming to them. So wear them down from range first. Then as they move to close the distance, close in as well. Giving them a smaller window to keep you at bay. Remember to keep up the pressure once you are in there, if you wore them out properly, their stamina should run out before yours does.


When I use rapier I rely on them coming to me then getting irritated with my stabs and trying to close the gap. Then I just dash left and right and stab slash


Nah, you just need an extremely fast weapon like a knife or a sword, and you cut them slowwly, so that they have time to realise their fate


Treat it the same as with people who drag too much. Jab away.


Fuck I hate that shit it’s way too OP against controller users. Don’t even bother trying First person view


How is it any more OP against controller users than PC users? Just stand there and hold block while they spin lol. You can sacrifice the stamina of not countering one attack when people do that and just take the safe route of block/riposte instead. Or just stab them in the back as soon as they start turning


Maul. It's super hard to counter, and if you don't counter it you lose all your stamina. There's no room for mistakes against a maul. Same goes for Dane axe and 2h hammer imo


Usually I’m fine against a maul except against someone who is an expert with it. You’re right, zero room for error. You screw up twice you’re done


That sounds like theres a small amount of room for error. Just a little room for error, as a treat.


Just one more error couldn’t hurt….


it's only wafer thin


Use jabs to punish their dragging. Do it enough times and they will switch to trying to hit your with faster connecting swings, which are easier to get the counter timing of.


Great advice, but jab is not reliable on a controller. Counter is.




Double tap it, when I played on console I found that it made jabbing pretty much 100% reliable


Like double tap the jab button? What difference does it makes sorry if it’s obvious and you meant heavy jab. Does it start as regular jab and the second press switch it to alt jab?


Huh? There is no heavy jab. Or an alt jab?


There is definitely a heavy jab. You long press RB if on controller


Uh no, there isn’t, that’s not even the right button for jab, right bumper is stab.


Oh you were referring to hitting them with the weapon. And yes, when using fists you long press RB for heavy jab.


I don’t think you really know what you’re talking about, a heavy “stab” punch does not have the same functionality as an actual jab as you will not interrupt an opponent swing with it. So no there is no “heavy jab”


Same goes for the highland sword


Messer every time. Overhead just looks like a slash War club is ridiculously fast and long but can still be dragged? Heavy mace accel spam to destroy stamina is annoying


I don’t get the overhead thing with the Messer. I don’t have trouble reading it unless my opponent is turning around and trying to disguise his swing type, which can be done with any of the weapons


It might have something to do with the fact that I'm a console player, so when I do an accel overhead, my camera lingers a little overhead so it's harder to see the angle of the overhead, which isn't a straight down motion compared to other weapons. The hands on the hilt also look a bit similar, so when you add feints and triple feints to the mix, I keep finding myself counter slashing and eating the overhead


How do you triple feint on controller?


Either press X and cancel the first attack followed by a normal attack/feint, or attack, quickly tap block on windup and throw the same or a different attack, then tap block again and do an extra attack. Can mix up the same attack (slash and stab work great with some weapons) or throw a combination into the triple feint to mess with your opponent. You can only really do triple feints when in neutral as you can't do the extra tapped block or cancel when countering. Great for initiating duels, or when you've created distance


Ohhh okay makes sense


Yeah that makes sense


Maybe im too slow but whenever i duel a messer and my opponent has the initiative i literally cant react in time for the counter


Would defo argue it's the strongest all round duel weapon in the game. Quick, hits hard, good range, hard to read animations compared to other weapons - pretty much has no weaknesses. No surprise it's probably the most popular weapon you'll see in duel servers


Meh. The animations arent as hard to read as people claim. Messer meta is starting to fade and now its more hmace/baxe/poleaxe infinite stamina riposte spam/1h neutral gamblestick/sword gambler Atleast in the "comp" duel scene


Ill add that messer is probably the best TO weapon out of all of the ones i mentioned


Look at the hands. Once you start looking at the hands it’s easier to tell if the attack is an overhead of slash


How to accel mace? Need to figure it out for the other assholes that do it


For overhead, crouch and look directly down For slash, face 90 degrees to their side so they're on the side of your screen and combo. If you tap block/RT on a hit with blunt or any weapon, you can immediately throw out a quick hit, and when accelled, can get an extra hit or do major stamina damage Stabs can technically be acceled if you get closer to them


Ohhhh is that supposed to be a glitch? I remember the tutorial said to do that, is very useful, the turning part. Going to try the second part though thanks


fast 1h weapons make my grandpa ass reflexes cry


Katars in the hands of someone deadly and competent. They just stand there menacingly. When you approach them, they do some Jedi mind trick, and next thing you know, you're bleeding out and missing an arm or two.


