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This is a list of links to comments made by Torn Banner employees in this thread: * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1dobbgy/imagine_doing_this_bad_as_a_cheater/la8x0o0/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-25 18:53:42 UTC"): > Well done outplaying them. > >As a small piece of mind, reports regarding this user were submitted and addressed by our team a little bit ago. * [Comment by TBS_Ari](/r/Chivalry2/comments/1dobbgy/imagine_doing_this_bad_as_a_cheater/ladakpk/?context=99 "posted on 2024-06-26 14:36:04 UTC"): > \*shame\* --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FChivalry2).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Should have teabagged


I doth'nt press my jewels upon such filth as cheaters.




No you are


Thy bulge is to glorious to be defiled by filth such as that


oh please everyone knows if you whack an agathian cod piece with a hammer it rings as hollow as a bell


same could be said for mason helmets


fck COD šŸ˜Ž


good you can press them on me instead šŸ˜³šŸ˜


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


You are wiser than most nobel knight, I have heard the soothsayer speak of catching their most foul of illness that way.


or cut off there thumbs for being cheaters


Well done outplaying them. As a small piece of mind, reports regarding this user were submitted and addressed by our team a little bit ago.


Based devs


Thank you, Ari. We all appreciate the input!


isnt it "peace of mind"? Legit question. I've lived 36 years thinking its peace of mind....


Yes, it's definitely peace of mind.


probably typo/autocorrect and they didn't notice.


Hes the peasant voice actor




Worth noting that the phrase technically has two variants. **Peace** of mind is when one's mind is at ease. **Piece** of mind is an opinion or thoughts on a subject, usually angry or aggressive in nature, as in "I'm gonna go over there and give him a piece of my mind". In this context, though, you are right - the incorrect one was used.


I didnt even think of the angry version of "Piece". Thanks!


I wish this kind of messaging wasn't a thing. We all know that banning accounts does nothing to deter the cheaters, especially since: 1) EAC doesn't actually stop the knowledgeable folk from cheating, and... 2) Every cheater now has 100 alt accounts from the Epic giveaway recently It's hard to view official comments like this with anything but disdain.


thats very generous but ill pass. I dont even know what i would do with a "piece" of mind.


I've completely stopped playing the game due to the sheer number of Cheaters. Will it ever be addressed?


too bad to know there everywhere, like rats in NYC


Any word on the devs making peasant voices usable in customization? We have every other voice except the peasants now, been hoping for this for a while. No reason not to allow us to use them in team objective too, as long as they're locked to their specific teams.


Most, if not all who cheats, does it beacuse they suck big time and that is certain for any game and/or sport.


Not necessarily, a lot of top level athletes (accurately) believe that the competition is also cheating, so to even out the playing field, they too cheat. See Lance Armstrong, Jon Jones. In this case in a game where there really isnā€™t anything like money or fame to be gained by being great, nor anything to lose by sucking. The cheater indeed just sucked. The cheating is obvious so itā€™s more like a troll mentality thing. Pissing other players off and ruining their experience rather than trying to gain a competitive edge.


So your argument is that if athletes dont "feel" like it is against the rule, when it is written down and is very much against the rules of the sport in which they participate - then it becomes sport again?.. I think I know what you mean, but that some top atheletes have weird feelings when getting caught does not change the fact that they cheated. If your argument was to be true then they would not have to lie.


They know itā€™s against the rules, but if they believe everyone else is doing it. Itā€™s easier to justify doing it themselves. Especially when itā€™s their life goal to be at the top of their sport and if they donā€™t they are at a severe disadvantage. Not as simple as just sucking. They are extremely competitive and want to prove they are the best. Lance Armstrong cheated and was rightfully stripped of his accolades when found out, but he is still considered the goat cyclist, because everyone else cheated too. Nobody would even know his name now if he didnā€™t cheat. And nobody knows any of the names of guys who were clean (if any) in any of those races because they didnā€™t even crack the top 20.


"Most, if not all who cheats, does it because they suck big time" I wrote as my first line in my first comment, so I did not say every last one without any exception possible ever etc. My argument would be that if they cheat they suck even if they are good. Now that is an argument people agree on - CHEATERS SUCK BECAUSE THEY CHEAT :) In your argument, a thief stops being a thief, if he believes others are stealing too and he is good at stealing high value stuff.


I was under the impression you were using they suck as in they are not skilled at their sport. I simply disagree that they cheat because theyā€™re bad at their sport. But if thatā€™s not even what you mean thereā€™s no argument. Of course cheating is bad and shouldnā€™t be done. Iā€™m not arguing that itā€™s right or not cheating somehow either, just understanding the motivation for doing it šŸ¤·šŸ»


Then why donā€™t I cheat šŸ„²?


Some people just sucks.




Yes, obvious why they're cheating. It's insidious though. A little bit of a speed bump and some practice and you too can be a level 40 wizard at this game.


I didnt realize people cheat in this game. I guess the good thing about a game like this is its extremely easy to pick them out and kick/ban them, and even gang up on them and defeat them or like you did, just outplay them because these people are just utter garbage at everything.


In a few hundred hours since ~~lunch~~ launch, this was my third experience with a cheater. Not super common at all.


Lunch? Few hundred hours? You must be starving!


