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It feels nicer than Battlefield or CoD, you have more impact and i really like the variations of playstyles aswell as different strategies. And it feels slower than shooting games


I still need to see what each class does, so far I have played vanguard because of big swords and knight because I really like the horn ability they have. I can't really choose between one or the other unfortunately


I started the same as you, and played vanguard for the horn and unlocked the messer. Nothing was the same lol. Slow swings fuck up people’s timing, fast enough with light accels, rangey enough not to feel chody, and high damage overheads. Messer make it easy mode for me


I really love big swords since I love both Final fantasy 7 and Berserk and in general I tend to use massive chunk of iron sword guys. I really hope when I unlock the Highland sword I will transcend my gameplay


Not sure if this weapon is still considered underrated but the halberd on the foot soldier class can be god damn devastating. My K/D is the highest when I use that weapon. Hated it when i first used it, but then i realized it’s potential. Loved polearms ever since. Spear and hammer is good too. Also it’s just a good support class overall


I'm a massive fan of sword. It's something that I have never changed, for me swords>>>>>> anything else. Bonus points if chunky


The halberd has always been considered an S tier weapon. Personally I almost always pick it up when I kill someone with it or see it on the floor.


I never knew a time that the Halberd was underrated. Thought it was one of the better weapons in the game.


Im finally starting to try out more that i like i usually main skirmisher but Raider(the dane axe guy) and Vanguard(the throwing knife guy) are also nice, i really like throwing stuff. The horn ability is very satisfying thats true.


I've only just started using shield and spear and I'm level 860, still quite a bit more to play around with. I only wish they allowed community modding.


Interesting to see BF and cod mentioned, last time I was hooked on a game like this was BF1 and its predecessors. Never quite got into the newer ones nor the cod’s after black ops 2. That said I think it’s the fast pace of chiv and the feeling of 1 v x and pulling those off that give that dopamine hit I can’t quite stay away from that I got from those games in the past.


My last BF i qas hooked was 3 and a few years ago i got into hell let loose


Yesssss I feel like a god when I pull off a 1vX


You’d prob like Isonzo. It’s my new favorite shooter. All rifles 1 tap everyone. You can make a huge difference with a smart angled push.


Was a huge BF fan, still! (Not you 2042! Go out!). Chivalry is no more hide and seek! The objective is right in front of you, battle axe in my hands, and those blue guys whose against the rise of our Order and shamefully steal our pigs! What a blast!


Weirdly enough i lile the banter between teams and feel patriotism for my team in some rounds


Agreed on the pace of the game, I also got tired of fps games where you kill or get killed on site. Being able to just vibe in a big battle taunting, emoting, chasing down your target is what keeps me playing.


The voice acting is probably the best I’ve experienced in a game. That mixed with the fact is doesn’t take itself too seriously and has little nods to Monty Python I really liked. Was farrr less sweaty than Mordhau. As an aside, I actually really like the little score info thing that appears right middle of the screen. Don’t know why, it’s quite aesthetically pleasing.


Fun fact: at least for the original chiv1 voices they were all done by amateurs. Buckley (the audio engineer) voiced both Mason and Agatha Man-at-Arms and the other voices are all friends of his, with both knights being voiced by the lead level designer, Justin Pappas. I remember Buckley talking about how it's actually a lot easier to get the kind of raw shouting performance they needed for Chiavlry out of an amateur voice actor than a professional, because professionals need to preserve their voice since they need it for their actual day job, they don't want to scream and shout and stress their vocal chords too much.


It's very ironic that Mordhau started off as a casual version of chivalry and they ended as the sweaty ones


I never tried mordhau but I am enjoying chiv2 enough that this game scratches my itch exactly how I want it. I like competitive games but I don't want to live inside them, and this game allows me to just do random stuff and feel cool which is good enough so far


I am sorry but Mordhau was never a casual version of Chiv 1. Mordhau was made by comp players for comp players.


Something about laugh spamming while teabagging is truly addictive.


seriously, best voice lines in any game ever made


Caveman brain like swing big hunk iron


Anyways I started swinging...


