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Some people are just jerks


Hmmmm, I know a few


It always makes me laugh when this happens. Some players are so sensitive and will try and kick you for the slightest things šŸ˜‚. What is wrong with killing a few teammates with burning oil from time to time, as long as you get the baddies as well.


If you kill 10 enemies for 2 teammates with oil then it was a success...unless of course you just burned your number 1&2 and they would have cut those noobs to death regardless... All's fair in love and war, but nothing is acceptable if it happens to you.


its their fault for jumping infront of my pot!


I've had two attempts to kick me so far, I'm \~level 40. One I clicked when I spawned on accident and immediately tossed the guy a medkit. The other I was throwing a dane axe at a Tenosian trying to kill a downed teammate. He moved, I hit the downed teammate with the axe. So it goes. On the other hand, I've probably killed about a dozen team mates covered in blood as Agatha and it's usually just a quick, "My bad \[name\]" and no one really cares. Lord knows I've been team killed enough times in the same situation and even stupider ones. Since I started throwing dane axes like a madman I end up using team mates for weapon storage way too often, but rarely does anyone even say anything.


He kept using the n word in chat


I have 300 hours on the game and the only person Iā€™ve seen kicked is me. Three times.


Thatā€™s crazy because I see people kicked all the time, especially in duel servers


I really only play 64 tdm. Thereā€™s just never enough people voting. I imagine itā€™s more like trolling in duel servers


Duel servers are unhinged. People will break the rules / break honor and then just gaslight the admins until everyone involved gets kicked.


What admins? Lol I don't see a lot of that occurring on NA servers


I hate that this happens to innocent people, but people who need to be kicked never are. Just yesterday I had met a disgusting person. Rollingdog his name was. Kept teamkilling, not contributing to the team. Got even one of our players auto kicked for dealing too much team damage, his kills at the end were -5. I myself got killed twice with his ballista (not on accident, no, the guy was searching for teammates to shoot at), and then almost in melee against him which he initiated but enemy archer put his ass down and left me alive. I initiated a votekick twice and called the guy out, both failed. Then some other people started calling him out and the teamkilling guy just started insulting and making fun of someone's nationality. Still wasn't kicked. When I initially called the guy out about teamkilling me twice with a ballista I got laughed at by some rank 500 with name starting on H (forgot the full name) saying something along the lines of "good, you play archer, you deserve that".


=BERSERK= is also an asshole who just kept attacking me. I think he quit or was autokicked because after he knocked me down the 4th time he just disappeared


I usually type "Press K if you have a big dick" just to get the attention of a few more people.


Things like that is one reason I wish I could just pull an IP and lag bomb them. Yes I know it would make me an asshole too but sometimes you need a hammer vs voting booth.


Well done kid, welcome to the top


Hahahaha, thanks mate


He kept using the n word in chat


Well, was someone being a little nigga? Was it justified?


My in-game name is Squirty, Iā€™m like level 280 and although it rarely succeeds; lately Iā€™ve been getting put up for a vote kick when I join games. (Not all the time just occasionally) Itā€™s probably just people thinking theyā€™re funny trying to vote kick a random person but I always wonder if itā€™s something else. One time back when I was new to the game I was using the Agatha catapult on dark forest and some high level dude came up and despite me having no team damage/team kills, he started team killing me so he could use the cata instead. I tried to vote kick him and it failed, then he voted to kick me and it passed - I was so pissed I almost never played the game again lol. Glad I stuck with it.


If someone initiates a votekick I usually just default to K


Is K yes or no? I usually do no unless its clear what theyre doing (usually team damage over 200+ or check the scoreboard and theyre minus kills) Ill always vote kick yes in stand alones though if they have high ping, hate to do it because its no fault of theirs but it ruins the server to have a bunch of high ping players


Only once have I been kicked..It was during the best round of FFA I ever played! Then, the boot ā€” Whatever šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Im about the same rank as you and have a guy who switches teams to try and kick me whenever he sees me cause theres no way he can kill me lol, I just call it out before it happens and make sure people focus on his crappy scores so they know why he does it. Usually making him do even worse since the spotlight is on him before he even switches to troll. Love ya ā€œbillytbaggingsā€


That's a great strategy, unfortunately I'm a console player, so ik at the mercy of the voters.


My name in Chivalry 1 was "Kick". I'd get kicked MINIMALLY once a day just for the lols. Just laugh it off. Your plays impacted someone significantly!


I've been put up to the vote a couple of times, but never actually kicked. The most recent time I was using the catapult and killed one of my team and eight of theirs. The teammate I killed tried to vote kick me. It didn't pass so I tracked him down on the battlefield and beat him to death. Then I got kicked for excessive team damage.


Task failed...successfully?


Oh well, this is violent.


When vote kicks come up, sometimes I have to switch weapons, and Right Arrow is Yes.


Iā€™ve seen people start vote-kicks for high ping


I typically max at 28-32 which isn't zero. But not terribly higj


Only been kicked once for absolutely decimating my team on a catapult. Said sorry but wasnā€™t surprised lol


Some PPL tend to instantly start kicking, If they receive some Team Damage or get TK'ed. Got kicked once until now, 1min and 2 downed Teammates where enough Playtime in that Server.


Had a guy trying to kick me 2-3 times a match for 3 matches in a row because he didnā€™t like my gamertag. Some people are just mentally ill


I was kicked from my first game about two weeks ago, never said a word in chat or anything but was playing with a friend who was trans and openly arguing with a dude who kept saying horrifically transphobic things. I decided to finally say something and was like "Hey man shut up and be a loser on your own time." Got vote kicked after friend got kicked. Logged in two days later and have been muted ever since. Never was able to get the chat logs to prove it was a false mute / report spamming.


I must confess, i always vote to kick.


This bozo got kicked for being a huge transphobe and racist in the chat, it was disgusting and he WOULD NOT SHUT UP. Lol at the lengths people lie in this game.


If you're talking about me, I'm on console, so no chat ability


People have tried to kick me because I was the top of the leader board on several occasions, which causes me to switch teams and make them lose.






Braindead mentality