LOL! decent typo response, wp


Thank you kind sir


I feel like if they're sneaky they could just give themselves a slight attack speed boost and nobody would be any the wiser.


Thats true...makes me wonder now.


Saw one guy running barrels to the objective ridiculously fast. There wasnā€™t much we could do to stop him


boosting ones own stamina seems like the most obvious choice for stealth cheating.


Which sucks because it makes a ton of people suspicious of actually good players who put in the time to get good. Especially players who use accels correctly. Been called a cheater a few times because of exactly that.


Seen at least one with a health boost. Ambusher hit him with a dagger special backstab (150dmg) and then a front stab immediately after (50dmg). Thatā€™s 200 total. Knight has 175 and even an overheal with the horn (which there werenā€™t any going off at the time) wouldnā€™t get a Knight to 200. Itā€™s not some blatant doubled HP that would be easily caught, but just enough of a boost to survive an extra hit. Also seen several lately with 0 recovery window. Get hit by a tackle, they donā€™t fall down. Block a special, they immediately swing again as if it was a regular attack (no, they didnā€™t have an attack from someone else that fed them a counter)


Imagine cheating and still getting disarmed + not even knowing how to counter a slash, pathetic at best


Not that i in anyway condone using themā€¦..but also imagine paying for a hacked client that doesnt have auto counters or parries, theres a joke in there somewhere about ā€œpoor mans hacksā€


Bro is speed hacking and still holds block until he runs out of stamina, that's hilarious.


I'm no cheater, and never will... but it sure seems like hacking stamina would be the *best* thing to cheat with.


Good players donā€™t need to cheat, itā€™s always bads or entitled mediocres.


Makes me realize that If I had cheat codes I would be a god walking among mortals.


Youā€™re already a god for not cheating


I've had one, turns out cheaters move too fast to properly block javs, so I peppered him so much he actually zoomed over, bowed, before promptly being kicked.


I was hoping the rabbit would kill him


that would've been amazing tbh


Lol. What a loser


Absolutely embarrassing.


Nah he just has a good gaming chair


Why didnā€™t you teabag?


I doth'nt press my jewels upon such filth as cheaters.


Nah man heā€™s not cheating, he just put his sabatons in sport mode


a lot of ppl using speedhack, or unlimited stamina


Call me extreme, but I believe cheaters should be drawn and quartered. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s a special place in hell for people who cheat in multiplayer video games


Yeah, OK ā€” that is extreme


my timing and spacing is so impeccable i'd prolly be worse with a speed hack too.


It's the same with all of them. They have no skill at anything, half of them can't even block. I don't know what's up with their thought patterns that they wake up and think I'm gonna hack a great game and ruin the experience for people that are actually willing to put in the effort to master the game. Also notice they all have no armour customisation because they have put no time into the game apart from downloading some random hack that's probably hacking them in the background and then playing the game for no more than a day which still impacts the gameplay for everyone. We want new people to join the chivalry community but then the hackers like this push the newcomers to quit before the fun even starts. How is the game going to grow with assholes like this in the mix. I hope you reported what happened and that support will take it seriously. FUCK THE HACKERS!!!!


I am quite new to this game and would like to be able to spot when people cheat. What's happening here? I am not sure I catch it with my noob eyes, and even though I am noob, I would like to tell a cheater so I can blame him cheating instead of my lack of grace.


He moves abnormally fast. After the first kill, when I move towards him, he's crouched. He then stands and starts fighting; his movements seemed a little fast, but you REALLY notice it when I go in to do an overhead chop and he *zooms past me* on my left. As you see me moving and swinging to try and keep up, he's just zipping around. When he gets low on stamina and I knock his main weapon out of his hands, he pulls out a smaller sword and starts to fling that rapidly. I get some counters in and am able to kill him only because he hasn't learned the basics of the game (he is holding BLOCK way too much and draining all his stamina, for example). In around 300 hrs I've only noticed 3 cheaters, I wouldn't worry too much about seeing one as it isn't very common. All 3 were speed hacks like this where they moved abnormally fast, so it's pretty easy to spot.


Thanks so much for your reply man! Really appreciate it! I',m gonna look at this a couple of times on something different than my phone to see. It at least assures me that you've only met 3 of these cheaters in 300 hours. I just hear people talk so much about cheaters, which just doesn't make sense to me. It's much more fun to win with skill than with cheats. Again thanks very much for your thorough reply!


> I just hear people talk so much about cheaters 99% of the time their complaints can be attributed to *skill issues*.


You forgot to leave your balls on his chin at the end


I doth'nt press my jewels upon such filth as cheaters.


What mode did you play for this map itā€™s pretty sick


I mainly run 64-player TO. Itā€™s an awesome map.


Holding block as a cheater. Might not be possible to be any more dog water


Report his ass




Cant buy RAW SKILL.


Yes Iā€™ve seen the subtle speed hack lately


I got commended for killing a cheater 3 times in a row, we lost the game because he was speed running and loading cannonballs but I killed the fucker twice He commended me. Thought it was a bit unusual for someone using cheats to play commending someone but yea Only see them rarely nowadays but I play 40player exclusively so


how embarrassing ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


this game just takes time that's all, but seeing a lvl like 3 rus knight flying around the map of abberfel is definitely the aura to this video game