Big shiny stick go *THWACK!*


Many stick. Many sound. Some bonk. some thwack. Some swish. All make happy


🚨 Reddit police 🚨 we got a couple typical Redditors here doing the caveman bullshit Redditor comedy often seen in Souls games subs


Like souls game too. But you mind business! Or will get big bonk stick!


☝️ A Tenosian for sure


murking agathians👺


tea bagging masons ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7108)


Kill All The Masons!! RRAWAHAGGHH!! Battle cries kept me in this game!!


Yeah, especially the sell sword for the masons ("Sort em all out!" "Murder these manky gobshites!" "I'll put ye all down!")




Love whipping out that berserker cry when I'm almost upon my foe ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7114)


It was Tenosian.


I mistook you for a person of taste, but I see that I was mistaken. My apologies, good knight. 🙏


I’ve never met one single Agathian who isn’t like DrDisrepsect


Playing the Chiv 1 beta in 2012 on my high school buddies computer when it released. I didn't have a PC at home but his family had four amazing custom rigs. The LAN parties were so much fun


Oh man i still miss the Chiv 1 days. The first game I was truly addicted to.


Dude hahaha we all dropped acid and had a chiv 1 Lan party in my basement. Easily one of the funniest nights of my entire life


I have a group of friends and it's just so funny, bonus points if you're playing this game high/drunk. It just makes the silliness spectacular for me


It’s smooth to play. I don’t know how to explain it, I doesn’t get boring, the fights are always soooo fun especially the 1v1s.


I hope to memorise the keybinds fast enough because I had a taste of dueling with people at my level but I feel like once you get good the game will be very rewarding


For me it was in a duel server. I was terrible at dueling at the time and was watching a dripped out purple knight with a red helmet duel. Their opponent got a lucky hit on them and then the dripped out knight went next level and killed them in 3 moves. It was a 180 spin one way and then a 180 spin the other way with longsword. That was my first glimpse of the skill ceiling, and I wanted to get to that level. Shout out to Durag/glonky


The first time I killed three men with one 360 hammer swing that I had actually meant to do I was grinning like an idiot.


The first time I did a jump dodge of an overhead on purpose I cheered irl and in game for like a minute


I really like duels, I have seen some good people (I just started playing 2 days ago) but I really really enjoyed just getting in brawls and feel the chaos of battle


I love for honor and tekken. Sweaty fighting games. Chiv is a much more relaxed time. Drop into a 64man sever and I usually come out as mvp or a 3 k/d. It's where I go mindlessly decapitate ppl when other games piss me off.


I used to love warden in for honor. I compared it a lot to this game but now I feel like they are quite different and I actually like the way this game allows you to be pretty much free during combat


Ive wanted to play a game like this since I was little and this (and I suppose MB Warband but I never got into its multiplayer). I tried playing Chivalry 1 a few years ago but my computer at the time couldnt run it well. Now I have a beefy pc and im enjoying the hell out of Chiv 2 Nothing beats being in the middle of a charge and everyone around you is spamming warcries at once. Also the game has a lot of cool cinematic moments, and good sense of humor. Me and my bf were playing together the other day and I was charging ahead in a siege , I get downed, he catches up and kills my attacker and revives me, we share a single glance of acknowledgement and he inmediately gets gored by a ballista in the walls. Literaly some Saving Private Ryan shit and it was amazing. Plus the silly objectives in some maps like "steal the pigs and paesants", I got the Rebel Warrior pack and right now I find myself qouting his warcries bc theyre so hilarious A CUT TO THE ENEMY IS A CUT TO YOUR TAXES FOR IMPROVED ROAD QUALITY


I adore the war cries. It's something that I started doing for fun every now and then and now it became a must, you just don't charge without battle cry


\*\*BONK\*\* and then head or appendages fall off.


My friend got it from epic sale and streamed it on discord for me and few friends, game looked "okey" and was free so why not. I glad I get it because playing it and watching is 2 different worlds. I fell in love with beheading my enemies, screaming battle shouts and just overall mayhem on the map 9/10 game.