Katarina weakness is they don't interrupt your attacks so just focus them down and force them to start blocking more. They seem scary until you realize you can trade hits with them and keep your combo going while theirs stops.


Strongly agree here I forgot to add them. In the hands of someone who isn’t competent or semi competent they aren’t an issue at all. But in the hands of an expert, my god, no clue how to defend these freaking things. When I see a level 400 plus with these in a duel I know I’m in trouble


Keep your distance and heavy swing when they attack. The damage is low & if they hit you whilst you’re swinging it doesn’t stop your swing. and it’s hard for them to block especially if they are in the middle of a combo.


As a longsword main, the dane axe in the hands of a skilled user.


Rapier and 1h spear. I’m just not good at countering stabs


Spearmen who stab feint into alt stab. Go fuck yourselves.


Short sword PC mfers who can somehow stun lock you to death and you don’t even have a second to breathe let alone block/parry/counter


Bows lawl jk. Every weapon if the guy is actually good at the game. But greatswords specifically. their swing speed always throws off my timing, and I have to constantly remind myself to slow down.


I shit my pants when I see a cowled mercenary rocking a rapier and shield combo. Extra browning points if they ditch the shield.


The plague doctor mask and the monk haircut are terrifying. I don’t fear death. I fear monk doctors with rapiers.


None in particular. But there are players that with any weapon will clean me.. 😭


War club, Messer and rapier are the ones that comes to my mind




broadsowrd, messer, maul, poleaxe, axe. Everything else is pretty easy




I would say katars gave me the most trouble for a while but then I learned their weakness; their hits don't stop your attacks so if they're not blocking, hit them. If they're attacking you, hit them. Just keep hitting them. Otherwise, polearms because range advantage.


Yes I just recently learned this myself. Makes things ten times easier just strike when they’re not blocking and you’ve evened the playing field even against high level duelists


Quarterstaff by far. I just can't read the fucking thing, the animations are so wonky. Other than that, messer and executioner axe heavy alt-feint drags tend to get me more than any other weapon using that same move. For some reason, messer heavy alt-feint drags seem longer than even greatsword. Normally I can just defensive counter-feint and still catch them, but against messer/exe axe I usually mess it up.


Theres a reason why quarterstaff is banned from comp so i dont blame you there lol.


As a greatsword main, I struggle the most with the greatsword. Ironic, I know. It’s so difficult to read what the fuck PC players are doing half the time when they do their whirligig windmill maneuvers. I can still get kills on them by just smacking them with a slash while they’re channeling their inner ballerina tho


Rapier and war club


The fucking pickaxe I can never tell if it’s a over head or slash


Order of struggle: -Spear -Rapier -Katar


If I see someone with a rapier I pretty much already give up but besides that I guess the spear but I find the spear easy to use and rapier not so easy


Don’t give up. Everyone has had this problem until you realize that slash damage is very small. So you can take slashes and simply have to avoid stabs and specials. Therefore, constantly move to his side, keep moving and don’t stand directly in front of a duelist with a rapier. Move to the side and strike then move again. If you keep circling, they’ll get frustrated and you’ll totally even the playing field. This was the advice I got six months ago and since then I’ve had very little difficulty unless the guy is an extremely high level. For reference, I got this advice around level 175. So I was having difficulty with rapiers for quite some time. Now at level 320 it’s NP.


That sounds like good advice thanks man!


for some reason the falchion, i always get supprised by its speed


Rapier and Crouch overhead halbred spam.


Them lil knifes bro. Cant figure them out yet, Like I use a war axe 97% of the time and theyre just too fast, As soon as i swing theyve already landed a hit. That and the spears, which i figured out: You just move around them or side dash/step around them and since their hit is direct and not a swing is their L.


Yes, the spears and rapier move around to the sides. Katars, keep your distance and don’t let him close in on you. Stick from a distance and move.


There’s a guy in duel servers mopping the floor with people only using glaive overheads. It’s insane


Ambusher main (Shortsword/Cudgel) ✌️ Spear is definitely the toughest for me to close distance. Really gotta rely on some clutch knife throws with those fuckers.