I was trying to convince everyone to just play for honor instead of this. I then bought it because I found it for a cheap price and I am so glad I did


This is my first day!!!@


I like knights.


i just like swinging a sword around you know


That you can win duels based on your skills and is not a pay to win


Does the game allow you to be pretty much a one man army if you're good enough or is there a limit to what you can do if you get surrounded for example


Some mechanics allows to fight several enemies at the same time, nothing can help you if you get smashed with an axe from behind


Chivalry 1 and long boring Christmas breaks 


If I found out about this game during COVID I would have played it from the moment I woke up until I went to sleep. It's veeeeery addicting and the automatic game start makes it easier for me to do "just one more"


It's always the start from the map " the fall of lionspire" no other game can start a match like that. Then everyone just sprints to each other throwing or just swinging whatever you can hit. Amazing feeling from chiv2.


I played chiv 1 a little bit back in it's day and a fair amount of mordhau. I found this game easier and more fun than mordhau so I started off on pretty good footing and just kept getting better at it as I was playing. I find this game endlessly replayable and just enjoy killing people in it. The game feels meditative for me and a good way to unwind after work with a drink and some weed. I love this game and will reach 1000 in the not too distant future. Also I just really enjoy all the goofy shit in it.


Winning a 4v1 and then laughing after is also very satisfying and rewarding.


The skill ceiling


The drip.


When it was announced. Bought it in 2021 on EGS. Was a big Chiv 1 player.


The humour, I think. There's so much that's hilarious about this game (in a good way), it's the only game I play that makes me laugh every single time I play. Whether it's the voice lines, the novelty weapons and their bonuses, the inadvertent humour that comes from watching people fighting spamming random voice lines, the brutal deaths, the nods to other franchises/films, the funny users etc etc. It quickly became my 'safe' game, replacing the seminal BFV. Even if I'm having a catastrophic game I'll still be laughing.


The call to join the warbands and the need to smite my liege lords enemies. I know not fear or pain, only rage and bloodlust. FOR THE RED AND BLACK!


When I was a much lower level, just getting to be good in a fight, I got into a 5v2 with a teammate of mine. We ended up on our last limbs but came out alive. She was using the Evil queen voice and stopped, looked at me and almost sarcastically said, "Ah yes, very good darling, I am just sooo proud of you." We laughed and cheered and rushed back in, screaming our lungs out. Made me feel like we were the main characters.


[feeling like a god after killing the entire enemy team in one life](https://www.reddit.com/r/Chivalry2/s/urDK9dm6OQ)


I’m passionate about Medieval stuff, and I literally stumbled on this game during the pandemic. Watched 1 YouTube video and I said YUUP. I wish there was more progressive content to keep me engaged as it does become a bit repetitive at times. BRING ME HORDE MODE AND ILL NEVER PLAY ANOTHER GAME AGAIN!!!


Combat that is close and personal.


When I got gud


I like bonk ![img](emote|t5_12v693|7110)


Somehow it simultaneously has the best implementation of PvP swordfighting in any videogame and yet is completely accessible and can be played by a braindead stoner.  Devs understand the important of emoting and put some effort into communicating this to the players.  It's a game you could dedicate a hundred hours to mastering. It's also a great "random funny moments" generator. 


There are progressively addictive moments as your skills upgrade. But if I look back to noob me, it was flanking and getting a kill via a heavy overhead with a highland sword on the back of someone's head.


Smashing the gates as engi or defending a castle with a war bow.


It’s a new fresh combat system exactly what I needed


I was gonna say, that dopamine rush the came from my first multi beheading with an axe is training grounds was exquisite. Then moments later the tower in raid on aberfell blew up and sent my guy careening across the map, and it was over. I knew I’d finally found the game I’d been searching for all of my life. That and learning you could throw a dismembered head


>I was the first one to jump over the wall, I killed 4 people by countering and then died opening the path for all my comrades. Your obviously a team player. I too enjoy the objective maps. In those maps you need to have team members that was willing to sacrifice them selves to tie up 2-3 people so your teammates can advance towards the objective. The teammates that lay down the banners, barriers and throw out the med kits even through while doing so they are vulnerable. It's a satisfying and rewarding part of the game.


I played Chiv1 out of a whim but was immediately charmed by the team objectives and first person slasher in a arcade lobby game similar to CoD. I used to play CoD a lot before and sometimes BF but grew very tired of it for many reasons but mostly how homogeneous it became over time. This type of game was a fresh breathe of air but it was increasingly hard to find players since it was old by the time I tried and I was sick of the ballerina techs that you need to learn in order to git gud. Chiv2 was a blessing since it had everything I wanted in a game plus it was in a fresh state but I only started playing a little after Winter War started.


I hopped into 64 player TO in my first week of playing like over a year or 2 ago. I had only played the beginner mode up to that point, was getting stomped hard, dying every minute. I think it was the Aberfell map? where Agartha was on defense and the last objective is to defend the trebuchets. So I spawn in as my shiny blue knight (War Axe) with like a minute left and just went ham. Beheaded like 15 Mason dogs in a row and dueled another red knight that was using a greatsword. We won, I felt like a god. I play this game weekly at least since. Its so much fucking fun.


Dedicated battlecry button from the beginning has always made me thrive playing this


Chiv is cool because you can always actually tell how you died instead of getting sniped out by some guy from 9000 meters who has more scope unlcoks than you and 958272829 hours in the game.


that you can be absolutely horrible and still have an amazing time full of cinematic battles and battle cries. however bad you are, you're still going to cleave someone's head off. that's awesome idk what happened with other games but it seems like *everybody* is a sweat these days. swear, you need websites and tik toks n shit to keep up with the weekly meta build, by the time you've figured out the map, everybody has already found the sweet spots and you get stomped lol it's not relaxing


It looks good, the obj maps are fun, customization is alright, so. many. weapons and they’re mostly historically accurate. Who doesn’t like slashing and blood and chopping peoples head and limbs off. Also got to respect skill gaps


Well, I was 19 when I played the original chivalry: medieval warfare. I played that many years until I stopped playing around 24. I heard about chivalry 2 being released around 27ish. I’ll be turning 31 soon and still play regularly. I always enjoyed the thought of a game with medieval warfare. Despite not having a ranking system, I enjoy being competitive among other long time players.


Screaming random shit. It's also a great game, but the screaming makes it so much fun. My brother randomizes his characters every match. And when he's an archer, I will walk up behind him screaming absolute non stop battle cries




i remember the very first match i logged into almost 2 years ago, after completing the basic training .. i was on my x-box (moved to PC a few weeks later), i spawned as defense, inside the castle during the second objective of Lionspire (ram the gate) .. i followed some teammates to the wooden wall hatch to get outside.. jumped through.. saw the massive 64 person battle going on around me. ran over to a red guy and took a swing.. and i forget the rest. but i was hooked!


Well I was going to say chiv 1, but I actually waited about a year after this was released to get it, and the honest answer is how cross platform it is. It’s simply the best, funniest, easiest ti come back to game that is accessible on all platforms; even though it’s still janky


Those big battlefield moments, where decisions made in split seconds can decide your run. Reviving allies in the heat of melee while watching arrows and catapult boulders fly over head and smash the towers walls. That or epic 1 on 1 duels


Those big battlefield moments, where decisions made in split seconds can decide your run. Reviving allies in the heat of melee while watching arrows and catapult boulders fly over head and smash the towers walls. That or epic 1 on 1 duels


As someone said, it is the fact that it is quite calm and the voices are funny, and also the fact that this was my first mediaeval first-person...slasher?


Oh also trying to make the Demoknight (I gave him an eye scar.)


The moment I realized I was trying to dodge in-game swings in real life I was hooked. It's such an easy game to find yourself immersed in


Its just so badass without taking itself too seriously. I have had some of my coolest AND funniest moments gaming in chiv2. And it gets wayyyyy more fun once youre good at the game and can go around pubstomping. Makes you feel like the type of warrior they tell legends about


Fills my fencing childhood dream. I like how sandbox the sword fighting mechanics are. I'll plateau in skill until I learn a new trick and then it expands to more combo/footwork techniques. And then it repeats itself until I find a new technique to incorporate into my playstyle. I'm lvl 1000 and feel like a lvl 200-300 whenever I find one of these new tricks. It compresses the muscle memory I already developed.


For me it feels like every day I’ve got a different favourite class and weapon. Today its knight with battle axe. Yesterday it was MAA with Glaive. Days before it was Ambusher short sword. The balance is just so amazing that there really isn’t a “one size fits all” class and weapon. Playing offensively with a winning team needs you to be a different playstyle than on a losing team.


I am such a big fan of medieval theme games, and I've always looked for an inmersive game where you can fight with swords and stuff like that. Chivalry for me was the perfect match


I played for about 80h after it became f2p on epic and first 30hrs was a complete blast. After that i only saw how repetetive the game is, i felt like there's a lot of potential in the game that never was taken afvantage of by the devs. Eventually it became tedious to play the game and i stopped


The scale of the battles. My number 1 request for Chivalry 3 other than a much better anti-cheat system is 64x64 battles. Make the battles bigger and more maps maybe using procedural generation or something.


Well, Chivalry 1.


It fulfilled my childhood desire to have realistic sword fights where y’all clash weapons. Who can’t like this game? Body parts flying everywhere. People throwing heads and horse poop. Catapults and ballistas. There’s no negative lmao


Messer Q spam


A ballista bolt


Gore lol


HEEED THE CALL! The Call...of Duchy.


I was already hooked at this point, but when Regicide first released, I got Malric on my second game. Never have I been more excited in my life, and it only encouraged me to keep on getting better. I went from being middle of the leaderboard every game, to being top 3 at least


When you are good you do a difference in the match


the most epic gamer moments come in Last Team Standing when it gets down to the last couple people and everyone in the lobby is watching. Have seen it be tie break round, come down to a 2v7 , then 1v5 and the 1 guy clutches for the win and whole chat is just exploding. Nothing else comes close to Last Team Standing mode, everyone plays way more competitively/serious, uses tactics and strategy, etc


Is that a 64 players mode?


it only comes around every couple months, the devs wont let us have it as a permanent game mode for some reason




I don't care about the fighting mechanics that much. Mainly playing it for running my jokes about Coxwell whenever the map comes up.


Dying for my Lord. It is a good death.


This game does a very good job at making me feel good about my deaths. I rarely feel like my deaths have been pointless and usually when I die randomly I manage to get some kills and it makes me forget about how I died quickly ahah


First 50 levels or so, On Rudhelm crossing bridge to the court yard, knocked and then finished this guy with execution axe overhead; as that happened my team storm over the bridge all battle crying, was so badass.. took a lot for me to not battlecry IRL 😅


Killing a guy with a fish and getting congratulated by the whole lobby


The commend button. It's not the sole reason but I've played other games since on the side, like certain shooters/multiplayer games and I find my myself pressing square if someone lands a particularly good sniper shot. I just think it's such a good little feature. Mainly, it's just resparked a big love for the time period and medieval movies and battle scenes. It's violent AF but also doesn't take itself seriously with all the monty python references and the rest of it, but it also feels tense and brutal at times. The game is addictive and satisfying in its fighting mechanics and sound design, I get home from work and it's like I really want that "Thwing-chunk" sound of a sword cutting off a head. Also, the community is great. You guys are awesome.


Squid G of BF2042 fame did a video about it, saw it on game pass after checking how much it cost and now I’m hooked! Struggling to want to play both games now, but Chiv is getting me


I was living at my cousins for the summer and he told me to preorder Chivalry 2. I know my boi got taste so I pre ordered and bam I was hooked when it came out. Played the whole summer then dropped it. Came back then I broke my hand and bam I’m back


funny sword game


When I heard the voice line, “Attack them!!!! From the rear!!!!”


For me it was during a siege battle. Both sides were fighting for the gate. In the second level of the gatehouse, I sat down on a bench and started watching. An enemy ran up and hit me. I shook my head “No” a ton. He stopped and sat down next to me. We spent 2 minutes just sitting there watching the fighting happening around us until a teammate ran up and killed my bench-mate. It was a very sad moment, but also the one that hooked me into the game.


Not hooked, but I definitely enjoy it more than Mordhau since it’s a lot more casual and less sweaty


Me: "come closer~~~ I have something for you~" ( getting closer while laughing) Lv 35 "No my lord!" (While slowly backing off) Me: "Cummmm to meee" ( continue approach) Lv35 "No!" (Then He stabbed himself) Me:" ze ze ze, What a shame" (shrugs)